예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an enabling condition for an action method.
        /// If the action method takes no input parameters or parameterless = true
        /// then mayDependOnState should be true,
        /// otherwise the condition will either always hold or never hold.
        /// </summary>
        internal EnablingCondition(ActionInfo actionInfo, bool mayDependOnState, bool parameterless)
            this.actionInfo = actionInfo;
            Type type = actionInfo.model.GetType();

            Type[] paramTypes = (parameterless ? Type.EmptyTypes : actionInfo.inputParameterTypes);
            foreach (ModelRequirementAttribute attr in ActionInfo.GetModelRequirementAttributes(actionInfo.method))
                MethodInfo pred = type.GetMethod(attr.MethodName, paramTypes);
                if (pred != null && pred.ReturnType == typeof(bool) &&
                    (mayDependOnState || IsStateIndependent(pred)))