public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) { bool flag = (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.Instance) != BindingFlags.Default; SimpleHashtable hashtable = flag ? this.instanceMembers : this.staticMembers; object obj2 = hashtable[name]; if (obj2 == null) { if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.IgnoreCase) != BindingFlags.Default) { obj2 = hashtable.IgnoreCaseGet(name); } if (obj2 == null) { if (flag && ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.Static) != BindingFlags.Default)) { return(this.GetMember(name, bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.Instance)); } return(EmptyMembers); } } int index = (int)obj2; MemberInfo[] infoArray = this.memberInfos[index]; if (infoArray == null) { return(this.GetNewMemberArray(name, index)); } return(infoArray); }
internal FunctionScope(ScriptObject parent, bool isMethod) : base(parent) { base.isKnownAtCompileTime = true; this.isMethod = isMethod; this.mustSaveStackLocals = false; if ((parent != null) && (parent is ActivationObject)) { = ((ActivationObject) parent).fast; } else { = false; } this.returnVar = null; this.owner = null; this.isStatic = false; this.nested_functions = null; this.fields_for_nested_functions = null; if (parent is FunctionScope) { this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = new SimpleHashtable(0x10); } else { this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = null; } this.closuresMightEscape = false; }
static FieldAccessor(){ FieldAccessor.accessorFor = new SimpleHashtable(32); AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName(); name.Name = "JScript FieldAccessor Assembly"; FieldAccessor.assembly = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); FieldAccessor.module = FieldAccessor.assembly.DefineDynamicModule("JScript FieldAccessor Module"); }
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr) { MemberInfo[] members = null; if (!this.recursive) { this.recursive = true; try { members = this.reflectObj.GetMembers(bindingAttr); if (members == null) { return(members); } if (members.Length > 0) { SimpleHashtable namedItemWrappedMemberCache = this.namedItemWrappedMemberCache; if (namedItemWrappedMemberCache == null) { namedItemWrappedMemberCache = this.namedItemWrappedMemberCache = new SimpleHashtable(0x10); } return(ScriptObject.WrapMembers(members, this.namedItem, namedItemWrappedMemberCache)); } members = null; } finally { this.recursive = false; } } return(members); }
internal FunctionScope(ScriptObject parent, bool isMethod) : base(parent) { base.isKnownAtCompileTime = true; this.isMethod = isMethod; this.mustSaveStackLocals = false; if ((parent != null) && (parent is ActivationObject)) { = ((ActivationObject)parent).fast; } else { = false; } this.returnVar = null; this.owner = null; this.isStatic = false; this.nested_functions = null; this.fields_for_nested_functions = null; if (parent is FunctionScope) { this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = new SimpleHashtable(0x10); } else { this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = null; } this.closuresMightEscape = false; }
internal JSObject(ScriptObject parent, bool checkSubType) : base(parent) { this.memberCache = null; this.isASubClass = false; this.subClassIR = null; if (checkSubType) { Type subType = this.GetType(); Debug.Assert(subType != typeof(BuiltinFunction)); if (subType != Typeob.JSObject) { this.isASubClass = true; this.subClassIR = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(subType); } } else { Debug.Assert(this.GetType() == Typeob.JSObject); } this.noExpando = this.isASubClass; this.name_table = null; this.field_table = null; this.outer_class_instance = null; }
public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) { bool lookForInstanceMembers = (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.Instance) != 0; SimpleHashtable lookupTable = lookForInstanceMembers ? this.instanceMembers : this.staticMembers; Object ob = lookupTable[name]; if (ob == null) { if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0) { ob = lookupTable.IgnoreCaseGet(name); } if (ob == null) { if (lookForInstanceMembers && (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.Static) != 0) { return(this.GetMember(name, bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.Instance)); } else { return(TypeReflector.EmptyMembers); } } } int index = (int)ob; MemberInfo[] members = this.memberInfos[index]; if (members == null) { return(this.GetNewMemberArray(name, index)); } return(members); }
static MethodInvoker(){ MethodInvoker.invokerFor = new SimpleHashtable(64); AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName(); name.Name = "JScript MethodInvoker Assembly"; MethodInvoker.assembly = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); MethodInvoker.module = MethodInvoker.assembly.DefineDynamicModule("JScript MethodInvoker Module"); }
protected static MemberInfo[] WrapMembers(MemberInfo[] members, Object obj, SimpleHashtable cache) { if (members == null) { return(null); } int n = members.Length; if (n == 0) { return(members); } MemberInfo[] result = new MemberInfo[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { MemberInfo wrappedMember = (MemberInfo)cache[members[i]]; if (null == wrappedMember) { wrappedMember = ScriptObject.WrapMember(members[i], obj); cache[members[i]] = wrappedMember; } result[i] = wrappedMember; } return(result); }
protected static MemberInfo[] WrapMembers(MemberInfo[] members, object obj, SimpleHashtable cache) { if (members == null) { return(null); } int length = members.Length; if (length == 0) { return(members); } MemberInfo[] infoArray = new MemberInfo[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { MemberInfo info = (MemberInfo)cache[members[i]]; if (null == info) { info = WrapMember(members[i], obj); cache[members[i]] = info; } infoArray[i] = info; } return(infoArray); }
