internal static CompositeProperty Parse(byte[] propertyBytes, bool useFileTime) { if (propertyBytes.Length != 12) { throw new ArgumentException("The length of the composite property must be 12. It is: " + propertyBytes.Length); } CompositeProperty compositeProperty = new CompositeProperty(); compositeProperty.integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(propertyBytes, 0); if (useFileTime) { long num = BitConverter.ToInt64(propertyBytes, 4); if (num == 0L) { = new DateTime?(DateTime.MinValue); } else { = new DateTime?(DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(num)); } } else { = new DateTime?(DateTime.FromBinary(BitConverter.ToInt64(propertyBytes, 4))); } return(compositeProperty); }
internal static void ApplyPolicy(MailboxSession mailboxSession, object policy, object flags, object period, object archivePolicy, object archivePeriod, object compactDefaultPolicy, MessageItem messageItem, bool keepRetentionTag) { if (policy == null && compactDefaultPolicy == null) { using (Folder folder = Folder.Bind(mailboxSession, messageItem.ParentId, new PropertyDefinition[] { StoreObjectSchema.PolicyTag, StoreObjectSchema.RetentionPeriod, StoreObjectSchema.RetentionFlags, StoreObjectSchema.ArchiveTag, StoreObjectSchema.ArchivePeriod, FolderSchema.RetentionTagEntryId })) { RetentionTagHelper.ReadPolicyFromFolder(folder, out policy, out flags, out period, out archivePolicy, out archivePeriod, out compactDefaultPolicy); } } bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; ExDateTime d = messageItem.ReceivedTime; if (d == ExDateTime.MinValue) { d = messageItem.SentTime; if (d == ExDateTime.MinValue) { d = ExDateTime.Now; } } if (archivePolicy != null && archivePolicy is byte[] && archivePeriod != null && archivePeriod is int) { flag2 = true; } if (policy != null && policy is byte[] && period != null && period is int) { flag = true; } if (flag2) { try { messageItem[ItemSchema.ArchiveDate] = d.AddDays((double)((int)archivePeriod)); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { messageItem[ItemSchema.ArchiveDate] = DateTime.MaxValue; } messageItem[StoreObjectSchema.ArchiveTag] = (archivePolicy as byte[]); } else { messageItem.DeleteProperties(new PropertyDefinition[] { StoreObjectSchema.ArchiveTag }); messageItem.DeleteProperties(new PropertyDefinition[] { ItemSchema.ArchiveDate }); } Guid guid; int num; RetentionTagHelper.GetDefaultPolicyInfo(mailboxSession, messageItem, compactDefaultPolicy, out guid, out num); if (!keepRetentionTag) { if (flag) { try { messageItem[ItemSchema.RetentionDate] = d.AddDays((double)((int)period)); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { messageItem[ItemSchema.RetentionDate] = DateTime.MaxValue; } messageItem[StoreObjectSchema.PolicyTag] = (policy as byte[]); } else { if (num > 0) { try { messageItem[ItemSchema.RetentionDate] = d.AddDays((double)num); goto IL_223; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { messageItem[ItemSchema.RetentionDate] = DateTime.MaxValue; goto IL_223; } } messageItem.DeleteProperties(new PropertyDefinition[] { ItemSchema.RetentionDate }); IL_223: if (!guid.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { messageItem[StoreObjectSchema.PolicyTag] = guid.ToByteArray(); } else { messageItem.DeleteProperties(new PropertyDefinition[] { StoreObjectSchema.PolicyTag }); if (!flag2) { return; } } } } else if (!flag2) { return; } CompositeProperty compositeProperty = new CompositeProperty(num, d.UniversalTime); messageItem[ItemSchema.StartDateEtc] = compositeProperty.GetBytes(true); messageItem[StoreObjectSchema.RetentionFlags] = 0; }
internal static CompositeProperty Parse(byte[] propertyBytes) { return(CompositeProperty.Parse(propertyBytes, false)); }