private Expression VisitYield(YieldExpression node) { if (node.Target != _generator.Target) { throw new InvalidOperationException("yield and generator must have the same LabelTarget object"); } var value = Visit(node.Value); var block = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <Expression>(); if (value == null) { // Yield break block.Add(Expression.Assign(_state, AstUtils.Constant(Finished))); if (_inTryWithFinally) { block.Add(Expression.Assign(_gotoRouter, AstUtils.Constant(GotoRouterYielding))); } block.Add(Expression.Goto(_returnLabels.Peek())); return(Expression.Block(block)); } // Yield return block.Add(MakeAssign(_current, value)); YieldMarker marker = GetYieldMarker(node); block.Add(Expression.Assign(_state, AstUtils.Constant(marker.State))); if (_inTryWithFinally) { block.Add(Expression.Assign(_gotoRouter, AstUtils.Constant(GotoRouterYielding))); } block.Add(Expression.Goto(_returnLabels.Peek())); block.Add(Expression.Label(marker.Label)); block.Add(Expression.Assign(_gotoRouter, AstUtils.Constant(GotoRouterNone))); block.Add(Utils.Empty()); return(Expression.Block(block)); }
/// <summary> /// Transform multiple python except handlers for a try block into a single catch body. /// </summary> /// <param name="exception">The variable for the exception in the catch block.</param> /// <returns>Null if there are no except handlers. Else the statement to go inside the catch handler</returns> private MSAst.Expression TransformHandlers(MSAst.ParameterExpression exception) { Assert.NotEmpty(_handlers); MSAst.ParameterExpression extracted = Ast.Variable(typeof(object), "$extracted"); var tests = new List <Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.IfStatementTest>(_handlers.Length); MSAst.ParameterExpression converted = null; MSAst.Expression catchAll = null; for (int index = 0; index < _handlers.Length; index++) { TryStatementHandler tsh = _handlers[index]; if (tsh.Test != null) { Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.IfStatementTest ist; // translating: // except Test ... // // generate following AST for the Test (common part): // CheckException(exception, Test) MSAst.Expression test = Ast.Call( AstMethods.CheckException, Parent.LocalContext, extracted, AstUtils.Convert(tsh.Test, typeof(object)) ); if (tsh.Target != null) { // translating: // except Test, Target: // <body> // into: // if ((converted = CheckException(exception, Test)) != null) { // Target = converted; // traceback-header // <body> // } if (converted == null) { converted = Ast.Variable(typeof(object), "$converted"); } ist = AstUtils.IfCondition( Ast.NotEqual( Ast.Assign(converted, test), AstUtils.Constant(null) ), Ast.Block( tsh.Target.TransformSet(SourceSpan.None, converted, PythonOperationKind.None), GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo( GetTracebackHeader( this, exception, tsh.Body ), new SourceSpan(tsh.Start, tsh.Header) ), AstUtils.Empty() ) ); } else { // translating: // except Test: // <body> // into: // if (CheckException(exception, Test) != null) { // traceback-header // <body> // } ist = AstUtils.IfCondition( Ast.NotEqual( test, AstUtils.Constant(null) ), GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo( GetTracebackHeader( this, exception, tsh.Body ), new SourceSpan(tsh.Start, tsh.Header) ) ); } // Add the test to the if statement test cascade tests.Add(ist); } else { Debug.Assert(index == _handlers.Length - 1); Debug.Assert(catchAll == null); // translating: // except: // <body> // into: // { // traceback-header // <body> // } catchAll = GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo( GetTracebackHeader(this, exception, tsh.Body), new SourceSpan(tsh.Start, tsh.Header) ); } } MSAst.Expression body = null; if (tests.Count > 0) { // rethrow the exception if we have no catch-all block if (catchAll == null) { catchAll = Ast.Block( Parent.GetSaveLineNumberExpression(exception, true), Ast.Throw( Ast.Call( typeof(ExceptionHelpers).GetMethod("UpdateForRethrow"), exception ) ) ); } body = AstUtils.If( tests.ToArray(), catchAll ); } else { Debug.Assert(catchAll != null); body = catchAll; } IList <MSAst.ParameterExpression> args; if (converted != null) { args = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.ParameterExpression> { converted, extracted }; } else { args = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.ParameterExpression> { extracted }; } // Codegen becomes: // extracted = PythonOps.SetCurrentException(exception) // < dynamic exception analysis > return(Ast.Block( args, Ast.Assign( extracted, Ast.Call( AstMethods.SetCurrentException, Parent.LocalContext, exception ) ), body, Ast.Assign(extracted, Ast.Constant(null)), AstUtils.Empty() )); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the LambdaExpression which implements the body of the function. /// /// The functions signature is either "object Function(PythonFunction, ...)" /// where there is one object parameter for each user defined parameter or /// object Function(PythonFunction, object[]) for functions which take more /// than PythonCallTargets.MaxArgs arguments. /// </summary> private LightLambdaExpression CreateFunctionLambda() { bool needsWrapperMethod = _parameters.Length > PythonCallTargets.MaxArgs; Delegate originalDelegate; Type delegateType = GetDelegateType(_parameters, needsWrapperMethod, out originalDelegate); MSAst.ParameterExpression localContext = null; ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.ParameterExpression> locals = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.ParameterExpression>(); if (NeedsLocalContext) { localContext = LocalCodeContextVariable; locals.Add(localContext); } MSAst.ParameterExpression[] parameters = CreateParameters(needsWrapperMethod, locals); List <MSAst.Expression> init = new List <MSAst.Expression>(); foreach (var param in _parameters) { IPythonVariableExpression pyVar = GetVariableExpression(param.PythonVariable) as IPythonVariableExpression; if (pyVar != null) { var varInit = pyVar.Create(); if (varInit != null) { init.Add(varInit); } } } // Transform the parameters. init.Add(Ast.ClearDebugInfo(GlobalParent.Document)); locals.Add(PythonAst._globalContext); init.Add(Ast.Assign(PythonAst._globalContext, new GetGlobalContextExpression(_parentContext))); GlobalParent.PrepareScope(locals, init); // Create variables and references. Since references refer to // parameters, do this after parameters have been created. CreateFunctionVariables(locals, init); // If the __class__ variable is used the a class method then we need to initialize it. // This must be done before parameter initialization (in case one of the parameters is called __class__). ClassDefinition parent = FindParentOfType <ClassDefinition>(); PythonVariable pVar; if (parent != null && TryGetVariable("__class__", out pVar)) { init.Add( AssignValue( GetVariableExpression(pVar), Ast.Call(AstMethods.LookupName, parent.Parent.LocalContext, Ast.Constant(parent.Name)) ) ); } // Initialize parameters - unpack tuples. // Since tuples unpack into locals, this must be done after locals have been created. InitializeParameters(init, needsWrapperMethod, parameters); List <MSAst.Expression> statements = new List <MSAst.Expression>(); // add beginning sequence point var start = GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(StartIndex); statements.Add(GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo( AstUtils.Empty(), new SourceSpan(new SourceLocation(0, start.Line, start.Column), new SourceLocation(0, start.Line, Int32.MaxValue)))); // For generators, we need to do a check before the first statement for Generator.Throw() / Generator.Close(). // The exception traceback needs to come from the generator's method body, and so we must do the check and throw // from inside the generator. if (IsGenerator) { MSAst.Expression s1 = YieldExpression.CreateCheckThrowExpression(SourceSpan.None); statements.Add(s1); } MSAst.ParameterExpression extracted = null; if (!IsGenerator && _canSetSysExcInfo) { // need to allocate the exception here so we don't share w/ exceptions made & freed // during the body. extracted = Ast.Parameter(typeof(Exception), "$ex"); locals.Add(extracted); } if (_body.CanThrow && !(_body is SuiteStatement) && _body.StartIndex != -1) { statements.Add(UpdateLineNumber(GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(_body.StartIndex).Line)); } statements.Add(Body); MSAst.Expression body = Ast.Block(statements); // If this function can modify sys.exc_info() (_canSetSysExcInfo), then it must restore the result on finish. // // Wrap in // $temp = PythonOps.SaveCurrentException() // <body> // PythonOps.RestoreCurrentException($temp) // Skip this if we're a generator. For generators, the try finally is handled by the PythonGenerator class // before it's invoked. This is because the restoration must occur at every place the function returns from // a yield point. That's different than the finally semantics in a generator. if (extracted != null) { MSAst.Expression s = AstUtils.Try( Ast.Assign( extracted, Ast.Call(AstMethods.SaveCurrentException) ), body ).Finally( Ast.Call( AstMethods.RestoreCurrentException, extracted ) ); body = s; } if (_body.CanThrow && GlobalParent.PyContext.PythonOptions.Frames) { body = AddFrame(LocalContext, Ast.Property(_functionParam, typeof(PythonFunction).GetProperty("__code__")), body); locals.Add(FunctionStackVariable); } body = AddProfiling(body); body = WrapScopeStatements(body, _body.CanThrow); body = Ast.Block(body, AstUtils.Empty()); body = AddReturnTarget(body); MSAst.Expression bodyStmt = body; if (localContext != null) { var createLocal = CreateLocalContext(_parentContext); init.Add( Ast.Assign( localContext, createLocal ) ); } init.Add(bodyStmt); bodyStmt = Ast.Block(init); // wrap a scope if needed bodyStmt = Ast.Block(locals.ToReadOnlyCollection(), bodyStmt); return(AstUtils.LightLambda( typeof(object), delegateType, AddDefaultReturn(bodyStmt, typeof(object)), Name + "$" + Interlocked.Increment(ref _lambdaId), parameters )); }
private MSAst.Expression AddFinally(MSAst.Expression /*!*/ body) { if (Finally != null) { MSAst.ParameterExpression tryThrows = Ast.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$tryThrows"); MSAst.ParameterExpression locException = Ast.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$localException"); MSAst.Expression? @finally = Finally; // lots is going on here. We need to consider: // 1. Exceptions propagating out of try/except/finally. Here we need to save the line # // from the exception block and not save the # from the finally block later. // 2. Exceptions propagating out of the finally block. Here we need to report the line number // from the finally block and leave the existing stack traces cleared. // 3. Returning from the try block: Here we need to run the finally block and not update the // line numbers. body = AstUtils.Try( // we use a fault to know when we have an exception and when control leaves normally (via // either a return or the body completing successfully). AstUtils.Try( Parent.AddDebugInfo(AstUtils.Empty(), new SourceSpan(Span.Start, GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(HeaderIndex))), Ast.Assign(tryThrows, AstUtils.Constant(null, typeof(Exception))), body, AstUtils.Empty() ).Catch( locException, Expression.Block( // If there was no except block, or the except block threw, then the // exception has not yet been properly set, so we need to set the // currently handled exception when we catch it Ast.Call(AstMethods.SetCurrentException, Parent.LocalContext, locException), Ast.Assign(tryThrows, locException), Expression.Rethrow() ) ) ).FinallyWithJumps( // if we had an exception save the line # that was last executing during the try AstUtils.If( Expression.NotEqual(tryThrows, Expression.Default(typeof(Exception))), Parent.GetSaveLineNumberExpression(tryThrows, false) ), // clear the frames incase thae finally throws, and allow line number // updates to proceed UpdateLineUpdated(false), // run the finally code // if the finally block reraises the same exception we have been handling, // mark it as already updated AstUtils.Try( @finally ).Catch( locException, AstUtils.If( Expression.Equal(locException, tryThrows), UpdateLineUpdated(true) ), Expression.Rethrow() ), // if we took an exception in the try block we have saved the line number. Otherwise // we have no line number saved and will need to continue saving them if // other exceptions are thrown. AstUtils.If( Expression.NotEqual(tryThrows, Expression.Default(typeof(Exception))), UpdateLineUpdated(true) ) ); body = Ast.Block(new[] { tryThrows }, body); } return(body); }
