예제 #1
        void OnGUI()
                if (window == null)
                if (LogInfo == null)
                    LogInfo = new BuilderInfo();

                float startx = 5;
                float starty = 7;

                if (styleRowListNormal == null)
                    styleRowListNormal = new GUIStyle("box");
                if (styleRowListSelected == null)
                    styleRowListSelected = new GUIStyle("box");
                    styleRowListSelected.normal.background = ToolsEditor.SetColor(new Texture2D(2, 2), new Color(.6f, .8f, .6f, 1f));

                GUIContent content = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Setup SoundFont in your application - Version " + ToolsEditor.version, tooltip = ""
                EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(startx, starty, 500, itemHeight), content, styleBold);

                GUI.color = ToolsEditor.ButtonColor;
                content   = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Help & Contact", tooltip = "Get some help"
                // Set position of the button
                Rect rect = new Rect(window.position.size.x - buttonLargeWidth - 5, starty, buttonLargeWidth, buttonHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(rect, content))
                    PopupWindow.Show(rect, new AboutMPTK());

                starty += buttonHeight + espace;

                widthRight = window.position.size.x - widthLeft - 2 * espace - startx;
                //widthRight = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;
                //widthLeft = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;

                heightLeftBottom  = window.position.size.y - heightLeftTop - 3 * espace - starty;
                heightRightBottom = window.position.size.y - heightRightTop - 3 * espace - starty;

                // Display list of soundfont already loaded
                ShowListSoundFonts(startx, starty, widthLeft, heightLeftTop);

                ShowListBanks(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty, widthRight, heightRightTop);

                ShowExtractOptim(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty + heightRightTop + espace, widthRight, heightRightBottom + espace);

                ShowLogOptim(startx, starty + espace + heightLeftTop, widthLeft, heightLeftBottom + espace);
            catch (ExitGUIException) { }
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #2
        void OnGUI()
                if (window == null)
                if (LogInfo == null)
                    LogInfo = new BuilderInfo();

                float startx = 5;
                float starty = 7;

                if (styleRowListNormal == null)
                    styleRowListNormal = new GUIStyle("box");
                if (styleRowListSelected == null)
                    styleRowListSelected = new GUIStyle("box");
                    styleRowListSelected.normal.background = ToolsEditor.SetColor(new Texture2D(2, 2), new Color(.6f, .8f, .6f, 1f));

                GUIContent content = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Setup SoundFont - Version " + ToolsEditor.version, tooltip = ""
                EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(startx, starty, 500, itemHeight), content, styleBold);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(startx + 370, starty - 5, 25, 25), buttonIconHelp))
                    //CreateWave createwave = new CreateWave();
                    //string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_PathToResources, "unitySample") + ".wav";
                    ////string path = "unitySample.wav";
                    //HiSample sample = new HiSample();
                    ////sample.LoopStart = sample.LoopEnd = 0;
                    //byte[] data = new byte[10000];
                    //for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) data[i] = (byte)255;
                    //sample.SampleRate = 44100;
                    //sample.End = (uint)data.Length/2;
                    //createwave.Build(path, sample, data);
                GUI.color = ToolsEditor.ButtonColor;
                content   = new GUIContent()
                    text = "Help & Contact", tooltip = "Get some help"
                // Set position of the button
                Rect rect = new Rect(window.position.size.x - buttonLargeWidth - 5, starty, buttonLargeWidth, buttonHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(rect, content))
                    PopupWindow.Show(rect, new AboutMPTK());

                starty += buttonHeight + espace;

                widthRight = window.position.size.x - widthLeft - 2 * espace - startx;
                //widthRight = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;
                //widthLeft = window.position.size.x / 2f - espace;

                heightLeftBottom  = window.position.size.y - heightLeftTop - 3 * espace - starty;
                heightRightBottom = window.position.size.y - heightRightTop - 3 * espace - starty;

                // Display list of soundfont already loaded
                ShowListSoundFonts(startx, starty, widthLeft, heightLeftTop);

                ShowListBanks(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty, widthRight, heightRightTop);

                ShowExtractOptim(startx + widthLeft + espace, starty + heightRightTop + espace, widthRight, heightRightBottom + espace);

                ShowLogOptim(startx, starty + espace + heightLeftTop, widthLeft, heightLeftBottom + espace);
            catch (ExitGUIException) { }
            catch (Exception ex)