private string ResolveFilePath(string filePath)
            if (!IsPathInMemory(filePath))
                if (filePath.StartsWith(@"file://"))
                    // Client sent the path in URI format, extract the local path and trim
                    // any extraneous slashes
                    Uri fileUri = new Uri(filePath);
                    filePath = fileUri.LocalPath.TrimStart('/');

                // Some clients send paths with UNIX-style slashes, replace those if necessary
                filePath = filePath.Replace('/', '\\');

                // Clients could specify paths with escaped space, [ and ] characters which .NET APIs
                // will not handle.  These paths will get appropriately escaped just before being passed
                // into the PowerShell engine.
                filePath = PowerShellContext.UnescapePath(filePath);

                // Get the absolute file path
                filePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath);

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Verbose, "Resolved path: " + filePath);

예제 #2
        private string ResolveFilePath(string filePath)
            if (!IsPathInMemory(filePath))
                if (filePath.StartsWith(@"file://"))
                    // Client sent the path in URI format, extract the local path
                    Uri fileUri = new Uri(Uri.UnescapeDataString(filePath));
                    filePath = fileUri.LocalPath;

                // Clients could specify paths with escaped space, [ and ] characters which .NET APIs
                // will not handle.  These paths will get appropriately escaped just before being passed
                // into the PowerShell engine.
                filePath = PowerShellContext.UnescapePath(filePath);

                // Get the absolute file path
                filePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath);

            this.logger.Write(LogLevel.Verbose, "Resolved path: " + filePath);
