internal virtual string Visit(DLinqOrderByNode node, CodeMemberMethod vertexMethod, string[] readerNames, string[] writerNames) { return node.AddVertexCode(vertexMethod, readerNames, writerNames); }
private DLinqQueryNode VisitPartitionOp(string opName, QueryNodeInfo source, QueryNodeType nodeType, Expression controlExpr, MethodCallExpression queryExpr) { DLinqQueryNode resNode; if (nodeType == QueryNodeType.TakeWhile && controlExpr.Type.GetGenericArguments().Length != 2) { // The "indexed" version. resNode = this.Visit(source); // The following block used to be skipped for resNode.OutputPartition.Count == 1, // which causes compilation error (bug 13593) // @@TODO[p3] : implement a working optimization for nPartition==1 that calls // directly to Linq TakeWhile. // Note: the test is: if (resNode.IsDynamic || resNode.OutputPartition.Count > 1) { resNode.IsForked = true; bool isLong = (queryExpr.Method.Name == "LongTakeWhile"); DLinqQueryNode offsetNode = this.CreateOffset(isLong, queryExpr, resNode); // Create (x, y) => GroupIndexedTakeWhile(x, y, controlExpr) Type ptype1 = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(resNode.OutputTypes[0]); Type ptype2 = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(IndexedValue<long>)); ParameterExpression param1 = Expression.Parameter(ptype1, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("x")); ParameterExpression param2 = Expression.Parameter(ptype2, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("y")); string methodName = "GroupIndexed" + queryExpr.Method.Name; MethodInfo minfo = typeof(DryadLinqEnumerable).GetMethod(methodName); minfo = minfo.MakeGenericMethod(resNode.OutputTypes[0]); Expression body = Expression.Call(minfo, param1, param2, controlExpr); Type type = typeof(Func<,,>).MakeGenericType(ptype1, ptype2, body.Type); LambdaExpression procFunc = Expression.Lambda(type, body, param1, param2); resNode = new DLinqApplyNode(procFunc, queryExpr, resNode, offsetNode); } } else if (!source.IsForked && (nodeType == QueryNodeType.Take || nodeType == QueryNodeType.TakeWhile) && (source.OperatorName == "OrderBy" || source.OperatorName == "OrderByDescending")) { resNode = this.Visit(source.Children[0].Child); bool isDescending = (source.OperatorName == "OrderByDescending"); MethodCallExpression sourceQueryExpr = (MethodCallExpression)source.QueryExpression; LambdaExpression keySelectExpr = DryadLinqExpression.GetLambda(sourceQueryExpr.Arguments[1]); Expression comparerExpr = null; if (sourceQueryExpr.Arguments.Count == 3) { comparerExpr = sourceQueryExpr.Arguments[2]; } resNode = this.PromoteConcat( source.Children[0].Child, resNode, delegate(DLinqQueryNode x) { DLinqQueryNode y = new DLinqOrderByNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending, sourceQueryExpr, x); return FirstStagePartitionOp(opName, nodeType, controlExpr, queryExpr, y); }); if (resNode.IsDynamic || resNode.OutputPartition.Count > 1) { // Need a mergesort resNode = new DLinqMergeNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending, sourceQueryExpr, resNode); } } else { resNode = this.Visit(source); if (nodeType == QueryNodeType.Take || nodeType == QueryNodeType.TakeWhile) { resNode = this.PromoteConcat( source, resNode, x => FirstStagePartitionOp(opName, nodeType, controlExpr, queryExpr, x)); } } resNode = new DLinqPartitionOpNode(opName, nodeType, controlExpr, false, queryExpr, resNode); return resNode; }
private DLinqQueryNode VisitOrderBy(QueryNodeInfo source, LambdaExpression keySelectExpr, Expression comparerExpr, bool isDescending, Expression queryExpr) { DLinqQueryNode child = this.Visit(source); Type keyType = keySelectExpr.Type.GetGenericArguments()[1]; if (comparerExpr == null && !TypeSystem.HasDefaultComparer(keyType)) { throw DryadLinqException.Create(DryadLinqErrorCode.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIComparable, string.Format(SR.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIComparable, keyType), queryExpr); } DLinqQueryNode resNode = child; if (child.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Range && child.