예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the message syntax of AddList operation when the response is received 
        /// successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="addListResult">The returned SOAP result.</param>
        private void VerifyAddListOperation(AddListResponseAddListResult addListResult)
            // Ensure the SOAP result is de-serialized successfully.
            Site.Assume.IsNotNull(addListResult, "The result of AddList operation must not be null.");
            Site.Assume.IsNotNull(addListResult.List, "AddListResponseAddListResult.List must not be null.");

            // Verify R1585
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[The schema of AddList is defined as:]<wsdl:operation name=""AddList"">"
                + @"    <wsdl:input message=""AddListSoapIn"" />"
                + @"    <wsdl:output message=""AddListSoapOut"" />"
                + @"</wsdl:operation>");

            // Verify R340
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following 
            // requirements can be captured. If any of the following requirements is fail, 
            // the response can't be received successfully.
                @"[In AddList operation] [If the protocol client sends an AddListSoapIn request "
                + "message] the server responds with an AddListSoapOut response message.");

            // Verify R1593
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[AddListSoapOut]The SOAP Body contains an AddListResponse element.");

            // Verify R1598
            // The response have been received successfully, then the following requirement can be captured.
            // If the response is not received and parsed successfully, the test case will fail before this requirement is captured 
                @"[The schema of AddListResponse is defined as:]"
                + @"<s:element name=""AddListResponse"">"
                + @"  <s:complexType>"
                + @"    <s:sequence>"
                + @"      <s:element minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" name=""AddListResult"" >"
                + @"        <s:complexType mixed=""true"">"
                + @"          <s:sequence>"
                + @"            <s:element name=""List"" type=""tns:ListDefinitionSchema"" />"
                + @"          </s:sequence>"
                + @"        </s:complexType>"
                + @"      </s:element>"
                + @"    </s:sequence>"
                + @"  </s:complexType>"
                + @"</s:element>");

            // Verify the requirements of the ListDefinitionSchema and ListDefinitionCT complex type.
            if (addListResult.List != null)