/// <summary>
        /// Executes incoming tuples
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tuple">The first field is treated as rowkey and rest as column names</param>
        public void Execute(SCPTuple tuple)
            //get the tuple info
            string sessionId = tuple.GetString(0);
            string sessionEvent = tuple.GetString(1);
            long sessionEventTime = tuple.GetLong(2);

            //If it's a start event, assume there's nothing to find so just re-emit
            //NOTE: If messages may arrive out of order, you would need to add logic to
            //query HBase to see if the end event has previously arrived,
            //calculate the duration, etc.
            if (sessionEvent == "START")
                //Just re-emit the incoming data, plus 0 for duration, since we declare we send a 0 duration
                //since we don't know the END event yet.
                Values emitValues = new Values(tuple.GetValue(0), tuple.GetValue(1), tuple.GetValue(2), 0L);

                //Is ack enabled?
                if (enableAck)
                    //Emit the values, anchored to the incoming tuple
                    this.context.Emit(Constants.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID, new List<SCPTuple>() { tuple }, emitValues);
                    //Ack the incoming tuple
                    //No ack enabled? Fire and forget.
                    this.context.Emit(Constants.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID, emitValues);
            if (sessionEvent == "END")
                //Use filters
                FilterList filters = new FilterList(FilterList.Operator.MustPassAll);
                //Filter on the row by sessionID
                RowFilter rowFilter = new RowFilter(CompareFilter.CompareOp.Equal, new BinaryComparator(TypeHelper.ToBytes(sessionId)));
                //Filter on the event column for the START event
                SingleColumnValueFilter valueFilter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(
                //Create scanner settings using the filters
                var scannerSettings = new Scanner()
                    filter = filters.ToEncodedString()
                //Get the scanner
                var scanner = HBaseClusterClient.CreateScanner(HBaseTableName, scannerSettings);

                CellSet readSet = null;
                while ((readSet = HBaseClusterClient.ScannerGetNext(scanner)) != null)
                    //In theory we should only find one row
                    foreach (var row in readSet.rows)
                        //Pull back just the event column
                        var rowState = row.values.Where(v => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(v.column) == "cf:event")
                            .Select(v => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(v.data)).ToArray()[0];
                        //Is it a START event as expected?
                        if (rowState == "START")
                            //Get the start time
                            var startTime = TypeHelper.FromUnixTime(
                                row.values.Where(v => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(v.column) == "cf:time")
                                    .Select(v => BitConverter.ToInt64(v.data,0)).ToArray()[0]);
                            //Get the difference between start and end
                            DateTime endTime = TypeHelper.FromUnixTime(sessionEventTime);
                            TimeSpan duration = endTime.Subtract(startTime);
                            //Emit the tuple, with the duration between start/end.
                            Values emitValues = new Values(sessionId, sessionEvent, sessionEventTime, duration.Ticks);
                            //If ack is enabled
                            if (enableAck)
                                //Emit the values, anchored to the incoming tuple
                                this.context.Emit(Constants.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID, new List<SCPTuple>() { tuple }, emitValues);
                                //Ack the incoming tuple
                                //No ack enabled? Fire and forget.
                                this.context.Emit(Constants.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID, emitValues);
                            //Since this is a simple example, do nothing.
                            //In a real solution, you'd have to figure out what to do
                            //when receiving an END before a START.
예제 #2
        public void When_I_Scan_with_a_RowFilter_I_get_the_expected_results()
            FilterTestRecord example = _allExpectedRecords.First();

            List<FilterTestRecord> expectedRecords = (from r in _allExpectedRecords where r.RowKey == example.RowKey select r).ToList();

            var client = new HBaseClient(_credentials);
            var scanner = new Scanner();
            var filter = new RowFilter(CompareFilter.CompareOp.Equal, new BinaryComparator(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(example.RowKey)));
            scanner.filter = filter.ToEncodedString();
            RequestOptions scanOptions = RequestOptions.GetDefaultOptions();
            scanOptions.AlternativeEndpoint = Constants.RestEndpointBaseZero;
            ScannerInformation scanInfo = null;
                scanInfo = client.CreateScannerAsync(_tableName, scanner, scanOptions).Result;
                List<FilterTestRecord> actualRecords = RetrieveResults(scanInfo, scanOptions).ToList();

                if (scanInfo != null)
                    client.DeleteScannerAsync(_tableName, scanInfo, scanOptions).Wait();
        public void When_I_Scan_with_a_RowFilter_I_get_the_expected_results()
            FilterTestRecord example = _allExpectedRecords.First();

            List<FilterTestRecord> expectedRecords = (from r in _allExpectedRecords where r.RowKey == example.RowKey select r).ToList();

            var client = new HBaseClient(_credentials);
            var scanner = new Scanner();
            var filter = new RowFilter(CompareFilter.CompareOp.Equal, new BinaryComparator(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(example.RowKey)));
            scanner.filter = filter.ToEncodedString();

            ScannerInformation scanInfo = client.CreateScanner(_tableName, scanner);
            List<FilterTestRecord> actualRecords = RetrieveResults(scanInfo).ToList();
