protected void SpliceSlowly(uint start, uint deleteCount, object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { for (uint i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) { outArray.SetValueAtIndex(i, this.GetValueAtIndex(i + start)); } uint num2 = (oldLength - start) - deleteCount; if (newLength < oldLength) { for (uint k = 0; k < num2; k++) { this.SetValueAtIndex((k + start) + ((uint)args.Length), this.GetValueAtIndex((k + start) + deleteCount)); } this.SetLength((ulong)newLength); } else { if (newLength > oldLength) { this.SetLength((ulong)newLength); } for (uint m = num2; m > 0; m--) { this.SetValueAtIndex((uint)(((m + start) + args.Length) - 1), this.GetValueAtIndex(((m + start) + deleteCount) - 1)); } } int num5 = (args == null) ? 0 : args.Length; for (uint j = 0; j < num5; j++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(j + start, args[j]); } }
public static object shift(object thisObj) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; uint n = (uint)array_obj.length; object result = null; if (n > 0) { if (elems.ContainsKey((uint)0)) { result = elems [(uint)0]; elems.Remove((uint)0); for (uint i = 1; i < n; i++) { elems [i - 1] = elems [i]; } } // Last element gets removed automatically array_obj.length = n - 1; } return(result); }
internal virtual void Concat(ArrayObject source) { uint len = source.len; if (len != 0) { uint num2 = this.len; this.SetLength(num2 + len); uint denseArrayLength = len; if (!(source is ArrayWrapper) && (len > source.denseArrayLength)) { denseArrayLength = source.denseArrayLength; } uint num4 = num2; for (uint i = 0; i < denseArrayLength; i++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(num4++, source.GetValueAtIndex(i)); } if (denseArrayLength != len) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = source.NameTable.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { long num6 = Array_index_for(enumerator.Key.ToString()); if (num6 >= 0L) { this.SetValueAtIndex(num2 + ((uint)num6), ((JSField)enumerator.Value).GetValue(null)); } } } } }
internal void SortArray(int left, int right) { ArrayObject array = (ArrayObject)this.obj; Object x, y; if (right > left) { int piv = left + (int)((right - left) * MathObject.random()); x = array.denseArray[piv]; array.denseArray[piv] = array.denseArray[right]; array.denseArray[right] = x; int i = left - 1, j = right; while (true) { do { y = array.denseArray[++i]; }while(i < j && this.Compare(x, y) >= 0); do { y = array.denseArray[--j]; }while(j > i && this.Compare(x, y) <= 0); if (i >= j) { break; } QuickSort.Swap(array.denseArray, i, j); } QuickSort.Swap(array.denseArray, i, right); this.SortArray(left, i - 1); this.SortArray(i + 1, right); } }
public static ArrayObject concat(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, params object [] args) { uint i = 0; ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject (); int arg_idx = -1; int arg_count = args.Length; // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type (thisObj, typeof (ArrayObject)); object cur_obj = thisObj; ArrayObject cur_ary; while (cur_obj != null) { if (cur_obj is ArrayObject) { cur_ary = (ArrayObject) cur_obj; uint n = (uint) cur_ary.length; for (uint j = 0; j < n; j++, i++) result.elems [i] = cur_ary.elems [j]; } else result.elems [i++] = cur_obj; arg_idx++; cur_obj = arg_idx < arg_count ? args [arg_idx] : null; } result.length = i; return result; }
public static object unshift(object thisObj, params object [] args) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; uint old_length = (uint)array_obj.length; uint arg_length = (uint)args.Length; uint new_length = old_length + arg_length; if (arg_length > 0) { // First let's make some free space for the new items long i = (long)old_length - 1; long j = i + (long)arg_length; for (; i >= 0; i--, j--) { elems [(uint)j] = elems [(uint)i]; } // Then insert the new items in the now free space for (; j >= 0; j--) { elems [(uint)j] = args [(uint)j]; } } // // NOTE: MSC returns the new array, but // ECMA-262 says to return the new length. We // conform to the standard. // array_obj.length = new_length; return(new_length); }
internal ArrayEnumerator(ArrayObject arrayOb, IEnumerator denseEnum){ this.curr = -1; this.doDenseEnum = false; this.didDenseEnum = false; this.arrayOb = arrayOb; this.denseEnum = denseEnum; }
