internal ScriptFunction Construct(object[] args, VsaEngine engine) { ScriptFunction function; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); int index = 0; int num2 = args.Length - 2; while (index < num2) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[index])); builder.Append(", "); index++; } if (args.Length > 1) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 2])); } builder.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) { builder.Append(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(args[args.Length - 1])); } builder.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), builder.ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject) engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try { function = (ScriptFunction) parser.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate(); } finally { engine.PopScriptObject(); } return function; }
public static void JScriptPackage(string rootName, VsaEngine engine) { GlobalScope globalScope = ((IActivationObject) engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope(); if (globalScope.GetLocalField(rootName) == null) { FieldInfo info = globalScope.AddNewField(rootName, Namespace.GetNamespace(rootName, engine), FieldAttributes.Literal | FieldAttributes.Public); } }
public static void JScriptImport(String name, VsaEngine engine){ int dotPos = name.IndexOf('.'); String rootName = dotPos > 0 ? name.Substring(0, dotPos) : name; GlobalScope scope = ((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope(); FieldInfo field = scope.GetLocalField(rootName); if (field == null) field = scope.AddNewField(rootName, Namespace.GetNamespace(rootName, engine), FieldAttributes.Public|FieldAttributes.Literal); engine.SetEnclosingContext(new WrappedNamespace(name, engine, false)); }
public static void JScriptImport(string name, VsaEngine engine) { int index = name.IndexOf('.'); string str = (index > 0) ? name.Substring(0, index) : name; GlobalScope globalScope = ((IActivationObject) engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope(); if (globalScope.GetLocalField(str) == null) { FieldInfo info = globalScope.AddNewField(str, Namespace.GetNamespace(str, engine), FieldAttributes.Literal | FieldAttributes.Public); } engine.SetEnclosingContext(new WrappedNamespace(name, engine, false)); }
public static FunctionObject JScriptFunctionExpression (RuntimeTypeHandle handle, string name, string methodName, string [] formalParams, JSLocalField [] fields, bool mustSaveStackLocals, bool hasArgumentsObject, string text, VsaEngine engine) { MethodInfo method = engine.ScriptObjectStackTop ().GetType ().GetMethod (methodName); FunctionObject fun = new FunctionObject (method); fun.source = text; fun.vsa_engine = engine; return fun; }
public static object GetClosureInstance(VsaEngine engine) { if (engine != null) { StackFrame frame = engine.ScriptObjectStackTop() as StackFrame; if (frame != null) { return frame.closureInstance; } } return null; }
public static Closure JScriptFunctionDeclaration (RuntimeTypeHandle handle, string name, string methodName, string [] formalParameters, JSLocalField [] fields, bool mustSaveStackLocals, bool hasArgumentsObjects, string text, Object declaringObject, VsaEngine engine) { FunctionObject f = new FunctionObject (name, null, null, null, null); f.source = text; MethodInfo method = engine.ScriptObjectStackTop ().GetType ().GetMethod (methodName); f.method = method; f.vsa_engine = engine; return new Closure (f); }
// Push into a "with" scope and return the converted object. public static Object JScriptWith(Object withOb, VsaEngine engine) { withOb = Convert.ToObject(withOb, engine); if(withOb != null) { engine.PushScriptObjectChecked (new WithScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(), withOb)); return withOb; } else { throw new JScriptException(JSError.ObjectExpected); } }
public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine){ if (Convert.GetTypeCode(source) != TypeCode.String) return source; if (engine.doFast) engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); return ((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; }finally{ if (engine.doFast) engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
internal ScriptFunction Construct(Object[] args, VsaEngine engine){ StringBuilder func_string = new StringBuilder("function anonymous("); for (int i = 0, n = args.Length-2; i < n; i++){ func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[i])); func_string.Append(", "); } if (args.Length > 1) func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length-2])); func_string.Append(") {\n"); if (args.Length > 0) func_string.Append(Convert.ToString(args[args.Length-1])); func_string.Append("\n}"); Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("anonymous", engine), func_string.ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); engine.PushScriptObject(((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope()); try{ return (ScriptFunction)p.ParseFunctionExpression().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate(); }finally{ engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
private static object DoEvaluate(object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe) { object obj2; if (engine.doFast) { engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); } try { Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible) source).ToString()); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); obj2 = ((Completion) parser.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; } finally { if (engine.doFast) { engine.PopScriptObject(); } } return obj2; }
public static void PushHandlerScope(VsaEngine engine, String id, int scopeId){ engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(), id, scopeId)); }