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr) { MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); SimpleHashtable uniqueMems = new SimpleHashtable(32); if (!this.noExpando && this.field_table != null) //Add any expando properties { IEnumerator enu = this.field_table.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)enu.Current; mems.Add(field); uniqueMems[field.Name] = field; } } //Add the public members of the built-in objects if they don't already exist if (this.isASubClass) { MemberInfo[] ilMembers = this.GetType().GetMembers(bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic); //Never expose non public members of old style objects for (int i = 0, n = ilMembers.Length; i < n; i++) { MemberInfo ilMem = ilMembers[i]; //Hide any infrastructure stuff in JSObject if (!ilMem.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(Typeob.JSObject) && uniqueMems[ilMem.Name] == null) { MethodInfo method = ilMem as MethodInfo; if (method == null || !method.IsSpecialName) { mems.Add(ilMem); uniqueMems[ilMem.Name] = ilMem; } } } } //Add parent members if they don't already exist if (this.parent != null) { SimpleHashtable cache = this.parent.wrappedMemberCache; if (cache == null) { cache = this.parent.wrappedMemberCache = new SimpleHashtable(8); } MemberInfo[] parentMems = ScriptObject.WrapMembers(((IReflect)this.parent).GetMembers(bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic), this.parent, cache); for (int i = 0, n = parentMems.Length; i < n; i++) { MemberInfo parentMem = parentMems[i]; if (uniqueMems[parentMem.Name] == null) { mems.Add(parentMem); //uniqueMems[parentMem.Name] = parentMem; //No need to add to lookup table - no one else will be looking. } } } return(mems.ToArray()); }
public VsaEngine engine; //This is only really useful for ScriptFunctions, IActivation objects and prototype objects. It lives here for the sake of simplicity. //Prototype objects do not need the scope stack, so in fast mode, all prototype objects can share a common engine. internal ScriptObject(ScriptObject parent){ this.parent = parent; this.wrappedMemberCache = null; if (this.parent != null) this.engine = parent.engine; else this.engine = null; }
public virtual void Reset() { this.index = 0; foreach (IEnumerator enumerator in this.enumerators) { enumerator.Reset(); } this.visited_names = new SimpleHashtable(0x10); }
internal TypeReflector(Type type) : base(null) { this.defaultMembers = null; SimpleHashtable staticMembers = new SimpleHashtable(256); foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)) { String name = member.Name; Object ob = staticMembers[name]; if (ob == null) { staticMembers[name] = member; //Avoid allocating an array until needed } else if (ob is MemberInfo) { MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); //Allocate a flexarray of MemberInfo, and turn it into a fixed array when GetMember is called for this name mems.Add((MemberInfo)ob); mems.Add(member); staticMembers[name] = mems; } else { ((MemberInfoList)ob).Add(member); } } this.staticMembers = staticMembers; SimpleHashtable instanceMembers = new SimpleHashtable(256); foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { String name = member.Name; Object ob = instanceMembers[name]; if (ob == null) { instanceMembers[name] = member; //Avoid allocating an array until needed } else if (ob is MemberInfo) { MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); mems.Add((MemberInfo)ob); mems.Add(member); instanceMembers[name] = mems; } else { ((MemberInfoList)ob).Add(member); } } this.instanceMembers = instanceMembers; this.memberInfos = new MemberInfo[staticMembers.count + instanceMembers.count][]; this.count = 0; this.type = type; this.implementsIReflect = null; this.hashCode = (uint)type.GetHashCode(); = null; }
static FieldAccessor() { FieldAccessor.accessorFor = new SimpleHashtable(32); AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName(); name.Name = "JScript FieldAccessor Assembly"; FieldAccessor.assembly = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); FieldAccessor.module = FieldAccessor.assembly.DefineDynamicModule("JScript FieldAccessor Module"); }
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr) { MemberInfoList list = new MemberInfoList(); SimpleHashtable hashtable = new SimpleHashtable(0x20); if (!this.noExpando && (this.field_table != null)) { IEnumerator enumerator = this.field_table.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { FieldInfo current = (FieldInfo)enumerator.Current; list.Add(current); hashtable[current.Name] = current; } } if (this.isASubClass) { MemberInfo[] members = base.GetType().GetMembers(bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic); int index = 0; int length = members.Length; while (index < length) { MemberInfo elem = members[index]; if (!elem.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(Typeob.JSObject) && (hashtable[elem.Name] == null)) { MethodInfo info3 = elem as MethodInfo; if ((info3 == null) || !info3.IsSpecialName) { list.Add(elem); hashtable[elem.Name] = elem; } } index++; } } if (base.parent != null) { SimpleHashtable wrappedMemberCache = base.parent.wrappedMemberCache; if (wrappedMemberCache == null) { wrappedMemberCache = base.parent.wrappedMemberCache = new SimpleHashtable(8); } MemberInfo[] infoArray2 = ScriptObject.WrapMembers(base.parent.GetMembers(bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic), base.parent, wrappedMemberCache); int num3 = 0; int num4 = infoArray2.Length; while (num3 < num4) { MemberInfo info4 = infoArray2[num3]; if (hashtable[info4.Name] == null) { list.Add(info4); } num3++; } } return(list.ToArray()); }
static MethodInvoker() { MethodInvoker.invokerFor = new SimpleHashtable(64); AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName(); name.Name = "JScript MethodInvoker Assembly"; MethodInvoker.assembly = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); MethodInvoker.module = MethodInvoker.assembly.DefineDynamicModule("JScript MethodInvoker Module"); }
public virtual void Reset() { this.index = 0; foreach (System.Collections.IEnumerator e in this.enumerators) { e.Reset(); } this.visited_names = new SimpleHashtable(16); }
