예제 #1
 void HandleRuleSetValidatedEvent(Visio.ValidationRuleSet RuleSet)
     //gatewayValidator(getShapesFromPage(), getActiveDocument());        
     if (RuleSet.Name == "Gateway Validation")
         gatewayValidator(getShapesFromPage(), getActiveDocument(), RuleSet);
     if (RuleSet.Name == "Inspection Validation")
         inspectionValidator(getShapesFromPage(), getActiveDocument(), RuleSet);
     if (RuleSet.Name == "Violation Validation")
         violationValidator(getShapesFromPage(), getActiveDocument(), RuleSet);
     if (RuleSet.Name == "Surveillance Validation")
         surveillanceValidator(getShapesFromPage(), getActiveDocument(), RuleSet);
     if (RuleSet.Name == "CIA Validation")
         CIAValidator(getShapesFromPage(), getActiveDocument(), RuleSet);
     if (RuleSet.Name == "EntryPoint Validation")
         EntrypointValidator(getShapesFromPage(), getActiveDocument(), RuleSet);
예제 #2
        public void violationValidator(Visio.Shapes shapes, Visio.Document document, Visio.ValidationRuleSet violationValidatorRuleSet)

            foreach(Visio.Shape shape in shapes)
                if(shape.Master.Name == "Violation")
                    var outgoingShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    Array outgoing1Dshapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                    if(outgoing1Dshapes.Length == 0)
                        // Issue Handling: Violation Event muss einen ausgehenden DangerFlow haben. (shape weil event markiert werden soll)
                        //customRule2.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                        violationValidatorRuleSet.Rules.get_ItemFromID(2).AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                    foreach (Object element in outgoing1Dshapes)
                    foreach(Visio.Shape element in outgoingShapes)
                        if(element.Master.Name != "DangerFlow")
                            //Issue Handling: Outgoing Flow ist kein DangerFlow (element weil Flow markiert werden soll)
                            //customRule1.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, element);
                            violationValidatorRuleSet.Rules.get_ItemFromID(1).AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, element);
예제 #3
        public void insertRuleSets(Visio.Document doc)
            //Ruleset für korrekte Nutzung von Gateways in Verbindung mit DangerFlows und Sequenzflüssen
            Visio.ValidationRuleSet gatewayValidatorRuleSet = doc.Validation.RuleSets.Add("Gateway Validation");
            gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Description = "Verify that the gateways are correctly used in the document.";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule1 = gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("distinctFlows2sequenceFlow");
            customRule1.Category = "Gateway";
            customRule1.Description = "A DangerFlow and a regular SequenceFlow can only be combined in a gateway, if the resulting flow is a DangerFlow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule2 = gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("equalFlows2distinctFlow");
            customRule2.Category = "Gateway";
            customRule2.Description = "If incoming flows to a gateway are all of the same type, the outgoing flow must be of that same type";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule3 = gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noFlowsAttached");
            customRule3.Category = "Gateway";
            customRule3.Description = "A Gateway element has to have outcoming and incoming Flows";

            //Ruleset für die Elemente CCTV, Guard, AlarmSystem
            Visio.ValidationRuleSet surveillanceValidatorRuleSet = doc.Validation.RuleSets.Add("Surveillance Validation");
            surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Description = "Verify that the Surveillance elements are correctly used in the document.";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule10 = surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("notAccociated");
            customRule10.Category = "Surveillance Element";
            customRule10.Description = "An Surveillance element has to be associated with a container object (Pool/Lane/Group)";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule11 = surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noOutMsgGroup");
            customRule11.Category = "Surveillance Element";
            customRule11.Description = "The Group-Object associated with an Surveillance element has to have an outgoing MessageFlow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule12 = surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noOutMsgPool");
            customRule12.Category = "Surveillance Element";
            customRule12.Description = "The Pool/Lane-Object associated with an Surveillance element has to have an outgoing MessageFlow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule13 = surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noOutMsgSGT");
            customRule13.Category = "Surveillance Element";
            customRule13.Description = "A SecurityGuardTask task has to have an outgoing Message Flow";

            //Ruleset für das Inspektionselement
            Visio.ValidationRuleSet inspectionValidatorRuleSet = doc.Validation.RuleSets.Add("Inspection Validation");
            inspectionValidatorRuleSet.Description = "Verify that the Inspection-Shapes are correctly used in the document.";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule20 = inspectionValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("missingSequenceFlow");
            customRule20.Category = "ispection-shape";
            customRule20.Description = "As each Inspection differentiates between secure and unsecure, it has to have a outgoing Sequence Flow to represent the secure path";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule21 = inspectionValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("glued2DshapesMissing");
            customRule21.Category = "inspection-shape";
            customRule21.Description = "As each Inspection differentiates between secure and unsecure, a Violation event needs to be glued to a Inspection task, to represent the start of a DangerFlow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule22 = inspectionValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("gluedViolationEvent");
            customRule22.Category = "inspection-shape";
            customRule22.Description = "As each Inspection differentiates between secure and unsecure, a Violation event needs to be glued to a Inspection task, to represent the start of a DangerFlow";

