public object Set([NotNull] string key, IEntryLink link, object state, [NotNull] Func <ICacheSetContext, object> create) { CheckDisposed(); CacheEntry priorEntry = null; var now = _clock.UtcNow; var context = new CacheSetContext(key) { State = state, CreationTime = now }; object value = create(context); var entry = new CacheEntry(context, value, _entryExpirationNotification); bool added = false; if (link != null) { // Copy triggers and AbsoluteExpiration to the link. // We do this regardless of it gets cached because the triggers are associated with the value we'll return. if (entry.Context.Triggers != null) { link.AddExpirationTriggers(entry.Context.Triggers); } if (entry.Context.AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue) { link.SetAbsoluteExpiration(entry.Context.AbsoluteExpiration.Value); } } _entryLock.EnterWriteLock(); try { if (_entries.TryGetValue(key, out priorEntry)) { _entries.Remove(key); priorEntry.SetExpired(EvictionReason.Replaced); } if (!entry.CheckExpired(now)) { _entries[key] = entry; entry.AttachTriggers(); added = true; } } finally { _entryLock.ExitWriteLock(); } if (priorEntry != null) { priorEntry.InvokeEvictionCallbacks(); } if (!added) { entry.InvokeEvictionCallbacks(); } StartScanForExpiredItems(); return(value); }
public object Set([NotNull] string key, object value, MemoryCacheEntryOptions cacheEntryOptions) { CheckDisposed(); CacheEntry priorEntry = null; var utcNow = _clock.UtcNow; DateTimeOffset?absoluteExpiration = null; if (cacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.HasValue) { absoluteExpiration = utcNow + cacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow; } else if (cacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue) { if (cacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpiration <= utcNow) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(MemoryCacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpiration), cacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpiration.Value, "The absolute expiration value must be in the future."); } absoluteExpiration = cacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpiration; } var entry = new CacheEntry( key, value, utcNow, absoluteExpiration, cacheEntryOptions, _entryExpirationNotification); var link = EntryLinkHelpers.ContextLink; if (link != null) { // Copy triggers and AbsoluteExpiration to the link. // We do this regardless of it gets cached because the triggers are associated with the value we'll return. if (entry.Options.Triggers != null) { link.AddExpirationTriggers(entry.Options.Triggers); } if (absoluteExpiration.HasValue) { link.SetAbsoluteExpiration(absoluteExpiration.Value); } } bool added = false; _entryLock.EnterWriteLock(); try { if (_entries.TryGetValue(key, out priorEntry)) { _entries.Remove(key); priorEntry.SetExpired(EvictionReason.Replaced); } if (!entry.CheckExpired(utcNow)) { _entries[key] = entry; entry.AttachTriggers(); added = true; } } finally { _entryLock.ExitWriteLock(); } if (priorEntry != null) { priorEntry.InvokeEvictionCallbacks(); } if (!added) { entry.InvokeEvictionCallbacks(); } StartScanForExpiredItems(); return(value); }