public bool SubmitFeedback(string appId, string userEmail, FeedbackData feedbackData) { return (bool) base.Invoke("SubmitFeedback", new object[] { appId, userEmail, feedbackData })[0]; }
private void OnClickSendFeedbackButton(object sender, EventArgs e) { IApplicationIdentity identity = (IApplicationIdentity) this.GetService(typeof(IApplicationIdentity)); if (identity != null) { string url = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["IDE.SendFeedbackServiceUrl"]; if ((url != null) && (url.Length != 0)) { IMxUIService service = (IMxUIService) this.GetService(typeof(IMxUIService)); FeedbackData feedbackData = new FeedbackData(); feedbackData.appVersion = this._appInfo.ProductVersion; feedbackData.osInfo = this._appInfo.OperatingSystemVersion; feedbackData.title = this._messageSubjectText.Text.Trim(); feedbackData.Text = this._messageText.Text; if (this._exception == null) { if ((feedbackData.title.Length == 0) || (feedbackData.Text.Length == 0)) { service.ShowMessage("Please enter in a subject and some details about your feedback.", this.Text, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } } else { feedbackData.isExceptionReport = true; feedbackData.exceptionData = this._exception.Message + "\r\n" + this._exception.StackTrace; if (feedbackData.title.Length == 0) { feedbackData.title = this._exception.Message; } } feedbackData.isExceptionReportSpecified = true; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(this._assemblies.Count * 0x200); foreach (AssemblyName name in this._assemblies) { builder.Append(name.FullName); builder.Append("\r\n"); } feedbackData.AssemblyInfo = builder.ToString(); new SendFeedbackService(url).BeginSubmitFeedback(identity.Name, this._userEmailText.Text.Trim(), feedbackData, null, null); if (service != null) { service.ShowMessage("Thank you for sending your feedback and comments.\r\nYou will receive confirmation email, if you provided your email address.", this.Text, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } } base.Close(); }
public IAsyncResult BeginSubmitFeedback(string appId, string userEmail, FeedbackData feedbackData, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return base.BeginInvoke("SubmitFeedback", new object[] { appId, userEmail, feedbackData }, callback, asyncState); }