public override MSAst.Expression Reduce() { return(GlobalParent.AddDebugInfoAndVoid(AstUtils.Empty(), Span)); }
private MSAst.Expression ReduceWorker(bool optimizeDynamicConvert) { MSAst.Expression result; if (_tests.Length > 100) { // generate: // if(x) { // body // goto end // } else { // } // elseBody // end: // // to avoid deeply recursive trees which can stack overflow. var builder = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.Expression>(); var label = Ast.Label(); for (int i = 0; i < _tests.Length; i++) { IfStatementTest ist = _tests[i]; builder.Add( Ast.Condition( optimizeDynamicConvert ? TransformAndDynamicConvert(ist.Test, typeof(bool)) : GlobalParent.Convert(typeof(bool), Microsoft.Scripting.Actions.ConversionResultKind.ExplicitCast, ist.Test), Ast.Block( TransformMaybeSingleLineSuite(ist.Body, ist.Test.Start), Ast.Goto(label) ), AstUtils.Empty() ) ); } if (_else != null) { builder.Add(_else); } builder.Add(Ast.Label(label)); result = Ast.Block(builder); } else { // Now build from the inside out if (_else != null) { result = _else; } else { result = AstUtils.Empty(); } int i = _tests.Length; while (i-- > 0) { IfStatementTest ist = _tests[i]; result = GlobalParent.AddDebugInfoAndVoid( Ast.Condition( optimizeDynamicConvert ? TransformAndDynamicConvert(ist.Test, typeof(bool)) : GlobalParent.Convert(typeof(bool), Microsoft.Scripting.Actions.ConversionResultKind.ExplicitCast, ist.Test), TransformMaybeSingleLineSuite(ist.Body, ist.Test.Start), result ), new SourceSpan(ist.Start, ist.Header) ); } } return(result); }
internal override MSAst.Expression TransformSet(SourceSpan span, MSAst.Expression right, PythonOperationKind op) { // if we just have a simple named multi-assignment (e.g. a, b = 1,2) // then go ahead and step over the entire statement at once. If we have a // more complex statement (e.g. a.b, c.d = 1, 2) then we'll step over the // sets individually as they could be property sets the user wants to step // into. TODO: Enable stepping of the right hand side? bool emitIndividualSets = false; foreach (Expression e in _items) { if (IsComplexAssignment(e)) { emitIndividualSets = true; break; } } SourceSpan rightSpan = SourceSpan.None; SourceSpan leftSpan = (Span.Start.IsValid && span.IsValid) ? new SourceSpan(Span.Start, span.End) : SourceSpan.None; SourceSpan totalSpan = SourceSpan.None; if (emitIndividualSets) { rightSpan = span; leftSpan = SourceSpan.None; totalSpan = (Span.Start.IsValid && span.IsValid) ? new SourceSpan(Span.Start, span.End) : SourceSpan.None; } // 1. Evaluate the expression and assign the value to the temp. MSAst.ParameterExpression right_temp = Ast.Variable(typeof(object), "unpacking"); // 2. Add the assignment "right_temp = right" into the suite/block MSAst.Expression assignStmt1 = MakeAssignment(right_temp, right); // 3. Call GetEnumeratorValues on the right side (stored in temp) MSAst.Expression enumeratorValues = Expression.Convert(LightExceptions.CheckAndThrow( Expression.Call( emitIndividualSets ? AstMethods.GetEnumeratorValues : AstMethods.GetEnumeratorValuesNoComplexSets, // method // arguments Parent.LocalContext, right_temp, AstUtils.Constant(_items.Length) ) ), typeof(object[])); // 4. Create temporary variable for the array MSAst.ParameterExpression array_temp = Ast.Variable(typeof(object[]), "array"); // 5. Assign the value of the method call (mce) into the array temp // And add the assignment "array_temp = Ops.GetEnumeratorValues(...)" into the block MSAst.Expression assignStmt2 = MakeAssignment( array_temp, enumeratorValues, rightSpan ); ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.Expression> sets = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.Expression>(_items.Length + 1); for (int i = 0; i < _items.Length; i++) { // target = array_temp[i] Expression target = _items[i]; if (target == null) { continue; } // 6. array_temp[i] MSAst.Expression element = Ast.ArrayAccess( array_temp, // array expression AstUtils.Constant(i) // index ); // 7. target = array_temp[i], and add the transformed assignment into the list of sets MSAst.Expression set = target.TransformSet( emitIndividualSets ? // span target.Span : SourceSpan.None, element, PythonOperationKind.None ); sets.Add(set); } // 9. add the sets as their own block so they can be marked as a single span, if necessary. sets.Add(AstUtils.Empty()); MSAst.Expression itemSet = GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo(Ast.Block(sets.ToReadOnlyCollection()), leftSpan); // 10. Return the suite statement (block) return(GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo(Ast.Block(new[] { array_temp, right_temp }, assignStmt1, assignStmt2, itemSet, AstUtils.Empty()), totalSpan)); }
