protected Document(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) { this._guid = Guid.NewGuid(); if (projectItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("projectItem"); } this._projectItem = projectItem; }
public CodeDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, CodeDocumentLanguage language) : base(projectItem) { if (language == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("language"); } this._language = language; }
public void ClearDesignTimeHtml(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) { ProjectEntry entry = null; if (this._projectTable != null) { entry = (ProjectEntry) this._projectTable[projectItem.Project]; } if (entry != null) { entry.RemoveDesignTimeHtml(projectItem); } }
public override Document OpenProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem item, bool readOnly, DocumentViewType initialView) { IProjectManager service = (IProjectManager) base.GetService(typeof(IProjectManager)); if (service != null) { Project localFileSystemProject = service.LocalFileSystemProject; if (localFileSystemProject != null) { return localFileSystemProject.OpenProjectItem(item, readOnly, initialView); } } return null; }
public override Document OpenProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool readOnly, DocumentViewType initialView) { if ((projectItem is TableProjectItem) || (projectItem is StoredProcedureProjectItem)) { IDocumentManager service = (IDocumentManager) base.GetService(typeof(IDocumentManager)); if (service == null) { return null; } try { return service.OpenDocument(projectItem, readOnly, DocumentViewType.Default); } catch (Exception exception) { ((IMxUIService) base.GetService(typeof(IMxUIService))).ReportError(exception, "Error opening document.", false); return null; } } return null; }
public string GetDesignTimeHtml(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool forceRegenerate) { ProjectEntry entry = null; if (this._projectTable != null) { entry = (ProjectEntry) this._projectTable[projectItem.Project]; if (forceRegenerate && (entry != null)) { entry.RemoveDesignTimeHtml(projectItem); } } else { this._projectTable = new HybridDictionary(); } if (entry == null) { entry = new ProjectEntry(); this._projectTable[projectItem.Project] = entry; } return entry.GetDesignTimeHtml(projectItem); }
public HtmlDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) : base(projectItem) { }
Document IDocumentFactory.CreateDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool readOnly, DocumentMode mode, DocumentViewType initialView, out DocumentWindow documentWindow, out DesignerHost designerHost) { throw new NotSupportedException("Invalid use of CodeDocumentFactory. This class only exists to represent a arbitrary code file."); }
public StoredProcedureDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) : base(projectItem) { }
public override DocumentProjectItem GetSaveAsProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem item) { return null; }
private void OnClickOKButton(object sender, EventArgs e) { IMxUIService service = (IMxUIService) this.GetService(typeof(IMxUIService)); CodeDocumentLanguage codeLanguage = null; string fileName = this.GetFileName(); string itemPath = (this._location != null) ? this._location : this._locationText.Text.Trim(); string str3 = null; if (!this._project.ValidateProjectItemName(fileName)) { service.ReportError("'" + fileName + "' is not a valid file name.\r\nPlease try again.", this.Text, true); this._fileNameText.Focus(); } else if ((this._location == null) && !this._project.ValidateProjectItemPath(itemPath, true)) { service.ReportError("'" + itemPath + "' is not a valid location for the new file.\r\nPlease try again.", this.Text, true); this._locationText.Focus(); } else { try { byte[] buffer; try { str3 = this._project.CombinePath(itemPath, fileName); if (!this._project.ProjectItemExists(str3) || (service.ShowMessage("A file with the path '" + str3 + "' already exists.\r\nClick 'Yes' to continue and overwrite the existing file.\r\nClick 'No' to pick a different file.", this.Text, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) != DialogResult.No)) { goto Label_013D; } this._fileNameText.Focus(); } catch { service.ReportError("Unable to create the specified file.\r\nPlease try again.", this.Text, true); this._fileNameText.Focus(); } return; Label_013D: buffer = null; try { DocumentInstanceArguments instanceArguments = null; if ((this._currentTemplateItem.DocumentType.TemplateFlags & TemplateFlags.HasCode) == TemplateFlags.None) { instanceArguments = new DocumentInstanceArguments(fileName); } else { codeLanguage = this.GetCodeLanguage(); string namespaceName = string.Empty; string str5 = string.Empty; if (this._classInfoCheckBox.Checked) { namespaceName = this._namespaceText.Text.Trim(); str5 = this._classText.Text.Trim(); if (codeLanguage != null) { ICodeGenerator generator = codeLanguage.CodeDomProvider.CreateGenerator(); if (!generator.IsValidIdentifier(str5)) { service.ReportError("'" + str5 + "' is not a valid class name.\r\nPlease try again.", this.Text, true); this._classText.Focus(); return; } foreach (string str6 in namespaceName.Split(new char[] { '.' })) { if (!generator.IsValidIdentifier(str6)) { service.ReportError("'" + namespaceName + "' is not a valid namespace name.\r\nPlease try again.", this.Text, true); this._namespaceText.Focus(); return; } } } } instanceArguments = new DocumentInstanceArguments(fileName, codeLanguage, namespaceName, str5); } buffer = this._currentTemplateItem.DocumentType.Instantiate(base.ServiceProvider, instanceArguments); } catch { service.ReportError("Unable to use the selected document template to create a new file.\r\nPlease try again.", this.Text, true); buffer = null; } if (buffer != null) { DocumentProjectItem item = this._project.ParsePath(str3, true) as DocumentProjectItem; if (item != null) { Stream stream = null; try { stream = item.GetStream(ProjectItemStreamMode.Write); if (buffer.Length != 0) { stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } this._newProjectItem = item; } finally { if (stream != null) { stream.Close(); stream = null; } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { service.ReportError(exception.Message, this.Text, false); } if (this._newProjectItem != null) { IPreferencesService service2 = (IPreferencesService) this.GetService(typeof(IPreferencesService)); if (service2 != null) { PreferencesStore preferencesStore = service2.GetPreferencesStore(typeof(AddFileDialog)); if (preferencesStore != null) { if (this._location == null) { preferencesStore.SetValue("Location", itemPath, string.Empty); } preferencesStore.SetValue("View", (this._templateListView.View == View.List) ? 1 : 0, 0); } } if (codeLanguage != null) { ILanguageManager manager = (ILanguageManager) this.GetService(typeof(ILanguageManager)); if (manager != null) { ((LanguageManager) manager).SetCurrentCodeLanguage(codeLanguage); } } base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; base.Close(); } else { this._fileNameText.Focus(); } } }
public TableDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) : base(projectItem) { }
protected override Stream GetProjectItemStream(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, ProjectItemStreamMode mode) { return null; }
private string GetLocalFileProjectItemRunUrl(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) { string path = projectItem.Path; string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); string str3 = null; string appDirectory = null; string uriString = null; if (this._localDirectoryMappings != null) { for (string str6 = directoryName; str6 != null; str6 = Path.GetDirectoryName(str6)) { uriString = (string) this._localDirectoryMappings[str6.ToLower()]; if (uriString != null) { appDirectory = str6; break; } } if (uriString != null) { Socket socket = null; bool flag = false; try { Uri uri = new Uri(uriString); IPAddress address = Dns.GetHostByName(uri.Host).AddressList[0]; if (IPAddress.IsLoopback(address) || address.Equals(Dns.GetHostByName(Environment.MachineName).AddressList[0])) { IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(address, uri.Port); socket = new Socket(remoteEP.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); socket.Connect(remoteEP); if (!socket.Connected) { flag = true; } } } catch { flag = true; } finally { if (socket != null) { socket.Close(); } } if (flag) { this._localDirectoryMappings.Remove(appDirectory.ToLower()); uriString = null; appDirectory = null; } } } if (uriString == null) { IUIService service = (IUIService) this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)); DialogResult cancel = DialogResult.Cancel; if (service != null) { StartWebAppDialog form = new StartWebAppDialog(this._serviceProvider, directoryName); cancel = service.ShowDialog(form); if (cancel == DialogResult.OK) { appDirectory = form.AppDirectory; uriString = form.AppUrl; if (this._localDirectoryMappings == null) { this._localDirectoryMappings = new HybridDictionary(false); } this._localDirectoryMappings[appDirectory.ToLower()] = uriString; } } if (cancel == DialogResult.Cancel) { return string.Empty; } } if (uriString == null) { return str3; } if (directoryName.Equals(appDirectory)) { return (uriString + "/" + projectItem.Caption); } string[] strArray = path.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); string[] strArray2 = appDirectory.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(uriString, 0x400); for (int i = strArray2.Length; i < strArray.Length; i++) { builder.Append('/'); builder.Append(strArray[i]); } return builder.ToString(); }
