예제 #1
 public AD7RegGroupProperty(AD7Engine engine, enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS dwFields, RegisterGroup grp, Tuple<int, string>[] values)
     _engine = engine;
     _group = grp;
     _values = values;
     PropertyInfo = CreateInfo(dwFields);
 public AD7BreakpointResolution(AD7Engine engine, ulong address, /*optional*/ string functionName, /*optional*/ AD7DocumentContext documentContext)
     _engine = engine;
     Addr = address;
     _documentContext = documentContext;
     _functionName = functionName;
예제 #3
        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread, ThreadContext threadContext)
            Debug.Assert(threadContext != null, "ThreadContext is null");

            Engine = engine;
            Thread = thread;
            ThreadContext = threadContext;

            _textPosition = threadContext.TextPosition;
            _functionName = threadContext.Function;

            if (threadContext.pc.HasValue)
                _codeCxt = new AD7MemoryAddress(this.Engine, threadContext.pc.Value, _functionName);

            if (_textPosition != null)
                _documentCxt = new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition, _codeCxt);

                if (_codeCxt != null)
예제 #4
 internal AD7DisassemblyStream(AD7Engine engine, enum_DISASSEMBLY_STREAM_SCOPE scope, IDebugCodeContext2 pCodeContext)
     _engine = engine;
     _scope = scope;
     AD7MemoryAddress addr = pCodeContext as AD7MemoryAddress;
     _addr = addr.Address;
예제 #5
 public AD7BoundBreakpoint(AD7Engine engine, AD7PendingBreakpoint pendingBreakpoint, AD7BreakpointResolution breakpointResolution, BoundBreakpoint bp)
     _engine = engine;
     _pendingBreakpoint = pendingBreakpoint;
     _breakpointResolution = breakpointResolution;
     _deleted = false;
     _bp = bp;
 public AD7BreakpointResolution(AD7Engine engine, bool isDataBreakpoint, ulong address, /*optional*/ string functionName, /*optional*/ AD7DocumentContext documentContext)
     _engine = engine;
     Addr = address;
     _documentContext = documentContext;
     _functionName = functionName;
     _breakType = isDataBreakpoint ? enum_BP_TYPE.BPT_DATA : enum_BP_TYPE.BPT_CODE;
예제 #7
        internal AD7DocumentContext DocumentContext(AD7Engine engine)
            if (_textPosition == null)
                // get the document context from the original specification in the AD7 object
                return(_parent.AD7breakpoint.GetDocumentContext(this.Addr, this.FunctionName));

            return(new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition, new AD7MemoryAddress(engine, Addr, this.FunctionName), engine.DebuggedProcess));
예제 #8
 //this constructor is used to create root nodes (local/params)
 internal VariableInformation(string expr, ThreadContext ctx, AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread, bool isParameter = false)
     : this(ctx, engine, thread)
     // strip off formatting string
     _strippedName    = StripFormatSpecifier(expr, out _format);
     Name             = expr;
     IsParameter      = isParameter;
     _parent          = null;
     VariableNodeType = NodeType.Root;
예제 #9
 public AD7BoundBreakpoint(AD7Engine engine, ulong address, AD7PendingBreakpoint pendingBreakpoint, AD7BreakpointResolution breakpointResolution, BoundBreakpoint bp)
     _engine               = engine;
     Addr                  = address;
     _pendingBreakpoint    = pendingBreakpoint;
     _breakpointResolution = breakpointResolution;
     _enabled              = true;
     _deleted              = false;
     _bp = bp;
예제 #10
 public AD7BoundBreakpoint(AD7Engine engine, ulong address, AD7PendingBreakpoint pendingBreakpoint, AD7BreakpointResolution breakpointResolution, BoundBreakpoint bp)
     _engine = engine;
     Addr = address;
     _pendingBreakpoint = pendingBreakpoint;
     _breakpointResolution = breakpointResolution;
     _enabled = true;
     _deleted = false;
     _bp = bp;
예제 #11
        private VariableInformation(ThreadContext ctx, AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread)
            _engine          = engine;
            _debuggedProcess = _engine.DebuggedProcess;
            _ctx             = ctx;
            Client           = thread;

            IsParameter     = false;
            IsChild         = false;
            _attribsFetched = false;
            Access          = enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_NONE;
            _fullname       = null;
예제 #12
        public EngineCallback(AD7Engine engine, IDebugEventCallback2 ad7Callback)
            // Obtain the GIT from COM, and store the event callback in it
            Guid CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable = new Guid("00000323-0000-0000-C000-000000000046");
            Guid IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable = typeof(IGlobalInterfaceTable).GUID;
            const int CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 0x1;
            _pGIT = NativeMethods.CoCreateInstance(ref CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable, IntPtr.Zero, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ref IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable);

            var git = GetGlobalInterfaceTable();
            git.RegisterInterfaceInGlobal(ad7Callback, ref _IID_IDebugEventCallback2, out _cookie);