protected override Expression VisitTry(TryExpression node) { int startYields = _yields.Count; bool savedInTryWithFinally = _inTryWithFinally; if (node.Finally != null || node.Fault != null) { _inTryWithFinally = true; } Expression @try = Visit(node.Body); int tryYields = _yields.Count; IList <CatchBlock> handlers = Visit(node.Handlers, VisitCatchBlock); int catchYields = _yields.Count; // push a new return label in case the finally block yields _returnLabels.Push(Expression.Label()); // only one of these can be non-null Expression @finally = Visit(node.Finally); Expression fault = Visit(node.Fault); LabelTarget finallyReturn = _returnLabels.Pop(); int finallyYields = _yields.Count; _inTryWithFinally = savedInTryWithFinally; if (@try == node.Body && handlers == node.Handlers && @finally == node.Finally && fault == node.Fault) { return(node); } // No yields, just return if (startYields == _yields.Count) { return(Expression.MakeTry(null, @try, @finally, fault, handlers)); } if (fault != null && finallyYields != catchYields) { // No one needs this yet, and it's not clear how we should get back to // the fault throw new NotSupportedException("yield in fault block is not supported"); } // If try has yields, we need to build a new try body that // dispatches to the yield labels var tryStart = Expression.Label(); if (tryYields != startYields) { @try = Expression.Block(MakeYieldRouter(node.Body.Type, startYields, tryYields, tryStart), @try); } // Transform catches with yield to deferred handlers if (catchYields != tryYields) { var block = new List <Expression>(); block.Add(MakeYieldRouter(node.Body.Type, tryYields, catchYields, tryStart)); block.Add(null); // empty slot to fill in later for (int i = 0, n = handlers.Count; i < n; i++) { CatchBlock c = handlers[i]; if (c == node.Handlers[i]) { continue; } if (handlers.IsReadOnly) { handlers = handlers.ToArray(); } // the variable that will be scoped to the catch block var exceptionVar = Expression.Variable(c.Test, null); // the variable that the catch block body will use to // access the exception. We reuse the original variable if // the catch block had one. It needs to be hoisted because // the catch might contain yields. var deferredVar = c.Variable ?? Expression.Variable(c.Test, null); _vars.Add(deferredVar); // We need to ensure that filters can access the exception // variable Expression filter = c.Filter; if (filter != null && c.Variable != null) { filter = Expression.Block(new[] { c.Variable }, Expression.Assign(c.Variable, exceptionVar), filter); } // catch (ExceptionType exceptionVar) { // deferredVar = exceptionVar; // } handlers[i] = Expression.Catch( exceptionVar, Expression.Block( Expression.Assign(deferredVar, exceptionVar), Expression.Default(node.Body.Type) ), filter ); // We need to rewrite rethrows into "throw deferredVar" var catchBody = new RethrowRewriter { Exception = deferredVar }.Visit(c.Body); // if (deferredVar != null) { // ... catch body ... // } block.Add( Expression.Condition( Expression.NotEqual(deferredVar, AstUtils.Constant(null, deferredVar.Type)), catchBody, Expression.Default(node.Body.Type) ) ); } block[1] = Expression.MakeTry(null, @try, null, null, new ReadOnlyCollection <CatchBlock>(handlers)); @try = Expression.Block(block); handlers = new CatchBlock[0]; // so we don't reuse these } if (finallyYields != catchYields) { // We need to add a catch block to save the exception, so we // can rethrow in case there is a yield in the finally. Also, // add logic for returning. It looks like this: // // try { ... } catch (Exception all) { saved = all; } // finally { // if (_finallyReturnVar) goto finallyReturn; // ... // if (saved != null) throw saved; // finallyReturn: // } // if (_finallyReturnVar) goto _return; // We need to add a catch(Exception), so if we have catches, // wrap them in a try if (handlers.Count > 0) { @try = Expression.MakeTry(null, @try, null, null, handlers); handlers = new CatchBlock[0]; } // NOTE: the order of these routers is important // The first call changes the labels to all point at "tryEnd", // so the second router will jump to "tryEnd" var tryEnd = Expression.Label(); Expression inFinallyRouter = MakeYieldRouter(node.Body.Type, catchYields, finallyYields, tryEnd); Expression inTryRouter = MakeYieldRouter(node.Body.Type, catchYields, finallyYields, tryStart); var all = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception), "e"); var saved = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$saved$" + _temps.Count); _temps.Add(saved); @try = Expression.Block( Expression.TryCatchFinally( Expression.Block( inTryRouter, @try, Expression.Assign(saved, AstUtils.Constant(null, saved.Type)), Expression.Label(tryEnd) ), Expression.Block( MakeSkipFinallyBlock(finallyReturn), inFinallyRouter, @finally, Expression.Condition( Expression.NotEqual(saved, AstUtils.Constant(null, saved.Type)), Expression.Throw(saved), Utils.Empty() ), Expression.Label(finallyReturn) ), Expression.Catch(all, Utils.Void(Expression.Assign(saved, all))) ), Expression.Condition( Expression.Equal(_gotoRouter, AstUtils.Constant(GotoRouterYielding)), Expression.Goto(_returnLabels.Peek()), Utils.Empty() ) ); @finally = null; } else if (@finally != null) { // try or catch had a yield, modify finally so we can skip over it @finally = Expression.Block( MakeSkipFinallyBlock(finallyReturn), @finally, Expression.Label(finallyReturn) ); } // Make the outer try, if needed if (handlers.Count > 0 || @finally != null || fault != null) { @try = Expression.MakeTry(null, @try, @finally, fault, handlers); } return(Expression.Block(Expression.Label(tryStart), @try)); }
public static Expression Unless(Expression test, Expression body) { return(IfThenElse(test, Utils.Empty(), body)); }
