The state element contains the final ICS state of the synchronization download operation.
상속: SyntacticalBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate fast transfer stream data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverId">server id.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">Input buffer data.</param>
        /// <returns>AbstractFastTransferStream object.</returns>
        private AbstractFastTransferStream GenerateAbstractFastTransferStream(
            int serverId,
            byte[] buffer)
            using (FastTransferStream fs = new FastTransferStream(buffer, false))
                AbstractFastTransferStream afts;

                // Record all property list generated while deserializing.
                SyntacticalBase.AllPropList = new List<PropList>();
                int icsStateIndex = -1;
                switch (this.streamType)
                    case FastTransferStreamType.state:
                        State s = new State(fs);

                        // Insert state to the ICSStateContainer
                        icsStateIndex = this.InsertStateDict(s);
                        afts = new AbstractFastTransferStream();

                        // Get the AbstractState corresponding to the state from the fast transfer stream.
                        AbstractState astate = this.GetAbstractState(serverId, icsStateIndex, s);

                        // Set the AbstractState of the AbstractFastTransferStream.
                        afts.AbstractState = new AbstractState
                            AbstractICSStateIndex = icsStateIndex,
                            IdSetGiven = astate.IdSetGiven

                        //// Other fields of the AbstractState of the AbstractFastTransferStream do not need.

                        afts.StreamType = FastTransferStreamType.state;
                        return afts;
                    case FastTransferStreamType.attachmentContent:
                        AttachmentContent att = new AttachmentContent(fs);
                        return att.GetAbstractFastTransferStream();
                    case FastTransferStreamType.contentsSync:
                        ContentsSync cs = new ContentsSync(fs);

                        // Insert the state of the contentsSync to the ICSStateContainer
                        icsStateIndex = this.InsertStateDict(cs.State);
                        afts = this.GetAbstractContentSync(
                            serverId, icsStateIndex, cs);
                        return afts;
                    case FastTransferStreamType.folderContent:
                        FolderContent fc = new FolderContent(fs);

                        afts = fc.GetAbstractFastTransferStream();

                        if (!this.existNoPermissionFolder)
                            afts.AbstractFolderContent.IsNoPermissionObjNotOut = false;

                        return afts;
                    case FastTransferStreamType.hierarchySync:
                        HierarchySync hs = new HierarchySync(fs);
                        if (hs.FolderChangeList.Count > 0)
                            PropValue property = hs.FolderChangeList[hs.FolderChangeList.Count - 1].PropList.PropValues.Find(p => p.PropInfo.PropID == 0x65e3);
                            if (property != null)
                                this.lastConflictInfo.PCLXFromServer = ((VarPropTypePropValue)property).ValueArray;

                        // Insert state to the ICSStateContainer
                        icsStateIndex = this.InsertStateDict(hs.State);
                        afts = this.GetAbstractHierachySync(serverId, hs, icsStateIndex);
                        return afts;
                    case FastTransferStreamType.MessageContent:
                        MessageContent mc = new MessageContent(fs);
                        for (int i = 0; i < mc.PropList.PropValues.Count; i++)
                            PropValue propValue = mc.PropList.PropValues[i];

                            if (propValue.PropType == 0x84b0)
                                CodePage codePage = new CodePage();


                        afts = mc.GetAbstractFastTransferStream();
                        return afts;
                    case FastTransferStreamType.MessageList:
                        MessageList ml = new MessageList(fs);
                        afts = ml.GetAbstractFastTransferStream();
                        return afts;
                    case FastTransferStreamType.TopFolder:
                        TopFolder tf = new TopFolder(fs);
                        afts = tf.GetAbstractFastTransferStream();
                        return afts;
                        AdapterHelper.Site.Assert.Fail("The stream type is invalid, its value is:{0}.", this.streamType);
                        return new AbstractFastTransferStream();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets AbstractState structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverID">an int value,represents the id of a server</param>
        /// <param name="astateIndex">the index of a ICSStateData maintained 
        /// in the state dictionary(ICSStateContainer)</param>
        /// <param name="s">A state object.</param>
        /// <returns>The AbstractState corresponding to the state object.</returns>
        private AbstractState GetAbstractState(
            int serverID, int astateIndex, State s)
            AbstractState astate = new AbstractState();

            // If CnsetRead which represents a list of change numbers contains in the state,
            // check whether the CnsetRead is newer than those contained in the dictionary _CnsetRead
            // if the CnsetRead is newer, add the CnsetRead to the dictionary _CnsetRead
            if (s.CnsetRead != null)
                    = !this.IsInDict(s.CnsetRead, this.cnsetRead);
                if (astate.IsNewCnsetReadPropertyChangeNumber)
                    this.cnsetRead.Add(AdapterHelper.GetCnsetReadIndex(), s.CnsetRead);

            // If CnsetSeen which represents a list of change numbers contains in the state,
            // check whether the CnsetSeen is newer than those contained in the dictionary _CnsetSeen
            // if the CnsetSeen is newer, add the CnsetSeen to the dictionary _CnsetSeen
            if (s.CnsetSeen != null)
                    = !this.IsInDict(s.CnsetSeen, this.cnsetSeen);

                // After the read state modified, the CN will not be changed in server 2007 and 2013.
                if (!astate.IsNewCnsetSeenPropertyChangeNumber)
                    if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(2246, this.Site))
                        if (this.cnsetSeen.Values.Count != 0)
                                = this.HasSameCnset(s.CnsetSeen, this.cnsetSeen);

                if (astate.IsNewCnsetSeenPropertyChangeNumber)
                    this.cnsetSeen.Add(AdapterHelper.GetCnsetSeenIndex(), s.CnsetSeen);