            _engine = engine;
예제 #13
        public DebuggedProcess(AD7Engine engine, IPAddress ipAddress, EngineCallback callback)
            _engine    = engine;
            _ipAddress = ipAddress;
            Instance   = this;

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();

            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id           = pid;

            _callback = callback;
예제 #14
        public EngineCallback(AD7Engine engine, IDebugEventCallback2 ad7Callback)
            // Obtain the GIT from COM, and store the event callback in it
            Guid      CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable = new Guid("00000323-0000-0000-C000-000000000046");
            Guid      IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable     = typeof(IGlobalInterfaceTable).GUID;
            const int CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER          = 0x1;

            _pGIT = NativeMethods.CoCreateInstance(ref CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable, IntPtr.Zero, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ref IID_IGlobalInterfaceTable);

            var git = GetGlobalInterfaceTable();

            git.RegisterInterfaceInGlobal(ad7Callback, ref _IID_IDebugEventCallback2, out _cookie);

            _engine = engine;
예제 #15
        private async Task <bool> DetachAndContinue(ThreadProgress state)
            await DetachFromChild(state);

            string engineName;
            Guid   engineGuid;

            _process.Engine.GetEngineInfo(out engineName, out engineGuid);
            _launchOptions.BaseOptions.ProcessId          = state.Newpid;
            _launchOptions.BaseOptions.ProcessIdSpecified = true;
            _launchOptions.BaseOptions.ExePath            = state.Exe ?? _launchOptions.ExePath;
            HostDebugger.StartDebugChildProcess(_launchOptions.BaseOptions.ExePath, _launchOptions.GetOptionsString(), engineGuid);
            await _process.MICommandFactory.ExecContinue(); // continue the parent

            return(true);                                   // parent is running
예제 #16
        public DebuggedProcess(AD7Engine engine, DebugOptions debugOptions, EngineCallback callback)
            _engine       = engine;
            _debugOptions = debugOptions;
            _ipAddress    = debugOptions.GetHostIP();
            _debugPort    = debugOptions.GetMonoDebugPort();
            Instance      = this;

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();

            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id           = pid;

            _callback = callback;
예제 #17
        public AD7PendingBreakpoint(IDebugBreakpointRequest2 pBPRequest, AD7Engine engine, BreakpointManager bpManager)
            _pBPRequest = pBPRequest;
            BP_REQUEST_INFO[] requestInfo = new BP_REQUEST_INFO[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(_pBPRequest.GetRequestInfo(enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_BPLOCATION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_CONDITION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_PASSCOUNT, requestInfo));
            _bpRequestInfo = requestInfo[0];

            _engine = engine;
            _bpManager = bpManager;
            _boundBreakpoints = new List<AD7BoundBreakpoint>();

            _enabled = true;
            _deleted = false;
            _pendingDelete = false;

            _bp = null;    // no underlying breakpoint created yet
            _BPError = null;
예제 #18
        public AD7PendingBreakpoint(IDebugBreakpointRequest2 pBPRequest, AD7Engine engine, BreakpointManager bpManager)
            _pBPRequest = pBPRequest;
            BP_REQUEST_INFO[] requestInfo = new BP_REQUEST_INFO[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(_pBPRequest.GetRequestInfo(enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_BPLOCATION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_CONDITION | enum_BPREQI_FIELDS.BPREQI_PASSCOUNT, requestInfo));
            _bpRequestInfo = requestInfo[0];

            _engine           = engine;
            _bpManager        = bpManager;
            _boundBreakpoints = new List <AD7BoundBreakpoint>();

            _enabled       = true;
            _deleted       = false;
            _pendingDelete = false;

            _bp      = null; // no underlying breakpoint created yet
            _BPError = null;
예제 #19
        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread, ThreadContext threadContext)
            Debug.Assert(threadContext != null, "ThreadContext is null");

            Engine        = engine;
            Thread        = thread;
            ThreadContext = threadContext;

            _textPosition = threadContext.TextPosition;
            _functionName = threadContext.Function;

            if (threadContext.pc.HasValue)
                _codeCxt = new AD7MemoryAddress(this.Engine, threadContext.pc.Value, _functionName);
            if (_textPosition != null)
                var docContext = new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition, _codeCxt);
예제 #20
 internal AD7Expression(AD7Engine engine, IVariableInformation var)
     _engine = engine;
     _var    = var;
예제 #21
 public AD7ExpressionCompleteEvent(AD7Engine engine, IVariableInformation var, IDebugProperty2 prop = null)
     _engine = engine;
     _var    = var;
     _prop   = prop;
예제 #22
 public AD7MemoryAddress(AD7Engine engine, ulong address, /*OPTIONAL*/ string functionName)
     _engine = engine;
     _address = address;
     _functionName = functionName;
예제 #23
 public BreakpointManager(AD7Engine engine)
     _engine             = engine;
     _pendingBreakpoints = new System.Collections.Generic.List <AD7PendingBreakpoint>();
예제 #24
        public DebuggedProcess(bool bLaunched, LaunchOptions launchOptions, ISampleEngineCallback callback, WorkerThread worker, BreakpointManager bpman, AD7Engine engine, HostConfigurationStore configStore, HostWaitLoop waitLoop = null) : base(launchOptions, engine.Logger)
            uint processExitCode = 0;
            _pendingMessages = new StringBuilder(400);
            _worker = worker;
            _breakpointManager = bpman;
            Engine = engine;
            _libraryLoaded = new List<string>();
            _loadOrder = 0;
            MICommandFactory = MICommandFactory.GetInstance(launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode, this);
            _waitDialog = (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() && launchOptions.WaitDynamicLibLoad) ? new HostWaitDialog(ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolMessage, ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolCaption) : null;
            Natvis = new Natvis.Natvis(this, launchOptions.ShowDisplayString);

