public static HttpClient GetHttpClient()
            // we return a new instanceof httpclient beacause there
            // is no way to provide new http request message handler
            // for each request made and it makes mocking of network calls
            // impossible. So to circumvent, we simply return new instance for
            // for mocking purposes.
            if (ReturnHttpClientForMocks)
                return(new HttpClient(HttpMessageHandlerFactory.GetMessageHandler(ReturnHttpClientForMocks)));

            if (_client == null)
                lock (LockObj)
                    if (_client == null)
                        _client = new HttpClient(HttpMessageHandlerFactory.GetMessageHandler(ReturnHttpClientForMocks));

예제 #2
        private static HttpClient CreateHttpClient()
            var httpClient = new HttpClient(HttpMessageHandlerFactory.GetMessageHandler(ReturnHttpClientForMocks))
                MaxResponseContentBufferSize = MaxResponseContentBufferSizeInBytes
