private static void InitServices() { InitGCSupport(); args = GetCommandLine(); VTable.ParseArgs(args); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!011"); InitSchedulerTypes(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!018"); Controller.InitializeSystem(); Tracing.InitializeSystem(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!019"); // Read the profiler settings. The values are assumed in kbytes // convert them to bytes for direct consumption ProfilerBufferSize = (uint)GetIntegerArgument("profiler", 0); ProfilerBufferSize *= 1024; ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!020"); SpinLock.StaticInitialize(); int cpusLength; int cpuCount = GetCpuCount(out cpusLength); Processor.InitializeProcessorTable(cpusLength); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!021"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "processor"); Processor processor = Processor.EnableProcessor(0); PEImage.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!034"); // Initialize the sample profiling for the processor // after the initial breakpoint in kd in the call // PEImage.Initialize(). This will allow enabling profiling // from kd, by overwriting the ProfilerBufferSize value processor.EnableProfiling(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!035"); FlatPages.InitializeMemoryMonitoring(); // initialize endpoints InitType(typeof(Microsoft.Singularity.Channels.EndpointCore)); // TODO Bug 59: Currently broken, need to review paging build. //#if PAGING // Microsoft.Singularity.Channels.EndpointTrusted.StaticInitialize(); //#endif ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!036"); // get the system manifest IoMemory systemManifest = GetSystemManifest(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!037"); XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlReader(systemManifest); XmlNode xmlData = xmlReader.Parse(); XmlNode manifestRoot = xmlData.GetChild("system"); XmlNode initConfig = manifestRoot.GetChild("initConfig"); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!038"); PerfCounters.Initialize(); // need to have processed the manifest before we can call Process initialize ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!039"); PrincipalImpl.Initialize(initConfig); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!040"); Process.Initialize(manifestRoot.GetChild("processConfig")); InitIO(processor, initConfig, manifestRoot.GetChild("drivers")); InitBootTime(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!045"); // From here on, we want lazy type initialization to worry about // competing threads. VTable.InitializeForMultipleThread(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!046"); Console.WriteLine("Running C# Kernel of {0}", GetLinkDate()); Console.WriteLine(); // TODO: remove this Console.WriteLine("Current time: {0}", SystemClock.GetUtcTime().ToString("r")); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!047"); InitScheduling(); DirectoryService.StartNotificationThread(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Shared Heap Walker"); ProtectionDomain.InitializeSharedHeapWalker(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!050"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Service Thread"); ServiceThread.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!051"); GC.EnableHeap(); GCProfilerLogger.StartProfiling(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!052"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Waypoints init"); Waypoints = new long[2048]; WaypointSeq = new int[2048]; WaypointThd = new int[2048]; Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Interrupts ON."); Processor.RestoreInterrupts(true); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!053"); #if ISA_ARM && TEST_GC for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { DebugStub.WriteLine("Iteration {0}", __arglist(i)); ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < 128; j++) { int size = 1024 * 1024; a.Add(new byte [size]); } } #endif // ISA_ARM ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!054"); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Binder"); Binder.Initialize(manifestRoot.GetChild("namingConventions")); #if ISA_ARM DebugStub.WriteLine("Exporting local namespace to BSP\n"); DirectoryService.ExportArmNamespace(); DebugStub.WriteLine("Export complete...redirecting binder\n"); Binder.RedirectRootRef(); DebugStub.WriteLine("Binder redirect complete\n"); #endif #if false Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Starting Security Service channels"); PrincipalImpl.Export(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!055"); #endif Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Creating Root Directory."); //This can be moved below IoSystem.InitializeDirectoryService(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!055"); #if false // Start User space namespace manager Console.WriteLine("Starting Directory Service SIP"); DirectoryService.StartUserSpaceDirectoryService(); #endif ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!055.5"); #if !ISA_ARM Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Starting Security Service channels"); PrincipalImpl.Export(); #endif ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!056"); Console.WriteLine("Initializing system channels"); // starting channels services DebugStub.Print("Initializing Channel Services\n"); ChannelDeliveryImplService.