internal TypeReflector(Type type) : base(null){ this.defaultMembers = null; ArrayList memberLookupTable = new ArrayList(512); int count = 0; SimpleHashtable staticMembers = new SimpleHashtable(256); foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)){ String name = member.Name; Object ob = staticMembers[name]; if (ob == null){ staticMembers[name] = count++; //Avoid allocating an array until needed memberLookupTable.Add(member); }else{ int index = (int)ob; ob = memberLookupTable[index]; MemberInfo firstMember = ob as MemberInfo; if (firstMember != null){ MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); //Allocate a flexarray of MemberInfo, and turn it into a fixed array when GetMember is called for this name mems.Add(firstMember); mems.Add(member); memberLookupTable[index] = mems; }else ((MemberInfoList)ob).Add(member); } } this.staticMembers = staticMembers; SimpleHashtable instanceMembers = new SimpleHashtable(256); foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance)){ String name = member.Name; Object ob = instanceMembers[name]; if (ob == null){ instanceMembers[name] = count++; //Avoid allocating an array until needed memberLookupTable.Add(member); }else{ int index = (int)ob; ob = memberLookupTable[index]; MemberInfo firstMember = ob as MemberInfo; if (firstMember != null){ MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); mems.Add(firstMember); mems.Add(member); memberLookupTable[index] = mems; }else ((MemberInfoList)ob).Add(member); } } this.instanceMembers = instanceMembers; this.memberLookupTable = memberLookupTable; this.memberInfos = new MemberInfo[count][]; this.type = type; this.implementsIReflect = null; this.hashCode = (uint)type.GetHashCode(); = null; }
internal static BuiltinFunction BuiltinFunctionFor(Object obj, MethodInfo meth){ if (Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable == null) Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable = new SimpleHashtable(64); BuiltinFunction result = (BuiltinFunction)Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable[meth]; if (result != null) return result; result = new BuiltinFunction(obj, meth); lock (Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable){ Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable[meth] = result; } return result; }
[ContextStatic] public static VsaEngine contextEngine = null; //This keeps track of the (single) engine running in the current context internal Globals(bool fast, VsaEngine engine){ this.engine = engine; this.callContextStack = null; this.scopeStack = null; this.caller = DBNull.Value; this.regExpTable = null; if (fast) this.globalObject = GlobalObject.commonInstance; else this.globalObject = new LenientGlobalObject(engine); }
private ISymbolDocumentWriter GetSymDocument(String documentName) { SimpleHashtable documents = this.compilerGlobals.documents; Object document = documents[documentName]; if (null == document) { document = _compilerGlobals.module.DefineDocument(this.documentName, DocumentContext.language, DocumentContext.vendor, Guid.Empty); documents[documentName] = document; } return((ISymbolDocumentWriter)document); }
private ISymbolDocumentWriter GetSymDocument(string documentName) { SimpleHashtable documents = this.compilerGlobals.documents; object obj2 = documents[documentName]; if (obj2 == null) { obj2 = this._compilerGlobals.module.DefineDocument(this.documentName, language, vendor, Guid.Empty); documents[documentName] = obj2; } return((ISymbolDocumentWriter)obj2); }
public JSScanner(Context sourceContext) { this.IsAuthoring = false; this.peekModeOn = false; this.keywords = s_Keywords; this.preProcessorOn = false; this.matchIf = 0; this.ppTable = null; this.SetSource(sourceContext); this.currentDocument = null; this.globals = sourceContext.document.engine.Globals; }
internal bool HasAlreadySeenErrorFor(String varName) { if (this.reportedVariables == null) { this.reportedVariables = new SimpleHashtable(8); } else if (this.reportedVariables[varName] != null) { return(true); } this.reportedVariables[varName] = varName; return(false); }
internal DocumentContext(String name, VsaEngine engine){ this.documentName = name; this.documentWriter = null; this.startLine = 0; this.startCol = 0; this.lastLineInSource = 0; this.sourceItem = null; this.engine = engine; this.debugOn = null == engine ? false : engine.GenerateDebugInfo; this._compilerGlobals = null; this.reportedVariables = null; this.checkForFirst = false; }
public VsaEngine engine; //This is only really useful for ScriptFunctions, IActivation objects and prototype objects. It lives here for the sake of simplicity. //Prototype objects do not need the scope stack, so in fast mode, all prototype objects can share a common engine. internal ScriptObject(ScriptObject parent) { this.parent = parent; this.wrappedMemberCache = null; if (this.parent != null) { this.engine = parent.engine; } else { this.engine = null; } }
internal JSObject(ScriptObject parent, Type subType) : base(parent) { this.memberCache = null; this.isASubClass = false; this.subClassIR = null; Debug.Assert(subType == this.GetType() || this.GetType() == typeof(BuiltinFunction)); if (subType != Typeob.JSObject){ this.isASubClass = true; this.subClassIR = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(subType); } this.noExpando = this.isASubClass; this.name_table = null; this.field_table = null; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // JSParser // // create a parser with a context. The context is the code that has to be compiled. // Typically used by the runtime //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public JSParser(Context context){ this.sourceContext = context; this.currentToken = context.Clone(); this.scanner = new JSScanner(this.currentToken); this.noSkipTokenSet = new NoSkipTokenSet(); this.errorToken = null; this.program = null; this.blockType = new ArrayList(16); this.labelTable = new SimpleHashtable(16); this.finallyEscaped = 0; this.Globals = context.document.engine.Globals; this.Severity = 5; }
internal DocumentContext(String name, VsaEngine engine) { this.documentName = name; this.documentWriter = null; this.startLine = 0; this.startCol = 0; this.lastLineInSource = 0; this.sourceItem = null; this.engine = engine; this.debugOn = null == engine ? false : engine.GenerateDebugInfo; this._compilerGlobals = null; this.reportedVariables = null; this.checkForFirst = false; }
