private void OnCreateDbLinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { PromptDialog dialog = new PromptDialog(base.ServiceProvider); dialog.EntryText = "Enter a name for the new database:"; Label_0017: if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string s = dialog.EntryValue.Trim(); string message = string.Empty; if (s.Length == 0) { message = "The name must not be empty."; } else if (s.Length > 0x7c) { message = "The name cannot be longer than 124 characters."; } else if (!SqlHelper.IsValidIdentifier(s)) { message = "The name is not valid. Check that it contains valid characters and is not too long."; } if (message.Length > 0) { this.ReportError(message, "Unable to create a database with that name."); goto Label_0017; } this.CollectConnectionSettings(); SqlDatabase database = new SqlDatabase(this.ConnectionSettings); try { database.Connect(); database.CreateDatabase(SqlHelper.RemoveDelimiters(s)); this._connectionSettings.Database = s; base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; base.Close(); } catch (Exception exception) { this.ReportError(exception, "Could not create a new database."); goto Label_0017; } finally { database.Disconnect(); } } }
public override DocumentProjectItem GetSaveAsProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem item) { DocumentProjectItem item2 = null; PromptDialog dialog = new PromptDialog(base.ServiceProvider); dialog.Text = "Save Document As"; dialog.EntryText = "Enter the full path to the new FTP location for the document:\n"; dialog.EntryValue = item.Path; dialog.RequiresNewValue = true; ICommandManager service = (ICommandManager) base.GetService(typeof(ICommandManager)); if (service != null) { service.SuspendCommandUpdate(); } try { if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return item2; } string entryValue = dialog.EntryValue; if (!this.ValidateProjectItemPath(entryValue, false)) { throw new Exception("'" + entryValue + "' is not a valid file path."); } string caption = entryValue; int num = entryValue.LastIndexOf('/'); if (num > 0) { caption = entryValue.Substring(num + 1); } item2 = new MiscFileProjectItem(caption, entryValue, this); } finally { if (service != null) { service.ResumeCommandUpdate(); } } return item2; }