private void AddMruEntry(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) { string path = projectItem.Path; this.MruList.AddEntry(path); try { Interop.SHAddToRecentDocs(Interop.SHARED_PATH, path); } catch { } }
public override DocumentProjectItem GetSaveAsProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem item) { DocumentProjectItem saveAsProjectItem = base.GetSaveAsProjectItem(item); if (saveAsProjectItem != null) { this.AddMruEntry(saveAsProjectItem); } return saveAsProjectItem; }
public abstract Document OpenProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool readOnly, DocumentViewType initialView);
private string GenerateDesignTimeHtml(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) { string str = null; WebFormsDesignerHost designerHost = null; try { AscxDocument document = new AscxDocument(projectItem); designerHost = new WebFormsDesignerHost(document); document.Load(true); str = string.Empty; string html = document.Html; string directives = document.RegisterDirectives.ToString(); string controlText = "<asp:PlaceHolder runat=\"server\">" + html + "</asp:PlaceHolder>"; Control control = ControlParser.ParseControl(designerHost, controlText, directives); if ((control == null) || !control.HasControls()) { return str; } IDesignerHost host2 = designerHost; IContainer container = host2.Container; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(0x400); bool flag = false; foreach (Control control2 in control.Controls) { if (!(control2 is LiteralControl)) { if (!flag) { flag = true; Page component = new Page(); component.ID = "Page"; container.Add(component, "Page"); component.DesignerInitialize(); } container.Add(control2); } } foreach (Control control4 in control.Controls) { LiteralControl control5 = control4 as LiteralControl; if (control5 != null) { builder.Append(control5.Text); } else { ControlDesigner designer = (ControlDesigner) host2.GetDesigner(control4); try { string designTimeHtml = designer.GetDesignTimeHtml(); builder.Append(designTimeHtml); continue; } catch { continue; } } } str = builder.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } finally { if (designerHost != null) { ((IDisposable) designerHost).Dispose(); designerHost = null; } } return str; }
public void RemoveDesignTimeHtml(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) { string path = projectItem.Path; if (this._documentTable.Contains(path)) { this._documentTable.Remove(path); this._documentList.RemoveEntry(path); } }
public string GetDesignTimeHtml(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) { string path = projectItem.Path; string entry = null; string str3 = null; str3 = (string) this._documentTable[path]; if (str3 != null) { entry = this._documentList.AddEntry(path); } else { this._documentTable[path] = string.Empty; str3 = this.GenerateDesignTimeHtml(projectItem); if (str3 != null) { this._documentTable[path] = str3; entry = this._documentList.AddEntry(path); } else { this._documentTable.Remove(path); } } if (entry != null) { this._documentList.RemoveEntry(entry); } return str3; }
public AshxDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) : base(projectItem) { }
public override Document OpenProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem item, bool readOnly, DocumentViewType initialView) { IDocumentManager service = (IDocumentManager) base.GetService(typeof(IDocumentManager)); if (service == null) { return null; } MiscFileProjectItem projectItem = item as MiscFileProjectItem; if ((projectItem == null) || (projectItem.Project != this)) { projectItem = new MiscFileProjectItem(item.Caption, item.Path, this); } Document document = service.OpenDocument(projectItem, readOnly, initialView); this.AddMruEntry(item); return document; }
public abstract DocumentProjectItem GetSaveAsProjectItem(DocumentProjectItem item);
public ImageDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) : base(projectItem) { }
protected internal abstract Stream GetProjectItemStream(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, ProjectItemStreamMode mode);
private void OpenDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, DocumentViewType viewType) { IDocumentManager service = (IDocumentManager) base.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDocumentManager)); if (service != null) { service.OpenDocument(projectItem, false, viewType); } }