internal JSObject(ScriptObject parent, Type subType) : base(parent) { this.memberCache = null; this.isASubClass = false; this.subClassIR = null; subType = Globals.TypeRefs.ToReferenceContext(subType); if (subType != Typeob.JSObject) { this.isASubClass = true; this.subClassIR = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(subType); } this.noExpando = this.isASubClass; this.name_table = null; this.field_table = null; }
[ContextStatic] public static VsaEngine contextEngine = null; //This keeps track of the (single) engine running in the current context internal Globals(bool fast, VsaEngine engine) { this.engine = engine; this.callContextStack = null; this.scopeStack = null; this.caller = DBNull.Value; this.regExpTable = null; if (fast) { this.globalObject = GlobalObject.commonInstance; } else { this.globalObject = new LenientGlobalObject(engine); } }
internal JSObject(ScriptObject parent, Type subType) : base(parent) { this.memberCache = null; this.isASubClass = false; this.subClassIR = null; Debug.Assert(subType == this.GetType() || this.GetType() == typeof(BuiltinFunction)); if (subType != Typeob.JSObject) { this.isASubClass = true; this.subClassIR = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(subType); } this.noExpando = this.isASubClass; this.name_table = null; this.field_table = null; }
internal static BuiltinFunction BuiltinFunctionFor(object obj, MethodInfo meth) { if (BuiltinFunctionTable == null) { BuiltinFunctionTable = new SimpleHashtable(0x40); } BuiltinFunction function = (BuiltinFunction) BuiltinFunctionTable[meth]; if (function == null) { function = new BuiltinFunction(obj, meth); lock (BuiltinFunctionTable) { BuiltinFunctionTable[meth] = function; } } return function; }
internal static BuiltinFunction BuiltinFunctionFor(object obj, MethodInfo meth) { if (BuiltinFunctionTable == null) { BuiltinFunctionTable = new SimpleHashtable(0x40); } BuiltinFunction function = (BuiltinFunction)BuiltinFunctionTable[meth]; if (function == null) { function = new BuiltinFunction(obj, meth); lock (BuiltinFunctionTable) { BuiltinFunctionTable[meth] = function; } } return(function); }
internal static BuiltinFunction BuiltinFunctionFor(Object obj, MethodInfo meth) { if (Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable == null) { Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable = new SimpleHashtable(64); } BuiltinFunction result = (BuiltinFunction)Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable[meth]; if (result != null) { return(result); } result = new BuiltinFunction(obj, meth); lock (Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable){ Globals.BuiltinFunctionTable[meth] = result; } return(result); }
private MemberInfo[] GetNewMemberArray(String name, Object ob, SimpleHashtable lookupTable) { MemberInfo[] result = null; MemberInfo member = ob as MemberInfo; if (member != null) { result = new MemberInfo[] { member } } ; else { result = ((MemberInfoList)ob).ToArray(); } lookupTable[name] = this.count; this.memberInfos[this.count++] = result; TypeReflector.WrapMembers(result); return(result); }
internal JSObject(ScriptObject parent, bool checkSubType) : base(parent) { this.memberCache = null; this.isASubClass = false; this.subClassIR = null; if (checkSubType) { Type type = Globals.TypeRefs.ToReferenceContext(base.GetType()); if (type != Typeob.JSObject) { this.isASubClass = true; this.subClassIR = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(type); } } this.noExpando = this.isASubClass; this.name_table = null; this.field_table = null; this.outer_class_instance = null; }
public static DynamicFieldInfo[] GetHashTableFields(SimpleHashtable h) { DynamicFieldInfo[] infoArray = null; try { int count = h.count; infoArray = new DynamicFieldInfo[count]; IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = h.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; (i < count) && enumerator.MoveNext(); i++) { infoArray[i] = new DynamicFieldInfo((string)enumerator.Key, enumerator.Value); } } catch { infoArray = new DynamicFieldInfo[0]; } return(infoArray); }
internal JSObject(ScriptObject parent, bool checkSubType) : base(parent) { this.memberCache = null; this.isASubClass = false; this.subClassIR = null; if (checkSubType){ Type subType = this.GetType(); Debug.Assert(subType != typeof(BuiltinFunction)); if (subType != Typeob.JSObject){ this.isASubClass = true; this.subClassIR = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(subType); } }else Debug.Assert(this.GetType() == Typeob.JSObject); this.noExpando = this.isASubClass; this.name_table = null; this.field_table = null; this.outer_class_instance = null; }
internal FunctionScope(ScriptObject parent, bool isMethod) : base(parent) { this.isKnownAtCompileTime = true; this.isMethod = isMethod; this.mustSaveStackLocals = false; if (parent != null && parent is ActivationObject) = ((ActivationObject)parent).fast; else = false; this.returnVar = null; this.owner = null; //Given its real value inside new FunctionObject this.isStatic = false; //Given its real value elsewhere this.nested_functions = null; this.fields_for_nested_functions = null; if (parent is FunctionScope) this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = new SimpleHashtable(16); else this.ProvidesOuterScopeLocals = null; this.closuresMightEscape = false; }
internal TypeReflector(Type type) : base(null){ this.defaultMembers = null; SimpleHashtable staticMembers = new SimpleHashtable(256); foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)){ String name = member.Name; Object ob = staticMembers[name]; if (ob == null) staticMembers[name] = member; //Avoid allocating an array until needed else if (ob is MemberInfo){ MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); //Allocate a flexarray of MemberInfo, and turn it into a fixed array when GetMember is called for this name mems.Add((MemberInfo)ob); mems.Add(member); staticMembers[name] = mems; }else ((MemberInfoList)ob).Add(member); } this.staticMembers = staticMembers; SimpleHashtable instanceMembers = new SimpleHashtable(256); foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance)){ String name = member.Name; Object ob = instanceMembers[name]; if (ob == null) instanceMembers[name] = member; //Avoid allocating an array until needed else if (ob is MemberInfo){ MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); mems.Add((MemberInfo)ob); mems.Add(member); instanceMembers[name] = mems; }else ((MemberInfoList)ob).Add(member); } this.instanceMembers = instanceMembers; this.memberInfos = new MemberInfo[staticMembers.count+instanceMembers.count][]; this.count = 0; this.type = type; this.implementsIReflect = null; this.hashCode = (uint)type.GetHashCode(); = null; }
