private bool CheckUserToken(STC_MSG msg) { // L'orchestration et la gestion transactionnelle doivent être mise en oeuvre ici. /* To handle with database connection * int count = -1; * * this.sql = new SQL_Request(); * this.msg = this.sql.SelectByUserToken(this.msg); * * = new object[2] {[0], (object)"resultat" }; * this.msg = this.db.GetRows(this.msg); * * count = ((System.Data.DataTable)[0]).Rows.Count; * * if (count == 1) */ if (true) { this.msg.op_info = "succes"; this.msg.op_statut = true; } else { this.msg.op_info = "fail"; this.msg.op_statut = false; } return(this.msg.op_statut); }
public STC_MSG SelectByLoginPsw(STC_MSG msg) { this.msg = msg; string log = msg.user_login; string psw = msg.user_psw; using (SqlConnection cnx = new SqlConnection(this.cnx.ConnectionString)) { try { cnx.Open(); //querie to check if the user's informations match SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("select count(1) from InfoUser where login=@login and pwd = sha1(@pwd)", this.cnx); sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@login", log); sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pwd", psw); Console.Write("Response request SQL " + sqlcmd.ExecuteScalar()); this.msg.op_statut = Convert.ToInt32(sqlcmd.ExecuteScalar()) == 1; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.ToString()); } } return(this.msg); }
public STC_MSG Exec(STC_MSG msg) { this.msg = msg; // Set auth at false before db auth this.msg.op_statut = false; this.msg = this.db.SelectByLoginPsw(this.msg); if (this.msg.op_statut) // if (msg.user_login == "theo" && msg.user_psw =="123") { this.msg.op_info = "succes"; this.msg.op_statut = true; this.msg.user_token = new Guid().ToString(); } else { this.msg.op_info = "fail"; this.msg.op_statut = false; } this.msg.app_name = null; this.msg.app_token = null; this.msg.app_version = null; = null; this.msg.op_name = null; this.msg.user_login = null; this.msg.user_psw = null; return(this.msg); }
public STC_MSG Crack(STC_MSG msg) { string text =[1].ToString(); // Then send those files to the JEE app ProjetService req = new ProjetService(); string[] d = new string[5]; Parallel.ForEach(keyList, (item) => { string key = item; byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); string[] binaryText = bytes.Select(x => Convert.ToString(x, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')).ToArray(); byte[] bytesKey = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(key); string[] binaryKey = bytesKey.Select(x => Convert.ToString(x, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')).ToArray(); string txtDecode = ""; for (int i = 0; i < binaryText.Length; i++) { txtDecode += (char)Convert.ToInt16(XOR(binaryText[i], binaryKey[i % 4]), 2); } // 0 = file name d[0] =[0].ToString(); // 1 = file content crypted d[1] =[1].ToString(); // 2 = file content décrypted d[2] = txtDecode; // 3 = Key d[3] = key; = d; // Method to get trust value try { // 4 = string result of JEE d[4] = req.decodage(GenerateXml(msg)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Code JEE error " + e); } }); = d; return(msg); }
public Database() { this.msg = new STC_MSG(); this.cnx = new SqlConnection(); //information about the remote server string server = ""; string port = "3306"; string database = "ProjetDev_db"; string username = "******"; string password = "******"; this.cnx.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + server + "," + port + ";Initial Catalog=" + database + ";User Id=" + username + ";Password="******";"; }
public STC_MSG DecryptFiles(STC_MSG msg) { this.msg = msg; if (new Auth().CheckRequest(this.msg)) { if (msg.op_name == "decrypter") { if (CheckUserToken(this.msg)) { // Method used to decrypt files Semaphore _pool = new Semaphore(0, 6); List <string> keyList = new GenKey().GetList(); this.msg = new XorCracker(keyList).Crack(msg); /* * Task.Run(() => { * _pool.WaitOne(); * * this.msg = new XorCracker(keyList).Crack(msg); * * _pool.Release(); * }); */ } else { this.msg.op_info = "User token invalid"; this.msg.user_token = ""; } } else { this.msg.op_info = "Operation invalid"; this.msg.op_statut = false; this.msg.op_name = ""; } } return(msg); }
public STC_MSG Login(STC_MSG msg) { this.msg = msg; if (CheckRequest(this.msg)) { if (msg.op_name == "authentifier") { this.msg = new CTRL_Auth().Exec(this.msg); } else { this.msg.op_info = "Operation invalid"; this.msg.op_statut = false; this.msg.op_name = ""; } } return(this.msg); }
public Decrypt() { this.msg = new STC_MSG(); }