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending)) { // Only need to sort each partition resNode = new DLinqOrderByNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending, queryExpr, child); } else { Expression isDescendingExpr = Expression.Constant(isDescending); bool dynamicOptEnabled = (StaticConfig.DynamicOptLevel & StaticConfig.DynamicRangePartitionLevel) != 0; if (dynamicOptEnabled || child.IsDynamic) { // NOTE: for MayRTM, this path should not be taken. resNode = this.CreateRangePartition(true, keySelectExpr, null, comparerExpr, isDescendingExpr, queryExpr, null, child); resNode = new DLinqOrderByNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending, queryExpr, resNode); } else { if (child.OutputPartition.Count > 1) { resNode = this.CreateRangePartition(false, keySelectExpr, null, comparerExpr, isDescendingExpr, queryExpr, null, child); } resNode = new DLinqOrderByNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending, queryExpr, resNode); } } return resNode; }
private DLinqQueryNode VisitGroupBy(QueryNodeInfo source, LambdaExpression keySelectExpr, LambdaExpression elemSelectExpr, LambdaExpression resultSelectExpr, Expression comparerExpr, Expression queryExpr) { DLinqQueryNode child = this.Visit(source); ExpressionInfo einfo = new ExpressionInfo(keySelectExpr); if (einfo.IsExpensive) { // Any method call that is not tagged as "expensive=false" will be deemed expensive. // if the keySelector is expensive, we rewrite the query so that the key-function is invoked only once // and the record key passed around via a Pair<TKey,TRecord>. // keyFunc becomes pair=>pair.Key // elementSelector must be rewritten so that references to (record) become (pair.Value) Type[] vkTypes = keySelectExpr.Type.GetGenericArguments(); Type pairType = typeof(Pair<,>).MakeGenericType(vkTypes[1], vkTypes[0]); ParameterExpression pairParam = Expression.Parameter(pairType, "e"); // Add Select(x => new Pair<K,S>(key(x), x)) ParameterExpression valueParam = keySelectExpr.Parameters[0]; Expression body = Expression.New(pairType.GetConstructors()[0], keySelectExpr.Body, valueParam); Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(valueParam.Type, body.Type); LambdaExpression selectExpr = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, valueParam); child = new DLinqSelectNode(QueryNodeType.Select, selectExpr, null, queryExpr, child); // Change keySelector to e => e.Key PropertyInfo keyInfo = pairParam.Type.GetProperty("Key"); body = Expression.Property(pairParam, keyInfo); delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(pairParam.Type, body.Type); keySelectExpr = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, pairParam); // Add or change elementSelector with e.Value PropertyInfo valueInfo = pairParam.Type.GetProperty("Value"); body = Expression.Property(pairParam, valueInfo); if (elemSelectExpr != null) { ParameterSubst subst = new ParameterSubst(elemSelectExpr.Parameters[0], body); body = subst.Visit(elemSelectExpr.Body); } delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(pairParam.Type, body.Type); elemSelectExpr = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, pairParam); } Type keyType = keySelectExpr.Type.GetGenericArguments()[1]; if (comparerExpr == null && !TypeSystem.HasDefaultEqualityComparer(keyType)) { throw DryadLinqException.Create(DryadLinqErrorCode.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIEquatable, string.Format(SR.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIEquatable, keyType), queryExpr); } Type elemType; if (elemSelectExpr == null) { elemType = keySelectExpr.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } else { elemType = elemSelectExpr.Type.GetGenericArguments()[1]; } // The comparer object: object comparer = null; if (comparerExpr != null) { ExpressionSimplifier<object> evaluator = new ExpressionSimplifier<object>(); comparer = evaluator.Eval(comparerExpr); } LambdaExpression keySelectExpr1 = keySelectExpr; LambdaExpression elemSelectExpr1 = elemSelectExpr; LambdaExpression resultSelectExpr1 = resultSelectExpr; LambdaExpression seedExpr1 = null; LambdaExpression accumulateExpr1 = null; List<DecompositionInfo> dInfoList = null; if (resultSelectExpr != null) { dInfoList = Decomposition.GetDecompositionInfoList(resultSelectExpr, this.m_codeGen); } String groupByOpName = "GroupBy"; DLinqQueryNode groupByNode = child; bool isPartitioned = child.