public JSScanner(){ this.keywords = JSScanner.s_Keywords; this.strSourceCode = null; this.startPos = 0; this.endPos = 0; this.currentPos = 0; this.currentLine = 1; this.startLinePos = 0; this.currentToken = null; this.escapedString = null; this.identifier = new StringBuilder(128); this.idLastPosOnBuilder = 0; this.gotEndOfLine = false; this.IsAuthoring = false; this.peekModeOn = false; this.preProcessorOn = false; this.matchIf = 0; this.ppTable = null; this.currentDocument = null; this.globals = null; this.scanForDebugger = false; }
private void SetPreProcessorOn(){ this.preProcessorOn = true; this.ppTable = new SimpleHashtable(16); // define constants this.ppTable["_debug"] = this.globals.engine.GenerateDebugInfo; this.ppTable["_fast"] = ((IActivationObject)this.globals.ScopeStack.Peek()).GetGlobalScope().fast; this.ppTable["_jscript"] = true; this.ppTable["_jscript_build"]= GlobalObject.ScriptEngineBuildVersion(); this.ppTable["_jscript_version"] = Convert.ToNumber(GlobalObject.ScriptEngineMajorVersion() + "." + GlobalObject.ScriptEngineMinorVersion()); this.ppTable["_microsoft"] = true; // define command-line symbols Hashtable userDefines = (Hashtable)this.globals.engine.GetOption("defines"); if (userDefines != null) foreach (DictionaryEntry def in userDefines) this.ppTable[def.Key] = def.Value; }
protected override void ResetCompiledState(){ if (this.globalScope != null){ this.globalScope.Reset(); this.globalScope = null; } this.classCounter = 0; this.haveCompiledState = false; this.failedCompilation = true; this.compiledRootNamespace = null; this.startupClass = null; this.compilerGlobals = null; this.globals = null; foreach (Object item in this.vsaItems) ((VsaItem)item).Reset(); this.implicitAssemblies = null; this.implicitAssemblyCache = null; this.cachedTypeLookups = null; this.isEngineCompiled = false; this.isEngineRunning = false; this.isCompilerSet = false; this.packages = null; this.DeleteCachedCompiledState(); }
public VsaEngine(bool fast) : base("JScript", "7.0.3300.0", true){ this.alwaysGenerateIL = false; this.autoRef = false; this.doCRS = false; this.doFast = fast; this.cachedPEFileName = ""; this.genDebugInfo = false; this.genStartupClass = true; this.doPrint = false; this.doWarnAsError = false; this.nWarningLevel = 4; this.isCLSCompliant = false; this.versionSafe = false; this.PEFileName = null; this.PEFileKind = PEFileKinds.Dll; this.errorCultureInfo = null; this.libpath = null; this.libpathList = null; this.globalScope = null; this.vsaItems = new VsaItems(this); this.packages = null; this.scopes = null; this.classCounter = 0; this.implicitAssemblies = null; this.implicitAssemblyCache = null; this.cachedTypeLookups = null; this.isEngineRunning = false; this.isEngineCompiled = false; this.isCompilerSet = false; this.isClosed = false; this.runningThread = null; this.compilerGlobals = null; this.globals = null; this.runtimeDirectory = null; Globals.contextEngine = this; this.runtimeAssembly = null; this.typenameTable = null; }
internal Type GetType(String typeName){ if (this.cachedTypeLookups == null) this.cachedTypeLookups = new SimpleHashtable(1000); object cacheResult = this.cachedTypeLookups[typeName]; if (cacheResult == null){ // proceed with lookup for (int i = 0, n = this.Scopes.Count; i < n; i++){ GlobalScope scope = (GlobalScope)this.scopes[i]; Type result = scope.GetType().Module.Assembly.GetType(typeName, false); if (result != null){ this.cachedTypeLookups[typeName] = result; return result; } } if (this.runtimeAssembly != null) { this.AddReferences(); this.runtimeAssembly = null; } for (int i = 0, n = this.vsaItems.Count; i < n; i++){ object item = this.vsaItems[i]; if (item is VsaReference){ Type result = ((VsaReference)item).GetType(typeName); if (result != null){ this.cachedTypeLookups[typeName] = result; return result; } } } if (this.implicitAssemblies == null){ this.cachedTypeLookups[typeName] = false; return null; } for (int i = 0, n = this.implicitAssemblies.Count; i < n; i++){ Assembly assembly = (Assembly)this.implicitAssemblies[i]; Type result = assembly.GetType(typeName, false); if (result != null){ if (!result.IsPublic || result.IsDefined(typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RequiredAttributeAttribute), true)) result = null; //Suppress the type if it is not public or if it is a funky C++ type. else{ this.cachedTypeLookups[typeName] = result; return result; } } } this.cachedTypeLookups[typeName] = false; return null; } return (cacheResult as Type); }
private MemberInfo[] GetLocalMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, bool wrapMembers){ MemberInfo[] result = null; FieldInfo field = this.name_table == null ? null : (FieldInfo)this.name_table[name]; if (field == null && this.isASubClass){ if (this.memberCache != null){ result = (MemberInfo[])this.memberCache[name]; if (result != null) return result; } bindingAttr &= ~BindingFlags.NonPublic; //Never expose non public fields of old style objects result = this.subClassIR.GetMember(name, bindingAttr); if (result.Length == 0) result = this.subClassIR.GetMember(name, (bindingAttr&~BindingFlags.Instance)|BindingFlags.Static); int n = result.Length; if (n > 0){ //Suppress any members that are declared in JSObject or earlier. But keep the ones in Object. int hiddenMembers = 0; foreach (MemberInfo mem in result){ Type mtype = mem.DeclaringType; if (mtype == Typeob.JSObject || mtype == Typeob.ScriptObject || mtype == Typeob.ArrayWrapper) hiddenMembers++; } if (hiddenMembers > 0 && !