            //Ruleset für Violation event
            Visio.ValidationRuleSet violationValidatorRuleSet = doc.Validation.RuleSets.Add("Violation Validation");
            violationValidatorRuleSet.Description = "Verify that the Violation events are correctly used in the document.";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule30 = violationValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noOutgoingDangerFlow");
            customRule30.Category = "Violation Event";
            customRule30.Description = "The outgoing flow of a Violation event has to be a DangerFlow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule31 = violationValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noDangerFlow");
            customRule31.Category = "Violation Event";
            customRule31.Description = "A Violation event has to have a outgoing DangerFlow";

            //Ruleset für Elemente der Informationssicherheit
            Visio.ValidationRuleSet ciaValidatorRuleSet = doc.Validation.RuleSets.Add("CIA Validation");
            ciaValidatorRuleSet.Description = "Verify that the CIA elements are correctly used in the document.";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule40 = ciaValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("availabilityNoOutMsgFlow");
            customRule40.Category = "CIA Elements";
            customRule40.Description = "The Availability element can only be used outside of Data-elements (Dataobject/Database/Message) if it is attached to an outgoing Message Flow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule41 = ciaValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("attachISshapeToDataElement");
            customRule41.Category = "CIA Elements";
            customRule41.Description = "Information Security elements can usually only be attached to Data-elements (Dataobject/Database/Message). Availability can additionally represent the Availability of a Message Flow";

            //Ruleset für EntryPoints
            Visio.ValidationRuleSet entryValidatorRuleSet = doc.Validation.RuleSets.Add("EntryPoint Validation");
            entryValidatorRuleSet.Description = "Verify that the EntryPoints are correctly used in the document.";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule50 = entryValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noOutFlow");
            customRule50.Category = "EntryPoint";
            customRule50.Description = "An EntryPoint needs to have either an outgoing Sequence Flow or an outgoing DangerFlow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule51 = entryValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noInFlow");
            customRule51.Category = "EntryPoint";
            customRule51.Description = "An EntryPoint needs to have a incoming Sequence Flow or DangerFlow";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule52 = entryValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("noIdentification");
            customRule52.Category = "EntryPoint";
            customRule52.Description = "Whenever an EntryPoint stand before a secure zone (Group with PerimeterBarrier), it has to be preceded by an Identification task";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule53 = entryValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("no seperate zone");
            customRule53.Category = "EntryPoint";
            customRule53.Description = "The an EntryPoint following element, has to be inside a seperate zone (inside a Group object)";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule54 = entryValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("Barrier not in Container");
            customRule54.Category = "EntryPoint";
            customRule54.Description = "A PerimeterBarrier element has to be associated with a Group or Pool/Lane";
            Visio.ValidationRule customRule55 = entryValidatorRuleSet.Rules.Add("Flow no preceding Element");
            customRule55.Category = "Flow";
            customRule55.Description = "A Flow alway has to be connected at both ends";
예제 #4
        public void EntrypointValidator(Visio.Shapes shapes, Visio.Document document, Visio.ValidationRuleSet entrypointValidatorRuleSet)

            // Laufe über alle Shapes des Dokuments
            foreach(Visio.Shape shape in shapes)
                //prüfe zunächst ob alle PerimeterBarriers in einem Container ist
                if (shape.Master.Name == "PerimeterBarrier")
                    if (shape.MemberOfContainers.Length == 0)
                        // Issue Handling: PerimeterBarrier außerhalb aller Container
                        entrypointValidatorRuleSet.Rules[5].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                if (shape.Master.Name == "EntryPoint") //Für jeden EntryPoint im Dokument
                    // Listen für auf den EntryPoint folgende Shapes
                    var out1DShapeList = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    var out2DShapeList = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    // Listen für dem EntryPoint vorhergehenden Shapes
                    var in1DShapeList = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    var in2DShapeList = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    // Liste für Container Objecte
                    var containerShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    var containerMembers = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    Boolean inGroup = false;