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id = pid;

            SourceLineCache = new SourceLineCache(this);

            _callback = callback;
            _moduleList = new List<DebuggedModule>();
            ThreadCache = new ThreadCache(callback, this);
            Disassembly = new Disassembly(this);
            ExceptionManager = new ExceptionManager(MICommandFactory, _worker, _callback, configStore);

            VariablesToDelete = new List<string>();
            this.ActiveVariables = new List<IVariableInformation>();
            _fileTimestampWarnings = new HashSet<Tuple<string, string>>();

            OutputStringEvent += delegate (object o, string message)
                // We can get messages before we have started the process
                // but we can't send them on until it is
                if (_connected)

            LibraryLoadEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                string file = results.Results.TryFindString("host-name");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    if (_waitDialog != null)
                else if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                    string id = results.Results.FindString("id");
                    ulong baseAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("base-address");
                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    bool symbolsLoaded = results.Results.FindInt("symbols-loaded") != 0;
                    var module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, baseAddr, size, symbolsLoaded, string.Empty, _loadOrder++);
                    lock (_moduleList)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                    string addr = results.Results.TryFindString("loaded_addr");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr) || addr == "-")
                        return; // identifies the exe, not a real load
                    // generate module 
                    string id = results.Results.TryFindString("name");
                    bool symsLoaded = true;
                    string symPath = null;
                    if (results.Results.Contains("symbols-path"))
                        symPath = results.Results.FindString("symbols-path");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symPath))
                            symsLoaded = false;
                        symPath = file;
                    ulong loadAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("loaded_addr");

                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        id = file;
                    var module = FindModule(id);
                    if (module == null)
                        module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, loadAddr, size, symsLoaded, symPath, _loadOrder++);
                        lock (_moduleList)

            if (_launchOptions is LocalLaunchOptions)
                LocalLaunchOptions localLaunchOptions = (LocalLaunchOptions)_launchOptions;

                if (!localLaunchOptions.IsValidMiDebuggerPath())
                    throw new Exception(MICoreResources.Error_InvalidMiDebuggerPath);

                if (PlatformUtilities.IsOSX() &&
                    localLaunchOptions.DebuggerMIMode != MIMode.Clrdbg &&
                    localLaunchOptions.DebuggerMIMode != MIMode.Lldb &&
                    string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, ResourceStrings.Warning_DarwinDebuggerUnsigned, localLaunchOptions.MIDebuggerPath);
                    _callback.OnOutputMessage(new OutputMessage(
                        message + Environment.NewLine,

                ITransport localTransport = null;
                // For local Linux and OS X launch, use the local Unix transport which creates a new terminal and
                // uses fifos for debugger (e.g., gdb) communication.
                if (this.MICommandFactory.UseExternalConsoleForLocalLaunch(localLaunchOptions) &&
                    (PlatformUtilities.IsLinux() || (PlatformUtilities.IsOSX() && localLaunchOptions.DebuggerMIMode != MIMode.Lldb)))
                    localTransport = new LocalUnixTerminalTransport();

                    // Only need to clear terminal for Linux and OS X local launch
                    _needTerminalReset = (localLaunchOptions.ProcessId == 0 && _launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Gdb);
                    localTransport = new LocalTransport();

                if (localLaunchOptions.ShouldStartServer())
                        new MICore.ClientServerTransport(
                            new ServerTransport(killOnClose: true, filterStdout: localLaunchOptions.FilterStdout, filterStderr: localLaunchOptions.FilterStderr)
                    this.Init(localTransport, _launchOptions);

                // Only need to know the debugger pid on Linux and OS X local launch to detect whether
                // the debugger is closed. If the debugger is not running anymore, the response (^exit)
                // to the -gdb-exit command is faked to allow MIEngine to shut down.
            else if (_launchOptions is PipeLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.PipeTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is TcpLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.TcpTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is UnixShellPortLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.UnixShellPortTransport(), _launchOptions, waitLoop);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LaunchInfo.options");