private string GenerateXml(STC_MSG msg) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode docNode = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "yes"); doc.AppendChild(docNode); XmlNode msgNode = doc.CreateElement("stcMSG"); doc.AppendChild(msgNode); // op_statut XmlNode statutNode = doc.CreateElement("op_statut"); statutNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.op_statut.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(statutNode); // op_name XmlNode opNameNode = doc.CreateElement("op_name"); opNameNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.op_name.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(opNameNode); //op_info XmlNode infoNode = doc.CreateElement("op_info"); infoNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.op_info.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(infoNode); //app_name XmlNode appNameNode = doc.CreateElement("app_name"); appNameNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.app_name.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(appNameNode); // app_version XmlNode nameNode = doc.CreateElement("app_version"); nameNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.app_version.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(nameNode); // app_token XmlNode appTokenNode = doc.CreateElement("app_token"); appTokenNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.app_token.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(appTokenNode); // user_login XmlNode loginNode = doc.CreateElement("user_login"); loginNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.user_login.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(loginNode); // user_psw XmlNode pwdNode = doc.CreateElement("user_psw"); pwdNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.user_psw.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(pwdNode); // user_token XmlNode userTokenNode = doc.CreateElement("user_token"); userTokenNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(msg.user_token.ToString())); msgNode.AppendChild(userTokenNode); // data XmlNode dataNode = doc.CreateElement("data"); msgNode.AppendChild(dataNode); if ( != null) { // attributs XmlNode fileNode = doc.CreateElement("file"); // Get name prop and value from the object XmlNode fileNameAttribute = doc.CreateElement("name"); fileNameAttribute.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode([0].ToString())); fileNode.AppendChild(fileNameAttribute); // Get text prop and value from the object XmlNode fileTextAttribute = doc.CreateElement("text"); fileTextAttribute.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode([2].ToString())); fileNode.AppendChild(fileTextAttribute); // Get text prop and value from the object XmlNode fileKeyAttribute = doc.CreateElement("key"); fileKeyAttribute.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode([3].ToString())); fileNode.AppendChild(fileKeyAttribute); dataNode.AppendChild(fileNode); } string xml = doc.InnerXml.ToString(); return(xml); }
public CTRL_Auth() { this.msg = new STC_MSG(); this.db = new Database(); }
public bool CheckRequest(STC_MSG msg) { OperationContext context = OperationContext.Current; MessageProperties msgProp = context.IncomingMessageProperties; RemoteEndpointMessageProperty remoteProp = msgProp[RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Name] as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty; ServiceSecurityContext ssc = ServiceSecurityContext.Current; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.WriteLine("Demande entrente : " + "<" + ssc.WindowsIdentity.Name + ">" + ssc.WindowsIdentity.User); Console.WriteLine("Adresse cliente : " + remoteProp.Address); Console.WriteLine("Port client : " + remoteProp.Port); Console.WriteLine("Détail du message ->"); Console.WriteLine("Application cliente : " + msg.app_name); Console.WriteLine("Application token : " + msg.app_token); Console.WriteLine("Application version : " + msg.app_version); Console.WriteLine("Opération info : " + msg.op_info); Console.WriteLine("Opération nom : " + msg.op_name); Console.WriteLine("Opération statut : " + msg.op_statut); Console.WriteLine("Utilisteur login : "******"Utilisteur password : "******"Utilisteur token : " + msg.user_token); if ( != null) { int i =; Console.WriteLine("Le message contient {0} donnée(s) spécifique(s)", i + 1); } else { Console.WriteLine("Le message ne contient pas de données spécifiques"); } if (msg.app_token == "apptoken") // App token to change { if (msg.app_name == "Middleware") //tmp app_name { if (msg.app_version == "2.0") //tmp app_version { return(true); } else { this.msg.op_info = "App version invalid"; this.msg.op_statut = false; this.msg.app_version = ""; } } else { this.msg.op_info = "This plateforme doesn't handle this application."; this.msg.op_statut = false; this.msg.app_name = ""; } } else { this.msg.op_info = "App token invalid"; this.msg.op_statut = false; this.msg.app_token = ""; } = null; this.msg.op_name = ""; this.msg.user_login = ""; this.msg.user_psw = ""; this.msg.user_token = ""; return(false); }
public Auth() { this.msg = new STC_MSG(); }