CreateItemOperationsFetchRequest() 정적인 개인적인 메소드

Builds a ItemOperations request to fetch the whole content of the notes
static private CreateItemOperationsFetchRequest ( string collectionId, List serverIds, List longIds, Request bodyPreference, Request schema ) : ItemOperationsRequest
collectionId string Specifies the notes folder
serverIds List Specifies a unique identifier that is assigned by the server for the notes
longIds List Specifies a unique identifier that is assigned by the server to each result returned by a previous Search response.
bodyPreference Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.Request Sets preference information related to the type and size of the body.
schema Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.Request Specifies the schema of the item to be fetched.
리턴 ItemOperationsRequest
        public void MSASNOTE_S03_TC02_ItemOperations_SchemaViewFetch()
            #region Call method Sync to add a note to the server
            Dictionary <Request.ItemsChoiceType8, object> addElements = this.CreateNoteElements();
            this.SyncAdd(addElements, 1);

            #region Call method Search to search notes using the given keyword text

            // Search note from server
            SearchStore result = this.NOTEAdapter.Search(this.UserInformation.NotesCollectionId, addElements[Request.ItemsChoiceType8.Subject1].ToString(), true, 1);

            Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>(
                @"There should be only one note item returned in sync response.");


            #region Call method ItemOperations to fetch all the information about notes using longIds.
            // longIds:Long id of the created note item.
            List <string> longIds = new List <string> {

            Request.BodyPreference bodyReference = new Request.BodyPreference {
                Type = 1
            Request.Schema schema = new Request.Schema
                ItemsElementName = new Request.ItemsChoiceType4[1],
                Items            = new object[] { new Request.Body() }
            schema.ItemsElementName[0] = Request.ItemsChoiceType4.Body;

            // serverIds:null
            ItemOperationsRequest itemOperationRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateItemOperationsFetchRequest(null, null, longIds, bodyReference, schema);
            ItemOperationsStore   itemOperationsResult = this.NOTEAdapter.ItemOperations(itemOperationRequest);
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(itemOperationsResult, "The ItemOperations result must not be null!");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASNOTE_R103");

            Site.Assert.IsNull(itemOperationsResult.Items[0].Note.Subject, "Subject should be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNull(itemOperationsResult.Items[0].Note.MessageClass, "MessageClass should be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsNull(itemOperationsResult.Items[0].Note.Categories, "Categories should be null.");
            Site.Assert.IsFalse(itemOperationsResult.Items[0].Note.IsLastModifiedDateSpecified, "LastModifiedSpecified should not be present.");

            // Verify MS-ASNOTE requirement: MS-ASNOTE_R103
                @"[In ItemOperations Command Response] If an itemoperations:Schema element ([MS-ASCMD] section is included in the ItemOperations command request, then the elements returned in the ItemOperations command response MUST be restricted to the elements that were included as child elements of the ItemOperations:Schema element in the command request.");

        public void MSASNOTE_S03_TC01_ItemOperations_GetZeroOrMoreNotes()
            #region Call method Sync to add two notes to the server
            Dictionary <Request.ItemsChoiceType8, object> addElements = this.CreateNoteElements();
            this.SyncAdd(addElements, 2);

            #region Call method Sync to synchronize the note item with the server.
            SyncStore result = this.SyncChanges(1);


            #region Call method ItemOperations to fetch all the information about notes using ServerIds
            // serverIds:the server ids of two note items.
            List <string> serverIds = new List <string> {
                result.AddElements[0].ServerId, result.AddElements[1].ServerId
            ItemOperationsRequest itemOperationRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateItemOperationsFetchRequest(this.UserInformation.NotesCollectionId, serverIds, null, null, null);
            ItemOperationsStore   itemOperationsResult = this.NOTEAdapter.ItemOperations(itemOperationRequest);

            Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>(
                @"Two results should be returned in ItemOperations response.");

                @"The first note class in ItemOperations response should not be null.");

                @"The second note class in ItemOperations response should not be null.");


            #region Call method ItemOperations to fetch all the information about notes using a non-existing ServerIds
            serverIds.Add(this.UserInformation.NotesCollectionId + ":notExisting");
            itemOperationRequest = TestSuiteHelper.CreateItemOperationsFetchRequest(this.UserInformation.NotesCollectionId, serverIds, null, null, null);
            itemOperationsResult = this.NOTEAdapter.ItemOperations(itemOperationRequest);

                @"zero Notes class XML blocks is returned in its response");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASNOTE_R208");

            // Verify MS-ASNOTE requirement: MS-ASNOTE_R208
            // Server can return zero or more Notes class blocks which can be seen from two steps above.
                @"[In Abstract Data Model] The server returns a Notes class XML block for every note that matches the criteria specified by the client command request.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASNOTE_R128");

            // Verify MS-ASNOTE requirement: MS-ASNOTE_R128
            // Server can return zero or more Notes class blocks which can be seen from two steps above.
                @"[In Abstract Data Model] The server can return zero or more Notes class XML blocks in its response, depending on how many notes match the criteria specified by the client command request.");