            // When the debuggee exits, we need to exit the debugger
            ProcessExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;

                if (results.Results.Contains("exit-code"))
                    // GDB sometimes returns exit codes, which don't fit into uint, like "030000000472".
                    // And we can't throw from here, because it crashes VS.
                    // Full exit code will still usually be reported in the Output window,
                    // but here let's return "uint.MaxValue" just to indicate that something went wrong.
                    if (!uint.TryParse(results.Results.FindString("exit-code"), out processExitCode))
                        processExitCode = uint.MaxValue;

                // quit MI Debugger
                if (!this.IsClosed)
                    // If we are already closed, make sure that something sends program destroy

                if (_waitDialog != null)

            // When the debugger exits, we tell AD7 we are done
            DebuggerExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // this is the last AD7 Event we can ever send
                // Also the transport is closed when this returns


            DebuggerAbortedEvent += delegate (object o, DebuggerAbortedEventArgs eventArgs)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // The MI debugger process unexpectedly exited.
                _worker.PostOperation(() =>
                        _engineTelemetry.SendDebuggerAborted(MICommandFactory, GetLastSentCommandName(), eventArgs.ExitCode);

                        // If the MI Debugger exits before we get a resume call, we have no way of sending program destroy. So just let start debugging fail.
                        if (!_connected)

                        _callback.OnError(string.Concat(eventArgs.Message, " ", ResourceStrings.DebuggingWillAbort));


            ModuleLoadEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                if (_needTerminalReset)
                    _needTerminalReset = false;

                    // This is to work around a GDB bug of warning "Failed to set controlling terminal: Operation not permitted"
                    // Reset debuggee terminal after the first module load.
                    await ResetConsole();

                if (this.MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() && !_launchOptions.WaitDynamicLibLoad)
                    await CmdAsync("-gdb-set stop-on-solib-events 0", ResultClass.None);

                await this.EnsureModulesLoaded();

                if (_waitDialog != null)
                if (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    // Do not continue if debugging core dump
                    if (!this.IsCoreDump)

            // When we break we need to gather information
            BreakModeEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                StoppingEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.StoppingEventArgs;
                if (_waitDialog != null)

                if (!this._connected)
                    _initialBreakArgs = results;

                    await HandleBreakModeEvent(results, results.AsyncRequest);
                catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHelper.BeforeCatch(e, Logger, reportOnlyCorrupting: true))
                    if (this.IsStopDebuggingInProgress)
                        return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                    string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_FailedToEnterBreakState, exceptionDescription);


            ErrorEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadCreatedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadCreatedEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), result.Results.TryFindString("group-id"));

            ThreadExitedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadGroupExitedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            MessageEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                OutputMessage outputMessage = DecodeOutputEvent(args.Results);
                if (outputMessage != null)

            TelemetryEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                string eventName;
                KeyValuePair<string, object>[] properties;
                if (_engineTelemetry.DecodeTelemetryEvent(args.Results, out eventName, out properties))
                    HostTelemetry.SendEvent(eventName, properties);

            BreakChangeEvent += _breakpointManager.BreakpointModified;
예제 #25
        public static void Send(AD7Engine engine)
            AD7EngineCreateEvent eventObject = new AD7EngineCreateEvent(engine);

            engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, null, null);
예제 #26
        public DebuggedProcess(bool bLaunched, LaunchOptions launchOptions, ISampleEngineCallback callback, WorkerThread worker, BreakpointManager bpman, AD7Engine engine)
            uint processExitCode = 0;

            g_Process          = this;
            _bStarted          = false;
            _pendingMessages   = new StringBuilder(400);
            _worker            = worker;
            _launchOptions     = launchOptions;
            _breakpointManager = bpman;
            Engine             = engine;
            _libraryLoaded     = new List <string>();
            _loadOrder         = 0;
            MICommandFactory   = MICommandFactory.GetInstance(launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode, this);
            _waitDialog        = MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() ? new WaitDialog(ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolMessage, ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolCaption) : null;
            Natvis             = new Natvis.Natvis(this);

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();

            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id           = pid;

            SourceLineCache = new SourceLineCache(this);

            _callback   = callback;
            _moduleList = new List <DebuggedModule>();
            ThreadCache = new ThreadCache(callback, this);
            Disassembly = new Disassembly(this);

            VariablesToDelete = new List <string>();

            MessageEvent += delegate(object o, string message)
                // We can get messages before we have started the process
                // but we can't send them on until it is
                if (_bStarted)

            LibraryLoadEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                string          file    = results.Results.TryFindString("host-name");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    if (_waitDialog != null)
                else if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                    string id            = results.Results.FindString("id");
                    ulong  baseAddr      = results.Results.FindAddr("base-address");
                    uint   size          = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    bool   symbolsLoaded = results.Results.FindInt("symbols-loaded") != 0;
                    var    module        = new DebuggedModule(id, file, baseAddr, size, symbolsLoaded, string.Empty, _loadOrder++);
                    lock (_moduleList)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                    string addr = results.Results.TryFindString("loaded_addr");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr) || addr == "-")
                        return; // identifies the exe, not a real load
                    // generate module
                    string id         = results.Results.TryFindString("name");
                    bool   symsLoaded = true;
                    string symPath    = null;
                    if (results.Results.Contains("symbols-path"))
                        symPath = results.Results.FindString("symbols-path");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symPath))
                            symsLoaded = false;
                        symPath = file;
                    ulong loadAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("loaded_addr");
                    uint  size     = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        id = file;
                    var module = FindModule(id);
                    if (module == null)
                        module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, loadAddr, size, symsLoaded, symPath, _loadOrder++);
                        lock (_moduleList)

            if (_launchOptions is LocalLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.LocalTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is PipeLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.PipeTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is TcpLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.TcpTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is SerialLaunchOptions)
                string port = ((SerialLaunchOptions)_launchOptions).Port;
                this.Init(new MICore.SerialTransport(port), _launchOptions);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LaunchInfo.options");


            // When the debuggee exits, we need to exit the debugger
            ProcessExitEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;

                if (results.Results.Contains("exit-code"))
                    processExitCode = results.Results.FindUint("exit-code");

                // quit MI Debugger
                if (_waitDialog != null)

            // When the debugger exits, we tell AD7 we are done
            DebuggerExitEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // this is the last AD7 Event we can ever send
                // Also the transport is closed when this returns


            DebuggerAbortedEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // The MI debugger process unexpectedly exited.
                _worker.PostOperation(() =>
                    // If the MI Debugger exits before we get a resume call, we have no way of sending program destroy. So just let start debugging fail.
                    if (!_connected)



            ModuleLoadEvent += async delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                if (_libraryLoaded.Count != 0)
                    string moduleNames = string.Join(", ", _libraryLoaded);


                        await _breakpointManager.BindAsync();
                        await CheckModules();

                        _bLastModuleLoadFailed = false;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                            return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                        string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                        string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_ExceptionProcessingModules, moduleNames, exceptionDescription);

                        // to avoid spamming the user, if the last module failed, we send the next failure to the output windiw instead of a message box
                        if (!_bLastModuleLoadFailed)
                            _bLastModuleLoadFailed = true;
                            _callback.OnOutputMessage(message, enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_OUTPUTSTRING);
                if (_waitDialog != null)
                if (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())

            // When we break we need to gather information
            BreakModeEvent += async delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                if (_waitDialog != null)

                if (!this._connected)
                    _initialBreakArgs = results;

                    await HandleBreakModeEvent(results);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                        return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                    string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_FailedToEnterBreakState, exceptionDescription);


            RunModeEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                if (!_bStarted)
                    _bStarted = true;

                    // Send any strings we got before the process came up
                    if (_pendingMessages.Length != 0)
                            // If something goes wrong sending the output, lets not crash VS
                    _pendingMessages = null;

            ErrorEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadCreatedEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted */ false);

            ThreadExitedEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted*/ true);

            BreakChangeEvent += _breakpointManager.BreakpointModified;
예제 #27
 public EngineCallback(AD7Engine engine, IDebugEventCallback2 ad7Callback)
     _engine = engine;
     _eventCallback = HostMarshal.GetThreadSafeEventCallback(ad7Callback);
예제 #28
 public AD7Property(AD7Engine engine, IVariableInformation vi)
     _engine = engine;
     _variableInformation = vi;
예제 #29
        public DebuggedProcess(bool bLaunched, LaunchOptions launchOptions, ISampleEngineCallback callback, WorkerThread worker, BreakpointManager bpman, AD7Engine engine, HostConfigurationStore configStore) : base(launchOptions)
            uint processExitCode = 0;
            _pendingMessages = new StringBuilder(400);
            _worker = worker;
            _breakpointManager = bpman;
            Engine = engine;
            _libraryLoaded = new List<string>();
            _loadOrder = 0;
            MICommandFactory = MICommandFactory.GetInstance(launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode, this);
            _waitDialog = MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() ? new HostWaitDialog(ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolMessage, ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolCaption) : null;
            Natvis = new Natvis.Natvis(this, launchOptions.ShowDisplayString);

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id = pid;

            SourceLineCache = new SourceLineCache(this);

            _callback = callback;
            _moduleList = new List<DebuggedModule>();
            ThreadCache = new ThreadCache(callback, this);
            Disassembly = new Disassembly(this);
            ExceptionManager = new ExceptionManager(MICommandFactory, _worker, _callback, configStore);

            VariablesToDelete = new List<string>();

            OutputStringEvent += delegate (object o, string message)
                // We can get messages before we have started the process
                // but we can't send them on until it is
                if (_connected)

            LibraryLoadEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                string file = results.Results.TryFindString("host-name");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    if (_waitDialog != null)
                else if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                    string id = results.Results.FindString("id");
                    ulong baseAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("base-address");
                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    bool symbolsLoaded = results.Results.FindInt("symbols-loaded") != 0;
                    var module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, baseAddr, size, symbolsLoaded, string.Empty, _loadOrder++);
                    lock (_moduleList)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                    string addr = results.Results.TryFindString("loaded_addr");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr) || addr == "-")
                        return; // identifies the exe, not a real load
                    // generate module 
                    string id = results.Results.TryFindString("name");
                    bool symsLoaded = true;
                    string symPath = null;
                    if (results.Results.Contains("symbols-path"))
                        symPath = results.Results.FindString("symbols-path");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symPath))
                            symsLoaded = false;
                        symPath = file;
                    ulong loadAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("loaded_addr");