/// <summary> /// Helper method that constructs a new JScript array and initializes it with values. /// </summary> /// <internalonly/> public ArrayObject ConstructArray(Object[] args){ ArrayObject arrayObj = new ArrayObject(originalPrototype, typeof(ArrayObject)); arrayObj.length = args.Length; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) arrayObj.SetValueAtIndex((uint)i, args[i]); return arrayObj; }
public static string toLocaleString(object thisObj) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; string separator = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator + " "; Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; uint n = (uint)array_obj.length; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { ScriptObject elem = (ScriptObject)Convert.ToObject(elems [i], null); if (!first && elem != null) { str.Append(separator); } first = false; if (elem != null) { str.Append(Convert.ToString(elem.CallMethod("toLocaleString", new object [] { }))); } } return(str.ToString()); }
internal virtual ArrayObject Unshift(Object[] args) { Debug.PreCondition(args != null && args.Length > 0); uint oldLength = this.len; int numArgs = args.Length; ulong newLength = oldLength + (ulong)numArgs; this.SetLength(newLength); if (newLength <= this.denseArrayLength) { for (int i = (int)(oldLength - 1); i >= 0; i--) { this.denseArray[i + numArgs] = this.denseArray[i]; } ArrayObject.Copy(args, 0, this.denseArray, 0, args.Length); } else { for (long i = oldLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.SetValueAtIndex((uint)(i + numArgs), this.GetValueAtIndex((uint)i)); } for (uint i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(i, args[i]); } } return(this); }
private void DeleteRange(uint start, uint end) { uint denseEnd = this.denseArrayLength; if (denseEnd > end) { denseEnd = end; } for (; start < denseEnd; start++) { denseArray[(int)start] = Missing.Value; } if (denseEnd == end) { return; } //Go through the field table entries, deleting those with names that are indices between start and end IDictionaryEnumerator e = this.NameTable.GetEnumerator(); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(this.name_table.count); while (e.MoveNext()) { long i = ArrayObject.Array_index_for(e.Key.ToString()); if (i >= start && i <= end) { arr.Add(e.Key); } } IEnumerator ae = arr.GetEnumerator(); while (ae.MoveNext()) { this.DeleteMember((String)ae.Current); } }
internal virtual Object Shift() { Object res = null; uint thisLength = this.len; if (thisLength == 0) { return(res); } uint lastItemInDense = (this.denseArrayLength >= thisLength) ? thisLength : this.denseArrayLength; if (lastItemInDense > 0) { res = this.denseArray[0]; ArrayObject.Copy(this.denseArray, 1, this.denseArray, 0, (int)(lastItemInDense - 1)); } else { res = base.GetValueAtIndex(0); } for (uint i = lastItemInDense; i < thisLength; i++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(i - 1, this.GetValueAtIndex(i)); } this.SetValueAtIndex(thisLength - 1, Missing.Value); SetLength(thisLength - 1); if (res is Missing) { return(null); } return(res); }
internal virtual Object[] ToArray() { int thisLength = (int)this.len; if (thisLength == 0) { return(new Object[0]); } else if (thisLength == this.denseArrayLength) { return(this.denseArray); } else if (thisLength < this.denseArrayLength) { Object[] result = new Object[thisLength]; ArrayObject.Copy(this.denseArray, 0, result, 0, thisLength); return(result); } else { Object[] result = new Object[thisLength]; ArrayObject.Copy(this.denseArray, 0, result, 0, (int)this.denseArrayLength); for (uint i = this.denseArrayLength; i < thisLength; i++) { result[i] = this.GetValueAtIndex(i); } return(result); } }
public static ArrayObject concat(Object thisob, VsaEngine engine, params Object[] args) { ArrayObject arrayObj = engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct(); if (thisob is ArrayObject) { arrayObj.Concat((ArrayObject)thisob); } else { arrayObj.Concat(thisob); } for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; if (arg is ArrayObject) { arrayObj.Concat((ArrayObject)arg); } else { arrayObj.Concat(arg); } } return(arrayObj); }
