protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { this._timer.Enabled = false; if (this._activeTab != null) { this._activeTab.DisplayChanged -= new EventHandler(this.OnTabDisplayChanged); this._activeTab = null; } foreach (CommunityTab tab in this._tabs) { ((IDisposable) tab).Dispose(); } this._tabs = null; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
protected override void GenerateDisplayPage(CommunityTab.CommunityPageBuilder builder) { base.GenerateDisplayPage(builder); IApplicationIdentity service = (IApplicationIdentity) base.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IApplicationIdentity)); if (service != null) { IDictionary webLinks = service.WebLinks; if ((webLinks != null) && (webLinks.Count != 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < this._headings.Length; i++) { string str = this._sectionNames[i]; if ((str != null) && (str.Length != 0)) { if (i != 0) { builder.AddSectionBreak(); } WebLink link = (WebLink) webLinks[str + "0"]; if (link != null) { string text1 = this._headings[i]; builder.AddHeading(this._headings[i], null); builder.AddHorizontalLine(); int num2 = 0; while (link != null) { builder.AddHyperLinkWithGlyph(link.Title, link.Url, null, LinkImage); num2++; link = (WebLink) webLinks[str + num2]; } } } } } } }
private void OnToolBarButtonClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == this._refreshButton) { this.UpdateDisplay(true); } else { int tag = (int) e.Button.Tag; CommunityTab tab = (CommunityTab) this._tabs[tag]; if (tab != this._activeTab) { for (int i = 0; i < this._toolBar.Buttons.Count; i++) { this._toolBar.Buttons[i].Pushed = false; } e.Button.Pushed = true; if (this._activeTab != null) { this._activeTab.DisplayChanged -= new EventHandler(this.OnTabDisplayChanged); } this._activeTab = tab; this.UpdateDisplay(false); this._activeTab.DisplayChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnTabDisplayChanged); } } }
public void SetOwner(CommunityTab owner) { this._owner = owner; }
private void AddTab(CommunityTab tab) { int count = this._tabs.Count; this._tabs.Add(tab); this._buttonImages.Images.Add(tab.Glyph); ToolBarButton button = new ToolBarButton(); button.ImageIndex = count + 1; button.Tag = count; button.ToolTipText = tab.Name; this._toolBar.Buttons.Add(button); if (count == 0) { button.Pushed = true; this._refreshButton.Enabled = tab.SupportsRefresh; this._activeTab = tab; if (base.IsHandleCreated) { this.UpdateDisplay(true); } } }
private void GenerateSigningInDisplayPage(CommunityTab.CommunityPageBuilder builder) { builder.BeginNewSection(false); builder.AddImage(InfoGlyph).Padding = new BoxEdges(0, 1, 4, 1); builder.PushBold(); builder.AddText("Signing-in..."); builder.PopBold(); builder.EndCurrentSection(); }
private void GenerateSignInDisplayPage(CommunityTab.CommunityPageBuilder builder) { builder.BeginNewSection(false); builder.AddImage(InfoGlyph).Padding = new BoxEdges(0, 1, 4, 1); builder.PushBold(); builder.AddText("Please sign-in..."); builder.PopBold(); builder.EndCurrentSection(); builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.BeginNewSection(20); builder.AddTextSpan("You can use the contact list feature to interact with your contacts in the '" + this._buddyGroup + "' group by signing into Windows Messenger service."); builder.EndCurrentSection(); builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.BeginNewSection(20); builder.AddHyperLink("Sign-in", "SignIn").ToolTip = "Click here to sign-in now"; builder.EndCurrentSection(); }
private void GenerateErrorDisplayPage(CommunityTab.CommunityPageBuilder builder) { builder.BeginNewSection(false); builder.AddImage(ErrorGlyph).Padding = new BoxEdges(0, 1, 4, 1); builder.PushBold(); builder.AddText("Error..."); builder.PopBold(); builder.EndCurrentSection(); builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.BeginNewSection(20); builder.AddTextSpan("Unable to access the Windows Messenger service and display contacts in the '" + this._buddyGroup + "' contact group. To use the contact list feature you must have Windows Messenger version 4.5 or greater on your computer."); builder.EndCurrentSection(); builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.BeginNewSection(20); builder.AddHyperLink("Click here", "Messenger").ToolTip = ""; builder.AddTextSpan(" to download and install the latest version of Windows Messenger. Once you have installed it, click the 'Refresh' button above."); builder.EndCurrentSection(); }
