예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest AD token given the reseller domain and client credentials
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domain">domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">clientID of the application</param>
        /// <param name="clientSecret">client secret of the application, also refered to as key</param>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">ad authorization token, can be null</param>
        /// <returns>Latest AD Authorization token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetAD_Token(string domain, string clientId, string clientSecret, AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (adAuthorizationToken == null || (adAuthorizationToken != null && adAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry
                var adToken = GetADToken(domain, clientId, clientSecret);
                adAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(adToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(adToken.expires_in));

            return adAuthorizationToken;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the token for authenticating requests to Azure Resource Manager in customer tenant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appId">appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)</param>
        /// <param name="credentialName">Internet or network address of entry in Credential Manager (Windows Credentials / Generic Credential) </param>
        /// <param name="customerTenantId">cid of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="azureAuthToken">Existing token (if available)</param>
        /// <returns>Azure Auth Token in the context of the customer tenant.</returns>
        public static string GetAzureAuthTokenForCustomerTenant(string appId, string credentialName, string customerTenantId, AuthorizationToken azureAuthToken = null)
            if (azureAuthToken == null || (azureAuthToken != null && azureAuthToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry
                var azToken = GetAzureAuthTokenForCustomerTenant(appId, credentialName, customerTenantId);
                azureAuthToken = new AuthorizationToken(azToken.AccessToken, azToken.ExpiresOn);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the token for authenticating requests to Azure Resource Manager in customer tenant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appId">appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)</param>
        /// <param name="credentialName">Internet or network address of entry in Credential Manager (Windows Credentials / Generic Credential) </param>
        /// <param name="customerTenantId">cid of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="azureAuthToken">Existing token (if available)</param>
        /// <returns>Azure Auth Token in the context of the customer tenant.</returns>
        public static string GetAzureAuthTokenForCustomerTenant(string appId, string credentialName, string customerTenantId, AuthorizationToken azureAuthToken = null)
            if (azureAuthToken == null || (azureAuthToken != null && azureAuthToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry
                var azToken = GetAzureAuthTokenForCustomerTenant(appId, credentialName, customerTenantId);
                azureAuthToken = new AuthorizationToken(azToken.AccessToken, azToken.ExpiresOn);

            return azureAuthToken.AccessToken;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest AD token given the reseller domain and client credentials
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domain">domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">clientID of the application</param>
        /// <param name="clientSecret">client secret of the application, also refered to as key</param>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">ad authorization token, can be null</param>
        /// <returns>Latest AD Authorization token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetAD_Token(string domain, string clientId, string clientSecret, AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (adAuthorizationToken == null || (adAuthorizationToken != null && adAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry
                var adToken = GetADToken(domain, clientId, clientSecret);
                adAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(adToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(adToken.expires_in));

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest sales agent token given the AD Authorization Token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">AD Authorization Token</param>
        /// <param name="saAuthorizationToken">Sales agent authorization token, can be null</param>
        /// <returns>Latest sales agent token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetSA_Token(AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken, AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (saAuthorizationToken == null || (saAuthorizationToken != null && saAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry

                var saToken = GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                saAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(saToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(saToken.expires_in));

            return saAuthorizationToken;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to get the customer token given a customer cid and the ad token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerCid">cid of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">active directory authorization token</param>
        /// <param name="customerAuthorizationToken">customer authorization token if available</param>
        /// <returns>customer authorization token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetCustomer_Token(string customerCid, AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken, AuthorizationToken customerAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (customerAuthorizationToken == null || (customerAuthorizationToken != null && customerAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry

                var customerToken = GetCustomer_Token(customerCid, adAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                customerAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(customerToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(customerToken.expires_in));

