/// <summary> /// Create a new project with one local resource, one enterprise resource, one task and one assignment /// </summary> public static void CreateProjectWithTaskAndAssignment() { // // Load csom context context = GetContext(pwaInstanceUrl); // // Create a project csom.PublishedProject project = context.Projects.Add(new csom.ProjectCreationInformation() { Name = projectName, Start = DateTime.Today, Description = "Created project from C# library" }); csom.JobState jobState = context.WaitForQueue(context.Projects.Update(), DEFAULTTIMEOUTSECONDS); JobStateLog(jobState, "Creating project"); // // Create a task in project context.Load(project, p => p, p => p.StartDate); //load startdate of project context.ExecuteQuery(); csom.DraftProject draft = project.CheckOut(); Guid taskId = Guid.NewGuid(); csom.Task task = draft.Tasks.Add(new csom.TaskCreationInformation() { Id = taskId, Name = taskName, IsManual = false, Start = project.StartDate.AddDays(1), Duration = "5d" }); draft.Update(); // // Create a local resource and assign the task to him Guid resourceId = Guid.NewGuid(); csom.ProjectResource resource = draft.ProjectResources.Add(new csom.ProjectResourceCreationInformation() { Id = resourceId, Name = localResourceName }); draft.Update(); csom.DraftAssignment assignment = draft.Assignments.Add(new csom.AssignmentCreationInformation() { ResourceId = resourceId, TaskId = taskId }); draft.Update(); jobState = context.WaitForQueue(draft.Publish(true), DEFAULTTIMEOUTSECONDS); // draft.Publish(true) means publish and check in JobStateLog(jobState, "Creating task and assgin to a local resource"); }
/// <summary> /// Read and update the project, /// this method need a project named "New Project" with a task "New task" and assign to a local resource named "New local resource" already created. /// Basically please run CreateProjectWithTaskAndAssignment() before running this to avoid exceptions /// </summary> public static void ReadAndUpdateProject() { // Load csom context context = GetContext(pwaInstanceUrl); // Retrieve publish project named "New Project" // if you know the Guid of project, you can just call context.Projects.GetByGuid() csom.PublishedProject project = GetProjectByName(projectName, context); if (project == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve expected data, make sure you set up server data right. Press any key to continue...."); return; } csom.DraftProject draft = project.CheckOut(); // Retrieve project along with tasks & resources context.Load(draft, p => p.StartDate, p => p.Description); context.Load(draft.Tasks, dt => dt.Where(t => t.Name == taskName)); context.Load(draft.Assignments, da => da.Where(a => a.Task.Name == taskName && a.Resource.Name == localResourceName)); context.Load(draft.ProjectResources, dp => dp.Where(r => r.Name == localResourceName)); context.ExecuteQuery(); // Make sure the data on server is right if (draft.Tasks.Count != 1 || draft.Assignments.Count != 1 || draft.ProjectResources.Count != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve expected data, make sure you set up server data right. Press any key to continue...."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // Since we already filetered and validated that the TaskCollection, ProjectResourceCollection and AssignmentCollection // contains just one filtered item each, we just get the first one. csom.DraftTask task = draft.Tasks.First(); csom.DraftProjectResource resource = draft.ProjectResources.First(); csom.DraftAssignment assignment = draft.Assignments.First(); // Update the project description draft.Description += "(description updated)"; // Update task duration and start date task.Duration = "10d"; task.Start = draft.StartDate.AddDays(3); draft.Update(); // Save updates so far to ensure the task changes are applied before the assignment changes // Update resource standard rate resource.StandardRate = 100.0d; draft.Update(); // Update assignment work percent complete assignment.PercentWorkComplete = 50; // Publish and check in the project csom.JobState jobState = context.WaitForQueue(draft.Publish(true), DEFAULTTIMEOUTSECONDS); JobStateLog(jobState, "Updating project"); }
/// <sumary> /// Funcion que permite actualizar las tareas en Project Server /// </summary> /// <param gui="String">Identificar Grafico Unico de proyecto de Project Server </param> /// <param fi="Date"> Fecha Inicial de Tarea</param> /// <param ff="Date"> Fecha Final de Tarea</param> /// <param porcent="Int"> Valor numerico de porcentaje de progreso de la tarea</param> private void UddateTask(string gui, string fi, string ff, int porcent) { using (ProjectCont1) { Guid ProjectGuid = new Guid(gui); var projCollection = ProjectCont1.LoadQuery( ProjectCont1.Projects .Where(p => p.Id == ProjectGuid)); ProjectCont1.ExecuteQuery(); if (projCollection != null) { csom.PublishedProject proj2Edit = projCollection.First(); DraftProject draft2Edit = proj2Edit.CheckOut(); ProjectCont1.Load(draft2Edit); ProjectCont1.Load(draft2Edit.Tasks); ProjectCont1.ExecuteQuery(); var tareas = draft2Edit.Tasks; foreach (DraftTask tsk in tareas) { tsk.Start = Convert.ToDateTime(fi); tsk.Finish = Convert.ToDateTime(ff); tsk.PercentComplete = porcent; } draft2Edit.Publish(true); csom.QueueJob qJob = ProjectCont1.Projects.Update(); csom.JobState jobState = ProjectCont1.WaitForQueue(qJob, 200); qJob = ProjectCont1.Projects.Update(); jobState = ProjectCont1.WaitForQueue(qJob, 20); if (jobState == JobState.Success) { coleccion_vacia = false; } } else { coleccion_vacia = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Read and Update Project/Task/Resource custom field values, /// this method need a project named "New Project" with a task "New task" and assign to a local resource named "New local resource" already created. /// Basically please run CreateProjectWithTaskAndAssignment() before running this to avoid exceptions /// </summary> public static void UpdateCustomFieldValues() { // Load csom context context = GetContext(pwaInstanceUrl); // Create custom field values before read it. // CreateCustomFields(); // Retrive publish project named "New Project" // if you know the Guid of project, you can just call context.Projects.GetByGuid() csom.PublishedProject project = GetProjectByName(projectName, context); if (project == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve expected data, make sure you set up server data right. Press any key to continue...."); return; } if (!project.IsCheckedOut) { } csom.DraftProject draft = project.CheckOut(); // Retrieve project along with tasks & assignments & resources context.Load(draft.Tasks, dt => dt.Where(t => t.Name == taskName)); context.Load(draft.Assignments, da => da.Where(a => a.Task.Name == taskName && a.Resource.Name == localResourceName)); context.Load(draft.ProjectResources, dp => dp.Where(r => r.Name == localResourceName)); context.ExecuteQuery(); // Make sure the data on server is right if (draft.Tasks.Count != 1 || draft.Assignments.Count != 1 || draft.ProjectResources.Count != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve expected data, make sure you set up server data right. Press any key to continue...."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // Since we already filetered and validated that the TaskCollection, ProjectResourceCollection and AssignmentCollection // contains just one filtered item each, we just get the first one. csom.DraftTask task = draft.Tasks.First(); csom.DraftProjectResource resource = draft.ProjectResources.First(); csom.DraftAssignment assignment = draft.Assignments.First(); // Retrieve custom field by name context.Load(context.CustomFields); context.ExecuteQuery(); csom.CustomField projCF = context.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(cf => cf.Name == projectCFName); csom.CustomField taskCF = context.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(cf => cf.Name == taskCFName); csom.CustomField resCF = context.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(cf => cf.Name == resourceCFName); // Get random lookup table entry csom.LookupEntry taskLookUpEntry = GetRandomLookupEntries(taskCF); // Change project custom field value draft[projCF.InternalName] = "Moises was here"; // Change task custom field value /* * --------------------------Important!--------------------------- * if it is a lookup table customfield, need to be set as an array */ task[taskCF.InternalName] = new[] { taskLookUpEntry.InternalName }; // Change resource and assignment custom field value resource[resCF.InternalName] = "Resource custom field value"; assignment[resCF.InternalName] = "Assignment custom field value"; // Update project and check in draft.Update(); csom.JobState jobState = context.WaitForQueue(draft.Publish(true), DEFAULTTIMEOUTSECONDS); JobStateLog(jobState, "Updating project customfield values"); }
public void ReadAndCreateProject(string projectName) { // Load csom context Jobs jobs = new Jobs(); context = jobs.GetContext(pwaInstanceUrl); // Retrieve publish project named "New Project" // if you know the Guid of project, you can just call context.Projects.GetByGuid() csom.PublishedProject project = jobs.GetProjectByName(projectName, context); if (project == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve expected data, make sure you set up server data right. Press any key to continue...."); return; } csom.DraftProject draft = project.CheckOut(); // Retrieve project along with tasks & resources context.Load(draft, p => p.StartDate, p => p.Description); context.Load(draft.Tasks, dt => dt.Where(t => t.Name == taskName)); context.Load(draft.Assignments, da => da.Where(a => a.Task.Name == taskName && a.Resource.Name == localResourceName)); context.Load(draft.ProjectResources, dp => dp.Where(r => r.Name == localResourceName)); context.ExecuteQuery(); // Make sure the data on server is right if (draft.Tasks.Count != 1 || draft.Assignments.Count != 1 || draft.ProjectResources.Count != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve expected data, make sure you set up server data right. Press any key to continue...."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // Since we already filetered and validated that the TaskCollection, ProjectResourceCollection and AssignmentCollection // contains just one filtered item each, we just get the first one. csom.DraftTask task = draft.Tasks.First(); csom.DraftProjectResource resource = draft.ProjectResources.First(); csom.DraftAssignment assignment = draft.Assignments.First(); // // Create a project csom.PublishedProject copyProject = context.Projects.Add(new csom.ProjectCreationInformation() { Name = project.Name + "(copy)", Start = project.StartDate, Description = "Copy project from a Published one", }); csom.JobState jobState = context.WaitForQueue(context.Projects.Update(), DEFAULTTIMEOUTSECONDS); jobs.JobStateLog(jobState, "Creating project"); // // Copy and Create a task in project csom.DraftProject copyDraft = copyProject.CheckOut(); Guid taskId = Guid.NewGuid(); csom.Task copyTask = copyDraft.Tasks.Add(new csom.TaskCreationInformation() { Id = taskId, Name = task.Name, IsManual = task.IsManual, Start = task.Start, Duration = task.Duration }); copyDraft.Update(); // // Create a local resource and assign the task to him Guid resourceId = Guid.NewGuid(); csom.ProjectResource copyResource = copyDraft.ProjectResources.Add(new csom.ProjectResourceCreationInformation() { Id = resourceId, Name = resource.Name }); copyDraft.Update(); csom.DraftAssignment copyAssignment = copyDraft.Assignments.Add(new csom.AssignmentCreationInformation() { ResourceId = resourceId, TaskId = taskId }); copyDraft.Update(); jobState = context.WaitForQueue(copyDraft.Publish(true), DEFAULTTIMEOUTSECONDS); jobs.JobStateLog(jobState, "Creating task and assgin to a local resource"); }