(n == 1 && this is ObjectPrototype && name == "ToString")){ MemberInfo[] newResult = new MemberInfo[n-hiddenMembers]; int j = 0; foreach (MemberInfo mem in result){ Type mtype = mem.DeclaringType; if (mtype != Typeob.JSObject && mtype != Typeob.ScriptObject && mtype != Typeob.ArrayWrapper) newResult[j++] = mem; } result = newResult; } } if ((result == null || result.Length == 0) && (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.Public) != 0 && (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.Instance) != 0){ BindingFlags flags = (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.IgnoreCase) | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; if (this is StringObject) result = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(Typeob.String).GetMember(name, flags); else if (this is NumberObject) result = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(((NumberObject)this).baseType).GetMember(name, flags); else if (this is BooleanObject) result = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(Typeob.Boolean).GetMember(name, flags); else if (this is StringConstructor) result = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(Typeob.String).GetMember(name, (flags|BindingFlags.Static)&~BindingFlags.Instance); else if (this is BooleanConstructor) result = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(Typeob.Boolean).GetMember(name, (flags|BindingFlags.Static)&~BindingFlags.Instance); else if (this is ArrayWrapper) result = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(Typeob.Array).GetMember(name, flags); } if (result != null && result.Length > 0){ if (wrapMembers) result = ScriptObject.WrapMembers(result, this); if (this.memberCache == null) this.memberCache = new SimpleHashtable(32); this.memberCache[name] = result; return result; } } if ((bindingAttr&BindingFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0 && (result == null || result.Length == 0)){ result = null; IDictionaryEnumerator e = this.name_table.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()){ if (String.Compare(e.Key.ToString(), name, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0){ field = (FieldInfo)e.Value; break; } } } if (field != null) return new MemberInfo[]{field}; if (result == null) result = new MemberInfo[0]; return result; }
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr){ MemberInfo[] members = null; if (!this.recursive){ this.recursive = true; try{ members = this.reflectObj.GetMembers(bindingAttr); if (members != null) if (members.Length > 0){ SimpleHashtable cache = this.namedItemWrappedMemberCache; if (cache == null) cache = this.namedItemWrappedMemberCache = new SimpleHashtable(16); members = ScriptObject.WrapMembers(members, this.namedItem, cache); } else members = null; }finally{ this.recursive = false; } } return members; }
private void GetStartIndexForEachName(){ SimpleHashtable firstIndex = new SimpleHashtable(32); String lastName = null; for (int i = 0, n = this.superMembers.Length; i < n; i++){ String name = ((MemberInfo)this.superMembers[i]).Name; if (name != lastName) firstIndex[lastName = name] = i; } this.firstIndex = firstIndex; }
internal bool HasAlreadySeenErrorFor(String varName){ if (this.reportedVariables == null) this.reportedVariables = new SimpleHashtable(8); else if (this.reportedVariables[varName] != null) return true; this.reportedVariables[varName] = varName; return false; }
void CreateEntryPointIL(ILGenerator il, FieldInfo site, TypeBuilder startupClass){ LocalBuilder globalScope = il.DeclareLocal(Typeob.GlobalScope); //Emit code to create an engine. We do this explicitly so that we can control fast mode. if (this.doFast) il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); else il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); //Run through the list of references and emit code to create an array of strings representing them //but do not emit duplicates. SimpleHashtable uniqueReferences = new SimpleHashtable((uint)this.vsaItems.Count); ArrayList references = new ArrayList(); foreach (Object item in this.vsaItems){ if (item is VsaReference){ string assemblyName = ((VsaReference)item).Assembly.GetName().FullName; if (uniqueReferences[assemblyName] == null){ references.Add(assemblyName); uniqueReferences[assemblyName] = item; } } } if (this.implicitAssemblies != null){ foreach (Object item in this.implicitAssemblies){ Assembly a = item as Assembly; if (a != null){ String assemblyName = a.GetName().FullName; if (uniqueReferences[assemblyName] == null){ references.Add(assemblyName); uniqueReferences[assemblyName] = item; } } } } ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, references.Count); il.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, Typeob.String); int num = 0; foreach (string referenceName in references){ il.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, num++); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, referenceName); il.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref); } if (startupClass != null){ il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, startupClass); if (this.rootNamespace != null) il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.rootNamespace); else il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); MethodInfo createEngineAndGetGlobalScopeWithTypeAndRootNamespace = Typeob.VsaEngine.GetMethod("CreateEngineAndGetGlobalScopeWithTypeAndRootNamespace"); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createEngineAndGetGlobalScopeWithTypeAndRootNamespace); }else{ MethodInfo createEngineAndGetGlobalScope = Typeob.VsaEngine.GetMethod("CreateEngineAndGetGlobalScope"); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createEngineAndGetGlobalScope); } il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, globalScope); // get global object instances and event source instances (CreateStartupClass scenario only) if (site != null) this.CreateHostCallbackIL(il, site); bool setUserEntryPoint = this.genDebugInfo; // for every generated class make an instance and call the main routine method // When there are multiple VsaStaticCode items, all members of relevance are lifted to the // first one. VsaStaticCode does not munge with the runtime scope chain, and instead // relies on the code here to set things up before the global code is called. bool codeToSetupGlobalScopeEmitted = false; // have we