                    //Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass EntryPoint immer mit nur einem outgoing Sequenzfluss (bzw. D.F.) verbunden ist
                    //zusätzlich kann ein EntryPoint aber  noch mit einem MessageFlow verbunden sein
                    //prüfe alle outgoing 1D shapes (Pfeile: Sequenzfluss, DangerFlow, MSgFlow)
                    Array out1DArray = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                    if(out1DArray.Length == 0)
                        // Issue Handling: EntryPoint has to have an outgoing Flow
                        //customRule1.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                        entrypointValidatorRuleSet.Rules[1].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                    //Array in Liste mit den out 1D shapes casten
                    foreach (Object element in out1DArray)
                    // Über alle outgoing Flows laufen
                    foreach(Visio.Shape outFlow in out1DShapeList)
                        if(outFlow.Master.Name == "DangerFlow" || outFlow.Master.Name == "Sequenzfluss")
                            Array out2DArray = outFlow.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing2D, ""); //an den Fluss gebundenen outgoing 2D shapes
                                                                                                                            //Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass nur ein outgoing 2D Shape an einen Flow gebunden ist

                            if (out2DArray.Length == 0) //wenn kein zweites Element an den Fluss gebunden ist
                                // Issue Handling: Sequenzfluss braucht vorangehendes Element
                                entrypointValidatorRuleSet.Rules[6].AddIssue(outFlow.ContainingPage, outFlow);
                            foreach (Object element in out2DArray)
                                out2DShapeList.Add(shapes.get_ItemFromID((int)element)); // in Liste mit den out 2D shapes casten
                            foreach(Visio.Shape out2DShape in out2DShapeList) //laufe über alle out 2D shapes (nur eins)
                                //ist das out2DShape Teil eines Gruppen-containers
                                Array containerIDs = out2DShape.MemberOfContainers; //Holt alle Container in denen das 2D Shape enthalten ist
                                foreach (Object element in containerIDs)
                                    containerShapes.Add(shapes.get_ItemFromID((int)element)); //Castet Container IDs in Liste mit Container Objekten
                                foreach(Visio.Shape container in containerShapes)
                                    //true wenn 2D shape Teil eines Gruppen container ist --> Issue Handling wenn 2D shape nicht Teil einer Gruppe ist (alle zugeordneten Container dürfen keine Gruppe sein)
                                    if(container.Master.NameU == "Group")
                                        inGroup = true;
                                        //hole alle Shapes die Teil des Gruppen Containers sind
                                        Array memberShapes = container.ContainerProperties.GetMemberShapes(0); // Array "with all shape types and including items in nested containers"
                                        foreach(Object element in memberShapes) //kann nicht leer sein, da mind. out2DShape enthalten sein muss
                                            containerMembers.Add(shapes.get_ItemFromID((int)element)); //in Liste mit allen Shapes auf dem Container casten
                                        foreach(Visio.Shape memberShape in containerMembers) //prüfe alle Mitglieder des Gruppen containers
                                            //wenn PreimeterBarrier enthalten -> Sicherheitsbereich -> Identifikation vor EntryPoint
                                            if (memberShape.Master.Name == "PerimeterBarrier") 
                                                Array in1DArray = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesIncoming1D,"");
                                                if(in1DArray.Length == 0)
                                                    // Issue Handling: EntryPoint benötigt einen Incoming Flow; Muss nach einem Identifikationselement stehen
                                                    //customRule2.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                                    entrypointValidatorRuleSet.Rules[2].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                                // In Liste mit in 1D Shapes casten
                                                foreach(Object element in in1DArray)
                                                    in1DShapeList.Add(shapes.get_ItemFromID((int)element)); //es wird davon ausgegangen dass nur ein Element enthalten ist
                                                //Laufe über alle incoming Flows (nur einer)
                                                foreach(Visio.Shape inFlow in in1DShapeList)
                                                    Array in2DArray = inFlow.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesIncoming2D, "");
                                                    if (in2DArray.Length == 0)
                                                        // Issue Handling: Sequenzfluss braucht vorangehendes Element
                                                        entrypointValidatorRuleSet.Rules[6].AddIssue(inFlow.ContainingPage, inFlow);
                                                    //In Liste mit allen 2D Shapes casten --> Liste enthält das 2D Shape welchses sich vor dem EntryPoint befindet
                                                    foreach(Object element in in2DArray)
                                                    //prüfe vor vorangehendes Element eine Identifikation ist
                                                    foreach(Visio.Shape in2DShape in in2DShapeList)
                                                        if(in2DShape.Master.Name != "Identification")
                                                            // Issue Handling: Wenn EntryPoint vor einem Schutzbereich steht, muss vor dem EntryPoint eine Identifikation statt finden
                                                            //customRule3.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                                            entrypointValidatorRuleSet.Rules[3].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                if(inGroup == false)
                                    // Issue Handling: out 2D shape ist nicht Teil einer Gruppe
                                    //customRule4.AddIssue(out2DShape.ContainingPage, out2DShape);
                                    entrypointValidatorRuleSet.Rules[4].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
예제 #5
        public void CIAValidator(Visio.Shapes shapes, Visio.Document document, Visio.ValidationRuleSet ciaValidatorRuleSet)

