예제 #1
         * This method will be called when a client/browser makes a request. We will pass on
         * required information to the hosting API from this method
        private void ContextReceivedCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            //Check if listener is listening other wise return
            if (!m_HttpListener.IsListening)

            //Get the context
            HttpListenerContext listenerContext = m_HttpListener.EndGetContext(asyncResult);

            //Lets get the Listener listening for the next request
            m_HttpListener.BeginGetContext(new AsyncCallback(ContextReceivedCallback), null);

            //If No AspNetEngine was configured, just respond with 404
            if (m_AspNetEngine == null)
                listenerContext.Response.StatusCode = 404;

            //Retrieve the URL requested
            String pageRequested = listenerContext.Request.Url.LocalPath;

            //Remove the "/alias"  from the begining page request as we just need to
            //pass the file and the query out to the Application Host
            pageRequested = AspxVirtualRoot.RemoveAliasFromRequest(pageRequested, m_AspNetEngine.VirtualAlias);

            //Prepare the DataHolder object that will be passed on for processing
            AspxRequestInfo dataHolder = AspxNetEngine.PrepareAspxRequestInfoObject(listenerContext);;

            //Look for Client Certificate if it has any
            if (listenerContext.Request.IsSecureConnection)
                dataHolder.m_ClientCertificate = listenerContext.Request.GetClientCertificate();
                Console.WriteLine("Client certificate received.");

                //Pass the request to the Hosted application
                m_AspNetEngine.ExecutingAppDomain.ProcessRequest(pageRequested, listenerContext.Request.Url.Query.Replace("?", ""), dataHolder);
            catch (AspxException aspxException)
                //Error occured.Log it and move on

            Console.WriteLine(listenerContext.Request.Url.LocalPath + "...   " +
                              listenerContext.Response.StatusCode + " " + listenerContext.Response.StatusDescription);

            //Finally close the response or else the client will time out
예제 #2
         * Called to configure a Physical directory as a Virtual alias.
         * To configure a directory as a AspxApplication, the exe for this project ASPXhostCS.exe
         * and ASPXHostCS.exe.config (if present) should be present in the bin directory under
         * the physical directory being configured. The reason being, that the call to API
         * ApplicationHost.CreateApplicationhost creates a new app domain and will instantiate
         * a class specified in the typeof variable. Putting it in the bin directory enables
         * the hosting api to load the class.
        internal AspxNetEngine(String virtualAlias, String physicalDir)
            m_VirtualAlias      = virtualAlias;
            m_PhysicalDirectory = physicalDir;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating a new AspxEngine.");

            //m_ExecutingEngine will be the actual object that the hosting API created for
            //us and so to execute a page in the Application we will call this object to
            //process requests
            m_ExecutingAppDomain = (AspxNetEngine)ApplicationHost.CreateApplicationHost(typeof(AspxNetEngine), m_VirtualAlias, m_PhysicalDirectory);

            Console.WriteLine("New AspxEngine created for alias " + m_VirtualAlias);
예제 #3
  * Take in a virtual alias and a physical directory to be configured
 public void Configure(String virtualAlias, String physicalDirectory)
     m_AspNetEngine = new AspxNetEngine(virtualAlias, physicalDirectory);