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all orders placed by the reseller for this customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultDomain">default domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="appId">appid that is registered for this application in Partner Center</param>
        /// <param name="key">Key for this application in Partner Center</param>
        /// <param name="customerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="resellerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the reseller</param>
        /// <returns>object that contains orders</returns>
        public static dynamic GetOrderById(string defaultDomain, string appId, string key, string orderId,
                                           string resellerMicrosoftId)
            // Get Active Directory token first
            AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

            // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
            AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

            // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
            string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(resellerMicrosoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

            return(Order.GetOrderById(resellerCid, orderId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken));
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest sales agent token given the AD Authorization Token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">AD Authorization Token</param>
        /// <param name="saAuthorizationToken">Sales agent authorization token, can be null</param>
        /// <returns>Latest sales agent token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetSA_Token(AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken, AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (saAuthorizationToken == null || (saAuthorizationToken != null && saAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry

                var saToken = GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                saAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(saToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(saToken.expires_in));

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest AD token given the reseller domain and client credentials
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domain">domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">clientID of the application</param>
        /// <param name="clientSecret">client secret of the application, also refered to as key</param>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">ad authorization token, can be null</param>
        /// <returns>Latest AD Authorization token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetAD_Token(string domain, string clientId, string clientSecret, AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (adAuthorizationToken == null || (adAuthorizationToken != null && adAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry
                //var adToken = GetADToken(domain, clientId, clientSecret);
                //adAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(adToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(adToken.expires_in));

                // MOCK API simulates tokens
                var adToken = Json.Decode("{\"access_token\":\"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ijd3YzlFTnVyWGZaRWt5VkxfZkM5cTZpeHNMRSJ9.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.GHg0RLBo-rdX4CINR6N54rL5m741df4QWh_aRyQW2gIbtqpOHZlJ-3CYBHtgy-rcfMFXia2N1BppBFZ4rGLuqRtyyStUDbWMoMVyMU2LwXyUyNVtiEg5K7YY9KaZLqzEgMxe5VM9HLwC0evM6yyjXiFABr7mTJe4OOpJcPXDAvh2DKjA5reqf4y9HODth1GLpN0bsNNTcGzeOP2rsEsEwMIaUeP0mBE60fVQ3lR5yt1_gZlUObi_CIC_nAnW3l5Je1JtWsYzq4AlLhnGrfsywi5V2TQLp6Wo6w0x6btZNBEExOryS691flzL6Cyr_PUXKSH0_-rgEu_s3zWvSZJoqw\",\"token_type\":\"bearer\",\"expires_in\":900}");
                adAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(adToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(adToken.expires_in));

            return adAuthorizationToken;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest AD token given the reseller domain and client credentials
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domain">domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">clientID of the application</param>
        /// <param name="clientSecret">client secret of the application, also refered to as key</param>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">ad authorization token, can be null</param>
        /// <returns>Latest AD Authorization token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetAD_Token(string domain, string clientId, string clientSecret, AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (adAuthorizationToken == null || (adAuthorizationToken != null && adAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry
                //var adToken = GetADToken(domain, clientId, clientSecret);
                //adAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(adToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(adToken.expires_in));

                // MOCK API simulates tokens
                var adToken = Json.Decode("{\"access_token\":\"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ijd3YzlFTnVyWGZaRWt5VkxfZkM5cTZpeHNMRSJ9.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.GHg0RLBo-rdX4CINR6N54rL5m741df4QWh_aRyQW2gIbtqpOHZlJ-3CYBHtgy-rcfMFXia2N1BppBFZ4rGLuqRtyyStUDbWMoMVyMU2LwXyUyNVtiEg5K7YY9KaZLqzEgMxe5VM9HLwC0evM6yyjXiFABr7mTJe4OOpJcPXDAvh2DKjA5reqf4y9HODth1GLpN0bsNNTcGzeOP2rsEsEwMIaUeP0mBE60fVQ3lR5yt1_gZlUObi_CIC_nAnW3l5Je1JtWsYzq4AlLhnGrfsywi5V2TQLp6Wo6w0x6btZNBEExOryS691flzL6Cyr_PUXKSH0_-rgEu_s3zWvSZJoqw\",\"token_type\":\"bearer\",\"expires_in\":900}");
                adAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(adToken.access_token, Convert.ToInt64(adToken.expires_in));