            var informationSecurityShapes = new List<String>();
            var informationShapes = new List<String>();
            foreach (Visio.Shape shape in shapes)
                if (informationSecurityShapes.Contains(shape.Master.Name))
                    if(shape.Master.Name == "Availability")
                        Boolean gluedToNonDataObject = false;
                        var gluedShapes1 = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                        Array allGlued1Shapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesAll2D, "");
                        foreach (Object element in allGlued1Shapes)
                        foreach (Visio.Shape element in gluedShapes1)
                            if (!informationShapes.Contains(element.Master.Name))
                                gluedToNonDataObject = true;
                        if (gluedToNonDataObject == true)
                            var outgoingFlows = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                            Array outgoing1D = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                            foreach (Object element in outgoing1D)
                            foreach(Visio.Shape x in outgoingFlows)
                                if(x.Master.Name != "Nachrichtenfluss")
                                    //Issue Handling: Ausgehender Fluss muss Nachrichtenfluss sein
                                    //customRule1.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                    ciaValidatorRuleSet.Rules[1].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                            if (!outgoingFlows.Any())
                                //Issue Handling: Braucht ausgehenden Nachrichtenfluss
                                //customRule1.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                ciaValidatorRuleSet.Rules[1].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                    var gluedShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    Array allGluedShapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesAll2D, "");
                    if(allGluedShapes.Length == 0)
                        // Issue Handling: Data-Security Element muss an ein Data-Shape geklebt werden.
                        ciaValidatorRuleSet.Rules[2].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                    foreach (Object element in allGluedShapes)
                    foreach(Visio.Shape element in gluedShapes)
                        if (!informationShapes.Contains(element.Master.Name))
                            //Issue Handing: Information Security Shape muss an ein Daten-Shapen geklebt werden.
                            //customRule2.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                            ciaValidatorRuleSet.Rules[2].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
예제 #6
        public void surveillanceValidator(Visio.Shapes shapes, Visio.Document document, Visio.ValidationRuleSet surveillanceValidatorRuleSet)

            var surveillanceShapes = new List<String>();
            surveillanceShapes.Add("SecurityGuardTask.54"); //kp warum der Master so heißt

            foreach (Visio.Shape shape in shapes)
                if (surveillanceShapes.Contains(shape.Master.Name))
                    var containerShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    Boolean inGroup = false;
                    //Prüft ob es sich um die S.G._Task handelt
                    if (shape.Master.Name == "SecurityGuardTask.54")
                        // holt alle Flows von dem S.G._Task
                        var outgoingShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                        Array outgoing1Dshapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                        foreach (Object element in outgoing1Dshapes)
                        Boolean hasMsgFlow = false;
                        foreach(Visio.Shape outFlow in outgoingShapes)
                            if(outFlow.Master.Name == "Nachrichtenfluss")
                                hasMsgFlow = true;
                        if(hasMsgFlow == false)
                            // Issue Handling: No outgoing Message Flow bei der SecurityGuardTask (Regel 4 [13])
                            surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules[4].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                        continue; //shape von weiterer Bearbeitung ausschließen
                    //Prüft ob dem Shape ein Container zugeordnet ist, wenn nicht: Verstoß gegen Modellierungsregel 1
                    if(shape.MemberOfContainers.Length == 0){
                        //customRule1.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                        surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules[1].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                        //Holt alle Container Objekte in denen das aktuelle Shape liegt; Fügt sie der Liste containerIDs hinzu
                        Array containerIDs = shape.MemberOfContainers;
                        foreach(Object element in containerIDs){
                        foreach(Visio.Shape container in containerShapes){
                            if(container.Master.NameU == "Group"){
                                var outgoingShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                                Array outgoing1Dshapes = container.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                                foreach (Object element in outgoing1Dshapes)
                                if (!outgoingShapes.Any())
                                    // Issue Handling: Kein outgoing Message Flow an dem überwachten Group-Shape
                                    //customRule2.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                    surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules[2].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                inGroup = true;
                        //Surveillance Shape in einer Lane/in einem Pool.
                        if (inGroup == false)
                            foreach (Visio.Shape container in containerShapes)
                                if (container.Master.NameU == "Swimlane List")
                                    var cffOfCont = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                                    Array cont = container.MemberOfContainers;
                                    // erstellt eine Liste mit den CFF containern des Swimlane List containers (hoffentlich immer nur einer) ->Funktioniert das?
                                    // die Konnektoren hängen nur an den CFF-Containern: der CFF-Container beinhaltet eine "Swimlane List" und eine "Phasen List" (Container Elemente "Pool/Lane" dafür nicht nutzbar warum auch immer)
                                    foreach(Object element in cont)
                                        if(shapes.get_ItemFromID((int)element).Master.Name == "CFF-Container")
                                    //Überspringt wahrscheinlich die schleife --> If abfrage??
                                    foreach (Visio.Shape cff in cffOfCont)
                                        var outgoingShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                                        Array outgoing1Dshapes = cff.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                                        foreach (Object element in outgoing1Dshapes)
                                        //hat der cff container outgoing 1D shapes?
                                        if (!outgoingShapes.Any())
                                            // Issue Handling: Kein outgoing Message Flow an dem überwachten Lane-Shape
                                            //customRule3.AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                                            surveillanceValidatorRuleSet.Rules[3].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
예제 #7
        public void inspectionValidator(Visio.Shapes shapes, Visio.Document document, Visio.ValidationRuleSet inspectionValidatorRuleSet)
            // TODO: Dynamisch codieren, dass es nur einen outgoing sequence flow geben darf.