                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        id = file;
                    var module = FindModule(id);
                    if (module == null)
                        module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, loadAddr, size, symsLoaded, symPath, _loadOrder++);
                        lock (_moduleList)

            if (_launchOptions is LocalLaunchOptions)
                LocalLaunchOptions localLaunchOptions = (LocalLaunchOptions)_launchOptions;
                if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux) &&
                    _launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Gdb &&
                    // For local linux launch, use the local linux transport which creates a new terminal and uses fifos for gdb communication.
                    // CONSIDER: add new flag and only do this if new terminal is true? Note that setting this to false on linux will cause a deadlock
                    // during debuggee launch
                    if (localLaunchOptions.ShouldStartServer())
                        this.Init(new MICore.ClientServerTransport
                                        new LocalLinuxTransport(),
                                        new ServerTransport(killOnClose: true, filterStdout: localLaunchOptions.FilterStdout, filterStderr: localLaunchOptions.FilterStderr)
                                  ), _launchOptions
                        this.Init(new MICore.LocalLinuxTransport(), _launchOptions);
                    if (localLaunchOptions.ShouldStartServer())
                        this.Init(new MICore.ClientServerTransport
                                        new LocalTransport(),
                                        new ServerTransport(killOnClose: true, filterStdout: localLaunchOptions.FilterStdout, filterStderr: localLaunchOptions.FilterStderr)
                                  ), _launchOptions
                        this.Init(new MICore.LocalTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is PipeLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.PipeTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is TcpLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.TcpTransport(), _launchOptions);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LaunchInfo.options");


            // When the debuggee exits, we need to exit the debugger
            ProcessExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;

                if (results.Results.Contains("exit-code"))
                    // GDB sometimes returns exit codes, which don't fit into uint, like "030000000472".
                    // And we can't throw from here, because it crashes VS.
                    // Full exit code will still usually be reported in the Output window,
                    // but here let's return "uint.MaxValue" just to indicate that something went wrong.
                    if (!uint.TryParse(results.Results.FindString("exit-code"), out processExitCode))
                        processExitCode = uint.MaxValue;

                // quit MI Debugger
                if (_waitDialog != null)

            // When the debugger exits, we tell AD7 we are done
            DebuggerExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // this is the last AD7 Event we can ever send
                // Also the transport is closed when this returns


            DebuggerAbortedEvent += delegate (object o, /*OPTIONAL*/ string debuggerExitCode)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // The MI debugger process unexpectedly exited.
                _worker.PostOperation(() =>
                        // If the MI Debugger exits before we get a resume call, we have no way of sending program destroy. So just let start debugging fail.
                        if (!_connected)

                        string message;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debuggerExitCode))
                            message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_MIDebuggerExited_UnknownCode, MICommandFactory.Name);
                            message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_MIDebuggerExited_WithCode, MICommandFactory.Name, debuggerExitCode);



            ModuleLoadEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                if (_libraryLoaded.Count != 0)
                    string moduleNames = string.Join(", ", _libraryLoaded);


                        await _breakpointManager.BindAsync();
                        await CheckModules();

                        _bLastModuleLoadFailed = false;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                            return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                        string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                        string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_ExceptionProcessingModules, moduleNames, exceptionDescription);

                        // to avoid spamming the user, if the last module failed, we send the next failure to the output windiw instead of a message box
                        if (!_bLastModuleLoadFailed)
                            _bLastModuleLoadFailed = true;
                            _callback.OnOutputMessage(new OutputMessage(message, enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_OUTPUTSTRING, OutputMessage.Severity.Warning));
                if (_waitDialog != null)
                if (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())

            // When we break we need to gather information
            BreakModeEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                if (_waitDialog != null)

                if (!this._connected)
                    _initialBreakArgs = results;

                    await HandleBreakModeEvent(results);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                        return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                    string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_FailedToEnterBreakState, exceptionDescription);


            ErrorEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadCreatedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted */false);

            ThreadExitedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted*/true);

            MessageEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                OutputMessage outputMessage = DecodeOutputEvent(args.Results);
                if (outputMessage != null)

            TelemetryEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                string eventName;
                KeyValuePair<string, object>[] properties;
                if (DecodeTelemetryEvent(args.Results, out eventName, out properties))
                    HostTelemetry.SendEvent(eventName, properties);