public static bool hasOwnProperty(object thisob, object name) { string str = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(name); if (thisob is ArrayObject) { long num = ArrayObject.Array_index_for(str); if (num >= 0L) { object valueAtIndex = ((ArrayObject)thisob).GetValueAtIndex((uint)num); return((valueAtIndex != null) && (valueAtIndex != Microsoft.JScript.Missing.Value)); } } if (!(thisob is JSObject)) { return(!(LateBinding.GetMemberValue(thisob, str) is Microsoft.JScript.Missing)); } MemberInfo[] member = ((JSObject)thisob).GetMember(str, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); int length = member.Length; if (length <= 1) { if (length < 1) { return(false); } if (member[0] is JSPrototypeField) { return(!(((JSPrototypeField)member[0]).value is Microsoft.JScript.Missing)); } } return(true); }
public static ArrayObject concat(object thisob, VsaEngine engine, params object[] args) { ArrayObject obj2 = engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct(); if (thisob is ArrayObject) { obj2.Concat((ArrayObject)thisob); } else { obj2.Concat(thisob); } for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { object obj3 = args[i]; if (obj3 is ArrayObject) { obj2.Concat((ArrayObject)obj3); } else { obj2.Concat(obj3); } } return(obj2); }
public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture) { MethodInfo setter = this.setter; JSObject obj2 = obj as JSObject; if ((setter == null) && (obj2 != null)) { setter = obj2.GetMethod("set_" +, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); JSWrappedMethod method = setter as JSWrappedMethod; if (method != null) { setter = method.method; } } if (setter == null) { setter = this.GetSetMethod(false); } if (setter != null) { if ((index == null) || (index.Length == 0)) { setter.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, new object[] { value }, culture); } else { int length = index.Length; object[] target = new object[length + 1]; ArrayObject.Copy(index, 0, target, 0, length); target[length] = value; setter.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, target, culture); } } }
internal static void SetValue(PropertyInfo prop, object obj, object value, object[] index) { JSProperty property = prop as JSProperty; if (property != null) { property.SetValue(obj, value, BindingFlags.ExactBinding, null, index, null); } else { MethodInfo setMethod = GetSetMethod(prop, false); if (setMethod == null) { throw new MissingMethodException(); } int n = (index == null) ? 0 : index.Length; object[] target = new object[n + 1]; if (n > 0) { ArrayObject.Copy(index, 0, target, 0, n); } target[n] = value; setMethod.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.ExactBinding, null, target, null); } }
public static bool hasOwnProperty(Object thisob, Object name) { String nameStr = Convert.ToString(name); if (thisob is ArrayObject) { long index = ArrayObject.Array_index_for(nameStr); if (index >= 0) { Object ob = ((ArrayObject)thisob).GetValueAtIndex((uint)index); return(ob != null && ob != Missing.Value); } } if (thisob is JSObject) { MemberInfo[] members = ((JSObject)thisob).GetMember(nameStr, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); int n = members.Length; if (n > 1) { return(true); } if (n < 1) { return(false); } if (members[0] is JSPrototypeField) { //Do not count it as an "own" property unless it has been written to return(!(((JSPrototypeField)members[0]).value is Missing)); } return(true); } return(!(LateBinding.GetMemberValue(thisob, nameStr) is Missing)); }
// Splice the array slowly. protected void SpliceSlowly(uint start, uint deleteCount, Object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { // This exists for backwards-compatibility, but there // is actually no way to call it from user code. }
protected void SpliceSlowly(uint start, uint deleteCount, Object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { for (uint i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) { outArray.SetValueAtIndex(i, this.GetValueAtIndex(i + start)); } uint n = oldLength - start - deleteCount; if (newLength < oldLength) { for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(i + start + (uint)args.Length, this.GetValueAtIndex(i + start + deleteCount)); } this.SetLength(newLength); } else { if (newLength > oldLength) { this.SetLength(newLength); } for (uint i = n; i > 0; i--) { this.SetValueAtIndex(i + start + (uint)args.Length - 1, this.GetValueAtIndex(i + start + deleteCount - 1)); } } int m = args == null ? 0 : args.Length; for (uint i = 0; i < m; i++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(i + start, args[i]); } }