            //int count = 0;
            foreach(Visio.Shape shape in shapes)
                if(shape.Master.Name == "Inspection")
                    int count = 0;
                    var gluedShapesIDs = new List<int>();
                    if (shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "").Length > 1)
                        //Issue Handling: Missing Outgoing Sequence Flow for secure case distinction
                        var outgoingShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                        Array outgoing1Dshapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                        int seqFlows = 0;
                        foreach (Object element in outgoing1Dshapes)
                        foreach(Visio.Shape flow in outgoingShapes)
                            if(flow.Master.NameU == "Sequence Flow")
                        if (seqFlows != 1)
                            inspectionValidatorRuleSet.Rules[1].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);

                    Array glued2Dshapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesAll2D, ""); 
                    foreach(Object element in glued2Dshapes){
                    if (!gluedShapesIDs.Any())  
                        inspectionValidatorRuleSet.Rules[2].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape); // Issue Handling: Keine glued 2D Shapes vorhanden
                        foreach(int id in gluedShapesIDs)
                            if (shapes.get_ItemFromID(id).Master.Name == "Violation")
                        if (count== 0)
                            inspectionValidatorRuleSet.Rules[3].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape); // Issue Handling: Keine "Violation"-Shape an das Inspection-Shape geklebt.
예제 #8
        public void gatewayValidator(Visio.Shapes shapes, Visio.Document document, Visio.ValidationRuleSet gatewayValidatorRuleSet)

            foreach (Visio.Shape shape in shapes)
                if(shape.Master.NameU == "Gateway")
                    Boolean mixedFlows = false;
                    var incomingShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    var outgoingShapes = new List<Visio.Shape>();
                    Array incoming1Dshapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesIncoming1D, "");
                    Array outgoing1Dshapes = shape.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
                    if(incoming1Dshapes.Length == 0)
                        //Issue Handling    Keine eingehenden Flows
                        gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Rules[3].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                    if(outgoing1Dshapes.Length == 0)
                        //Issue Handling    Keine ausgehenden Flows
                        gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Rules[3].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, shape);
                    foreach (Object element in incoming1Dshapes)
                    foreach (Object element in outgoing1Dshapes)

                    String comparisonShape = incomingShapes.First().Master.Name;
                    foreach (Visio.Shape current in incomingShapes)
                        if(current.Master.Name != comparisonShape)
                        {   //Wenn ungleiche Sequenzflüsse zusammengeführt werden, müssen ausgehende Sequenzflüsse DangerFlows sein.
                            mixedFlows = true;
                            foreach(Visio.Shape x in outgoingShapes)
                                if(x.Master.Name != "DangerFlow")
                                    //customRule1.AddIssue(x.ContainingPage, x);
                                    gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Rules[1].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, x);
                    //Alle eingehenden Sequenzflüsse sind gleich, aber mindestens ein ausgehender Sequenzfluss ist ungleich.
                    if(mixedFlows == false)
                        foreach(Visio.Shape element in outgoingShapes)
                            if(element.Master.Name != comparisonShape)
                                //customRule2.AddIssue(element.ContainingPage, element);
                                gatewayValidatorRuleSet.Rules[2].AddIssue(shape.ContainingPage, element);