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer); if (dInfoList != null) { // ** Decomposable GroupBy-Reduce // This block creates the first GroupByNode and does some preparation for subsequent nodes. if (child.IsOrderedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { groupByOpName = "OrderedGroupBy"; } int dcnt = dInfoList.Count; ParameterExpression keyParam; if (resultSelectExpr.Parameters.Count == 1) { keyParam = Expression.Parameter(keyType, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("k")); } else { keyParam = resultSelectExpr.Parameters[0]; } // Seed: ParameterExpression param2 = Expression.Parameter( elemType, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("e")); Expression zeroExpr = Expression.Constant(0, typeof(int)); Expression seedBody = zeroExpr; if (dcnt != 0) { LambdaExpression seed = dInfoList[dcnt-1].Seed; ParameterSubst subst = new ParameterSubst(seed.Parameters[0], param2); seedBody = subst.Visit(seed.Body); for (int i = dcnt - 2; i >= 0; i--) { seed = dInfoList[i].Seed; subst = new ParameterSubst(seed.Parameters[0], param2); Expression firstExpr = subst.Visit(seed.Body); Type newPairType = typeof(Pair<,>).MakeGenericType(firstExpr.Type, seedBody.Type); seedBody = Expression.New(newPairType.GetConstructors()[0], firstExpr, seedBody); } } LambdaExpression seedExpr = Expression.Lambda(seedBody, param2); // Accumulate: ParameterExpression param1 = Expression.Parameter( seedBody.Type, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("a")); Expression accumulateBody = zeroExpr; if (dcnt != 0) { accumulateBody = Decomposition.AccumulateList(param1, param2, dInfoList, 0); } LambdaExpression accumulateExpr = Expression.Lambda(accumulateBody, param1, param2); // Now prepare for the merge-aggregator and/or in the secondary group-by. // keySelectExpr1: e => e.Key Type reducerResType = typeof(Pair<,>).MakeGenericType(keyParam.Type, accumulateBody.Type); ParameterExpression reducerResParam = Expression.Parameter(reducerResType, "e"); PropertyInfo keyInfo = reducerResParam.Type.GetProperty("Key"); Expression body = Expression.Property(reducerResParam, keyInfo); Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(reducerResParam.Type, body.Type); keySelectExpr1 = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, reducerResParam); // elemSelectExpr1: e => e.Value PropertyInfo valueInfo = reducerResParam.Type.GetProperty("Value"); body = Expression.Property(reducerResParam, valueInfo); delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(reducerResParam.Type, body.Type); elemSelectExpr1 = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, reducerResParam); // SeedExpr1 param2 = Expression.Parameter(elemSelectExpr1.Body.Type, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("e")); seedExpr1 = Expression.Lambda(param2, param2); // AccumulateExpr1 Expression recursiveAccumulateBody = zeroExpr; if (dcnt != 0) { recursiveAccumulateBody = Decomposition.RecursiveAccumulateList(param1, param2, dInfoList, 0); } accumulateExpr1 = Expression.Lambda(recursiveAccumulateBody, param1, param2); // resultSelectExpr1 resultSelectExpr1 = null; // The first groupByNode. // If the input was already correctly partitioned, this will be the only groupByNode. bool isPartial = StaticConfig.GroupByLocalAggregationIsPartial && !isPartitioned; groupByNode = new DLinqGroupByNode( groupByOpName, keySelectExpr, elemSelectExpr, null, seedExpr, accumulateExpr, accumulateExpr1, comparerExpr, isPartial, queryExpr, child); } else { // Can't do partial aggregation. // Use sort, mergesort, and ordered groupby, if TKey implements IComparable. if ((comparer != null && TypeSystem.IsComparer(comparer, keyType)) || (comparer == null && TypeSystem.HasDefaultComparer(keyType))) { if (!child.IsOrderedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { groupByNode = new DLinqOrderByNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, true, queryExpr, child); } groupByOpName = "OrderedGroupBy"; } // Add a GroupByNode if it is partitioned or has elementSelector. // If the input was already correctly partitioned, this will be the only groupByNode. if (isPartitioned) { groupByNode = new DLinqGroupByNode(groupByOpName, keySelectExpr, elemSelectExpr, resultSelectExpr, null, // seed null, // accumulate null, // recursiveAccumulate