예제 #1
        private static void ProcessCSDLUri(ArgsParser parser)
            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > tablesToColumnMappingsInfo = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();

            string serviceUri = null;
            DbSyncScopeDescription scopeDescription = CSDLParser.GetDescriptionFromUri(parser, parser.CSDLUrl, out serviceUri);

            Log("Generating files...");
            EntityGenerator generator = EntityGeneratorFactory.Create(parser.CodeGenMode, null /* null syncSchema - not needed for client code generation */);

                ? string.IsNullOrEmpty(parser.GeneratedFilePrefix) ? scopeDescription.ScopeName : parser.GeneratedFilePrefix
                : parser.Namespace,
                                       scopeDescription, tablesToColumnMappingsInfo, parser.WorkingDirectory, parser.Language, serviceUri);
예제 #2
        public static DbSyncScopeDescription GetDescriptionFromUri(ArgsParser parser, string uriString, out string serviceUri)
            // Issue the request.
            WebClient request = new WebClient();

            SyncSvcUtil.Log("Trying to connect to Uri '{0}' to check for SyncScopeSchema document", uriString);

            string content = request.DownloadString(uriString);

            // Check to see if its a SyncScopes <services> document or an SyncScopeSchema <edmx> document.
            if (parser.UseVerbose)
                SyncSvcUtil.Log("Download succeeded. Checking to see if its a SyncScope <Service> document or an SyncScopeSchema <edmx> document.");
                SyncSvcUtil.Log("Downloaded document content:\n {0}", content);

            SyncSvcUtil.Log("Parsing downloaded document.", uriString);

            XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(content);

            if (document == null)
                throw new CsdlException("Downloaded content is not a valid XML document.");

            if (document.Root.Name.Equals(Constants.SyncScopeServicesElement))
                if (parser.UseVerbose)
                    SyncSvcUtil.Log("Found a <service> document. Checking for SyncScopes workspace.");
                XElement workspaceElement = document.Root.Element(Constants.SyncScopeWorkspaceElement);
                if (workspaceElement == null)
                    throw new CsdlException("Remote SyncScope services document did not contain a <workspace> element.");

                // Look for <collection> element
                XElement[] collectionElements = workspaceElement.Elements(Constants.SyncScopeWorkspaceCollectionElement).ToArray();
                if (collectionElements.Length == 0)
                    throw new CsdlException("Remote SyncScope services document did not contain a <collection> element.");
                else if (collectionElements.Length > 1)
                    SyncSvcUtil.Log("Multiple SyncScopes were found in the <service> document. Please specify the correct Url.");
                    foreach (XElement elem in collectionElements)
                        XAttribute hrefAttr = elem.Attribute(Constants.SyncScopeWorkspaceCollectionHrefAttribute);
                        SyncSvcUtil.Log("\t\t{0} - Uri: {1}{2}{0}/$metadata",
                                        parser.CSDLUrl.EndsWith("/") ? string.Empty : "/");
                    throw new CsdlException("Multiple SyncScopes found.");
                    // We have exactly one SyncScope. Download the schema for that
                    XAttribute hrefAttr = collectionElements[0].Attribute(Constants.SyncScopeWorkspaceCollectionHrefAttribute);
                    if (hrefAttr == null)
                        throw new CsdlException("No Href attribute was found in the <collection> element.");

                    // Ensure the href param is not empty as this is the scopeName
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hrefAttr.Value))
                        throw new CsdlException(string.Format("Href attribute in <collection> must have a non empty string.\n Content: {0}", collectionElements[0].ToString()));

                    // Look for and remove $syncScopes
                    string origUrl = parser.CSDLUrl;
                    if (origUrl.EndsWith("$syncscopes", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        origUrl = origUrl.Substring(0, origUrl.LastIndexOf("/"));

                    uriString = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}/$metadata",
                                              origUrl.EndsWith("/") ? string.Empty : "/",

                    return(CSDLParser.GetDescriptionFromUri(parser, uriString, out serviceUri));
            else if (document.Root.Name.Equals(Constants.SyncScopeEdmxElement))
                // Set the service URI and remove $metadata token from it.
                //Remove the / at the end if present.
                serviceUri = (uriString.EndsWith("/")) ? uriString.Substring(0, uriString.Length - 1) : uriString;

                //The service will render the schema only if there is a $metadata at the end in the Uri.
                serviceUri = serviceUri.Substring(0, serviceUri.Length - "/$metadata".Length);

                //Remove the scope name
                serviceUri = serviceUri.Substring(0, serviceUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                return(ParseCSDLDocument(parser, uriString, document));
                throw new CsdlException(string.Format("Downloaded XML content is not a valid <service> document. \nDocument Content: {0}", content));