private void GenerateContactsDisplayPage(CommunityTab.CommunityPageBuilder builder) { Interop.IMessengerGroup group = null; int num = 0; if (this._messenger != null) { Interop.IMessengerGroups myGroups = (Interop.IMessengerGroups) this._messenger.GetMyGroups(); int count = myGroups.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Interop.IMessengerGroup group2 = (Interop.IMessengerGroup) myGroups.Item(i); string name = group2.GetName(); if ((name != null) && name.Equals(this._buddyGroup)) { group = group2; } } if (group == null) { group = (Interop.IMessengerGroup) this._messenger.CreateGroup(this._buddyGroup, this._messenger.GetMyServiceId()); } } if (group != null) { Interop.IMessengerContacts contacts = (Interop.IMessengerContacts) group.GetContacts(); if (contacts != null) { num = contacts.GetCount(); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { string str2; Interop.IMessengerContact contact = (Interop.IMessengerContact) contacts.Item(j); if (contact.GetBlocked()) { goto Label_0165; } Image glyph = null; int status = contact.GetStatus(); if (status <= 10) { switch (status) { case 1: goto Label_0121; case 2: glyph = BuddyGlyph; goto Label_0128; case 10: goto Label_0118; } goto Label_0121; } if ((status != 0x12) && (status != 0x22)) { goto Label_0121; } glyph = AwayBuddyGlyph; goto Label_0128; Label_0118: glyph = BusyBuddyGlyph; goto Label_0128; Label_0121: glyph = OfflineBuddyGlyph; Label_0128: str2 = contact.GetSigninName(); string serviceId = contact.GetServiceId(); string friendlyName = contact.GetFriendlyName(); builder.AddHyperLinkWithGlyph(friendlyName, new string[] { str2, serviceId }, str2, glyph); Label_0165:; } } } if (num == 0) { builder.BeginNewSection(false); builder.AddImage(InfoGlyph).Padding = new BoxEdges(0, 1, 4, 1); builder.PushBold(); builder.AddText("No contacts found..."); builder.PopBold(); builder.EndCurrentSection(); builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.BeginNewSection(20); builder.AddTextSpan("There are currently no contacts present in your '" + this._buddyGroup + "' group in Windows Messenger to display here."); builder.EndCurrentSection(); } else { builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.AddHorizontalLine(); builder.BeginNewSection(false); builder.AddImage(InfoGlyph).Padding = new BoxEdges(0, 1, 4, 1); builder.PushBold(); builder.AddText("Organizing your contacts..."); builder.PopBold(); builder.EndCurrentSection(); } builder.AddSectionBreak(); builder.BeginNewSection(20); builder.AddTextSpan("You can use Windows Messenger to organize your contact list, so that you have other contacts appear in this group."); builder.EndCurrentSection(); }
protected override void GenerateDisplayPage(CommunityTab.CommunityPageBuilder builder) { base.GenerateDisplayPage(builder); builder.SetPageWatermark(new Watermark(WatermarkImage, WatermarkPlacement.BottomRight)); if (this._messenger == null) { try { Interop.Messenger messenger = new Interop.Messenger(); this._messenger = (Interop.IMessenger2) messenger; } catch { } } builder.AddHeading(this._buddyGroup, null); builder.AddHorizontalLine(); if (this._messenger == null) { this.GenerateErrorDisplayPage(builder); } else { try { int myStatus = this._messenger.GetMyStatus(); if ((myStatus == 0) || (myStatus == 1)) { this.GenerateSignInDisplayPage(builder); } else { this.GenerateContactsDisplayPage(builder); this._signingIn = false; } } catch { if (this._signingIn) { this.GenerateSigningInDisplayPage(builder); } else { this.GenerateErrorDisplayPage(builder); } } } }