private static void DisplayDiff(IEnumerable <JobResults> allResults, IEnumerable <string> allNames) { // Use the first job results as the reference for metadata: var firstJob = allResults.FirstOrDefault(); if (firstJob == null || firstJob.Jobs.Count < 1) { return; } foreach (var jobEntry in firstJob.Jobs) { var jobName = jobEntry.Key; var jobResult = jobEntry.Value; Console.WriteLine(); // description + baseline job (firstJob) + other jobs * 2 (value + percentage) var table = new ResultTable(1 + 1 + (allNames.Count() - 1) * 2); table.Headers.Add(jobName); table.Headers.Add(allNames.First()); foreach (var name in allNames.Skip(1)) { table.Headers.Add(name); table.Headers.Add(""); // percentage } foreach (var metadata in jobResult.Metadata) { var metadataKey = metadata.Name.Split(';').First(); if (!jobResult.Results.ContainsKey(metadataKey)) { continue; } // We don't render the result if it's a raw object if (metadata.Format == "object") { continue; } var row = table.AddRow(); var cell = new Cell(); cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement() { Text = metadata.Description, Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Left }); row.Add(cell); foreach (var result in allResults) { // Skip jobs that have no data for this measure if (!result.Jobs.ContainsKey(jobName)) { foreach (var n in allNames) { row.Add(new Cell()); } row.Add(new Cell()); continue; } var job = result.Jobs[jobName]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata.Format)) { var measure = Convert.ToDouble(job.Results.ContainsKey(metadataKey) ? job.Results[metadataKey] : 0); var previous = Convert.ToDouble(firstJob.Jobs[jobName].Results.ContainsKey(metadataKey) ? jobResult.Results[metadataKey] : 0); var improvement = measure == 0 ? 0 : (measure - previous) / previous * 100; row.Add(cell = new Cell()); cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement { Text = Convert.ToDouble(measure).ToString(metadata.Format), Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Right }); // Don't render % on baseline job if (firstJob != result) { row.Add(cell = new Cell()); if (measure != 0) { var sign = improvement > 0 ? "+" : ""; cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement { Text = $"{sign}{improvement:n2}%", Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Right }); } } } else { var measure = job.Results.ContainsKey(metadataKey) ? job.Results[metadataKey] : 0; row.Add(cell = new Cell()); cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement { Text = measure.ToString(), Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Right }); // Don't render % on baseline job if (firstJob != result) { row.Add(new Cell()); } } } } table.Render(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine(); } }
private static void DisplayDiff(IEnumerable <Benchmark[]> allBenchmarks, IEnumerable <string> allNames) { // Use the first job's benchmarks as the reference for the rows: var firstBenchmarks = allBenchmarks.FirstOrDefault(); if (firstBenchmarks == null || firstBenchmarks.Length < 1) { return; } var summaries = new Dictionary <string, List <BenchmarkSummary> >(); foreach (var benchmark in firstBenchmarks) { summaries[benchmark.FullName] = new List <BenchmarkSummary>(); } foreach (var benchmarks in allBenchmarks) { foreach (var benchmark in benchmarks) { summaries[benchmark.FullName].Add(new BenchmarkSummary() { Name = benchmark.FullName, MeanNanoseconds = benchmark.Statistics.Mean, StandardErrorNanoseconds = benchmark.Statistics.StandardError, StandardDeviationNanoseconds = benchmark.Statistics.StandardDeviation, MedianNanoseconds = benchmark.Statistics.Median, Gen0 = benchmark.Memory?.Gen0Collections ?? 0, Gen1 = benchmark.Memory?.Gen1Collections ?? 0, Gen2 = benchmark.Memory?.Gen2Collections ?? 0, AllocatedBytes = benchmark.Memory?.BytesAllocatedPerOperation ?? 0 }); } } // Simplfy the benchmarks' names where possible to remove prefixes that // are all the same to reduce the width of the first column of the table // to the shortest unique string required across all benchmarks. var nameSegments = summaries.Keys.ToDictionary(key => key, value => value.Split('.')); while (true) { var areAllFirstSegmentsTheSame = nameSegments.Values .Select(segments => segments[0]) .Distinct() .Count() == 1; if (!areAllFirstSegmentsTheSame) { // The names cannot be simplified further break; } foreach (var pair in nameSegments) { nameSegments[pair.Key] = pair.Value.Skip(1).ToArray(); } } // Map the full names to their simplified name var simplifiedNames = nameSegments.ToDictionary(key => key.Key, value => string.Join(".", value.Value)); var anyAllocations = summaries.Values .SelectMany(list => list) .Select(summary => summary.AllocatedBytes) .Any(allocatedBytes => allocatedBytes > 0); // Name + baseline mean (firstBenchmarks) + (other benchmarks' mean * 2 (value + ratio)) + // baseline allocations + (other benchmarks' mean * 2 (value + ratio)) var otherCount = allNames.Count() - 1; var table = new ResultTable(1 + 1 + (anyAllocations ? 1 : 0) + (otherCount * (anyAllocations ? 4 : 2))); var firstName = allNames.First(); table.Headers.Add("benchmark"); table.Headers.Add($"mean ({firstName})"); foreach (var name in allNames.Skip(1)) { table.Headers.Add($"mean ({name})"); table.Headers.Add("ratio"); } if (anyAllocations) { table.Headers.Add($"allocated ({firstName})"); foreach (var name in allNames.Skip(1)) { table.Headers.Add($"allocated ({name})"); table.Headers.Add("ratio"); } } foreach (var benchmark in summaries.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value)) { var firstBenchmark = benchmark.First(); var simplifiedName = simplifiedNames[firstBenchmark.Name]; var benchmarks = summaries[firstBenchmark.Name]; var row = table.AddRow(); var cell = new Cell(); cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement() { Text = simplifiedName, Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Left }); row.Add(cell); AddCells(row, summary => summary.MeanNanoseconds, UnitType.Time, benchmarks); if (anyAllocations) { AddCells(row, summary => summary.AllocatedBytes, UnitType.Size, benchmarks); } } Console.WriteLine("```md"); // Format as a GitHub-flavored Markdown table table.Render(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine("```"); void AddCells( List <Cell> row, Func <BenchmarkSummary, object> valueFactory, UnitType unitType, List <BenchmarkSummary> summaries) { var rawValues = summaries .Select(summary => valueFactory(summary)) .Select(value => Convert.ToDouble(value)) .ToArray(); var precision = PrecisionHelper.GetPrecision(rawValues); var sizeUnit = unitType == UnitType.Size ? SizeUnit.GetBestSizeUnit(rawValues) : null; var timeUnit = unitType == UnitType.Time ? TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(rawValues) : null; var units = unitType switch { UnitType.Size => sizeUnit.Name, UnitType.Time => timeUnit.Name, _ => string.Empty }; var baseline = summaries[0]; for (var i = 0; i < summaries.Count; i++) { var measure = rawValues[i]; var previous = rawValues[0]; var ratio = measure == 0 ? 0 : measure / previous; var formattedValue = unitType switch { UnitType.Size => new SizeValue((long)measure).ToString(sizeUnit), UnitType.Time => new TimeInterval(measure).ToString(timeUnit, precision), _ => measure.ToString("N" + precision, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; var cell = new Cell(); cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement { Text = $"{formattedValue} {units}", Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Right }); row.Add(cell); // Don't render the ratio on baseline benchmark if (summaries[i] != baseline) { row.Add(cell = new Cell()); if (measure != 0) { cell.Elements.Add(new CellElement { Text = ratio.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Alignment = CellTextAlignment.Right }); } } } } }