internal static MSAst.Expression TransformForStatement(ScopeStatement parent, MSAst.ParameterExpression enumerator, Expression list, Expression left, MSAst.Expression body, Statement else_, SourceSpan span, SourceLocation header, MSAst.LabelTarget breakLabel, MSAst.LabelTarget continueLabel) { // enumerator, isDisposable = Dynamic(GetEnumeratorBinder, list) MSAst.Expression init = Ast.Assign( enumerator, parent.GlobalParent.Operation( typeof(KeyValuePair <IEnumerator, IDisposable>), PythonOperationKind.GetEnumeratorForIteration, AstUtils.Convert(list, typeof(object)) ) ); // while enumerator.MoveNext(): // left = enumerator.Current // body // else: // else MSAst.Expression ls = AstUtils.Loop( parent.GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo( Ast.Call( Ast.Property( enumerator, typeof(KeyValuePair <IEnumerator, IDisposable>).GetProperty("Key") ), typeof(IEnumerator).GetMethod("MoveNext") ), left.Span ), null, Ast.Block( left.TransformSet( SourceSpan.None, Ast.Call( Ast.Property( enumerator, typeof(KeyValuePair <IEnumerator, IDisposable>).GetProperty("Key") ), typeof(IEnumerator).GetProperty("Current").GetGetMethod() ), PythonOperationKind.None ), body, UpdateLineNumber(list.Start.Line), AstUtils.Empty() ), else_, breakLabel, continueLabel ); return(Ast.Block( init, Ast.TryFinally( ls, Ast.Call(AstMethods.ForLoopDispose, enumerator) ) )); }
private MSAst.Expression AddFinally(MSAst.Expression /*!*/ body, MSAst.ParameterExpression nestedException) { if (_finally != null) { Debug.Assert(nestedException != null); MSAst.ParameterExpression nestedFrames = Ast.Variable(typeof(List <DynamicStackFrame>), "$nestedFrames"); MSAst.Expression @finally = _finally; // lots is going on here. We need to consider: // 1. Exceptions propagating out of try/except/finally. Here we need to save the line # // from the exception block and not save the # from the finally block later. // 2. Exceptions propagating out of the finally block. Here we need to report the line number // from the finally block and leave the existing stack traces cleared. // 3. Returning from the try block: Here we need to run the finally block and not update the // line numbers. body = AstUtils.Try( // we use a fault to know when we have an exception and when control leaves normally (via // either a return or the body completing successfully). AstUtils.Try( Parent.AddDebugInfo(AstUtils.Empty(), new SourceSpan(Span.Start, _header)), Ast.Assign(nestedException, AstUtils.Constant(false)), body ).Fault( // fault Ast.Assign(nestedException, AstUtils.Constant(true)) ) ).FinallyWithJumps( // if we had an exception save the line # that was last executing during the try AstUtils.If( nestedException, Parent.GetSaveLineNumberExpression(false) ), // clear the frames incase thae finally throws, and allow line number // updates to proceed UpdateLineUpdated(false), Ast.Assign( nestedFrames, Ast.Call(AstMethods.GetAndClearDynamicStackFrames) ), // run the finally code @finally, // if the finally exits normally restore any previous exception info Ast.Call( AstMethods.SetDynamicStackFrames, nestedFrames ), // if we took an exception in the try block we have saved the line number. Otherwise // we have no line number saved and will need to continue saving them if // other exceptions are thrown. AstUtils.If( nestedException, UpdateLineUpdated(true) ) ); body = Ast.Block(new[] { nestedFrames }, body); } return(body); }
/// <summary> /// WithStatement is translated to the DLR AST equivalent to /// the following Python code snippet (from with statement spec): /// /// mgr = (EXPR) /// exit = mgr.__exit__ # Not calling it yet /// value = mgr.__enter__() /// exc = True /// try: /// VAR = value # Only if "as VAR" is present /// BLOCK /// except: /// # The exceptional case is handled here /// exc = False /// if not exit(*sys.exc_info()): /// raise /// # The exception is swallowed if exit() returns true /// finally: /// # The normal and non-local-goto cases are handled here /// if exc: /// exit(None, None, None) /// /// </summary> public override MSAst.Expression Reduce() { // Five statements in the result... ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.Expression> statements = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.Expression>(6); ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.ParameterExpression> variables = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.ParameterExpression>(6); MSAst.ParameterExpression lineUpdated = Ast.Variable(typeof(bool), "$lineUpdated_with"); variables.Add(lineUpdated); //****************************************************************** // 1. mgr = (EXPR) //****************************************************************** MSAst.ParameterExpression manager = Ast.Variable(typeof(object), "with_manager"); variables.Add(manager); statements.Add( GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo( Ast.Assign( manager, _contextManager ), new SourceSpan(GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(StartIndex), GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(_headerIndex)) ) ); //****************************************************************** // 2. exit = mgr.__exit__ # Not calling it yet //****************************************************************** MSAst.ParameterExpression exit = Ast.Variable(typeof(object), "with_exit"); variables.Add(exit); statements.Add( MakeAssignment( exit, GlobalParent.Get( "__exit__", manager ) ) ); //****************************************************************** // 3. value = mgr.__enter__() //****************************************************************** MSAst.ParameterExpression value = Ast.Variable(typeof(object), "with_value"); variables.Add(value); statements.Add( GlobalParent.AddDebugInfoAndVoid( MakeAssignment( value, Parent.Invoke( new CallSignature(0), Parent.LocalContext, GlobalParent.Get( "__enter__", manager ) ) ), new SourceSpan(GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(StartIndex), GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(_headerIndex)) ) ); //****************************************************************** // 4. exc = True //****************************************************************** MSAst.ParameterExpression exc = Ast.Variable(typeof(bool), "with_exc"); variables.Add(exc); statements.Add( MakeAssignment( exc, AstUtils.Constant(true) ) ); //****************************************************************** // 5. The final try statement: // // try: // VAR = value # Only if "as VAR" is present // BLOCK // except: // # The exceptional case is handled here // exc = False // if not