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the customer entity for the given customer id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultDomain">default domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="customerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="resellerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the reseller</param>
        /// <returns>customer object</returns>
        public static dynamic GetCustomer(string defaultDomain, string appId, string key, string customerMicrosoftId,
                                          string resellerMicrosoftId)
            // Get Active Directory token first
            AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

            // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
            AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

            var existingCustomerCid = Customer.GetCustomerCid(customerMicrosoftId, resellerMicrosoftId,
            // Get Customer token
            AuthorizationToken customerAuthorizationToken = Customer.GetCustomer_Token(existingCustomerCid,

            return(Customer.GetCustomer(existingCustomerCid, customerAuthorizationToken.AccessToken));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultDomain">default domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="appId">appid that is registered for this application in Partner Center</param>
        /// <param name="key">Key for this application in Partner Center</param>
        /// <param name="resellerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the reseller</param>
        public static void CreateCustomer(string defaultDomain, string appId, string key, string resellerMicrosoftId)
            // Get Active Directory token first
            AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

            // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
            AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

            // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
            string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(resellerMicrosoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

            // Get input from the console application for creating a new customer
            var customer = Customer.PopulateCustomerFromConsole();

            // This is the created customer object that contains the cid, the microsoft tenant id etc
            var createdCustomer = Customer.CreateCustomer(customer, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all subscriptions placed by the reseller for the customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultDomain">default domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="appId">appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)</param>
        /// <param name="key">Key for this application in Azure Active Directory</param>
        /// <param name="customerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="resellerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the reseller</param>
        /// <returns>object that contains all of the subscriptions</returns>
        public static dynamic GetSubscriptions(string defaultDomain, string appId, string key,
                                               string customerMicrosoftId, string resellerMicrosoftId)
            // Get Active Directory token first
            AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

            // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
            AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

            // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
            string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(resellerMicrosoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

            // You can cache this value too
            var customerCid = Customer.GetCustomerCid(customerMicrosoftId, resellerMicrosoftId,

            return(Subscription.GetSubscriptions(customerCid, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken));
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest partner center api token given the AD Authorization Token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">AD Authorization Token</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">clientID of the application</param>
        /// <param name="partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken">partner center api authorization token, can be null</param>
        /// <returns>Latest partner center api authorization token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetPartnerCenterApi_Token(AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken, string clientId, AuthorizationToken partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken == null ||
                (partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken != null && partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry())
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry

                var partnerCenterApiToken = GetPartnerCenterApi_Token(adAuthorizationToken.AccessToken, clientId);
                var accessToken           = partnerCenterApiToken.access_token.ToString();
                var expiresInOffset       = System.Convert.ToInt64(partnerCenterApiToken.expires_in);
                partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(accessToken, expiresInOffset);

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultDomain">default domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="appId">appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)</param>
        /// <param name="key">Key for this application in Azure Active Directory</param>
        /// <param name="resellerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the reseller</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string CreateCustomer(string defaultDomain, string appId, string key,
                                              string resellerMicrosoftId)
            // Get Active Directory token first
            AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

            // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
            AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

            // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
            string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(resellerMicrosoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
            // Get input from the console application for creating a new customer
            var customer = Customer.PopulateCustomerFromConsole();

            // This is the created customer object that contains the cid, the microsoft tenant id etc
            var createdCustomer = Customer.CreateCustomer(customer, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

            if (createdCustomer == null)
                throw new Exception("Error creating customer");
            string newCustomerMicrosoftId = createdCustomer.customer.identity.data.tid;

            // Populate a multi line item order
            var newCustomerOrder = Order.PopulateOrderWithMultipleLineItems(createdCustomer.customer.id);