hit the first VsaStaticCode item foreach (Object item in this.vsaItems){ Type compiledType = ((VsaItem)item).GetCompiledType(); if (null != compiledType){ ConstructorInfo globalScopeConstructor = compiledType.GetConstructor(new Type[]{Typeob.GlobalScope}); MethodInfo globalCode = compiledType.GetMethod("Global Code"); if (setUserEntryPoint){ //Set the Global Code method of the first code item to be the place where the debugger breaks for the first step into this.CompilerGlobals.module.SetUserEntryPoint(globalCode); setUserEntryPoint = false; //Do it once only } il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, globalScope); il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, globalScopeConstructor); if (!codeToSetupGlobalScopeEmitted && item is VsaStaticCode) { // This is the first VsaStaticCode item which holds all the relevant members. // Push it onto the runtime scope stack. LocalBuilder firstStaticScope = il.DeclareLocal(compiledType); // all members lifted to this object il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, firstStaticScope); // Call globalScope.engine.PushScriptObject(firstStaticScope) il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, globalScope); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, CompilerGlobals.engineField); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, firstStaticScope); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.pushScriptObjectMethod); // Restore stack for the next Call instruction. il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, firstStaticScope); codeToSetupGlobalScopeEmitted = true; } il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, globalCode); il.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } } if (codeToSetupGlobalScopeEmitted) { // A VsaStaticCode item was encountered and code to setup the runtime // stack was emitted. Restore the stack. il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, globalScope); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, CompilerGlobals.engineField); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, CompilerGlobals.popScriptObjectMethod); il.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } // a method needs a return opcode il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); }
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr){ MemberInfoList mems = new MemberInfoList(); SimpleHashtable uniqueMems = new SimpleHashtable(32); if (!this.noExpando && this.field_table != null){ //Add any expando properties IEnumerator enu = this.field_table.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()){ FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)enu.Current; mems.Add(field); uniqueMems[field.Name] = field; } } //Add the public members of the built-in objects if they don't already exist if (this.isASubClass){ MemberInfo[] ilMembers = this.GetType().GetMembers(bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic); //Never expose non public members of old style objects for (int i = 0, n = ilMembers.Length; i < n; i++){ MemberInfo ilMem = ilMembers[i]; //Hide any infrastructure stuff in JSObject if (!ilMem.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(Typeob.JSObject) && uniqueMems[ilMem.Name] == null){ MethodInfo method = ilMem as MethodInfo; if (method == null || !method.IsSpecialName){ mems.Add(ilMem); uniqueMems[ilMem.Name] = ilMem; } } } } //Add parent members if they don't already exist if (this.parent != null){ SimpleHashtable cache = this.parent.wrappedMemberCache; if (cache == null) cache = this.parent.wrappedMemberCache = new SimpleHashtable(8); MemberInfo[] parentMems = ScriptObject.WrapMembers(((IReflect)this.parent).GetMembers(bindingAttr & ~BindingFlags.NonPublic), this.parent, cache); for(int i = 0, n = parentMems.Length; i < n; i++){ MemberInfo parentMem = parentMems[i]; if(uniqueMems[parentMem.Name] == null){ mems.Add(parentMem); //uniqueMems[parentMem.Name] = parentMem; //No need to add to lookup table - no one else will be looking. } } } return mems.ToArray(); }
protected static MemberInfo[] WrapMembers (MemberInfo[] members, Object obj, SimpleHashtable cache) { // TODO return(null); }
internal ScriptObjectPropertyEnumerator(ScriptObject obj) { obj.GetPropertyEnumerator(this.enumerators = new ArrayList(), this.objects = new ArrayList()); this.index = 0; this.visited_names = new SimpleHashtable(16); }
private void EmitReferences() { SimpleHashtable emitted = new SimpleHashtable((uint)this.vsaItems.Count + (this.implicitAssemblies == null ? 0 : (uint)this.implicitAssemblies.Count)); foreach (Object item in this.vsaItems){ if (item is VsaReference){ String referenceName = ((VsaReference)item).Assembly.GetName().FullName; // do not write duplicate assemblies if (emitted[referenceName] == null){ CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(CompilerGlobals.referenceAttributeConstructor, new Object[1] {referenceName}); this.CompilerGlobals.assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(cab); emitted[referenceName] = item; } } } if (this.implicitAssemblies != null){ foreach (Object item in this.implicitAssemblies){ Assembly a = item as Assembly; if (a != null){ String referenceName = a.GetName().FullName; // do not write duplicate assemblies if (emitted[referenceName] == null){ CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(CompilerGlobals.referenceAttributeConstructor, new Object[1] {referenceName}); this.CompilerGlobals.assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(cab); emitted[referenceName] = item; } } } } }