            BreakChangeEvent += _breakpointManager.BreakpointModified;
예제 #30
        public static void Send(AD7Engine engine, string str)
            AD7OutputDebugStringEvent eventObject = new AD7OutputDebugStringEvent(str);

            engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, null, null);
예제 #31
        internal static void Send(AD7Engine engine)
            AD7EntryPointEvent eventObject = new AD7EntryPointEvent();

            engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, engine, null);
예제 #32
 public AD7Thread(AD7Engine engine, DebuggedThread debuggedThread)
     _engine         = engine;
     _debuggedThread = debuggedThread;
예제 #33
 public BreakpointManager(AD7Engine engine)
     _engine = engine;
     _pendingBreakpoints = new System.Collections.Generic.List<AD7PendingBreakpoint>();
예제 #34
 public AD7MemoryAddress(AD7Engine engine, ulong address, /*OPTIONAL*/ string functionName)
     _engine       = engine;
     _address      = address;
     _functionName = functionName;
예제 #35
        internal static void Send(AD7Engine engine)
            AD7LoadCompleteEvent eventObject = new AD7LoadCompleteEvent();

            engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, engine, null);
예제 #36
 public EngineCallback(AD7Engine engine, IDebugEventCallback2 ad7Callback)
     _engine        = engine;
     _eventCallback = HostMarshal.GetThreadSafeEventCallback(ad7Callback);
예제 #37
 //private AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
 public AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
     _engine = engine;
예제 #38
 internal AD7Expression(AD7Engine engine, IVariableInformation var)
     _engine = engine;
     _var = var;
예제 #39
        internal static void Send(AD7Engine engine)
            AD7ProgramCreateEvent eventObject = new AD7ProgramCreateEvent();

            engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, engine, null);
예제 #40
        public DebuggedProcess(bool bLaunched, LaunchOptions launchOptions, ISampleEngineCallback callback, WorkerThread worker, BreakpointManager bpman, AD7Engine engine, string registryRoot)
            uint processExitCode = 0;
            g_Process = this;
            _bStarted = false;
            _pendingMessages = new StringBuilder(400);
            _worker = worker;
            _launchOptions = launchOptions;
            _breakpointManager = bpman;
            Engine = engine;
            _libraryLoaded = new List<string>();
            _loadOrder = 0;
            MICommandFactory = MICommandFactory.GetInstance(launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode, this);
            _waitDialog = MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() ? new WaitDialog(ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolMessage, ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolCaption) : null;
            Natvis = new Natvis.Natvis(this);

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id = pid;

            SourceLineCache = new SourceLineCache(this);

            _callback = callback;
            _moduleList = new List<DebuggedModule>();
            ThreadCache = new ThreadCache(callback, this);
            Disassembly = new Disassembly(this);
            ExceptionManager = new ExceptionManager(MICommandFactory, _worker, _callback, registryRoot);

            VariablesToDelete = new List<string>();

            MessageEvent += delegate (object o, string message)
                // We can get messages before we have started the process
                // but we can't send them on until it is
                if (_bStarted)

            LibraryLoadEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                string file = results.Results.TryFindString("host-name");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    if (_waitDialog != null)
                else if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                    string id = results.Results.FindString("id");
                    ulong baseAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("base-address");
                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    bool symbolsLoaded = results.Results.FindInt("symbols-loaded") != 0;
                    var module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, baseAddr, size, symbolsLoaded, string.Empty, _loadOrder++);
                    lock (_moduleList)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                    string addr = results.Results.TryFindString("loaded_addr");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr) || addr == "-")
                        return; // identifies the exe, not a real load
                    // generate module 
                    string id = results.Results.TryFindString("name");
                    bool symsLoaded = true;
                    string symPath = null;
                    if (results.Results.Contains("symbols-path"))
                        symPath = results.Results.FindString("symbols-path");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symPath))
                            symsLoaded = false;
                        symPath = file;
                    ulong loadAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("loaded_addr");
                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        id = file;
                    var module = FindModule(id);
                    if (module == null)
                        module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, loadAddr, size, symsLoaded, symPath, _loadOrder++);
                        lock (_moduleList)

            if (_launchOptions is LocalLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.LocalTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is PipeLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.PipeTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is TcpLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.TcpTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is SerialLaunchOptions)
                string port = ((SerialLaunchOptions)_launchOptions).Port;
                this.Init(new MICore.SerialTransport(port), _launchOptions);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LaunchInfo.options");


            // When the debuggee exits, we need to exit the debugger
            ProcessExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;

                if (results.Results.Contains("exit-code"))
                    processExitCode = results.Results.FindUint("exit-code");

                // quit MI Debugger
                if (_waitDialog != null)

            // When the debugger exits, we tell AD7 we are done
            DebuggerExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // this is the last AD7 Event we can ever send
                // Also the transport is closed when this returns


            DebuggerAbortedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // The MI debugger process unexpectedly exited.
                _worker.PostOperation(() =>
                        // If the MI Debugger exits before we get a resume call, we have no way of sending program destroy. So just let start debugging fail.
                        if (!_connected)



            ModuleLoadEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                if (_libraryLoaded.Count != 0)
                    string moduleNames = string.Join(", ", _libraryLoaded);


                        await _breakpointManager.BindAsync();
                        await CheckModules();

