public override async Task ExecuteAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application, ServiceBuilder service) { if (SkipWithoutProject(output, service, out var project)) { return; } if (SkipWithoutContainerInfo(output, service, out var container)) { return; } if (container.UseMultiphaseDockerfile != false) { return; } // NOTE: we're intentionally not cleaning up here. It's the responsibility of whomever consumes // the publish output to do cleanup. var outputDirectory = TempDirectory.Create(); output.WriteDebugLine("Running 'dotnet publish'."); output.WriteCommandLine("dotnet", $"publish \"{project.ProjectFile.FullName}\" -c Release -o \"{outputDirectory.DirectoryPath}\""); var capture = output.Capture(); var exitCode = await Process.ExecuteAsync( $"dotnet", $"publish \"{project.ProjectFile.FullName}\" -c Release -o \"{outputDirectory.DirectoryPath}\"", project.ProjectFile.DirectoryName, stdOut : capture.StdOut, stdErr : capture.StdErr); output.WriteDebugLine($"Done running 'dotnet publish' exit code: {exitCode}"); if (exitCode != 0) { outputDirectory.Dispose(); throw new CommandException("'dotnet publish' failed."); } output.WriteDebugLine($"Created Publish Output: '{outputDirectory.DirectoryPath}'"); service.Outputs.Add(new ProjectPublishOutput(outputDirectory.DirectoryInfo)); }
public static async Task <ApplicationBuilder> CreateAsync(OutputContext output, FileInfo source, string?framework = null, ApplicationFactoryFilter?filter = null) { if (source is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } var queue = new Queue <(ConfigApplication, HashSet <string>)>(); var visited = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var rootConfig = ConfigFactory.FromFile(source); rootConfig.Validate(); var root = new ApplicationBuilder(source, rootConfig.Name !); root.Namespace = rootConfig.Namespace; queue.Enqueue((rootConfig, new HashSet <string>())); while (queue.Count > 0) { var item = queue.Dequeue(); var config = item.Item1; // dependencies represents a set of all dependencies var dependencies = item.Item2; if (!visited.Add(config.Source.FullName)) { continue; } if (config == rootConfig && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Registry)) { root.Registry = new ContainerRegistry(config.Registry); } if (config == rootConfig) { root.Network = rootConfig.Network; } foreach (var configExtension in config.Extensions) { var extension = new ExtensionConfiguration((string)configExtension["name"]); foreach (var kvp in configExtension) { if (kvp.Key == "name") { continue; } extension.Data.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } root.Extensions.Add(extension); } var services = filter?.ServicesFilter != null? config.Services.Where(filter.ServicesFilter).ToList() : config.Services; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Project services will be restored and evaluated before resolving all other services. // This batching will mitigate the performance cost of running MSBuild out of process. var projectServices = services.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Project)); var projectMetadata = new Dictionary <string, string>(); using (var directory = TempDirectory.Create()) { var projectPath = Path.Combine(directory.DirectoryPath, Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".proj"); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<Project>"); sb.AppendLine(" <ItemGroup>"); foreach (var project in projectServices) { var expandedProject = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(project.Project !); project.ProjectFullPath = Path.Combine(config.Source.DirectoryName !, expandedProject); if (!File.Exists(project.ProjectFullPath)) { throw new CommandException($"Failed to locate project: '{project.ProjectFullPath}'."); } sb.AppendLine($" <MicrosoftTye_ProjectServices " + $"Include=\"{project.ProjectFullPath}\" " + $"Name=\"{project.Name}\" " + $"BuildProperties=\"" + $"{(project.BuildProperties.Any() ? project.BuildProperties.Select(kvp => $"{kvp.Name}={kvp.Value}").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ";" + b) : string.Empty)}" + $"{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(framework) ? string.Empty : $";TargetFramework={framework}")}" + $"\" />"); } sb.AppendLine(@" </ItemGroup>"); sb.AppendLine($@" <Target Name=""MicrosoftTye_EvaluateProjects"">"); sb.AppendLine($@" <MsBuild Projects=""@(MicrosoftTye_ProjectServices)"" " + $@"Properties=""%(BuildProperties);" + $@"MicrosoftTye_ProjectName=%(Name)"" " + $@"Targets=""MicrosoftTye_GetProjectMetadata"" BuildInParallel=""true"" />"); sb.AppendLine(" </Target>"); sb.AppendLine("</Project>"); File.WriteAllText(projectPath, sb.ToString()); output.WriteDebugLine("Restoring and evaluating projects"); var msbuildEvaluationResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync( "dotnet", $"build " + $"\"{projectPath}\" " + // CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets is imported by non-crosstargeting (single TFM) projects $"/p:CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets={Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)!, "ProjectEvaluation.targets")} " + // CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonCrossTargetingTargets is imported by crosstargeting (multi-TFM) projects // This ensures projects properties are evaluated correctly. However, multi-TFM projects must specify // a specific TFM to build/run/publish and will otherwise throw an exception. $"/p:CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonCrossTargetingTargets={Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)!, "ProjectEvaluation.targets")} " + $"/nologo", throwOnError : false, workingDirectory : directory.DirectoryPath); // If the build fails, we're not really blocked from doing our work. // For now we just log the output to debug. There are errors that occur during // running these targets we don't really care as long as we get the data. if (msbuildEvaluationResult.ExitCode != 0) { output.WriteDebugLine($"Evaluating project failed with exit code {msbuildEvaluationResult.ExitCode}:" + $"{Environment.NewLine}Ouptut: {msbuildEvaluationResult.StandardOutput}" + $"{Environment.NewLine}Error: {msbuildEvaluationResult.StandardError}"); } var msbuildEvaluationOutput = msbuildEvaluationResult .StandardOutput .Split(Environment.NewLine); foreach (var line in msbuildEvaluationOutput) { if (line.Trim().StartsWith("Microsoft.Tye metadata: ")) { var values = line.Split(':', 3); var projectName = values[1].Trim(); var metadataPath = values[2].Trim(); projectMetadata.Add(projectName, metadataPath); output.WriteDebugLine($"Resolved metadata for service {projectName} at {metadataPath}"); } } output.WriteDebugLine($"Restore and project evaluation took: {sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms"); } foreach (var configService in services) { ServiceBuilder service; if (root.Services.Any(s => s.Name == configService.Name)) { // Even though this service has already created a service, we still need // to update dependency information AddToRootServices(root, dependencies, configService.Name); continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configService.Project)) { var project = new DotnetProjectServiceBuilder(configService.Name !, new FileInfo(configService.ProjectFullPath)); service = project; project.Build = configService.Build ?? true; project.Args = configService.Args; foreach (var buildProperty in configService.BuildProperties) { project.BuildProperties.Add(buildProperty.Name, buildProperty.Value); } project.Replicas = configService.Replicas ?? 1; project.Liveness = configService.Liveness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Liveness) : null; project.Readiness = configService.Readiness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Readiness) : null; // We don't apply more container defaults here because we might need // to prompt for the registry name. project.ContainerInfo = new ContainerInfo() { UseMultiphaseDockerfile = false, }; // If project evaluation is successful this should not happen, therefore an exception will be thrown. if (!projectMetadata.ContainsKey(configService.Name)) { throw new CommandException($"Evaluated project metadata file could not be found for service {configService.Name}"); } ProjectReader.ReadProjectDetails(output, project, projectMetadata[configService.Name]); if (framework != null && project.TargetFrameworks.Any()) { // Only use the TargetFramework for the "--framework" if it's a multi-targeted project and an override is provided project.BuildProperties["TargetFramework"] = framework; } // Do k8s by default. project.ManifestInfo = new KubernetesManifestInfo(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configService.Image)) { var container = new ContainerServiceBuilder(configService.Name !, configService.Image !) { Args = configService.Args, Replicas = configService.Replicas ?? 1 }; service = container; container.Liveness = configService.Liveness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Liveness) : null; container.Readiness = configService.Readiness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Readiness) : null; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configService.DockerFile)) { var dockerFile = new DockerFileServiceBuilder(configService.Name !, configService.Image !) { Args = configService.Args, Build = configService.Build ?? true, Replicas = configService.Replicas ?? 1, DockerFile = Path.Combine(source.DirectoryName !, configService.DockerFile), // Supplying an absolute path with trailing slashes fails for DockerFileContext when calling docker build, so trim trailing slash. DockerFileContext = GetDockerFileContext(source, configService), BuildArgs = configService.DockerFileArgs }; service = dockerFile; dockerFile.Liveness = configService.Liveness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Liveness) : null; dockerFile.Readiness = configService.Readiness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Readiness) : null; // We don't apply more container defaults here because we might need // to prompt for the registry name. dockerFile.ContainerInfo = new ContainerInfo() { UseMultiphaseDockerfile = false, }; // Do k8s by default. dockerFile.ManifestInfo = new KubernetesManifestInfo(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configService.Executable)) { var expandedExecutable = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(configService.Executable); var workingDirectory = ""; // Special handling of .dlls as executables (it will be executed as dotnet {dll}) if (Path.GetExtension(expandedExecutable) == ".dll") { expandedExecutable = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(config.Source.Directory !.FullName, expandedExecutable)); workingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(expandedExecutable) !; } var executable = new ExecutableServiceBuilder(configService.Name !, expandedExecutable) { Args = configService.Args, WorkingDirectory = configService.WorkingDirectory != null? Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(config.Source.Directory !.FullName, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(configService.WorkingDirectory))) : workingDirectory, Replicas = configService.Replicas ?? 