public static GpValidations SupplierInvoiceValidate(string Supplierinvoice, GpMappingAndDatabase mapping) { dynamic validator = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExpandoObject>(Supplierinvoice); GpValidations validate = new GpValidations(); string ExoCode = validator.document.supplier.code.ToString().ToUpper(); SQLCredentials ConnectionString = new SQLCredentials(); Dictionary <int, string> Connection = ConnectionString.ConnectionStringBuilder(); string SQLQuery = String.Format("SELECT Accno FROM CR_ACCS where Name = '{0}' or Alphacode = '{0}'", ExoCode); try { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Connection[mapping.Id]); // SqlDataReader myreader; con.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(SQLQuery, con)) { var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { //Do nothing Item Exists in Exo } else { validate.CreateSupplier = true; } reader.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } List <string> SkuList = new List <string>(); foreach (var line in validator.document.lines) { string stkItem = ""; try { stkItem = line.item.sku.ToString().ToUpper(); } catch (Exception ex) { // if the sku is null will thow runtime binding error, this is fine as it is a GL invoice. Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + " GL invioce"); continue; } string selectItems = String.Format("Select stockcode from IV00101 where stockcode = '{0}'", stkItem); try { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Connection[mapping.Id]); // SqlDataReader myreader; con.Open(); //Get a list of all ther table names in the Database using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(selectItems, con)) { var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { //Do nothing Item Exists in Exo } else { validate.InventoryToCreate.Add(stkItem); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } if (validate.InventoryToCreate.Count() > 0) { validate.CreateInventory = true; } return(validate); }
public static void AddtoQueue() { //Check Mappings ZudelloLogin.GetZudelloMappings(); string Token = ZudelloLogin.Login(); string InvoiceList = ZudelloLogin.CallZudelloDocs(Token); dynamic ToSync = JObject.Parse(InvoiceList); foreach (var data in { try { string myDataString = data.ToString(); // Console.WriteLine(Id.uuid + "," + Id.items); Console.WriteLine(data); GpMappingAndDatabase mapId = GetMappingAndDatabase(data.document.docType.ToString(), data.document.connectionUuid.ToString()); if (mapId != null) { SaveToDBQueue(myDataString, mapId.mappingID, "Waiting", mapId); } var validate = GpValidations.SupplierInvoiceValidate(myDataString, mapId); if (validate.CreateSupplier == true) { //HAVE to hard code type for the supplier and inventory? mapId = GetMappingAndDatabase(data.document.supplier.docType.ToString(), data.document.connectionUuid.ToString()); // Check if already in the queue if (InQueue(mapId.mappingID, data.document.supplier.code.ToString()) == false) { SaveToDBQueue(data.document.supplier.ToString(), mapId.mappingID, "Waiting", mapId); } } if (validate.CreateInventory == true) { foreach (var itemData in data.document.lines) { mapId = GetMappingAndDatabase(itemData.docType.ToString(), data.document.connectionUuid.ToString()); if (validate.InventoryToCreate.Contains(itemData.item.sku.ToString())) { // Check if already in the queue if (InQueue(mapId.mappingID, itemData.item.sku.ToString()) == false) { SaveToDBQueue(itemData.ToString(), mapId.mappingID, "Waiting", mapId); } } } } using (var db = new ZudelloContext()) { var updateLastSync = (from a in db.Zlastsync join c in db.Zmapping on a.MappingId equals c.Id where c.DocType == "CallZudelloDocs" select a).FirstOrDefault(); //var dateParse = DateTime.ParseExact(data.created_at.ToString(), "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff'Z'", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //string zudelloDate = data.created_at; // dateParse = dateParse string pr = data.created_at.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff'Z'"); updateLastSync.LastSync = pr; db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }