// Sets the next statement to the given stack frame and code context. int IDebugThread2.SetNextStatement(IDebugStackFrame2 stackFrame, IDebugCodeContext2 codeContext) { // CLRDBG TODO: This implementation should be changed to call an MI command ulong addr = ((AD7MemoryAddress)codeContext).Address; AD7StackFrame frame = ((AD7StackFrame)stackFrame); if (frame.ThreadContext.Level != 0 || frame.Thread != this || !frame.ThreadContext.pc.HasValue || _engine.DebuggedProcess.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } string toFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, addr); string fromFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, frame.ThreadContext.pc.Value); if (toFunc != fromFunc) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } string result = frame.EvaluateExpression("$pc=" + EngineUtils.AsAddr(addr)); if (result != null) { _engine.DebuggedProcess.ThreadCache.MarkDirty(); return(Constants.S_OK); } return(Constants.S_FALSE); }
// Sets the next statement to the given stack frame and code context. int IDebugThread2.SetNextStatement(IDebugStackFrame2 stackFrame, IDebugCodeContext2 codeContext) { ulong addr = ((AD7MemoryAddress)codeContext).Address; AD7StackFrame frame = ((AD7StackFrame)stackFrame); if (frame.ThreadContext.Level != 0 || frame.Thread != this || !frame.ThreadContext.pc.HasValue) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } string toFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, addr); string fromFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, frame.ThreadContext.pc.Value); if (toFunc != fromFunc) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } string result = frame.EvaluateExpression("$pc=" + EngineUtils.AsAddr(addr, _engine.DebuggedProcess.Is64BitArch)); if (result != null) { _engine.DebuggedProcess.ThreadCache.MarkDirty(); return(Constants.S_OK); } return(Constants.S_FALSE); }
// Retrieves a list of the stack frames for this thread. // For the sample engine, enumerating the stack frames requires walking the callstack in the debuggee for this thread // and coverting that to an implementation of IEnumDebugFrameInfo2. // Real engines will most likely want to cache this information to avoid recomputing it each time it is asked for, // and or construct it on demand instead of walking the entire stack. int IDebugThread2.EnumFrameInfo(enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS dwFieldSpec, uint nRadix, out IEnumDebugFrameInfo2 enumObject) { enumObject = null; try { // get the thread's stack frames System.Collections.Generic.List <ThreadContext> stackFrames = null; _engine.DebuggedProcess.WorkerThread.RunOperation(async() => stackFrames = await _engine.DebuggedProcess.ThreadCache.StackFrames(_debuggedThread)); int numStackFrames = stackFrames != null ? stackFrames.Count : 0; FRAMEINFO[] frameInfoArray; if (numStackFrames == 0) { // failed to walk any frames. Return an empty stack. frameInfoArray = new FRAMEINFO[0]; } else { uint low = stackFrames[0].Level; uint high = stackFrames[stackFrames.Count - 1].Level; FilterUnknownFrames(stackFrames); numStackFrames = stackFrames.Count; frameInfoArray = new FRAMEINFO[numStackFrames]; List <ArgumentList> parameters = null; if ((dwFieldSpec & enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS.FIF_FUNCNAME_ARGS) != 0) { _engine.DebuggedProcess.WorkerThread.RunOperation(async() => parameters = await _engine.DebuggedProcess.GetParameterInfoOnly(this, (dwFieldSpec & enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS.FIF_FUNCNAME_ARGS_VALUES) != 0, (dwFieldSpec & enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS.FIF_FUNCNAME_ARGS_TYPES) != 0, low, high)); } for (int i = 0; i < numStackFrames; i++) { var p = parameters != null?parameters.Find((ArgumentList t) => t.Item1 == stackFrames[i].Level) : null; AD7StackFrame frame = new AD7StackFrame(_engine, this, stackFrames[i]); frame.SetFrameInfo(dwFieldSpec, out frameInfoArray[i], p != null ? p.Item2 : null); } } enumObject = new AD7FrameInfoEnum(frameInfoArray); return(Constants.S_OK); } catch (MIException e) { return(e.HResult); } catch (Exception e) { return(EngineUtils.UnexpectedException(e)); } }
// Determines whether the next statement can be set to the given stack frame and code context. int IDebugThread2.CanSetNextStatement(IDebugStackFrame2 stackFrame, IDebugCodeContext2 codeContext) { ulong addr = ((AD7MemoryAddress)codeContext).Address; AD7StackFrame frame = ((AD7StackFrame)stackFrame); if (frame.ThreadContext.Level != 0 || frame.Thread != this || !frame.ThreadContext.pc.HasValue) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } if (addr == frame.ThreadContext.pc) { return(Constants.S_OK); } string toFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, addr); string fromFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, frame.ThreadContext.pc.Value); if (toFunc != fromFunc) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } return(Constants.S_OK); }
// Determines whether the next statement can be set to the given stack frame and code context. int IDebugThread2.CanSetNextStatement(IDebugStackFrame2 stackFrame, IDebugCodeContext2 codeContext) { // CLRDBG TODO: This implementation should be changed to compare the method token ulong addr = ((AD7MemoryAddress)codeContext).Address; AD7StackFrame frame = ((AD7StackFrame)stackFrame); if (frame.ThreadContext.Level != 0 || frame.Thread != this || !frame.ThreadContext.pc.HasValue || _engine.DebuggedProcess.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } if (addr == frame.ThreadContext.pc) { return(Constants.S_OK); } string toFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, addr); string fromFunc = EngineUtils.GetAddressDescription(_engine.DebuggedProcess, frame.ThreadContext.pc.Value); if (toFunc != fromFunc) { return(Constants.S_FALSE); } return(Constants.S_OK); }
// Retrieves a list of the stack frames for this thread. // For the sample engine, enumerating the stack frames requires walking the callstack in the debuggee for this thread // and coverting that to an implementation of IEnumDebugFrameInfo2. // Real engines will most likely want to cache this information to avoid recomputing it each time it is asked for, // and or construct it on demand instead of walking the entire stack. int IDebugThread2.EnumFrameInfo(enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS dwFieldSpec, uint nRadix, out IEnumDebugFrameInfo2 enumObject) { enumObject = null; try { // get the thread's stack frames System.Collections.Generic.List<ThreadContext> stackFrames = null; _engine.DebuggedProcess.WorkerThread.RunOperation(async () => stackFrames = await _engine.DebuggedProcess.ThreadCache.StackFrames(_debuggedThread)); int numStackFrames = stackFrames != null ? stackFrames.Count : 0; FRAMEINFO[] frameInfoArray; if (numStackFrames == 0) { // failed to walk any frames. Return an empty stack. frameInfoArray = new FRAMEINFO[0]; } else { uint low = stackFrames[0].Level; uint high = stackFrames[stackFrames.Count - 1].Level; FilterUnknownFrames(stackFrames); numStackFrames = stackFrames.Count; frameInfoArray = new FRAMEINFO[numStackFrames]; List<ArgumentList> parameters = null; if ((dwFieldSpec & enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS.FIF_FUNCNAME_ARGS) != 0) { _engine.DebuggedProcess.WorkerThread.RunOperation(async () => parameters = await _engine.DebuggedProcess.GetParameterInfoOnly(this, (dwFieldSpec & enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS.FIF_FUNCNAME_ARGS_VALUES) != 0, (dwFieldSpec & enum_FRAMEINFO_FLAGS.FIF_FUNCNAME_ARGS_TYPES) != 0, low, high)); } for (int i = 0; i < numStackFrames; i++) { var p = parameters != null ? parameters.Find((ArgumentList t) => t.Item1 == stackFrames[i].Level) : null; AD7StackFrame frame = new AD7StackFrame(_engine, this, stackFrames[i]); frame.SetFrameInfo(dwFieldSpec, out frameInfoArray[i], p != null ? p.Item2 : null); } } enumObject = new AD7FrameInfoEnum(frameInfoArray); return Constants.S_OK; } catch (MIException e) { return e.HResult; } catch (Exception e) { return EngineUtils.UnexpectedException(e); } }