exit(*sys.exc_info()): // raise // # The exception is swallowed if exit() returns true // finally: // # The normal and non-local-goto cases are handled here // if exc: // exit(None, None, None) //****************************************************************** MSAst.ParameterExpression exception; statements.Add( // try: AstUtils.Try( AstUtils.Try(// try statement body PushLineUpdated(false, lineUpdated), _var != null ? (MSAst.Expression)Ast.Block( // VAR = value _var.TransformSet(SourceSpan.None, value, PythonOperationKind.None), // BLOCK _body, AstUtils.Empty() ) : // BLOCK (MSAst.Expression)_body // except:, // try statement location ).Catch(exception = Ast.Variable(typeof(Exception), "exception"), // Python specific exception handling code TryStatement.GetTracebackHeader( this, exception, GlobalParent.AddDebugInfoAndVoid( Ast.Block( // exc = False MakeAssignment( exc, AstUtils.Constant(false) ), // if not exit(*sys.exc_info()): // raise AstUtils.IfThen( GlobalParent.Convert( typeof(bool), ConversionResultKind.ExplicitCast, GlobalParent.Operation( typeof(bool), PythonOperationKind.IsFalse, MakeExitCall(exit, exception) ) ), UpdateLineUpdated(true), Ast.Throw( Ast.Call( AstMethods.MakeRethrowExceptionWorker, exception ) ) ) ), _body.Span ) ), PopLineUpdated(lineUpdated), Ast.Empty() ) // finally: ).Finally( // if exc: // exit(None, None, None) AstUtils.IfThen( exc, GlobalParent.AddDebugInfoAndVoid( Ast.Block( MSAst.DynamicExpression.Dynamic( GlobalParent.PyContext.Invoke( new CallSignature(3) // signature doesn't include function ), typeof(object), new MSAst.Expression[] { Parent.LocalContext, exit, AstUtils.Constant(null), AstUtils.Constant(null), AstUtils.Constant(null) } ), Ast.Empty() ), _contextManager.Span ) ) ) ); statements.Add(AstUtils.Empty()); return(Ast.Block(variables.ToReadOnlyCollection(), statements.ToReadOnlyCollection())); }
public override MSAst.Expression Reduce() { if (_names == _star) { // from a[.b] import * return(GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo( Ast.Call( AstMethods.ImportStar, Parent.LocalContext, AstUtils.Constant(_root.MakeString()), AstUtils.Constant(GetLevel()) ), Span )); } else { // from a[.b] import x [as xx], [ y [ as yy] ] [ , ... ] ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.Expression> statements = new ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder <MSAst.Expression>(); MSAst.ParameterExpression module = Ast.Variable(typeof(object), "module"); // Create initializer of the array of names being passed to ImportWithNames MSAst.Expression[] names = new MSAst.Expression[_names.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { names[i] = AstUtils.Constant(_names[i]); } // module = PythonOps.ImportWithNames(<context>, _root, make_array(_names)) statements.Add( GlobalParent.AddDebugInfoAndVoid( AssignValue( module, LightExceptions.CheckAndThrow( Expression.Call( AstMethods.ImportWithNames, Parent.LocalContext, AstUtils.Constant(_root.MakeString()), Ast.NewArrayInit(typeof(string), names), AstUtils.Constant(GetLevel()) ) ) ), _root.Span ) ); // now load all the names being imported and assign the variables for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { statements.Add( GlobalParent.AddDebugInfoAndVoid( AssignValue( Parent.GetVariableExpression(_variables[i]), Ast.Call( AstMethods.ImportFrom, Parent.LocalContext, module, names[i] ) ), Span ) ); } statements.Add(AstUtils.Empty()); return(GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo(Ast.Block(new[] { module }, statements.ToArray()), Span)); } }
public override MSAst.Expression Reduce() { // allocated all variables here so they won't be shared w/ other // locals allocated during the body or except blocks. MSAst.ParameterExpression lineUpdated = null; MSAst.ParameterExpression runElse = null; if (_else != null || (_handlers != null && _handlers.Length > 0)) { lineUpdated = Ast.Variable(typeof(bool), "$lineUpdated_try"); if (_else != null) { runElse = Ast.Variable(typeof(bool), "run_else"); } } // don't allocate locals below here... MSAst.Expression body = _body; MSAst.Expression @else = _else; MSAst.Expression @catch, result; MSAst.ParameterExpression exception; if (_handlers != null && _handlers.Length > 0) { exception = Ast.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$exception"); @catch = TransformHandlers(exception); } else { exception = null; @catch = null; } // We have else clause, must generate guard around it if (@else != null) { Debug.Assert(@catch != null); // run_else = true; // try { // try_body // } catch ( ... ) { // run_else = false; // catch_body // } // if (run_else) { // else_body // } result = Ast.Block( Ast.Assign(runElse, AstUtils.Constant(true)), // save existing line updated, we could choose to do this only for nested exception handlers. PushLineUpdated(false, lineUpdated), AstUtils.Try( Parent.AddDebugInfo(AstUtils.Empty(), new SourceSpan(Span.Start, _header)), body ).Catch(exception, Ast.Assign(runElse, AstUtils.Constant(false)), @catch, // restore existing line updated after exception handler completes PopLineUpdated(lineUpdated), Ast.Assign(exception, Ast.Constant(null, typeof(Exception))), AstUtils.Default(body.Type) ), AstUtils.IfThen(runElse, @else ), AstUtils.Empty() ); } else if (@catch != null) // no "else" clause // try { // <try body> // } catch (Exception e) { // ... catch handling ... // } // { result = AstUtils.Try( GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo(AstUtils.Empty(), new SourceSpan(Span.Start, _header)), // save existing line updated PushLineUpdated(false, lineUpdated), body ).Catch(exception, @catch, // restore existing line updated after exception handler completes PopLineUpdated(lineUpdated), Ast.Call(AstMethods.ExceptionHandled, Parent.LocalContext), Ast.Assign(exception, Ast.Constant(null, typeof(Exception))), AstUtils.Default(body.Type) ); } else { result = body; } return(Ast.Block( GetVariables(lineUpdated, runElse), AddFinally(result) )); }
