public void Delete(AscmDoor ascmDoor) { try { ////删除与用户的关联 //string sql = "from AscmEmployeeCar where employeeId=" +; //IList<AscmEmployeeCar> ilistAscmEmployeeCar = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Find<AscmEmployeeCar>(sql); //if (ilistAscmEmployeeCar != null && ilistAscmEmployeeCar.Count > 0) //{ // List<AscmEmployeeCar> list = YnBaseClass2.Helper.ConvertHelper.ConvertIListToList<AscmEmployeeCar>(ilistAscmEmployeeCar); // YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.DeleteList(list); //} ////删除与模块的关联 //sql = "from YnWebModuleRoleLink where" +; //IList<YnWebModuleRoleLink> ilistModuleRoleLink = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Find<YnWebModuleRoleLink>(sql); //if (ilistModuleRoleLink != null && ilistModuleRoleLink.Count > 0) //{ // List<YnWebModuleRoleLink> list = YnBaseClass2.Helper.ConvertHelper.ConvertIListToList<YnWebModuleRoleLink>(ilistModuleRoleLink); // YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.DeleteList(list); //} YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Delete<AscmDoor>(ascmDoor); } catch (Exception ex) { YnBaseClass2.Helper.LogHelper.GetLog().Error("删除失败(Delete AscmDoor)", ex); throw ex; } }
public ContentResult DoorSave(AscmDoor ascmDoor_Model, int? id) { JsonObjectResult jsonObjectResult = new JsonObjectResult(); try { AscmDoor ascmDoor = null; if (id.HasValue) { ascmDoor = AscmDoorService.GetInstance().Get(id.Value); } else { ascmDoor = new AscmDoor(); ascmDoor.enabled = true; } if (ascmDoor == null) throw new Exception("保存大门信息失败!"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( throw new Exception("必须输入名称!"); //if (ascmReadingHead_Model.plateNumber == null || ascmReadingHead_Model.plateNumber.Trim() == "") // throw new Exception("员工车辆车牌号不能为空!"); =; ascmDoor.direction = ascmDoor_Model.direction; ascmDoor.vehicleType = ascmDoor_Model.vehicleType; ascmDoor.description = ascmDoor_Model.description; if (!id.HasValue) { object object1 = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.GetObject("select count(*) from AscmDoor where name='" + + "'"); if (object1 == null) throw new Exception("查询异常!"); int iCount = 0; if (int.TryParse(object1.ToString(), out iCount) && iCount > 0) throw new Exception("已经存在大门【" + + "】!"); int maxId = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.GetMaxId("select max(id) from AscmDoor"); = maxId + 1; } else { object object1 = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.GetObject("select count(*) from AscmDoor where name='" + + "' and id<>" + id.Value + ""); if (object1 == null) throw new Exception("查询异常!"); int iCount = 0; if (int.TryParse(object1.ToString(), out iCount) && iCount > 0) throw new Exception("已经存在大门【" + + "】!"); //AscmEmployeeCarService.GetInstance().Update(ascmEmployeeCar); } using (ITransaction tx = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession().BeginTransaction()) { try { if (!id.HasValue) { YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Save(ascmDoor); } else { YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Update(ascmDoor); } tx.Commit();//正确执行提交 } catch (Exception ex) { tx.Rollback();//回滚 throw ex; } } jsonObjectResult.result = true; jsonObjectResult.message = ""; =; jsonObjectResult.entity = ascmDoor; } catch (Exception ex) { jsonObjectResult.message = ex.Message; } string sReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObjectResult); return Content(sReturn); }
public void Update(AscmDoor ascmDoor) { using (ITransaction tx = YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession().BeginTransaction()) { try { YnDaoHelper.GetInstance().nHibernateHelper.Update<AscmDoor>(ascmDoor); tx.Commit();//正确执行提交 } catch (Exception ex) { tx.Rollback();//回滚 YnBaseClass2.Helper.LogHelper.GetLog().Error("修改失败(Update AscmDoor)", ex); throw ex; } } }
private int GetSwipeTrafficStatisticsTruck(AscmDoor ascmDoor, DateTime dt1, string direction) { try { string sql = "from AscmTruckSwipeLog where doorId=" + + " and direction like '" + direction + "%' and createTime>='" + dt1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00") + "' and createTime<'" + dt1.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00") + "'"; List<AscmTruckSwipeLog> listAscmTruckSwipeLog = AscmTruckSwipeLogService.GetInstance().GetList(sql + " order by id"); List<AscmTruckSwipeLog> listAscmTruckSwipeLog_tmp = new List<AscmTruckSwipeLog>(); //for (int irow = listAscmEmpCarSwipeLog.Count - 1; irow >= 0; irow--) foreach (AscmTruckSwipeLog ascmTruckSwipeLog in listAscmTruckSwipeLog) { AscmTruckSwipeLog ascmTruckSwipeLog_tmp = listAscmTruckSwipeLog_tmp.FindLast(item => item.rfid == ascmTruckSwipeLog.rfid); int count = listAscmTruckSwipeLog_tmp.Count(item => item.rfid == ascmTruckSwipeLog.rfid); if (count > 5) continue; if (ascmTruckSwipeLog_tmp == null) { listAscmTruckSwipeLog_tmp.Add(ascmTruckSwipeLog); } else { DateTime dtCreateTime = DateTime.Now; DateTime dtCreateTime_tmp = DateTime.Now; if (DateTime.TryParse(ascmTruckSwipeLog.createTime, out dtCreateTime) && DateTime.TryParse(ascmTruckSwipeLog_tmp.createTime, out dtCreateTime_tmp)) { TimeSpan ts = dtCreateTime.Subtract(dtCreateTime_tmp); if (ts.TotalMinutes > 5) { //10分钟内重复读过滤 listAscmTruckSwipeLog_tmp.Add(ascmTruckSwipeLog); } else { ascmTruckSwipeLog_tmp.createTime = ascmTruckSwipeLog.createTime; } } } } return listAscmTruckSwipeLog_tmp.Count; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }