public IVisio.Layer Get(string layername) { this.Client.Application.AssertApplicationAvailable(); this.Client.Document.AssertDocumentAvailable(); if (layername == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(layername)); } if (layername.Length < 1) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Layer name cannot be empty", nameof(layername)); } var application = this.Client.Application.Get(); var page = application.ActivePage; IVisio.Layer layer = null; try { this.Client.WriteVerbose("Trying to find Layer named \"{0}\"", layername); var layers = page.Layers; layer = layers.ItemU[layername]; } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { string msg = $"No such layer \"{layername}\""; throw new VisioOperationException(msg); } return(layer); }
void ck_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { RibbonCheckBox ck = (RibbonCheckBox)sender; Visio.Layer lay = (Visio.Layer)ck.Tag; lay.CellsC[4].Formula = ck.Checked ? "1" : "0"; }
public IVisio.Layer FindLayersOnPageByName(TargetPage targetpage, string name) { targetpage = targetpage.Resolve(this._client); if (name == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(name)); } if (name.Length < 1) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Layer name cannot be empty", nameof(name)); } IVisio.Layer layer = null; try { this._client.Output.WriteVerbose("Trying to find layer named \"{0}\"", name); var layers = targetpage.Page.Layers; layer = layers.ItemU[name]; } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { string msg = string.Format("No layer with name \"{0}\"", name); throw new VisioAutomation.Exceptions.VisioOperationException(msg); } return(layer); }
public IVisio.Layer Get(string layername) { this.AssertApplicationAvailable(); this.AssertDocumentAvailable(); if (layername == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("layername"); } if (layername.Length < 1) { throw new System.ArgumentException("layername"); } var application = this.Client.VisioApplication; var page = application.ActivePage; IVisio.Layer layer = null; try { this.Client.WriteVerbose("Trying to find Layer named \"{0}\"", layername); var layers = page.Layers; layer = layers.ItemU[layername]; } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { string msg = string.Format("No such layer \"{0}\"", layername); throw new VA.Scripting.ScriptingException(msg); } return(layer); }
private void ProcessCommand_Layer(XElement layerElement) { VisioHlp.DisplayInWatchWindow(string.Format("{0}()", System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name)); try { // TODO(crhodes): // Need to pass in doc and page so this can work for any document Visio.Application app = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application; Visio.Document doc = app.ActiveDocument; Visio.Page page = app.ActivePage; string layerName = layerElement.Attribute("Name").Value; Visio.Layer targetLayer = page.Layers[layerName]; if (targetLayer != null) { string newName = (string)layerElement.Attribute("NewName"); string layerVisible = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsVisible"); string layerPrint = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsPrint"); string layerActive = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsActive"); string layerLock = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsLock"); string layerSnap = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsSnap"); string layerGlue = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsGlue"); if (newName != null) { targetLayer.Name = newName; } if (layerVisible != null) { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerVisible].FormulaU = layerVisible; } if (layerPrint != null) { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerPrint].FormulaU = layerPrint; } if (layerActive != null) { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerActive].FormulaU = layerActive; } if (layerLock != null) { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerLock].FormulaU = layerLock; } if (layerSnap != null) { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerSnap].FormulaU = layerSnap; } if (layerGlue != null) { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerGlue].FormulaU = layerGlue; } } } catch (Exception ex) { VisioHlp.DisplayInWatchWindow(ex.ToString()); } }
private void ProcessCommand_Layer(Visio.Page page, XElement layerElement) { VisioHlp.DisplayInWatchWindow(string.Format("{0}()", System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name)); try { string layerName = layerElement.Attribute("Name").Value; Visio.Layer targetLayer = page.Layers[layerName]; if (targetLayer != null) { string newName = (string)layerElement.Attribute("NewName"); string layerVisible = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsVisible"); string layerPrint = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsPrint"); string layerActive = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsActive"); string layerLock = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsLock"); string layerSnap = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsSnap"); string layerGlue = (string)layerElement.Attribute("IsGlue"); if (newName != null && newName != "") { targetLayer.Name = newName; } if (layerVisible != null && layerVisible != "") { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerVisible].FormulaU = layerVisible; } if (layerPrint != null && layerPrint != "") { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerPrint].FormulaU = layerPrint; } if (layerActive != null && layerActive != "") { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerActive].FormulaU = layerActive; } if (layerLock != null && layerLock != "") { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerLock].FormulaU = layerLock; } if (layerSnap != null && layerSnap != "") { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerSnap].FormulaU = layerSnap; } if (layerGlue != null && layerGlue != "") { targetLayer.CellsC[(short)Visio.VisCellIndices.visLayerGlue].FormulaU = layerGlue; } } } catch (Exception ex) { VisioHlp.DisplayInWatchWindow(ex.ToString()); } }