public static object match(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object regExp) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString(thisObj); RegExpObject regex_obj = Convert.ToRegExp(regExp); bool global =; if (!global) { return(RegExpPrototype.exec(regex_obj, string_obj)); } MatchCollection md = regex_obj.regex.Matches(string_obj); uint n = (uint)md.Count; Match lastMatch = md [(int)(n - 1)]; regex_obj.lastIndex = lastMatch.Index + 1; RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch(lastMatch, string_obj); ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject(); result.length = n; for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { result.elems [i] = md [(int)i].Value; } return(result); }
internal override void Concat(ArrayObject source) { if (!this.hydrated) { this.Hydrate(); } base.Concat(source); }
internal ArrayEnumerator(ArrayObject arrayOb, IEnumerator denseEnum) { this.curr = -1; this.doDenseEnum = false; this.didDenseEnum = false; this.arrayOb = arrayOb; this.denseEnum = denseEnum; }
internal override void Splice(uint start, uint deleteCount, Object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { if (oldLength != newLength) { throw new JScriptException(JSError.ActionNotSupported); } SpliceSlowly(start, deleteCount, args, outArray, oldLength, newLength); }
internal override void Splice(uint start, uint deleteItems, object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { if (!this.hydrated) { this.Hydrate(); } base.Splice(start, deleteItems, args, outArray, oldLength, newLength); }
public ArrayObject CreateInstance(params object[] args) { ArrayObject obj2 = new ArrayObject(this.originalPrototype, typeof(ArrayObject)); if (args.Length != 0) { if (args.Length == 1) { object ob = args[0]; IConvertible iConvertible = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.GetIConvertible(ob); switch (Microsoft.JScript.Convert.GetTypeCode(ob, iConvertible)) { case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Decimal: { double num = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToNumber(ob, iConvertible); uint num2 = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToUint32(ob, iConvertible); if (num != num2) { throw new JScriptException(JSError.ArrayLengthConstructIncorrect); } obj2.length = num2; return(obj2); } } } if ((args.Length == 1) && (args[0] is Array)) { Array array = (Array)args[0]; if (array.Rank != 1) { throw new JScriptException(JSError.TypeMismatch); } obj2.length = array.Length; for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { obj2.SetValueAtIndex((uint)j, array.GetValue(j)); } return(obj2); } obj2.length = args.Length; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { obj2.SetValueAtIndex((uint)i, args[i]); } } return(obj2); }
public new ArrayObject CreateInstance(params Object[] args) { ArrayObject arrayObj = new ArrayObject(this.originalPrototype, typeof(ArrayObject)); if (args.Length != 0) { if (args.Length == 1) { Object arg0 = args[0]; IConvertible ic = Convert.GetIConvertible(arg0); switch (Convert.GetTypeCode(arg0, ic)) { case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Decimal: double d = Convert.ToNumber(arg0, ic); uint len = Convert.ToUint32(arg0, ic); if (d != (double)len) { throw new JScriptException(JSError.ArrayLengthConstructIncorrect); } arrayObj.length = len; return(arrayObj); } } if (args.Length == 1 && args[0] is Array) { Array array = (Array)args[0]; if (array.Rank != 1) { throw new JScriptException(JSError.TypeMismatch); } arrayObj.length = array.Length; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { arrayObj.SetValueAtIndex((uint)i, array.GetValue(i)); } } else { arrayObj.length = args.Length; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { arrayObj.SetValueAtIndex((uint)i, args[i]); } } } return(arrayObj); }
private static void AdjustArrayLength(ArrayObject ary, uint index) { uint old_len = (uint)ary.length; if (index > 0 && index != 4294967295 && index > old_len) { ary.length = index + 1; } }
internal override object GetMemberValue(string name) { long num = ArrayObject.Array_index_for(name); if (num < 0L) { return(base.GetMemberValue(name)); } return(this.GetValueAtIndex((uint)num)); }
