/// <summary> /// Creating a Python type involves calling __new__ and __init__. We resolve them /// and generate calls to either the builtin funcions directly or embed sites which /// call the slots at runtime. /// </summary> private DynamicMetaObject/*!*/ MakePythonTypeCall(DynamicMetaObjectBinder/*!*/ call, Expression/*!*/ codeContext, DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[]/*!*/ args) { ValidationInfo valInfo = MakeVersionCheck(); DynamicMetaObject self = new RestrictedMetaObject( AstUtils.Convert(Expression, LimitType), BindingRestrictionsHelpers.GetRuntimeTypeRestriction(Expression, LimitType), Value ); CallSignature sig = BindingHelpers.GetCallSignature(call); ArgumentValues ai = new ArgumentValues(sig, self, args); NewAdapter newAdapter; InitAdapter initAdapter; if (TooManyArgsForDefaultNew(call, args)) { return MakeIncorrectArgumentsForCallError(call, ai, valInfo); } else if (Value.UnderlyingSystemType.IsGenericTypeDefinition()) { return MakeGenericTypeDefinitionError(call, ai, valInfo); } else if (Value.HasAbstractMethods(PythonContext.GetPythonContext(call).SharedContext)) { return MakeAbstractInstantiationError(call, ai, valInfo); } DynamicMetaObject translated = BuiltinFunction.TranslateArguments(call, codeContext, self, args, false, Value.Name); if (translated != null) { return translated; } GetAdapters(ai, call, codeContext, out newAdapter, out initAdapter); PythonContext state = PythonContext.GetPythonContext(call); // get the expression for calling __new__ DynamicMetaObject createExpr = newAdapter.GetExpression(state.Binder); if (createExpr.Expression.Type == typeof(void)) { return BindingHelpers.AddDynamicTestAndDefer( call, createExpr, args, valInfo ); } Expression res; BindingRestrictions additionalRestrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty; if (!Value.IsSystemType && (!(newAdapter is DefaultNewAdapter) || HasFinalizer(call))) { // we need to dynamically check the return value to see if it's a subtype of // the type that we are calling. If it is then we need to call __init__/__del__ // for the actual returned type. res = DynamicExpression.Dynamic( Value.GetLateBoundInitBinder(sig), typeof(object), ArrayUtils.Insert( codeContext, Expression.Convert(createExpr.Expression, typeof(object)), DynamicUtils.GetExpressions(args) ) ); additionalRestrictions = createExpr.Restrictions; } else { // just call the __init__ method, built-in types currently have // no wacky return values which don't return the derived type. // then get the statement for calling __init__ ParameterExpression allocatedInst = Ast.Variable(createExpr.GetLimitType(), "newInst"); Expression tmpRead = allocatedInst; DynamicMetaObject initCall = initAdapter.MakeInitCall( state.Binder, new RestrictedMetaObject( AstUtils.Convert(allocatedInst, Value.UnderlyingSystemType), createExpr.Restrictions ) ); List<Expression> body = new List<Expression>(); Debug.Assert(!HasFinalizer(call)); // add the call to init if we need to if (initCall.Expression != tmpRead) { // init can fail but if __new__ returns a different type // no exception is raised. DynamicMetaObject initStmt = initCall; if (body.Count == 0) { body.Add( Ast.Assign(allocatedInst, createExpr.Expression) ); } if (!Value.UnderlyingSystemType.IsAssignableFrom(createExpr.Expression.Type)) { // return type of object, we need to check the return type before calling __init__. body.Add( AstUtils.IfThen( Ast.TypeIs(allocatedInst, Value.UnderlyingSystemType), initStmt.Expression ) ); } else { // just call the __init__ method, no type check necessary (TODO: need null check?) body.Add(initStmt.Expression); } } // and build the target from everything we have if (body.Count == 0) { res = createExpr.Expression; } else { body.Add(allocatedInst); res = Ast.Block(body); } res = Ast.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { allocatedInst }, res); additionalRestrictions = initCall.Restrictions; } return BindingHelpers.AddDynamicTestAndDefer( call, new DynamicMetaObject( res, self.Restrictions.Merge(additionalRestrictions) ), ArrayUtils.Insert(this, args), valInfo ); }
/// <summary> /// Creating a Python type involves calling __new__ and __init__. We resolve them /// and generate calls to either the builtin funcions directly or embed sites which /// call the slots at runtime. /// </summary> private DynamicMetaObject/*!*/ MakePythonTypeCall(DynamicMetaObjectBinder/*!*/ call, Expression/*!*/ codeContext, DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[]/*!*/ args) { ValidationInfo valInfo = MakeVersionCheck(); DynamicMetaObject self = new RestrictedMetaObject( AstUtils.Convert(Expression, LimitType), BindingRestrictionsHelpers.GetRuntimeTypeRestriction(Expression, LimitType), Value ); ArgumentValues ai = new ArgumentValues(BindingHelpers.GetCallSignature(call), self, args); NewAdapter newAdapter; InitAdapter initAdapter; if (TooManyArgsForDefaultNew(call, args)) { return MakeIncorrectArgumentsForCallError(call, ai, valInfo); } GetAdapters(ai, call, codeContext, out newAdapter, out initAdapter); BinderState state = BinderState.GetBinderState(call); // get the expression for calling __new__ DynamicMetaObject createExpr = newAdapter.GetExpression(state.Binder); if (createExpr.Expression.Type == typeof(void)) { return BindingHelpers.AddDynamicTestAndDefer( call, createExpr, args, valInfo ); } // then get the statement for calling __init__ ParameterExpression allocatedInst = Ast.Variable(createExpr.GetLimitType(), "newInst"); Expression tmpRead = allocatedInst; DynamicMetaObject initCall = initAdapter.MakeInitCall( state.Binder, new RestrictedMetaObject( AstUtils.Convert(allocatedInst, Value.UnderlyingSystemType), createExpr.Restrictions ) ); List<Expression> body = new List<Expression>(); // then get the call to __del__ if we need one if (HasFinalizer(call)) { body.Add( Ast.Assign(allocatedInst, createExpr.Expression) ); body.Add( GetFinalizerInitialization(call, allocatedInst) ); } // add the call to init if we need to if (initCall.Expression != tmpRead) { // init can fail but if __new__ returns a different type // no exception is raised. DynamicMetaObject initStmt = initCall; if (body.Count == 0) { body.Add( Ast.Assign(allocatedInst, createExpr.Expression) ); } if (!Value.UnderlyingSystemType.IsAssignableFrom(createExpr.Expression.Type)) { // return type of object, we need to check the return type before calling __init__. body.Add( AstUtils.IfThen( Ast.TypeIs(allocatedInst, Value.UnderlyingSystemType), initStmt.Expression ) ); } else { // just call the __init__ method, no type check necessary (TODO: need null check?) body.Add(initStmt.Expression); } } Expression res; // and build the target from everything we have if (body.Count == 0) { res = createExpr.Expression; } else { body.Add(allocatedInst); res = Ast.Block(body); } res = Ast.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { allocatedInst }, res); return BindingHelpers.AddDynamicTestAndDefer( call, new DynamicMetaObject( res, self.Restrictions.Merge(initCall.Restrictions) ), ArrayUtils.Insert(this, args), valInfo ); }