comparerExpr, false, // isPartial queryExpr, groupByNode); } else if (elemSelectExpr != null) { // Local GroupBy without resultSelector: groupByNode = new DLinqGroupByNode(groupByOpName, keySelectExpr, elemSelectExpr, null, // resultSelect null, // seed null, // accumulate null, // recursiveAccumulate comparerExpr, StaticConfig.GroupByLocalAggregationIsPartial, // isPartial queryExpr, groupByNode); // keySelectExpr1: g => g.Key ParameterExpression groupParam = Expression.Parameter(groupByNode.OutputTypes[0], "g"); PropertyInfo keyInfo = groupParam.Type.GetProperty("Key"); Expression body = Expression.Property(groupParam, keyInfo); Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(groupParam.Type, body.Type); keySelectExpr1 = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, groupParam); // No elementSelector elemSelectExpr1 = null; // resultSelectExpr1 ParameterExpression keyParam; Type groupType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(groupByNode.OutputTypes[0]); groupParam = Expression.Parameter(groupType, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("g")); if (resultSelectExpr == null) { // resultSelectExpr1: (k, g) => MakeDryadLinqGroup(k, g) keyParam = Expression.Parameter(keySelectExpr1.Body.Type, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("k")); MethodInfo groupingInfo = typeof(DryadLinqEnumerable).GetMethod("MakeDryadLinqGroup"); groupingInfo = groupingInfo.MakeGenericMethod(keyParam.Type, elemType); body = Expression.Call(groupingInfo, keyParam, groupParam); } else { // resultSelectExpr1: (k, g) => resultSelectExpr(k, FlattenGroups(g)) keyParam = resultSelectExpr.Parameters[0]; MethodInfo flattenInfo = typeof(DryadLinqEnumerable).GetMethod("FlattenGroups"); flattenInfo = flattenInfo.MakeGenericMethod(keyParam.Type, elemType); Expression groupExpr = Expression.Call(flattenInfo, groupParam); ParameterSubst subst = new ParameterSubst(resultSelectExpr.Parameters[1], groupExpr); body = subst.Visit(resultSelectExpr.Body); } delegateType = typeof(Func<,,>).MakeGenericType(keyParam.Type, groupParam.Type, body.Type); resultSelectExpr1 = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, keyParam, groupParam); } } // At this point, the first GroupByNode has been created. DLinqQueryNode groupByNode1 = groupByNode; DLinqMergeNode mergeNode = null; if (!isPartitioned) { // Create HashPartitionNode, MergeNode, and second GroupByNode // Note, if we are doing decomposable-GroupByReduce, there is still some work to go after this // - attach the combiner to the first merge-node // - attach the combiner to the merge-node // - attach finalizer to second GroupBy int parCount = (groupByNode.IsDynamic) ? StaticConfig.DefaultPartitionCount : groupByNode.OutputPartition.Count; bool isDynamic = (StaticConfig.DynamicOptLevel & StaticConfig.DynamicHashPartitionLevel) != 0; DLinqQueryNode hdistNode = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(keySelectExpr1, comparerExpr, parCount, isDynamic, queryExpr, groupByNode); // Create the Merge Node if (groupByOpName == "OrderedGroupBy") { // Mergesort with the same keySelector of the hash partition mergeNode = new DLinqMergeNode(keySelectExpr1, comparerExpr, true, queryExpr, hdistNode); } else { // Random merge mergeNode = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, hdistNode); } groupByNode1 = new DLinqGroupByNode(groupByOpName, keySelectExpr1, elemSelectExpr1, resultSelectExpr1, seedExpr1, accumulateExpr1, accumulateExpr1, comparerExpr, false, queryExpr, mergeNode); } // Final tidy-up for decomposable GroupBy-Reduce pattern. // - attach combiner to first GroupByNode // - attache combiner to MergeNode as an aggregator // - build a SelectNode to project out results and call finalizer on them. if (dInfoList != null) { // Add dynamic aggregator to the merge-node, if applicable if (StaticConfig.GroupByDynamicReduce && !isPartitioned) { mergeNode.AddAggregateNode(groupByNode1); } // Add the final Select node Type keyResultPairType = typeof(Pair<,>).MakeGenericType(keyType, seedExpr1.Body.Type); ParameterExpression keyResultPairParam = Expression.Parameter(keyResultPairType, DryadLinqCodeGen.MakeUniqueName("e")); PropertyInfo valuePropInfo_1 = keyResultPairType.GetProperty("Value"); Expression combinedValueExpr = Expression.Property(keyResultPairParam, valuePropInfo_1); // First, build the combinerList int dcnt = dInfoList.Count; Expression[] combinerList = new Expression[dcnt]; for (int i = 0; i < dcnt; i++) { if (i + 1 == dcnt) { combinerList[i] = combinedValueExpr; } else { PropertyInfo keyPropInfo = combinedValueExpr.Type.GetProperty("Key"); combinerList[i] = Expression.Property(combinedValueExpr, keyPropInfo); PropertyInfo valuePropInfo = combinedValueExpr.Type.GetProperty("Value"); combinedValueExpr = Expression.Property(combinedValueExpr, valuePropInfo); } LambdaExpression finalizerExpr = dInfoList[i].FinalReducer; if (finalizerExpr != null) { ParameterSubst subst = new ParameterSubst(finalizerExpr.Parameters[0], combinerList[i]); combinerList[i] = subst.Visit(finalizerExpr.Body); } } // Build the funcList Expression[] funcList = new Expression[dcnt]; for (int i = 0; i < dcnt; i++) { funcList[i] = dInfoList[i].Func; } // Apply the substitutions CombinerSubst combinerSubst = new CombinerSubst(resultSelectExpr, keyResultPairParam, funcList, combinerList); Expression finalizerSelectBody = combinerSubst.Visit(); // Finally, the Select node Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(keyResultPairType, finalizerSelectBody.Type); LambdaExpression selectExpr = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, finalizerSelectBody, keyResultPairParam); groupByNode1 = new DLinqSelectNode(QueryNodeType.Select, selectExpr, null, queryExpr, groupByNode1); } return groupByNode1; }
private DLinqQueryNode VisitSetOperation(QueryNodeInfo source1, QueryNodeInfo source2, QueryNodeType nodeType, Expression comparerExpr, Expression queryExpr) { DLinqQueryNode child1 = this.Visit(source1); DLinqQueryNode child2 = this.Visit(source2); DLinqQueryNode resNode = null; Type keyType = child1.OutputTypes[0]; if (comparerExpr == null && !TypeSystem.HasDefaultEqualityComparer(keyType)) { throw DryadLinqException.Create(DryadLinqErrorCode.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIEquatable, string.Format(SR.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIEquatable, keyType), queryExpr); } // The comparer object: object comparer = null; if (comparerExpr != null) { ExpressionSimplifier<object> evaluator = new ExpressionSimplifier<object>(); comparer = evaluator.Eval(comparerExpr); } LambdaExpression keySelectExpr = IdentityFunction.Instance(keyType); if (child1.IsDynamic || child2.IsDynamic) { // Well, let us do the simplest thing for now child1 = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(keySelectExpr, null, StaticConfig.DefaultPartitionCount, queryExpr, child1); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child1)) { child1 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child1); } child2 = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(keySelectExpr, null, StaticConfig.DefaultPartitionCount, queryExpr, child2); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child2)) { child2 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child2); } resNode = new DLinqSetOperationNode(nodeType, nodeType.ToString(), comparerExpr, queryExpr, child1, child2); return resNode; } bool isDescending1 = child1.OutputDataSetInfo.orderByInfo.IsDescending; bool isDescending2 = child2.OutputDataSetInfo.orderByInfo.IsDescending; // Partition child1 and child2 if needed if (child1.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Range && child1.OutputPartition.HasKeys && child1.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { if (child2.OutputPartition.ParType != PartitionType.Range || !child2.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer) || child1.OutputPartition.IsSamePartition(child2.OutputPartition)) { // Range distribute child2 using child1's partition child2 = child1.OutputPartition.CreatePartitionNode(keySelectExpr, child2); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child2)) { child2 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child2); } } } else if (child2.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Range && child2.OutputPartition.HasKeys && child2.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { // Range distribute child1 using child2's partition child1 = child2.OutputPartition.CreatePartitionNode(keySelectExpr, child1); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child1)) { child1 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child1); } } else if (child1.