internal void Push(object item) { if ( >= this.elements.Length) { object[] target = new object[this.elements.Length + 0x20]; ArrayObject.Copy(this.elements, target, this.elements.Length); this.elements = target; } this.elements[] = item; }
internal void Push(Object item) { if ( >= this.elements.Length) { Object[] newelems = new Object[this.elements.Length + 32]; ArrayObject.Copy(this.elements, newelems, this.elements.Length); this.elements = newelems; } this.elements[] = item; }
public static ArrayObject slice(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, double start, object end) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject)thisObj; uint array_len = (uint)array_obj.length; uint _start, _end; if (start > array_len) { _start = array_len; } else { _start = (uint)start; if (_start < 0) { _start += array_len; } } if (end == null) { _end = array_len; } else { _end = Convert.ToUint32(end); if (_end < 0) { _end += array_len; } else if (_end > array_len) { _end = array_len; } } if (_end < _start) { _end = _start; } ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject(); result.length = _end - _start; for (uint i = _start; i < _end; i++) { result.elems [i - _start] = array_obj.elems [i]; } return(result); }
// Construct a new array from a list of elements. public ArrayObject ConstructArray(Object[] args) { ArrayObject obj = new ArrayObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetArrayPrototype()); int index, len; len = args.Length; for(index = 0; index < len; ++index) { obj.PutIndex(index, args[index]); } return obj; }
public new ArrayObject CreateInstance(params Object[] args){ ArrayObject arrayObj = new ArrayObject(this.originalPrototype, typeof(ArrayObject)); if (args.Length != 0){ if (args.Length == 1){ Object arg0 = args[0]; IConvertible ic = Convert.GetIConvertible(arg0); switch (Convert.GetTypeCode(arg0, ic)){ case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Decimal: double d = Convert.ToNumber(arg0, ic); uint len = Convert.ToUint32(arg0, ic); if (d != (double)len) throw new JScriptException(JSError.ArrayLengthConstructIncorrect); arrayObj.length = len; return arrayObj; } } if (args.Length == 1 && args[0] is Array){ Array array = (Array)args[0]; if (array.Rank != 1) throw new JScriptException(JSError.TypeMismatch); arrayObj.length = array.Length; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) arrayObj.SetValueAtIndex((uint)i, array.GetValue(i)); } else { arrayObj.length = args.Length; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) arrayObj.SetValueAtIndex((uint)i, args[i]); } } return arrayObj; }
internal override void Concat(ArrayObject source){ throw new JScriptException(JSError.ActionNotSupported); }
internal override void Splice(uint start, uint deleteCount, Object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength){ if (oldLength != newLength) throw new JScriptException(JSError.ActionNotSupported); SpliceSlowly(start, deleteCount, args, outArray, oldLength, newLength); }
internal virtual void Concat(ArrayObject source){ uint sourceLength = source.len; if (sourceLength == 0) return; uint oldLength = this.len; this.SetLength(oldLength + (ulong)sourceLength); uint slen = sourceLength; if (!(source is ArrayWrapper) && sourceLength > source.denseArrayLength) slen = source.denseArrayLength; uint j = oldLength; for (uint i = 0; i < slen; i++) this.SetValueAtIndex(j++, source.GetValueAtIndex(i)); if (slen == sourceLength) return; //Iterate over the sparse indices of source IDictionaryEnumerator e = source.NameTable.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()){ long i = ArrayObject.Array_index_for(e.Key.ToString()); if (i >= 0) this.SetValueAtIndex(oldLength+(uint)i, ((JSField)e.Value).GetValue(null)); } }
