상속: System.Windows.Forms.Form
 public void btnSkipSave_ClickTest()
     DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile target = new DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile("Dummy.txt");
     MethodInfo method = typeof(DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile).GetMethod("btnSkipSave_Click", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
     method.Invoke(target, new object[] { null, null });
     Assert.AreEqual(target.Answer, DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile.qscifSkipSave);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by editors and projects before saving the files
        /// The function allows the source control systems to take the necessary actions (checkout, flip attributes)
        /// to make the file writable in order to allow the file saving to continue
        /// </summary>
        public int QuerySaveFiles([InAttribute] uint rgfQuerySave, [InAttribute] int cFiles, [InAttribute] string[] rgpszMkDocuments, [InAttribute] uint[] rgrgf, [InAttribute] VSQEQS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA[] rgFileInfo, out uint pdwQSResult)
            // Initialize output variables
            // It's a bit unfortunate that we have to return only one set of flags for all the files involved in the operation
            // The last file will win setting this flag
            pdwQSResult = (uint)tagVSQuerySaveResult.QSR_SaveOK;

            // In non-UI mode attempt to silently flip the attributes of files or check them out 
            // and allow the save, because the user cannot be asked what to do with the file
            if (_sccProvider.InCommandLineMode())
                rgfQuerySave = rgfQuerySave | (uint)tagVSQuerySaveFlags.QSF_SilentMode;

                for (int iFile = 0; iFile < cFiles; iFile++)
                    SourceControlStatus status = GetFileStatus(rgpszMkDocuments[iFile]);
                    bool fileExists = File.Exists(rgpszMkDocuments[iFile]);
                    bool isFileReadOnly = false;
                    if (fileExists)
                        isFileReadOnly = ((File.GetAttributes(rgpszMkDocuments[iFile]) & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

                    switch (status)
                        case SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedIn:
                            DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile dlgAskCheckout = new DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile(rgpszMkDocuments[iFile]);
                            if ((rgfQuerySave & (uint)tagVSQuerySaveFlags.QSF_SilentMode) != 0)
                                // When called in silent mode, attempt the checkout
                                // (The alternative is to deny the save, return QSR_NoSave_NoisyPromptRequired and expect for a non-silent call)
                                dlgAskCheckout.Answer = DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile.qscifCheckout;

                            switch (dlgAskCheckout.Answer)
                                case DlgQueryEditCheckedInFile.qecifCheckout:
                                    // Checkout the file, and since it cannot fail, allow the save to continue
                                    pdwQSResult = (uint)tagVSQuerySaveResult.QSR_SaveOK;
                                case DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile.qscifForceSaveAs:
                                    pdwQSResult = (uint)tagVSQuerySaveResult.QSR_ForceSaveAs;
                                case DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile.qscifSkipSave:
                                    pdwQSResult = (uint)tagVSQuerySaveResult.QSR_NoSave_Continue;
                                    pdwQSResult = (uint)tagVSQuerySaveResult.QSR_NoSave_Cancel;

                        case SourceControlStatus.scsCheckedOut: // fall through
                        case SourceControlStatus.scsUncontrolled:
                            if (fileExists && isFileReadOnly)
                                // Make the file writable and allow the save
                                File.SetAttributes(rgpszMkDocuments[iFile], FileAttributes.Normal);
                            // Allow the save now 
                            pdwQSResult = (uint)tagVSQuerySaveResult.QSR_SaveOK;
            catch (Exception)
                // If an exception was caught, do not allow the save
                pdwQSResult = (uint)tagVSQuerySaveResult.QSR_NoSave_Cancel;
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
 public void ConstructorTest()
     DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile target = new DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile("Dummy.txt");
     Assert.IsNotNull(target, "DlgQuerySaveCheckedInFile cannot be created");