            // If CnsetSeenFAI which represents a list of change numbers contains in the state,
            // check whether the CnsetSeenFAI is newer than those contained in the dictionary _CnsetSeenFAI
            // If the CnsetSeenFAI is newer, add the CnsetSeenFAI to the dictionary _CnsetSeenFAI
            if (s.CnsetSeenFAI != null)
                    = !this.IsInDict(s.CnsetSeenFAI, this.cnsetSeenFAI);
                if (astate.IsNewCnsetSeenFAIPropertyChangeNumber)
                    this.cnsetSeenFAI.Add(AdapterHelper.GetCnsetSeenFAIIndex(), s.CnsetSeenFAI);

            // If IdsetGiven which convert to  a list of LongTermIds is not empty,
            // convert each LongTermId in the list of LongTermIds to message id,
            // and if the id is not contained in the objectIdContainer add the id 
            // to the IdSetGiven of the AbstractState.
            astate.IdSetGiven = new Set<int>();
            if (s.IdsetGiven != null)
                List<LongTermId> lids = s.IdsetGiven.GetLongTermIds();
                List<ulong> ids = new List<ulong>();
                for (int i = 0; i < lids.Count; i++)
                    ids.Add(this.GetIdFromLongTerm(serverID, lids[i]));

                foreach (int key in this.objectIdContainer.Keys)
                    if (ids.Contains(this.objectIdContainer[key]))
                        astate.IdSetGiven = astate.IdSetGiven.Add(key);

            // astateIndex is an incoming parameter.
            // Set the AbstractICSStateIndex of the AbstractICSState.
            astate.AbstractICSStateIndex = astateIndex;
            return astate;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize fields from a FastTransferStream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">A FastTransferStream.</param>
        public override void Deserialize(FastTransferStream stream)
            this.messageChangeTuples = new List<Tuple<ProgressPerMessage, MessageChange>>();
            if (ProgressTotal.Verify(stream))
                this.progressTotal = new ProgressTotal(stream);

            while (ProgressPerMessage.Verify(stream)
                || MessageChange.Verify(stream))
                ProgressPerMessage tmp1 = null;
                MessageChange tmp2 = null;
                if (ProgressPerMessage.Verify(stream))
                    tmp1 = new ProgressPerMessage(stream);

                tmp2 = MessageChange.DeserializeFrom(stream) as MessageChange;
                    new Tuple<ProgressPerMessage, MessageChange>(
                        tmp1, tmp2));

            if (Deletions.Verify(stream))
                this.deletions = new Deletions(stream);

            if (ReadStateChanges.Verify(stream))
                this.readStateChanges = new ReadStateChanges(stream);

            this.state = new State(stream);
            if (!stream.ReadMarker(Markers.PidTagIncrSyncEnd))
                AdapterHelper.Site.Assert.Fail("The stream cannot be deserialized successfully.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert state value into state dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">State object.</param>
        /// <returns>State value index in container.</returns>
        private int InsertStateDict(State s)
            if (s != null && s.PropList != null && s.PropList.PropValues != null && s.PropList.PropValues.Count > 0)
                int index = AdapterHelper.GetICSStateIndex();
                ICSStateData data = new ICSStateData();
                for (int i = 0; i < s.PropList.PropValues.Count; i++)
                    PropValue value = s.PropList.PropValues[i];

                    VarPropTypePropValue varPropTypePropValue = value as VarPropTypePropValue;
                    AdapterHelper.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(varPropTypePropValue, "The VarPropTypePropValue should not be null.");

                    if (value.PropType == 0x0102 && varPropTypePropValue.PropInfo.PropID == 0x67D2)
                        // PidTagCnsetRead
                        data.PidTagCnsetRead = varPropTypePropValue.ValueArray;
                    else if (value.PropType == 0x0102 && varPropTypePropValue.PropInfo.PropID == 0x6796)
                        // PidTagCnsetSeen
                        data.PidTagCnsetSeen = varPropTypePropValue.ValueArray;
                    else if (value.PropType == 0x0102 && varPropTypePropValue.PropInfo.PropID == 0x67DA)
                        // PidTagCnsetSeenFAI
                        data.PidTagCnsetSeenFAI = varPropTypePropValue.ValueArray;
                    else if (value.PropType == 0x003 && varPropTypePropValue.PropInfo.PropID == 0x4017)
                        // PidTagIdsetGiven
                        data.PidTagIdsetGiven = varPropTypePropValue.ValueArray;
                        AdapterHelper.Site.Assert.Fail("Invalid property, its ID is {0} and type is {1}.", value.PropInfo.PropID.ToString("X4"), value.PropType.ToString("X4"));

                this.icsStateContainer.Add(index, data);
                return index;
                AdapterHelper.Site.Assert.Fail("Invalid input state, ensure the state not null and have more than one PropValue in its PropList.");
                return -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize fields from a FastTransferStream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">A FastTransferStream.</param>
        public override void Deserialize(FastTransferStream stream)
            this.folderChangeList = new List<FolderChange>();
            while (FolderChange.Verify(stream))
                this.folderChangeList.Add(new FolderChange(stream));

            if (Deletions.Verify(stream))
                this.deletions = new Deletions(stream);

            this.state = new State(stream);
            if (!stream.ReadMarker(Markers.PidTagIncrSyncEnd))
                AdapterHelper.Site.Assert.Fail("The stream cannot be deserialized successfully.");