public override Object Eval(VsaEngine engine) #line 322 "./Nodes/" { // Get the scope to declare the function within. ScriptObject scope = engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(); // Create a function object to wrap up this function. FunctionObject obj = new FunctionObject (EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine).GetFunctionPrototype(), this, scope); // javascript allows for anonymous functions if(name != null) { // Add the function to the scope. if(scope is IVariableAccess) { ((IVariableAccess)scope).SetVariable(name, obj); } else { scope.Put(name, obj); } } // Return compiled function object return obj; }
// Evaluate a JScript expression in the context of a specific engine. public static Object JScriptEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine) { Object value = null; // Bail out if we weren't supplied a string. if(!(source is String)) { return source; } // Parse the "eval" statement. Context context = new Context((String)source); context.codebase = new CodeBase("eval code", null); JSParser parser = new JSParser(context); JNode node = parser.ParseSource(true); // Push a scope for use during evaluation. engine.PushScriptObject (new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop(), new JSObject (null, engine))); // Evaluate the statement. try { value = node.Eval(engine); if(value == Empty.Value) { value = null; } } catch(JScriptException e) { // Attach the context information to low-level exceptions. if(e.context == null) { e.context = context; } throw; } catch(BreakJumpOut brk) { // "break" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadBreak, brk.context); } catch(ContinueJumpOut cont) { // "continue" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadContinue, cont.context); } catch(ReturnJumpOut ret) { // "return" used incorrectly. throw new JScriptException(JSError.BadReturn, ret.context); } finally { // Pop the script scope. engine.PopScriptObject(); } // Return the result of the evaluation to the caller. return value; }
public override Object GetAndPrepare(VsaEngine engine, ref Object data1, ref Object data2) #line 130 "./Nodes/" { IVariableAccess scope = (engine.ScriptObjectStackTop() as IVariableAccess); while(scope != null) { if(scope.HasVariable(name)) { data1 = scope; return scope.GetVariable(name); } scope = scope.GetParentScope(); } scope = (IVariableAccess)(engine.GetMainScope()); data1 = scope; return scope.GetVariable(name); }
public override Object Eval(VsaEngine engine) #line 97 "./Nodes/" { IVariableAccess scope = (engine.ScriptObjectStackTop() as IVariableAccess); while(scope != null) { if(scope.HasVariable(name)) { return scope.GetVariable(name); } scope = scope.GetParentScope(); } return ((IVariableAccess)(engine.GetMainScope())).GetVariable(name); }
public override Object Eval(VsaEngine engine) #line 82 "./Nodes/" { IActivationObject act = (engine.ScriptObjectStackTop() as IActivationObject); if(act != null) { return act.GetDefaultThisObject(); } else { return DBNull.Value; } }
public override Object Eval(VsaEngine engine) #line 476 "./Nodes/" { // Get the current variable definition scope. IActivationObject scope = (IActivationObject)(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()); // We can take a short-cut if the scope implements "IVariableAccess". // This avoids creating unnecessary "FieldInfo" objects. IVariableAccess varAccess = (scope as IVariableAccess); if(varAccess != null) { if(initializer != null) { varAccess.SetVariable(name, initializer.Eval(engine)); } else { varAccess.DeclareVariable(name); } return name; } // Get the field reference for the variable. FieldInfo field = scope.GetLocalField(name); if(field == null) { // Create a new field within the activation object with this name. // TODO } if(initializer != null) { // Set the variable to the specified initializer value. // TODO } // Return the name of the variable as the node's final value. return name; }
public static void JScriptPackage(String rootName, VsaEngine engine){ GlobalScope scope = ((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetGlobalScope(); FieldInfo field = scope.GetLocalField(rootName); if (field == null) field = scope.AddNewField(rootName, Namespace.GetNamespace(rootName, engine), FieldAttributes.Public|FieldAttributes.Literal); }
public object Call(object[] arguments, bool construct, bool brackets, VsaEngine engine) { object obj2; try { if ( == null) { return CallValue(this.obj, arguments, construct, brackets, engine, ((IActivationObject) engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetDefaultThisObject(), JSBinder.ob, null, null); } obj2 = this.Call(JSBinder.ob, arguments, null, null, null, construct, brackets, engine); } catch (TargetInvocationException exception) { throw exception.InnerException; } return obj2; }
private static Object DoEvaluate(Object source, VsaEngine engine, bool isUnsafe){ if (engine.doFast) engine.PushScriptObject(new BlockScope(engine.ScriptObjectStackTop())); try{ Context context = new Context(new DocumentContext("eval code", engine), ((IConvertible)source).ToString()); JSParser p = new JSParser(context); if (!isUnsafe) new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution).PermitOnly(); return ((Completion)p.ParseEvalBody().PartiallyEvaluate().Evaluate()).value; }finally{ if (engine.doFast) engine.PopScriptObject(); } }
private static object DefaultThisObject(VsaEngine engine) { Debug.Assert(engine != null); return ((IActivationObject) engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetDefaultThisObject(); }
public Object Call(Object[] arguments, bool construct, bool brackets, VsaEngine engine){ try{ if ( == null) //Happens when (non simple expr)(args) is evaluated from Eval or the Debugger return LateBinding.CallValue(this.obj, arguments, construct, brackets, engine, ((IActivationObject)engine.ScriptObjectStackTop()).GetDefaultThisObject(), JSBinder.ob, null, null); else return this.Call(JSBinder.ob, arguments, null, null, null, construct, brackets, engine); }catch(TargetInvocationException e){ throw e.InnerException; } }