                        _bLastModuleLoadFailed = false;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                            return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                        string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                        string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_ExceptionProcessingModules, moduleNames, exceptionDescription);

                        // to avoid spamming the user, if the last module failed, we send the next failure to the output windiw instead of a message box
                        if (!_bLastModuleLoadFailed)
                            _bLastModuleLoadFailed = true;
                            _callback.OnOutputMessage(message, enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_OUTPUTSTRING);
                if (_waitDialog != null)
                if (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())

            // When we break we need to gather information
            BreakModeEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                if (_waitDialog != null)

                if (!this._connected)
                    _initialBreakArgs = results;

                    await HandleBreakModeEvent(results);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                        return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                    string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_FailedToEnterBreakState, exceptionDescription);


            RunModeEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                if (!_bStarted)
                    _bStarted = true;

                    // Send any strings we got before the process came up
                    if (_pendingMessages.Length != 0)
                            // If something goes wrong sending the output, lets not crash VS
                    _pendingMessages = null;

            ErrorEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadCreatedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted */false);

            ThreadExitedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted*/true);

            BreakChangeEvent += _breakpointManager.BreakpointModified;
예제 #41
 private AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
     _engine = engine;
예제 #42
        internal static void Send(AD7Engine engine, string name, uint pid)
            AD7ProcessInfoUpdatedEvent eventObject = new AD7ProcessInfoUpdatedEvent(name, pid);

            engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, engine, null);
예제 #43
 public AD7Thread(AD7Engine engine, DebuggedThread debuggedThread)
     _engine = engine;
     _debuggedThread = debuggedThread;
예제 #44
 public AD7ExpressionCompleteEvent(AD7Engine engine, IVariableInformation var, IDebugProperty2 prop = null)
     _engine = engine;
     _var = var;
     _prop = prop;
예제 #45
 public AD7Property(AD7Engine engine, IVariableInformation vi)
     _engine = engine;
     _variableInformation = vi;
예제 #46
 private AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
     _engine = engine;
예제 #47
        internal AD7DocumentContext DocumentContext(AD7Engine engine)
            if (_textPosition == null)
                // get the document context from the original specification in the AD7 object
                return _parent.AD7breakpoint.GetDocumentContext(this.Addr, this.FunctionName);

            return new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition, new AD7MemoryAddress(engine, Addr, this.FunctionName));
예제 #48
 public static void Send(AD7Engine engine)
     AD7EngineCreateEvent eventObject = new AD7EngineCreateEvent(engine);
     engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, null, null);
예제 #49
        // Compares the memory context to each context in the given array in the manner indicated by compare flags,
        // returning an index of the first context that matches.
        public int Compare(enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE contextCompare, IDebugMemoryContext2[] compareToItems, uint compareToLength, out uint foundIndex)
            foundIndex = uint.MaxValue;

                for (uint c = 0; c < compareToLength; c++)
                    AD7MemoryAddress compareTo = compareToItems[c] as AD7MemoryAddress;
                    if (compareTo == null)

                    if (!AD7Engine.ReferenceEquals(_engine, compareTo._engine))

                    bool result;

                    switch (contextCompare)
                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_EQUAL:
                        result = (_address == compareTo._address);

                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_LESS_THAN:
                        result = (_address < compareTo._address);

                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_GREATER_THAN:
                        result = (_address > compareTo._address);

                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                        result = (_address <= compareTo._address);

                        result = (_address >= compareTo._address);

                    // The debug engine doesn't understand scopes
                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_SAME_SCOPE:
                        result = (_address == compareTo._address);

                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_SAME_FUNCTION:
                        if (_address == compareTo._address)
                            result = true;
                        string funcThis = Engine.GetAddressDescription(_address);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(funcThis))
                            result = false;
                        string funcCompareTo = Engine.GetAddressDescription(compareTo._address);
                        result = (funcThis == funcCompareTo);

                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_SAME_MODULE:
                        result = (_address == compareTo._address);
                        if (result == false)
                            DebuggedModule module = _engine.DebuggedProcess.ResolveAddress(_address);

                            if (module != null)
                                result = module.AddressInModule(compareTo._address);

                    case enum_CONTEXT_COMPARE.CONTEXT_SAME_PROCESS:
                        result = true;

                        // A new comparison was invented that we don't support

                    if (result)
                        foundIndex = c;

            catch (MIException e)
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #50
 internal static void Send(AD7Engine engine)
     AD7ProgramCreateEvent eventObject = new AD7ProgramCreateEvent();
     engine.Callback.Send(eventObject, IID, engine, null);
예제 #51
        internal async Task <VariableInformation> CreateMIDebuggerVariable(ThreadContext ctx, AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread)
            VariableInformation vi = new VariableInformation(Name, ctx, engine, thread, IsParameter);
            await vi.Eval();

예제 #52
 public AD7Assembly(AD7Engine engine, AssemblyMirror assembly)
     _engine        = engine;
     AssemblyMirror = assembly;