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Hash && child1.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { if (child2.OutputPartition.ParType != PartitionType.Hash || !child2.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer) || !child1.OutputPartition.IsSamePartition(child2.OutputPartition)) { // Hash distribute child2: child2 = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, child1.OutputPartition.Count, queryExpr, child2); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child2)) { child2 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child2); } } } else if (child2.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Hash && child2.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { child1 = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, child2.OutputPartition.Count, queryExpr, child1); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child1)) { child1 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child1); } } else { // No luck. Hash distribute both child1 and child2, then perform hash operation int parCnt = Math.Max(child1.OutputPartition.Count, child2.OutputPartition.Count); if (parCnt > 1) { child1 = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, parCnt, queryExpr, child1); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child1)) { child1 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child1); } child2 = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, parCnt, queryExpr, child2); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(child2)) { child2 = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, child2); } } } // Perform either hash or ordered operation string opName = ""; if (child1.IsOrderedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { if (!child1.IsOrderedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer) || isDescending1 != isDescending2) { // Sort inner if unsorted child2 = new DLinqOrderByNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending1, queryExpr, child2); } opName = "Ordered"; } else if (child2.IsOrderedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer)) { if (!child1.IsOrderedBy(keySelectExpr, comparer) || isDescending1 != isDescending2) { // Sort outer if unsorted child1 = new DLinqOrderByNode(keySelectExpr, comparerExpr, isDescending2, queryExpr, child1); } opName = "Ordered"; } resNode = new DLinqSetOperationNode(nodeType, opName + nodeType, comparerExpr, queryExpr, child1, child2); return resNode; }
private DLinqQueryNode VisitJoin(QueryNodeInfo outerSource, QueryNodeInfo innerSource, QueryNodeType nodeType, LambdaExpression outerKeySelector, LambdaExpression innerKeySelector, LambdaExpression resultSelector, Expression comparerExpr, Expression queryExpr) { DLinqQueryNode outerChild = this.Visit(outerSource); DLinqQueryNode innerChild = this.Visit(innerSource); DLinqQueryNode joinNode = null; Type keyType = outerKeySelector.Type.GetGenericArguments()[1]; if (comparerExpr == null && !TypeSystem.HasDefaultEqualityComparer(keyType)) { throw DryadLinqException.Create(DryadLinqErrorCode.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIEquatable, string.Format(SR.ComparerMustBeSpecifiedOrKeyTypeMustBeIEquatable, keyType), queryExpr); } // The comparer object: object comparer = null; if (comparerExpr != null) { ExpressionSimplifier<object> evaluator = new ExpressionSimplifier<object>(); comparer = evaluator.Eval(comparerExpr); } if (outerChild.IsDynamic || innerChild.IsDynamic) { // Well, let us do the simplest thing for now outerChild = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(outerKeySelector, comparerExpr, StaticConfig.DefaultPartitionCount, queryExpr, outerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(outerChild)) { outerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, outerChild); } innerChild = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(innerKeySelector, comparerExpr, StaticConfig.DefaultPartitionCount, queryExpr, innerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(innerChild)) { innerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, innerChild); } joinNode = new DLinqJoinNode(nodeType, "Hash" + nodeType, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparerExpr, queryExpr, outerChild, innerChild); return joinNode; } bool isOuterDescending = outerChild.OutputDataSetInfo.orderByInfo.IsDescending; bool isInnerDescending = innerChild.OutputDataSetInfo.orderByInfo.IsDescending; // Partition outer and inner if needed if (outerChild.