void CreateEntryPointIL(ILGenerator il, FieldInfo site, TypeBuilder startupClass){ LocalBuilder globalScope = il.DeclareLocal(typeof(GlobalScope)); //Emit code to create an engine. We do this explicitly so that we can control fast mode. if (this.doFast) il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); else il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); //Run through the list of references and emit code to create an array of strings representing them //but do not emit duplicates. SimpleHashtable uniqueReferences = new SimpleHashtable((uint)this.vsaItems.Count); ArrayList references = new ArrayList(); foreach (Object item in this.vsaItems){ if (item is VsaReference){ string assemblyName = ((VsaReference)item).Assembly.GetName().FullName; if (uniqueReferences[assemblyName] == null){ references.Add(assemblyName); uniqueReferences[assemblyName] = item; } } } if (this.implicitAssemblies != null){ foreach (Object item in this.implicitAssemblies){ Assembly a = item as Assembly; if (a != null){ String assemblyName = a.GetName().FullName; if (uniqueReferences[assemblyName] == null){ references.Add(assemblyName); uniqueReferences[assemblyName] = item; } } } } ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, references.Count); il.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, Typeob.String); int num = 0; foreach (string referenceName in references){ il.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ConstantWrapper.TranslateToILInt(il, num++); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, referenceName); il.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref); } if (startupClass != null){ MethodInfo createEngineAndGetGlobalScopeWithType = this.GetType().GetMethod("CreateEngineAndGetGlobalScopeWithType"); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, startupClass); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createEngineAndGetGlobalScopeWithType); }else{ MethodInfo createEngineAndGetGlobalScope = this.GetType().GetMethod("CreateEngineAndGetGlobalScope"); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createEngineAndGetGlobalScope); } il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, globalScope); // get global object instances and event source instances (CreateStartupClass scenario only) if (site != null) this.CreateHostCallbackIL(il, site); bool setUserEntryPoint = this.genDebugInfo; // for every generated class make an instance and call the main routine method foreach (Object item in this.vsaItems){ Type compiledType = ((VsaItem)item).GetCompiledType(); if (null != compiledType){ ConstructorInfo globalScopeConstructor = compiledType.GetConstructor(new Type[]{typeof(GlobalScope)}); MethodInfo globalCode = compiledType.GetMethod("Global Code"); if (setUserEntryPoint){ //Set the Global Code method of the first code item to be the place where the debugger breaks for the first step into this.CompilerGlobals.module.SetUserEntryPoint(globalCode); setUserEntryPoint = false; //Do it once only } il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, globalScope); il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, globalScopeConstructor); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, globalCode); il.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } } // a method needs a return opcode il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); }
internal SuperTypeMembersSorter() { this.members = new SimpleHashtable(64); this.names = new ArrayList(); this.count = 0; }
internal void TryToAddImplicitAssemblyReference(String name){ if (!this.autoRef) return; String key; SimpleHashtable implictAssemblyCache = this.implicitAssemblyCache; if (implicitAssemblyCache == null) { //Populate cache with things that should not be autoref'd. Canonical form is lower case without extension. implicitAssemblyCache = new SimpleHashtable(50); //PEFileName always includes an extension and is never NULL. implicitAssemblyCache[Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.PEFileName).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = true; foreach (Object item in this.vsaItems){ VsaReference assemblyReference = item as VsaReference; if (assemblyReference == null || assemblyReference.AssemblyName == null) continue; key = Path.GetFileName(assemblyReference.AssemblyName).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (key.EndsWith(".dll")) key = key.Substring(0, key.Length-4); implicitAssemblyCache[key] = true; } this.implicitAssemblyCache = implicitAssemblyCache; } key = name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (implicitAssemblyCache[key] != null) return; implicitAssemblyCache[key] = true; try{ VsaReference assemblyReference = new VsaReference(this, name + ".dll"); if (assemblyReference.Compile(false)){ ArrayList implicitAssemblies = this.implicitAssemblies; if (implicitAssemblies == null) { implicitAssemblies = new ArrayList(); this.implicitAssemblies = implicitAssemblies; } implicitAssemblies.Add(assemblyReference.Assembly); } }catch(VsaException){ } }
internal Class(Context context, AST id, TypeExpression superTypeExpression, TypeExpression[] interfaces, Block body, FieldAttributes attributes, bool isAbstract, bool isFinal, bool isStatic, bool isInterface, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context) { = id.ToString(); this.superTypeExpression = superTypeExpression; this.interfaces = interfaces; this.body = body; this.enclosingScope = (ScriptObject)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(1); this.attributes = TypeAttributes.Class|TypeAttributes.Serializable; this.SetAccessibility(attributes); if (isAbstract) this.attributes |= TypeAttributes.Abstract; this.isAbstract = isAbstract || isInterface; this.isAlreadyPartiallyEvaluated = false; if (isFinal) this.attributes |= TypeAttributes.Sealed; if (isInterface) this.attributes |= TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.Abstract; this.isCooked = false; this.cookedType = null; this.isExpando = false; this.isInterface = isInterface; this.isStatic = isStatic; this.needsEngine = !isInterface; this.validOn = (AttributeTargets)0; this.allowMultiple = true; this.classob = (ClassScope)Globals.ScopeStack.Peek(); =; this.classob.owner = this; this.implicitDefaultConstructor = null; if (!isInterface && !(this is EnumDeclaration)) this.SetupConstructors(); this.EnterNameIntoEnclosingScopeAndGetOwnField(id, isStatic); this.fields = this.classob.GetMemberFields(); this.superClass = null; this.superIR = null; this.superMembers = null; this.firstIndex = null; this.fieldInitializer = null; this.customAttributes = customAttributes; this.clsCompliance = CLSComplianceSpec.NotAttributed; this.generateCodeForExpando = false; this.expandoItemProp = null; this.getHashTableMethod = null; this.getItem = null; this.setItem = null; }