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!057"); ConsoleOutput.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!058"); // Initialize MP after Binder and ConsoleOutput // are initialized so there are no // initialization races if the additional // threads try to use them. Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Starting additional processors"); // For ABI to ARM support MpExecution.Initialize(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!059"); mpEndEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Initializing Volume Manager."); #if !ISA_ARM IoSystem.InitializeVolumeManager(); #endif // ISA_ARM ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!060"); InitDrivers(); if (cpuCount > 1) { unsafe { Console.WriteLine("Enabling {0} cpus out of {1} real cpus\n", cpuCount, Platform.ThePlatform.CpuRealCount); } Processor.EnableMoreProcessors(cpuCount); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!064"); } Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Initializing Service Manager."); IoSystem.InitializeServiceManager(manifestRoot.GetChild("serviceConfig")); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!065"); InitDiagnostics(); #if !ISA_ARM // At this point consider kernel finshed booting hasBooted = true; #endif // ISA_ARM Processor.StartSampling(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!069"); Microsoft.Singularity.KernelDebugger.KdFilesNamespace.StartNamespaceThread(); ARM_PROGRESS("Kernel!070"); }
public static unsafe int AppStart(Type userClass) { System.GCs.Transitions.ThreadStart(); int result = 0; string arg0 = "(unknown)"; try { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Runtime.Main()"); // Initialize the primitive runtime, which calls the // class constructor for Runtime(). VTable.Initialize((RuntimeType)typeof(AppRuntime)); //VTable.ParseArgs(args); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Enabling GC Heap"); GC.EnableHeap(); Controller.InitializeSystem(); GCProfilerLogger.StartProfiling(); InitializeConsole(); SetDebuggerPresence(DebugService.IsDebuggerPresent()); int argCount = 0; int argMaxLen = 0; for (;; argCount++) { int len = ProcessService.GetStartupArg(argCount, null, 0); if (len == 0) { break; } if (argMaxLen < len) { argMaxLen = len; } } char[] argArray = new char [argMaxLen]; string[] args = new string[argCount]; for (int arg = 0; arg < argCount; arg++) { fixed(char *argptr = &argArray[0]) { int len = ProcessService.GetStartupArg(arg, argptr, argArray.Length); args[arg] = String.StringCTOR(argptr, 0, len); if (arg == 0) { arg0 = args[arg]; } } } #if DEBUG || true // Record the first argument passed to this program, under the assumption that // this is the application name. We use this string in DebugStub.WriteLine. // Also, if the name has an extension, such as ".x86", chop it off. // Also chop off any path prefix, such as "/init/". appName = arg0; int index = appName.LastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { appName = appName.Substring(0, index); } index = appName.LastIndexOf('/'); if (index != -1) { appName = appName.Substring(index + 1); } // The default DebugName value for the main thread is "main"; // apps can override this by setting Thread.CurrentThread.DebugName. Thread mainThread = Thread.CurrentThread; if (mainThread != null) { mainThread.DebugName = "main"; } #endif if (userClass != null) { VTable.initType((RuntimeType)userClass); } result = CallMain(args); if (!MainReturnsInt()) { result = 0; } Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Main thread exited [{0}]", (UIntPtr) unchecked ((uint)result)); } catch (Exception e) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Fatal, "Failed with exception {0}.{1}", e.GetType().Namespace, e.GetType().Name); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Trace, "Exception message was {0}", e.ToString()); TopLevelException(e); result = -1; } Thread.RemoveThread(Thread.CurrentThread.threadIndex); Thread.JoinAll(); try { FinalizeConsole(); } catch (Exception e) { Tracing.Log(Tracing.Fatal, "An exception occurred while shutting down the console: {0}", e.ToString()); } Controller.Finalize(); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Runtime shutdown started."); VTable.Shutdown(result); Tracing.Log(Tracing.Audit, "Runtime exiting [{0}]", (UIntPtr) unchecked ((uint)result)); return(result); }