1 }; service = executable; executable.Liveness = configService.Liveness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Liveness) : null; executable.Readiness = configService.Readiness != null?GetProbeBuilder(configService.Readiness) : null; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configService.Include)) { var expandedYaml = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(configService.Include); var nestedConfig = GetNestedConfig(rootConfig, Path.Combine(config.Source.DirectoryName !, expandedYaml)); queue.Enqueue((nestedConfig, new HashSet <string>())); AddToRootServices(root, dependencies, configService.Name); continue; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configService.Repository)) { // clone to .tye folder var path = configService.CloneDirectory ?? Path.Join(rootConfig.Source.DirectoryName, ".tye", "deps"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } var clonePath = Path.Combine(path, configService.Name); if (!Directory.Exists(clonePath)) { if (!await GitDetector.Instance.IsGitInstalled.Value) { throw new CommandException($"Cannot clone repository {configService.Repository} because git is not installed. Please install git if you'd like to use \"repository\" in tye.yaml."); } var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync("git", $"clone {configService.Repository} \"{clonePath}\"", workingDirectory : path, throwOnError : false); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { throw new CommandException($"Failed to clone repository {configService.Repository} with exit code {result.ExitCode}.{Environment.NewLine}{result.StandardError}{result.StandardOutput}."); } } if (!ConfigFileFinder.TryFindSupportedFile(clonePath, out var file, out var errorMessage)) { throw new CommandException(errorMessage !); } // pick different service type based on what is in the repo. var nestedConfig = GetNestedConfig(rootConfig, file); queue.Enqueue((nestedConfig, new HashSet <string>())); AddToRootServices(root, dependencies, configService.Name); continue; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configService.AzureFunction)) { var azureFunctionDirectory = Path.Combine(config.Source.DirectoryName !, configService.AzureFunction); var functionBuilder = new AzureFunctionServiceBuilder( configService.Name, azureFunctionDirectory) { Args = configService.Args, Replicas = configService.Replicas ?? 1, FuncExecutablePath = configService.FuncExecutable, }; foreach (var proj in Directory.EnumerateFiles(azureFunctionDirectory)) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(proj); if (fileInfo.Extension == ".csproj" || fileInfo.Extension == ".fsproj") { functionBuilder.ProjectFile = fileInfo.FullName; break; } } // TODO liveness? service = functionBuilder; } else if (configService.External) { var external = new ExternalServiceBuilder(configService.Name); service = external; } else { throw new CommandException("Unable to determine service type."); } // Add dependencies to ourself before adding ourself to avoid self reference service.Dependencies.UnionWith(dependencies); AddToRootServices(root, dependencies, service.Name); root.Services.Add(service); // If there are no bindings and we're in ASP.NET Core project then add an HTTP and HTTPS binding if (configService.Bindings.Count == 0 && service is ProjectServiceBuilder project2 && project2.IsAspNet) { // HTTP is the default binding service.Bindings.Add(new BindingBuilder() { Protocol = "http" }); service.Bindings.Add(new BindingBuilder() { Name = "https", Protocol = "https" }); }
public static async Task BuildHelmChartAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application, ProjectServiceBuilder project, ContainerInfo container, HelmChartStep chart) { if (output is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output)); } if (application is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(application)); } if (project is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(project)); } if (container is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container)); } if (chart is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(chart)); } var projectDirectory = project.ProjectFile.DirectoryName; var outputDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "bin"); using var tempDirectory = TempDirectory.Create(); HelmChartGenerator.ApplyHelmChartDefaults(application, project, container, chart); var chartRoot = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "charts"); var chartPath = Path.Combine(chartRoot, chart.ChartName); output.WriteDebugLine($"Looking for existing chart in '{chartPath}'."); if (Directory.Exists(chartPath)) { output.WriteDebugLine($"Found existing chart in '{chartPath}'."); } else { chartRoot = tempDirectory.DirectoryPath; chartPath = Path.Combine(chartRoot, chart.ChartName); output.WriteDebugLine($"Generating chart in '{chartPath}'."); await HelmChartGenerator.GenerateAsync(output, application, project, container, chart, new DirectoryInfo(tempDirectory.DirectoryPath)); } output.WriteDebugLine("Running 'helm package'."); output.WriteCommandLine("helm", $"package -d \"{outputDirectoryPath}\" --version {project.Version.Replace('+', '-')} --app-version {project.Version.Replace('+', '-')}"); var capture = output.Capture(); var exitCode = await Process.ExecuteAsync( "helm", $"package . -d \"{outputDirectoryPath}\" --version {project.Version.Replace('+', '-')} --app-version {project.Version.Replace('+', '-')}", workingDir : chartPath, stdOut : capture.StdOut, stdErr : capture.StdErr); output.WriteDebugLine($"Running 'helm package' exit code: {exitCode}"); if (exitCode != 0) { throw new CommandException("Running 'helm package' failed."); } output.WriteInfoLine($"Created Helm Chart: {Path.Combine(outputDirectoryPath, chart.ChartName + "-" + project.Version.Replace('+', '-') + ".tgz")}"); }