            // Place the order and subscription uri and entitlement uri are returned per each line item
            var newCustomerPlacedOrder = Order.PlaceOrder(newCustomerOrder, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

            foreach (var line_Item in newCustomerPlacedOrder.line_items)
                var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(line_Item.resulting_subscription_uri, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Subscription: {0}", subscription.Id);

예제 #16
        static void Main()
            Console.Write("\nHave you updated the app.config, with the settings from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com (y/n)? ");
            string response = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToUpperInvariant();
            if (response != "Y" && response != "YES")
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\nUpdate AppId, Key, MicrosoftId, DefaultDomain in the app.config and run the app again");

                Console.Write("\n\n\nHit enter to exit the app now");

            // This is the Microsoft ID of the reseller
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/AccountSettings/TenantProfile
            string microsoftId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MicrosoftId"];

            // This is the default domain of the reseller
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/AccountSettings/TenantProfile
            string defaultDomain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultDomain"];

            // This is the appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from  https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/ApiIntegration/Overview
            string appId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppId"];

            // This is the key for this application in Azure Active Directory
            // This is only available at the time your admin agent has created a new app at https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/ApiIntegration/Overview
            // You could alternatively goto Azure Active Directory and generate a new key, and use that.
            string key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key"];

                // Get Active Directory token first
                adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

                // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
                saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

                // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
                string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(microsoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get input from the console application for creating a new customer
                var customer = Customer.PopulateCustomerFromConsole();

                // This is the created customer object that contains the cid, the microsoft tenant id etc
                var createdCustomer = Customer.CreateCustomer(customer, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Populate a multi line item order
                var newCustomerOrder = Order.PopulateOrderWithMultipleLineItems(createdCustomer.customer.id);

                // Place the order and subscription uri and entitlement uri are returned per each line item
                var newCustomerPlacedOrder = Order.PlaceOrder(newCustomerOrder, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                foreach (var line_Item in newCustomerPlacedOrder.line_items)
                    var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(line_Item.resulting_subscription_uri, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                    Console.WriteLine("Subscription: {0}", subscription.Id);
            #if true
                string ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId"];

                // You can cache this value too
                var existingCustomerCid = Customer.GetCustomerCid(ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId, microsoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                customerAuthorizationToken = Customer.GetCustomer_Token(existingCustomerCid, adAuthorizationToken);

                // get the customer entity
                var customer = Customer.GetCustomer(existingCustomerCid, customerAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get all subscriptions placed by the reseller for the customer
                var subscriptions = Subscription.GetSubscriptions(existingCustomerCid, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get all orders placed by the reseller for this customer
                var orders = Order.GetOrders(existingCustomerCid, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Populate a multi line item order
                var existingCustomerOrder = Order.PopulateOrderFromConsole(existingCustomerCid);

                // Place the order and subscription uri and entitlement uri are returned per each line item
                var existingCustomerPlacedOrder = Order.PlaceOrder(existingCustomerOrder, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                foreach (var line_Item in existingCustomerPlacedOrder.line_items)
                    var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(line_Item.resulting_subscription_uri, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                    Console.WriteLine("Subscription: {0}", subscription.Id);
            catch (System.FieldAccessException)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n Looks like you are debugging the application.  Inorder to fix this exception: "
                    + "\n 1. In Visual Studio, Right Click on the Project Microsoft.CSP.Api.V1.Samples"
                    + "\n 2. Select the Debug Tab"
                    + "\n 3. Uncheck the option \"Enable the Visual Studio hosting process\" (it is at the bottom of the page)"
                    + "\n 4. Save the changes (File -> Save Selected Items)"
                    + "\n 5. Debug the app now.");
                Console.Write("Make sure you copy/remember the above steps before exiting the app.");
            catch (Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\n Make sure the app.config has all the right settings.  The defaults in the app.config won't work."
                    + "\n If the settings are correct, its possible you are hitting a service error.  Try again."
                    + "\n If the error persists, contact support");

