public UddiException(SoapException soapException) : base("", soapException) { dispositionReport = null; hasDispositionReportData = false; // // The soap exception passed in SHOULD contain a disposition report. // Deserialize it into an object and use the error number in this exception // if (false == Utility.StringEmpty(soapException.Detail.InnerXml)) { // // Translate the XML into the current version. // string dispositionReportXml = UddiVersionSupport.Translate(soapException.Detail.InnerXml, UddiVersionSupport.CurrentVersion); StringReader reader = new StringReader(dispositionReportXml); if (null == serializer) { serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DispositionReport)); } dispositionReport = ( DispositionReport )serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); } hasDispositionReportData = (null != dispositionReport) && (null != dispositionReport.Results) && (dispositionReport.Results.Count > 0); }
public UddiException(Exception exception) : base("", exception) { dispositionReport = null; hasDispositionReportData = false; }
public UddiException(string message) : base(message) { dispositionReport = null; hasDispositionReportData = false; }