Document IDocumentFactory.CreateDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool readOnly, DocumentMode mode, DocumentViewType initialView, out DocumentWindow documentWindow, out DesignerHost designerHost) { if (projectItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("projectItem"); } TableDocument document = new TableDocument(projectItem); designerHost = new DesignerHost(document); document.Load(readOnly); if (initialView == DocumentViewType.Default) { initialView = (document.Table.GetRowCount() == 0) ? DocumentViewType.Design : DocumentViewType.Source; } documentWindow = new TableDocumentWindow(designerHost, document, initialView); return document; }
public TypeDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem) : base(projectItem) { this._filter = TypeDocumentFilter.Declared | TypeDocumentFilter.Obsolete | TypeDocumentFilter.Current | TypeDocumentFilter.Public; }
Document IDocumentFactory.CreateDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool readOnly, DocumentMode mode, DocumentViewType initialView, out DocumentWindow documentWindow, out DesignerHost designerHost) { if (projectItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("projectItem"); } Document document = new AshxDocument(projectItem); designerHost = new DesignerHost(document); document.Load(readOnly); documentWindow = new AshxDocumentWindow(designerHost, document); return document; }
Document IDocumentFactory.CreateDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool readOnly, DocumentMode mode, DocumentViewType initialView, out DocumentWindow documentWindow, out DesignerHost designerHost) { if (projectItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("projectItem"); } if (initialView == DocumentViewType.Default) { initialView = WebPackage.Instance.WebDefaultView; if (initialView == DocumentViewType.Source) { initialView = DocumentViewType.Composite; } } documentWindow = null; AscxDocument document = new AscxDocument(projectItem); designerHost = new WebFormsDesignerHost(document); document.Load(readOnly); Page page = null; UserControl child = null; if (document.DocumentDirective.Inherits.ToLower().IndexOf("mobile") < 0) { page = new Page(); child = new UserControl(); child.ID = "Page"; documentWindow = new AscxDocumentWindow(designerHost, document, initialView); page.Site = new AscxPageSite(designerHost, page); page.DesignerInitialize(); page.Controls.Add(child); } else { if (!_mobileAssemblyLoadFailed) { if (_mobileAssembly == null) { _mobileAssembly = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(_mobileAssemblyName); } if (_mobileAssembly != null) { document.Dispose(); document = new AscxDocument(projectItem); Type type = _mobileAssembly.GetType("System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage"); Type type2 = _mobileAssembly.GetType("System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileUserControl"); Type type3 = _mobileAssembly.GetType("System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form"); page = (Page) Activator.CreateInstance(type); child = (UserControl) Activator.CreateInstance(type2); Control control2 = (Control) Activator.CreateInstance(type3); Type type4 = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile.MobileDesignerHost, Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile"); designerHost = (DesignerHost) Activator.CreateInstance(type4, new object[] { document }); document.Load(readOnly); Type type5 = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile.MobileWebFormsDocumentWindow, Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile"); documentWindow = (DocumentWindow) Activator.CreateInstance(type5, new object[] { designerHost, document, initialView }); page.Site = new AscxPageSite(designerHost, page); page.DesignerInitialize(); page.Controls.Add(control2); control2.Controls.Add(child); } else { _mobileAssemblyLoadFailed = true; } } if (_mobileAssemblyLoadFailed) { document.Dispose(); Document document2 = new TextDocument(projectItem); designerHost = new DesignerHost(document2); ((IMxUIService) designerHost.GetService(typeof(IMxUIService))).ReportError("Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit is required for design-time editing of mobile user controls.\r\nPlease visit '' for more information.\r\nThe user control will be opened in the text editor instead.", "Mobile User Controls are not enabled.", true); document2.Load(readOnly); documentWindow = new TextDocumentWindow(designerHost, document2); return document2; } } IDesignerHost host = designerHost; host.Container.Add(child, "UserControl"); child.DesignerInitialize(); return document; }