public override MSAst.Expression Reduce() { // global statement is Python's specific syntactic sugar. return(AstUtils.Empty()); }
protected override Expression VisitTry(TryExpression node) { // Visit finally/fault block first BlockInfo block = new BlockInfo { InFinally = true }; _blocks.Push(block); Expression @finally = Visit(node.Finally); Expression fault = Visit(node.Fault); block.InFinally = false; LabelTarget finallyEnd = block.FlowLabel; if (finallyEnd != null) { // Make a new target, which will be emitted after the try block.FlowLabel = Expression.Label(); } Expression @try = Visit(node.Body); IList <CatchBlock> handlers = Visit(node.Handlers, VisitCatchBlock); _blocks.Pop(); if (@try == node.Body && handlers == node.Handlers && @finally == node.Finally && fault == node.Fault) { return(node); } if (!block.HasFlow) { return(Expression.MakeTry(null, @try, @finally, fault, handlers)); } if (node.Type != typeof(void)) { // This is not hard to support in principle, but not needed by anyone yet. throw new NotSupportedException("FinallyFlowControlExpression does not support TryExpressions of non-void type."); } // If there is a control flow in finally, emit outer: // try { // // try block body and all catch handling // } catch (Exception all) { // saved = all; // } finally { // finally_body // if (saved != null) { // throw saved; // } // } // // If we have a fault handler we turn this into the better: // try { // // try block body and all catch handling // } catch (Exception all) { // fault_body // throw all // } if (handlers.Count > 0) { @try = Expression.MakeTry(null, @try, null, null, handlers); } var saved = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$exception"); var all = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception), "e"); if (@finally != null) { handlers = new[] { Expression.Catch( all, Expression.Block( Expression.Assign(saved, all), Utils.Default(node.Type) ) ) }; @finally = Expression.Block( @finally, Expression.Condition( Expression.NotEqual(saved, AstUtils.Constant(null, saved.Type)), Expression.Throw(saved), Utils.Empty() ) ); if (finallyEnd != null) { @finally = Expression.Label(finallyEnd, @finally); } } else { Debug.Assert(fault != null); fault = Expression.Block(fault, Expression.Throw(all)); if (finallyEnd != null) { fault = Expression.Label(finallyEnd, fault); } handlers = new[] { Expression.Catch(all, fault) }; fault = null; } // Emit flow control return(Expression.Block( new[] { saved }, Expression.MakeTry(null, @try, @finally, fault, handlers), Expression.Label(block.FlowLabel), MakeFlowControlSwitch(block) )); }
private MSA.Expression /*!*/ TransformExceptionHandling(AstGenerator /*!*/ gen, ResultOperation resultOperation) { Assert.NotNull(gen); MSA.Expression exceptionThrownVariable = gen.CurrentScope.DefineHiddenVariable("#exception-thrown", typeof(bool)); MSA.Expression exceptionRethrowVariable = gen.CurrentScope.DefineHiddenVariable("#exception-rethrow", typeof(bool)); MSA.Expression retryingVariable = gen.CurrentScope.DefineHiddenVariable("#retrying", typeof(bool)); MSA.Expression oldExceptionVariable = gen.CurrentScope.DefineHiddenVariable("#old-exception", typeof(Exception)); MSA.ParameterExpression unwinder, exceptionVariable; MSA.Expression transformedBody; MSA.Expression transformedEnsure; MSA.Expression transformedElse; if (_ensureStatements != null) { transformedEnsure = Ast.Block( // ensure: Ast.Assign(oldExceptionVariable, Methods.GetCurrentException.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable)), gen.TransformStatements(_ensureStatements, ResultOperation.Ignore), Methods.SetCurrentException.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable, oldExceptionVariable), // rethrow: AstUtils.IfThen( Ast.AndAlso( exceptionRethrowVariable, Ast.NotEqual(oldExceptionVariable, AstUtils.Constant(null)) ), Ast.Throw(oldExceptionVariable) ) ); } else { // rethrow: transformedEnsure = AstUtils.IfThen( Ast.AndAlso( exceptionRethrowVariable, Ast.NotEqual( Ast.Assign(oldExceptionVariable, Methods.GetCurrentException.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable)), AstUtils.Constant(null, typeof(Exception))) ), Ast.Throw(oldExceptionVariable) ); } if (_elseStatements != null) { transformedElse = gen.TransformStatements(_elseStatements, resultOperation); } else { transformedElse = AstUtils.Empty(); } // body should do return, but else-clause is present => we cannot do return from the guarded statements: // (the value of the last expression in the body cannot be the last executed expression statement => we can ignore it): transformedBody = gen.TransformStatements(_statements, (_elseStatements != null) ? ResultOperation.Ignore : resultOperation); MSA.Expression enterRescue = null, leaveRescue = null; var retryLabel = Ast.Label("retry"); // make rescue clause: MSA.Expression transformedRescue; if (_rescueClauses != null) { // outer-most EH blocks sets and clears runtime flag RuntimeFlowControl.InTryRescue: if (gen.CurrentRescue == null) { enterRescue = Methods.EnterRescue.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable); leaveRescue = Methods.LeaveRescue.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable); } else { enterRescue = leaveRescue = AstUtils.Empty(); } gen.EnterRescueClause(retryingVariable, retryLabel); var handlers = new IfStatementTest[_rescueClauses.