            Console.Write("\n\n\nHit enter to exit the app...");
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a customer's usage information for the last 1 month, calculates the total cost using RateCard API
        /// and Suspends the subscription if the total cost is more than the credit limit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultDomain">default domain of the reseller</param>
        /// <param name="appId">appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)</param>
        /// <param name="key">Key for this application in Azure Active Directory</param>
        /// <param name="customerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="resellerMicrosoftId">Microsoft Id of the reseller</param>
        public static void GetRateCardAndUsage(string defaultDomain, string appId, string key,
                                               string customerMicrosoftId, string resellerMicrosoftId)
            var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            // Get Active Directory token first
            AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

            // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
            AuthorizationToken saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

            // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
            string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(resellerMicrosoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

            // You can cache this value too
            var customerCid = Customer.GetCustomerCid(customerMicrosoftId, resellerMicrosoftId,

            // Get Customer token
            AuthorizationToken customerAuthorizationToken = Customer.GetCustomer_Token(customerCid, adAuthorizationToken);

            // Gets the RateCard to get the prices
            var rateCard = RateCard.GetRateCard(resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

            var startTime = String.Format("{0:u}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30));
            var endTime   = String.Format("{0:u}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1));

            // Get all of a Customer's entitlements
            var entitlements = Usage.GetEntitlements(customerCid, customerAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                foreach (var entitlement in entitlements.items)
                    // Get the usage for the given entitlement for the last 1 month
                    var usageRecords = Usage.GetUsageRecords(resellerCid, entitlement.id, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken,
                                                             startTime, endTime);

                    if (usageRecords.items.Count > 0)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
                        Console.WriteLine("\nPrices for Entitlement: {0}", entitlement.id);

                        double totalCost = 0;
                        // Looping through the usage records to calculate the cost of each item
                        foreach (UsageType usageRecord in usageRecords.items)
                            string meterId = usageRecord.meter_id;

                            // Gets the price corresponding to the given meterId from the ratecard.
                            Console.WriteLine("\nMeter Name\t\t: {0}", usageRecord.meter_name);
                            double includedQty = Usage.GetIncludedQuantityByMeterID(rateCard, meterId);
                            Console.WriteLine("Included Quantity\t\t: {0}", includedQty);
                            double consumedQty = (double)usageRecord.quantity;
                            Console.WriteLine("Consumed Quantity\t\t: {0}", consumedQty);
                            double ratableUsage = Usage.GetRatableUsage(consumedQty, includedQty);
                            double cost         = Usage.computeRatedUsagePerMeter(Usage.GetRatesForMeterID(rateCard, meterId), ratableUsage);
                            Console.WriteLine("Cost\t\t: {0}", cost);
                            totalCost += cost;
                        Console.WriteLine("\nTOTAL COST:  {0}", totalCost);
                        // Setting the credit limit below the total cost for testing this scenario
                        double creditLimit = 100;
                        // Suspends the subscription if the total cost is above the credit limit.
                        if (totalCost > creditLimit)
                            var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(entitlement.billing_subscription_uri,
                            Subscription.SuspendSubscription(subscription.id, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #18
        static void Main()
            Console.Write("\nHave you updated the app.config, with the settings from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com (y/n)? ");
            string response = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToUpperInvariant();

            if (response != "Y" && response != "YES")
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\nUpdate AppId, Key, MicrosoftId, DefaultDomain in the app.config and run the app again");

                Console.Write("\n\n\nHit enter to exit the app now");

            // This is the Microsoft ID of the reseller
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/AccountSettings/TenantProfile
            string microsoftId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MicrosoftId"];

            // This is the default domain of the reseller
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/AccountSettings/TenantProfile
            string defaultDomain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultDomain"];

            // This is the appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from  https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/ApiIntegration/Overview
            string appId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppId"];