public static ArrayObject splice(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, double start, double deleteCnt, params object [] args) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type (thisObj, typeof (ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject) thisObj; ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject (); Hashtable elems = array_obj.elems; Hashtable del_elems = result.elems; uint old_length = (uint) array_obj.length; start = (long) start; if (start < 0) start = Math.Max (start + old_length, 0); else start = Math.Min (old_length, start); deleteCnt = (long) deleteCnt; deleteCnt = Math.Min (Math.Max (deleteCnt, 0), old_length - start); uint arg_length = (uint) args.Length; long add_length = (long) ((long) arg_length - (uint) deleteCnt); add_length = (long) Math.Max (add_length, -((long) old_length)); long del_length = -add_length; uint new_length = (uint) ((long) old_length + add_length); long i, j, m; // First let's make some free space for the new items (if needed) if (add_length > 0) { i = (long) old_length - 1; j = (uint) (i + add_length); for (; i >= start; i--, j--) elems [(uint) j] = elems [(uint) i]; } // Then insert the new items in the now free space / replace existing ones j = m = 0; long old_start = (long) (start + add_length); for (i = (long) start; j < arg_length; i++, j++) { if (i >= old_start && elems.ContainsKey ((uint) i)) { del_elems [(uint) m] = elems [(uint) i]; m++; elems.Remove ((uint) i); } if (j < arg_length) elems [(uint) i] = args [(uint) j]; } // Finally, delete elements which have no replacement elements if (add_length < 0) { uint last_elem_idx = (uint) (i + del_length); for (uint k = 0; k < del_length; i++, j++, k++) { if (elems.ContainsKey ((uint) i)) { del_elems [(uint) m] = elems [(uint) i]; m++; elems.Remove ((uint) i); } } // And move up trailing elements uint l = (uint) (last_elem_idx - del_length); for (uint k = last_elem_idx; l < old_length; k++, l++) { if (elems.ContainsKey (k)) elems [l] = elems [k]; else if (elems.ContainsKey (l)) elems.Remove (l); } } array_obj.length = new_length; result.length = (uint) deleteCnt; return result; }
public static ArrayObject split(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object separator, object limit) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); int length = string_obj.Length; int max_count = (limit != null) ? Convert.ToInt32 (limit) : -1; ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject (); if (separator == null) { result.length = (uint) 1; result.elems [(uint) 0] = string_obj; return result; } int start_pos = 0; int end_pos = -1; int match_len = 0; uint count = 0; int sep_len = 0; if (!(separator is RegExpObject)) { string sep_str = Convert.ToString (separator); sep_len = sep_str.Length; if (string_obj.Length == 0) { if (sep_len > 0) { result.length = (uint) 1; result.elems [(uint) 0] = string_obj; } return result; } while (end_pos != length && (max_count == -1 || count < max_count)) { end_pos = (length != 0) ? string_obj.IndexOf (sep_str, start_pos) : length; if (end_pos == -1) end_pos = length; else if (sep_len == 0) end_pos++; match_len = end_pos - start_pos; result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring (start_pos, match_len); start_pos += match_len + sep_len; count++; } result.length = count; return result; } RegExpObject sep_re = (RegExpObject) separator; MatchCollection md = sep_re.regex.Matches (string_obj); uint n = (uint) md.Count; Match match = null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (max_count != -1 && count >= max_count) break; match = md [i]; sep_len = match.Length; end_pos = match.Index; match_len = end_pos - start_pos; // // The specification says that "ab".split(/a*/) is ["", "b"], but would // that would also mean that "abcdef".split(/./).length would not be 6. // I'm currently going with the Rhino behavior that seems to make more // sense. // if (!(end_pos == 0 && sep_len == 0)) { result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring (start_pos, match_len); count++; } bool first_cap = true; foreach (Capture cap in match.Groups) { if (max_count != -1 && count >= max_count) break; if (first_cap) { first_cap = false; continue; } result.elems [count] = cap.Value; count++; } start_pos += match_len + sep_len; } if (n > 0 && (max_count == -1 || count < max_count)) { sep_re.lastIndex = match.Index + match.Length; RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch (match, string_obj); if (start_pos < length) { result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring (start_pos); count++; } } else if (n == 0) { result.elems [(uint) 0] = string_obj; count++; } result.length = count; return result; }
internal DebugArrayFieldEnumerator(ScriptObjectPropertyEnumerator enumerator, ArrayObject arrayObject) { this.enumerator = enumerator; this.arrayObject = arrayObject; this.EnsureCount(); }
