예제 #1
        private static async Task AddMetadataDeclarationsWithNormalQueryAsync(
            Project project, IAssemblySymbol assembly, PortableExecutableReference referenceOpt,
            SearchQuery query, SymbolFilter filter, ArrayBuilder <SymbolAndProjectId> list,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // All entrypoints to this function are Find functions that are only searching
            // for specific strings (i.e. they never do a custom search).
            Debug.Assert(query.Kind != SearchKind.Custom);

            using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.SymbolFinder_Assembly_AddDeclarationsAsync, cancellationToken))
                if (referenceOpt != null)
                    var info = await SymbolTreeInfo.TryGetInfoForMetadataReferenceAsync(
                        project.Solution, referenceOpt, loadOnly : false, cancellationToken : cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (info != null)
                        var symbols = await info.FindAsync(
                            query, assembly, project.Id, filter, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

예제 #2
        private static async Task FindImmediateMatchingMetadataTypesInMetadataReferenceAsync(
            SymbolAndProjectIdSet metadataTypes,
            Project project,
            Func <SymbolAndProjectIdSet, INamedTypeSymbol, bool> metadataTypeMatches,
            Compilation compilation,
            PortableExecutableReference reference,
            SymbolAndProjectIdSet result,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // We store an index in SymbolTreeInfo of the *simple* metadata type name
            // to the names of the all the types that either immediately derive or
            // implement that type.  Because the mapping is from the simple name
            // we might get false positives.  But that's fine as we still use
            // 'metadataTypeMatches' to make sure the match is correct.
            var symbolTreeInfo = await SymbolTreeInfo.TryGetInfoForMetadataReferenceAsync(
                project.Solution, reference, loadOnly : false, cancellationToken : cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (symbolTreeInfo == null)

            // For each type we care about, see if we can find any derived types
            // in this index.
            foreach (var metadataType in metadataTypes)
                var baseTypeName = metadataType.Symbol.Name;

                // For each derived type we find, see if we can map that back
                // to an actual symbol.  Then check if that symbol actually fits
                // our criteria.
                foreach (var derivedType in symbolTreeInfo.GetDerivedMetadataTypes(baseTypeName, compilation, cancellationToken))
                    if (derivedType != null && derivedType.Locations.Any(s_isInMetadata))
                        if (metadataTypeMatches(metadataTypes, derivedType))
                            result.Add(SymbolAndProjectId.Create(derivedType, project.Id));