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < handlers.Length; i++) { handlers[i] = _rescueClauses[i].Transform(gen, resultOperation); } transformedRescue = AstUtils.Try( enterRescue, AstUtils.If(handlers, Ast.Assign(exceptionRethrowVariable, AstUtils.Constant(true))) ).Filter(unwinder = Ast.Parameter(typeof(EvalUnwinder), "#u"), Ast.Equal(Ast.Field(unwinder, EvalUnwinder.ReasonField), AstUtils.Constant(BlockReturnReason.Retry)), Ast.Block( Ast.Assign(retryingVariable, AstUtils.Constant(true)), Ast.Continue(retryLabel), AstUtils.Empty() ) ); gen.LeaveRescueClause(); } else { transformedRescue = Ast.Assign(exceptionRethrowVariable, AstUtils.Constant(true)); } if (_elseStatements != null) { transformedElse = AstUtils.Unless(exceptionThrownVariable, transformedElse); } var result = Ast.Block( Ast.Label(retryLabel), AstUtils.Try( Ast.Assign(exceptionThrownVariable, AstUtils.Constant(false)), Ast.Assign(exceptionRethrowVariable, AstUtils.Constant(false)), Ast.Assign(retryingVariable, AstUtils.Constant(false)), // save exception (old_$! is not used unless there is a rescue clause): (_rescueClauses == null) ? (MSA.Expression)AstUtils.Empty() : Ast.Assign(oldExceptionVariable, Methods.GetCurrentException.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable)), AstUtils.Try( Ast.Block(transformedBody, AstUtils.Empty()) ).Filter(exceptionVariable = Ast.Parameter(typeof(Exception), "#e"), Methods.CanRescue.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable, exceptionVariable), Ast.Assign(exceptionThrownVariable, AstUtils.Constant(true)), transformedRescue, AstUtils.Empty() ).FinallyIf((_rescueClauses != null), // restore previous exception if the current one has been handled: AstUtils.Unless(exceptionRethrowVariable, Methods.SetCurrentException.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable, oldExceptionVariable) ), leaveRescue ), // unless (exception_thrown) do <else-statements> end transformedElse, AstUtils.Empty() ).FilterIf((_rescueClauses != null || _elseStatements != null), exceptionVariable = Ast.Parameter(typeof(Exception), "#e"), Methods.CanRescue.OpCall(gen.CurrentScopeVariable, exceptionVariable), Ast.Assign(exceptionRethrowVariable, AstUtils.Constant(true)), AstUtils.Empty() ).FinallyWithJumps( AstUtils.Unless(retryingVariable, transformedEnsure) ) ); return(result); }
public static LoopExpression Loop(Expression test, Expression increment, Expression body, Expression @else, LabelTarget @break, LabelTarget @continue) { ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(body, "body"); if (test != null) { ContractUtils.Requires(test.Type == typeof(bool), "test", "Test must be boolean"); if (@break == null) { @break = Expression.Label(); } } // for (;;) { // if (test) { // } else { // else; // break; // } // Body // continue: // Increment; // } // If there is no test, 'else' will never execute and gets simply thrown away. return(Expression.Loop( Expression.Block( test != null ? (Expression)Expression.Condition( test, Utils.Empty(), Expression.Block( @else != null ? @else : Utils.Empty(), Expression.Break(@break) ) ) : Utils.Empty(), body, @continue != null ? (Expression)Expression.Label(@continue) : Utils.Empty(), increment != null ? increment : Utils.Empty() ), @break, null )); }
public override MSAst.Expression Reduce() { // allocated all variables here so they won't be shared w/ other // locals allocated during the body or except blocks. MSAst.ParameterExpression?lineUpdated = null; MSAst.ParameterExpression?runElse = null; MSAst.ParameterExpression?previousExceptionContext = null; Debug.Assert(Else is null || _handlers.Length > 0); if (_handlers.Length > 0) { lineUpdated = Ast.Variable(typeof(bool), "$lineUpdated_try"); if (Else != null) { runElse = Ast.Variable(typeof(bool), "run_else"); } } // don't allocate locals below here... MSAst.Expression body = Body; MSAst.Expression? @else = Else; MSAst.Expression? @catch; MSAst.Expression result; MSAst.ParameterExpression?exception; if (_handlers.Length > 0) { previousExceptionContext = Ast.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$previousException"); exception = Ast.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$exception"); @catch = TransformHandlers(exception, previousExceptionContext); } else if (Finally != null) { exception = Ast.Variable(typeof(Exception), "$exception"); @catch = null; } else { exception = null; @catch = null; } // We have else clause, must generate guard around it if (@else != null) { Debug.Assert(runElse != null); Debug.Assert(previousExceptionContext != null && exception != null && @catch != null); // run_else = true; // try { // try_body // } catch ( ... ) { // run_else = false; // catch_body // } // if (run_else) { // else_body // } result = Ast.Block( Ast.Assign(runElse, AstUtils.Constant(true)), // save existing line updated, we could choose to do this only for nested exception handlers. PushLineUpdated(false, lineUpdated), LightExceptions.RewriteExternal( AstUtils.Try( Parent.AddDebugInfo(AstUtils.Empty(), new SourceSpan(Span.Start, GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(HeaderIndex))), Ast.Assign(previousExceptionContext, Ast.Call(AstMethods.SaveCurrentException)), body, AstUtils.Constant(null) ).Catch(exception, Ast.Assign(runElse, AstUtils.Constant(false)), @catch, // restore existing line updated after exception handler completes PopLineUpdated(lineUpdated), Ast.Assign(exception, Ast.Constant(null, typeof(Exception))), AstUtils.Constant(null) ) ), AstUtils.IfThen(runElse, @else ), AstUtils.Empty() ); } else if (@catch != null) // no "else" clause // try { // <try body> // } catch (Exception e) { // ... catch handling ... // } // { Debug.Assert(previousExceptionContext != null && exception != null); result = LightExceptions.RewriteExternal( AstUtils.Try( GlobalParent.AddDebugInfo(AstUtils.Empty(), new SourceSpan(Span.Start, GlobalParent.IndexToLocation(HeaderIndex))), // save existing line updated PushLineUpdated(false, lineUpdated), Ast.Assign(previousExceptionContext, Ast.Call(AstMethods.SaveCurrentException)), body, AstUtils.Constant(null) ).Catch(exception, @catch, // restore existing line updated after exception handler completes PopLineUpdated(lineUpdated), Ast.Assign(exception, Ast.Constant(null, typeof(Exception))), AstUtils.Constant(null) ) ); } else { result = body; } return(Ast.Block( GetVariables(lineUpdated, runElse, previousExceptionContext), AddFinally(result), AstUtils.Default(typeof(void)) )); }