/// <summary>
        /// Add a token header for AP request/response, wrap token or getmic token to make them a complete token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenBody">The AP request/response, wrap token or getmic token.
        /// This argument can be null.</param>
        /// <returns>The completed token.</returns>
        public static byte[] AddGssApiTokenHeader(byte[] tokenBody,
                                                  KerberosConstValue.OidPkt oidPkt     = KerberosConstValue.OidPkt.KerberosToken,
                                                  KerberosConstValue.GSSToken gssToken = KerberosConstValue.GSSToken.GSSSPNG)
            List <byte> gssDataList = new List <byte>();


            // kerberos oid (1.2.840.113554.1.2.2)
            byte[] oid;
            oid = KerberosConstValue.GetKerberosOid();

            if (tokenBody == null)
                tokenBody = new byte[0];

            int length = tokenBody.Length + oid.Length;

            if (length > 127)
                // If the indicated value is 128 or more, it shall be represented in two or more octets,
                // with bit 8 of the first octet set to "1" and the remaining bits of the first octet
                // specifying the number of additional octets. The subsequent octets carry the value,
                // 8 bits per octet, most significant digit first. [rfc 2743]
                int         temp       = length;
                int         index      = 1;
                List <byte> lengthList = new List <byte>();
                lengthList.Add((byte)(temp & 0xFF));
                while ((temp >>= 8) != 0)
                    lengthList.Add((byte)(temp & 0xFF));

                gssDataList.Add((byte)(0x80 | index));
                // If the indicated value is less than 128, it shall be represented in a single octet with bit 8
                // (high order) set to "0" and the remaining bits representing the value. [rfc 2743]


            if (gssToken == KerberosConstValue.GSSToken.GSSAPI)
                return(KerberosUtility.EncodeInitialNegToken(gssDataList.ToArray(), oidPkt));
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify and remove a token header from AP request/response,
        /// wrap token or getmic token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="completeToken">The complete token got from application message.
        /// This argument can be null. If it is null, null will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>The token body without the header.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.FormatException">Throw FormatException if the token header is incorrect.</exception>
        public static byte[] VerifyGssApiTokenHeader(byte[] completeToken, KerberosConstValue.OidPkt oidPkt = KerberosConstValue.OidPkt.KerberosToken)
            byte[] oid;
            oid = KerberosConstValue.GetKerberosOid();

            if (completeToken == null || completeToken.Length < KerberosConstValue.GetKerberosOid().Length)
                throw new FormatException("The GSS-API token header is incomplete!");

            if (completeToken[0] != KerberosConstValue.KERBEROS_TAG)
                throw new FormatException("The GSS-API token header is incorrect!");

            int length = 0;
            int index  = 2;  // the tag and length fields

            // If the length value is 128 or more.
            if ((completeToken[1] & 0x80) == 0x80)
                // If the indicated value is 128 or more, it shall be represented in two or more octets,
                // with bit 8 of the first octet set to "1" and the remaining bits of the first octet
                // specifying the number of additional octets. The subsequent octets carry the value,
                // 8 bits per octet, most significant digit first.
                int num = completeToken[1] & 0x7F;
                index += num;

                if (num < 1 || num > 4)
                    throw new FormatException("The GSS-API token length is incorrect!");

                for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                    length = (length << 8) | completeToken[2 + i];
                // If the indicated value is less than 128, it shall be represented in a single octet with bit 8
                // (high order) set to "0" and the remaining bits representing the value. [rfc 2743]
                length = completeToken[1];

            if (!ArrayUtility.CompareArrays(oid, ArrayUtility.SubArray(completeToken, index, oid.Length)))
                throw new FormatException("The GSS-API token oid is incorrect!");

            byte[] tokenBody = ArrayUtility.SubArray(completeToken, index + oid.Length);