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Range && outerChild.OutputPartition.HasKeys && outerChild.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(outerKeySelector, comparer)) { if (innerChild.OutputPartition.ParType != PartitionType.Range || !innerChild.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(innerKeySelector, comparer) || !outerChild.OutputPartition.IsSamePartition(innerChild.OutputPartition)) { // Range distribute inner using outer's partition. innerChild = outerChild.OutputPartition.CreatePartitionNode(innerKeySelector, innerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(innerChild)) { innerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, innerChild); } } } else if (innerChild.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Range && innerChild.OutputPartition.HasKeys && innerChild.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(innerKeySelector, comparer)) { // Range distribute outer using inner's partition. outerChild = innerChild.OutputPartition.CreatePartitionNode(outerKeySelector, outerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(outerChild)) { outerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, outerChild); } } else if (outerChild.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Hash && outerChild.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(outerKeySelector, comparer)) { if (innerChild.OutputPartition.ParType != PartitionType.Hash || !innerChild.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(innerKeySelector, comparer) || !outerChild.OutputPartition.IsSamePartition(innerChild.OutputPartition)) { innerChild = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(innerKeySelector, comparerExpr, outerChild.OutputPartition.Count, queryExpr, innerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(innerChild)) { innerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, innerChild); } } } else if (innerChild.OutputPartition.ParType == PartitionType.Hash && innerChild.OutputPartition.IsPartitionedBy(innerKeySelector, comparer)) { outerChild = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(outerKeySelector, comparerExpr, innerChild.OutputPartition.Count, queryExpr, outerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(outerChild)) { outerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, outerChild); } } else { // No luck. Hash partition both outer and inner int parCnt = Math.Max(outerChild.OutputPartition.Count, innerChild.OutputPartition.Count); if (parCnt > 1) { outerChild = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(outerKeySelector, comparerExpr, parCnt, queryExpr, outerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(outerChild)) { outerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, outerChild); } innerChild = new DLinqHashPartitionNode(innerKeySelector, comparerExpr, parCnt, queryExpr, innerChild); if (IsMergeNodeNeeded(innerChild)) { innerChild = new DLinqMergeNode(false, queryExpr, innerChild); } } } // Perform either merge or hash join string opName = "Hash"; if (outerChild.IsOrderedBy(outerKeySelector, comparer)) { if (!innerChild.IsOrderedBy(innerKeySelector, comparer) || isOuterDescending != isInnerDescending) { // Sort inner if unsorted innerChild = new DLinqOrderByNode(innerKeySelector, comparerExpr, isOuterDescending, queryExpr, innerChild); } opName = "Merge"; } else if (innerChild.IsOrderedBy(innerKeySelector, comparer)) { if (!outerChild.IsOrderedBy(outerKeySelector, comparer) || isOuterDescending != isInnerDescending) { // Sort outer if unsorted outerChild = new DLinqOrderByNode(outerKeySelector, comparerExpr, isInnerDescending, queryExpr, outerChild); } opName = "Merge"; } joinNode = new DLinqJoinNode(nodeType, opName + nodeType, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparerExpr, queryExpr, outerChild, innerChild); return joinNode; }