internal virtual void Splice(uint start, uint deleteCount, object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { if (oldLength > this.denseArrayLength) { this.SpliceSlowly(start, deleteCount, args, outArray, oldLength, newLength); } else { if (newLength > oldLength) { this.SetLength((ulong) newLength); if (newLength > this.denseArrayLength) { this.SpliceSlowly(start, deleteCount, args, outArray, oldLength, newLength); return; } } if (deleteCount > oldLength) { deleteCount = oldLength; } if (deleteCount > 0) { Copy(this.denseArray, (int) start, outArray.denseArray, 0, (int) deleteCount); } if (oldLength > 0) { Copy(this.denseArray, (int) (start + deleteCount), this.denseArray, ((int) start) + args.Length, (int) ((oldLength - start) - deleteCount)); } if (args != null) { int length = args.Length; if (length > 0) { Copy(args, 0, this.denseArray, (int) start, length); } if (length < deleteCount) { this.SetLength((ulong) newLength); } } else if (deleteCount > 0) { this.SetLength((ulong) newLength); } } }
protected void SpliceSlowly(uint start, uint deleteCount, object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { for (uint i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) { outArray.SetValueAtIndex(i, this.GetValueAtIndex(i + start)); } uint num2 = (oldLength - start) - deleteCount; if (newLength < oldLength) { for (uint k = 0; k < num2; k++) { this.SetValueAtIndex((k + start) + ((uint) args.Length), this.GetValueAtIndex((k + start) + deleteCount)); } this.SetLength((ulong) newLength); } else { if (newLength > oldLength) { this.SetLength((ulong) newLength); } for (uint m = num2; m > 0; m--) { this.SetValueAtIndex((uint) (((m + start) + args.Length) - 1), this.GetValueAtIndex(((m + start) + deleteCount) - 1)); } } int num5 = (args == null) ? 0 : args.Length; for (uint j = 0; j < num5; j++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(j + start, args[j]); } }
internal virtual void Concat(ArrayObject source) { uint len = source.len; if (len != 0) { uint num2 = this.len; this.SetLength(num2 + len); uint denseArrayLength = len; if (!(source is ArrayWrapper) && (len > source.denseArrayLength)) { denseArrayLength = source.denseArrayLength; } uint num4 = num2; for (uint i = 0; i < denseArrayLength; i++) { this.SetValueAtIndex(num4++, source.GetValueAtIndex(i)); } if (denseArrayLength != len) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = source.NameTable.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { long num6 = Array_index_for(enumerator.Key.ToString()); if (num6 >= 0L) { this.SetValueAtIndex(num2 + ((uint) num6), ((JSField) enumerator.Value).GetValue(null)); } } } } }
private static void AdjustArrayLength(ArrayObject ary, uint index) { uint old_len = (uint) ary.length; if (index > 0 && index != 4294967295 && index > old_len) ary.length = index + 1; }
internal ArrayEnumerator(ArrayObject arrayOb, IEnumerator denseEnum) { this.arrayOb = arrayOb; this.denseEnum = denseEnum; }
// Perform a constructor call on this object. internal override Object Construct(VsaEngine engine, Object[] args) { ArrayObject obj; int index, len; if(args.Length != 1) { // Construct an array from a list of values. obj = new ArrayObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetArrayPrototype(), (uint)(args.Length)); len = args.Length; for(index = 0; index < len; ++index) { obj.PutIndex(index, args[index]); } } else if(args[0] is Array) { // Wrap an existing array. Array array = (Array)(args[0]); if(array.Rank != 1) { throw new JScriptException(JSError.TypeMismatch); } obj = new ArrayObject.Wrapper (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetArrayPrototype(), (Array)(args[0])); } else { // Construct an array from a length value. switch(Support.TypeCodeForObject(args[0])) { case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Decimal: { double num = Convert.ToNumber(args[0]); uint inum = Convert.ToUInt32(args[0]); if(num == (double)inum) { return new ArrayObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetArrayPrototype(), inum); } else { throw new JScriptException (JSError.ArrayLengthConstructIncorrect); } } // Not reached. } // The length is not numeric, so it is actually a value. obj = new ArrayObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetArrayPrototype()); obj.PutIndex(0, args[0]); } return obj; }