            // This is the key for this application in Azure Active Directory
            // This is only available at the time your admin agent has created a new app at https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/ApiIntegration/Overview
            // You could alternatively goto Azure Active Directory and generate a new key, and use that.
            string key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key"];

                // Get Active Directory token first
                adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

                // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
                saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

                // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
                string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(microsoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get input from the console application for creating a new customer
                var customer = Customer.PopulateCustomerFromConsole();

                // This is the created customer object that contains the cid, the microsoft tenant id etc
                var createdCustomer = Customer.CreateCustomer(customer, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Populate a multi line item order
                var newCustomerOrder = Order.PopulateOrderWithMultipleLineItems(createdCustomer.customer.id);

                // Place the order and subscription uri and entitlement uri are returned per each line item
                var newCustomerPlacedOrder = Order.PlaceOrder(newCustomerOrder, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                foreach (var line_Item in newCustomerPlacedOrder.line_items)
                    var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(line_Item.resulting_subscription_uri, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                    Console.WriteLine("Subscription: {0}", subscription.Id);
#if true
                string ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId"];

                // You can cache this value too
                var existingCustomerCid = Customer.GetCustomerCid(ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId, microsoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                customerAuthorizationToken = Customer.GetCustomer_Token(existingCustomerCid, adAuthorizationToken);

                // get the customer entity
                var customer = Customer.GetCustomer(existingCustomerCid, customerAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get all subscriptions placed by the reseller for the customer
                var subscriptions = Subscription.GetSubscriptions(existingCustomerCid, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get all orders placed by the reseller for this customer
                var orders = Order.GetOrders(existingCustomerCid, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Populate a multi line item order
                var existingCustomerOrder = Order.PopulateOrderFromConsole(existingCustomerCid);

                // Place the order and subscription uri and entitlement uri are returned per each line item
                var existingCustomerPlacedOrder = Order.PlaceOrder(existingCustomerOrder, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                foreach (var line_Item in existingCustomerPlacedOrder.line_items)
                    var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(line_Item.resulting_subscription_uri, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                    Console.WriteLine("Subscription: {0}", subscription.Id);
            catch (System.FieldAccessException)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n Looks like you are debugging the application.  Inorder to fix this exception: "
                                  + "\n 1. In Visual Studio, Right Click on the Project Microsoft.CSP.Api.V1.Samples"
                                  + "\n 2. Select the Debug Tab"
                                  + "\n 3. Uncheck the option \"Enable the Visual Studio hosting process\" (it is at the bottom of the page)"
                                  + "\n 4. Save the changes (File -> Save Selected Items)"
                                  + "\n 5. Debug the app now.");
                Console.Write("Make sure you copy/remember the above steps before exiting the app.");
            catch (Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\n Make sure the app.config has all the right settings.  The defaults in the app.config won't work."
                                  + "\n If the settings are correct, its possible you are hitting a service error.  Try again."
                                  + "\n If the error persists, contact support");

            Console.Write("\n\n\nHit enter to exit the app...");
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to get the customer token given a customer cid and the ad token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerCid">cid of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="adAuthorizationToken">active directory authorization token</param>
        /// <param name="customerAuthorizationToken">customer authorization token if available</param>
        /// <returns>customer authorization token</returns>
        public static AuthorizationToken GetCustomer_Token(string customerCid, AuthorizationToken adAuthorizationToken,
            AuthorizationToken customerAuthorizationToken = null)
            if (customerAuthorizationToken == null ||
                    (customerAuthorizationToken != null && customerAuthorizationToken.IsNearExpiry()))
                //// Refresh the token on one of two conditions
                //// 1. If the token has never been retrieved
                //// 2. If the token is near expiry

                var customerToken = GetCustomer_Token(customerCid, adAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                customerAuthorizationToken = new AuthorizationToken(customerToken.access_token,

            return customerAuthorizationToken;