private List<PayloadObject> ParseJsonArray(ArrayObject jsonData) { List<PayloadObject> payloadObjects = new List<PayloadObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)jsonData.length; i++) { JSObject resource = (JSObject)jsonData[i]; payloadObjects.Add(parseJsonObject(resource)); } return payloadObjects; }
public static object match(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object regExp) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); RegExpObject regex_obj = Convert.ToRegExp (regExp); bool global =; if (!global) return RegExpPrototype.exec (regex_obj, string_obj); MatchCollection md = regex_obj.regex.Matches (string_obj); uint n = (uint) md.Count; Match lastMatch = md [(int) (n - 1)]; regex_obj.lastIndex = lastMatch.Index + 1; RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch (lastMatch, string_obj); ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject (); result.length = n; for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) result.elems [i] = md [(int) i].Value; return result; }
protected void SpliceSlowly(uint start, uint deleteCount, object [] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength) { ArrayPrototype.splice (outArray, null, start, deleteCount, args); }
public static ArrayObject slice(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, double start, object end) { // TODO: Shouldn't this be generic!? SemanticAnalyser.assert_type (thisObj, typeof (ArrayObject)); ArrayObject array_obj = (ArrayObject) thisObj; uint array_len = (uint) array_obj.length; uint _start, _end; if (start > array_len) _start = array_len; else { _start = (uint) start; if (_start < 0) _start += array_len; } if (end == null) _end = array_len; else { _end = Convert.ToUint32 (end); if (_end < 0) _end += array_len; else if (_end > array_len) _end = array_len; } if (_end < _start) _end = _start; ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject(); result.length = _end - _start; for (uint i = _start; i < _end; i++) result.elems [i - _start] = array_obj.elems [i]; return result; }
internal virtual void Splice(uint start, uint deleteCount, Object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength){ if (oldLength > this.denseArrayLength){ SpliceSlowly(start, deleteCount, args, outArray, oldLength, newLength); return; } if (newLength > oldLength){ this.SetLength(newLength); if (newLength > this.denseArrayLength){ SpliceSlowly(start, deleteCount, args, outArray, oldLength, newLength); return; } } if (deleteCount > oldLength) deleteCount = oldLength; if (deleteCount > 0) ArrayObject.Copy(this.denseArray, (int)start, outArray.denseArray, 0, (int)deleteCount); if (oldLength > 0) ArrayObject.Copy(this.denseArray, (int)(start+deleteCount), this.denseArray, (int)(start)+args.Length, (int)(oldLength-start-deleteCount)); if (args != null){ int n = args.Length; if (n > 0) ArrayObject.Copy(args, 0, this.denseArray, (int)start, n); if (n < deleteCount) this.SetLength(newLength); }else if (deleteCount > 0) this.SetLength(newLength); }
protected void SpliceSlowly(uint start, uint deleteCount, Object[] args, ArrayObject outArray, uint oldLength, uint newLength){ for (uint i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) outArray.SetValueAtIndex(i, this.GetValueAtIndex(i+start)); uint n = oldLength-start-deleteCount; if (newLength < oldLength){ for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) this.SetValueAtIndex(i+start+(uint)args.Length, this.GetValueAtIndex(i+start+deleteCount)); this.SetLength(newLength); }else{ if (newLength > oldLength) this.SetLength(newLength); for (uint i = n; i > 0; i--) this.SetValueAtIndex(i+start+(uint)args.Length-1, this.GetValueAtIndex(i+start+deleteCount-1)); } int m = args == null ? 0 : args.Length; for (uint i = 0; i < m; i++) this.SetValueAtIndex(i+start, args[i]); }
public override Object Eval(VsaEngine engine) #line 42 "./Nodes/" { // Create a new instance of "Array". ArrayObject value = new ArrayObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine).GetArrayPrototype()); // Evaluate and add the elements. JExprListElem elem = first; int index = 0; while(elem != null) { value[index++] = elem.expr.Eval(engine); elem =; } // Return the object to the caller. return value; }