public void Dispose()
     _disposed = true;
     _workspace = null;
예제 #2
        public void TestPreviewProjectChanges()
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace())
                var solution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution;
                var project = solution.AddProject("project", "project.dll", LanguageNames.CSharp);

                var addedSolution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First()
                                                    .AddDocument("document", "").Project.Solution;
                Assert.Equal(1, previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First().MetadataReferences.Count);
                Assert.Equal(1, previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First().DocumentIds.Count);

                var text = "class C {}";
                var changedSolution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First().Documents.First().WithText(SourceText.From(text)).Project.Solution;
                Assert.Equal(previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First().Documents.First().GetTextAsync().Result.ToString(), text);

                var removedSolution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First()

                Assert.Equal(0, previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First().MetadataReferences.Count);
                Assert.Equal(0, previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.First().DocumentIds.Count);
예제 #3
 public void TestPreviewCreationDefault()
     using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace())
예제 #4
 public void TestPreviewCreationWithSolution()
     using (var custom = new AdhocWorkspace())
     using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(custom.CurrentSolution))
예제 #5
 public void TestPreviewCreationWithExplicitHostServices()
     var assembly = typeof(IWorkCoordinatorRegistrationService).Assembly;
     using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(MefHostServices.Create(MefHostServices.DefaultAssemblies.Concat(assembly))))
예제 #6
        public void TestPreviewAddRemoveProject()
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace())
                var solution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution;
                var project = solution.AddProject("project", "project.dll", LanguageNames.CSharp);

                var newSolution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.RemoveProject(project.Id);

                Assert.Equal(0, previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution.ProjectIds.Count);
예제 #7
        public void TestPreviewDiagnostic()
            var diagnosticService = EditorServicesUtil.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<IDiagnosticAnalyzerService>() as IDiagnosticUpdateSource;

            var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs>();
            diagnosticService.DiagnosticsUpdated += (s, a) => taskSource.TrySetResult(a);

            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(MefV1HostServices.Create(EditorServicesUtil.ExportProvider.AsExportProvider())))
                var solution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution
                                               .AddProject("project", "project.dll", LanguageNames.CSharp)
                                               .AddDocument("document", "class { }")



                // wait 20 seconds

                var args = taskSource.Task.Result;
                Assert.True(args.Diagnostics.Length > 0);
예제 #8
        private Task<object> CreateChangedDocumentViewAsync(ITextBuffer oldBuffer, ITextBuffer newBuffer, string description,
            List<LineSpan> originalSpans, List<LineSpan> changedSpans, PreviewWorkspace leftWorkspace, PreviewWorkspace rightWorkspace,
            double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            if (!(originalSpans.Any() && changedSpans.Any()))
                // Both line spans must be non-empty. Otherwise, below projection buffer factory API call will throw.
                // So if either is empty (signaling that there are no changes to preview in the document), then we bail out.
                // This can happen in cases where the user has already applied the fix and light bulb has already been dismissed,
                // but platform hasn't cancelled the preview operation yet. Since the light bulb has already been dismissed at
                // this point, the preview that we return will never be displayed to the user. So returning null here is harmless.
                return SpecializedTasks.Default<object>();

            var originalBuffer = _projectionBufferFactoryService.CreateProjectionBufferWithoutIndentation(

            var changedBuffer = _projectionBufferFactoryService.CreateProjectionBufferWithoutIndentation(

            return CreateNewDifferenceViewerAsync(leftWorkspace, rightWorkspace, originalBuffer, changedBuffer, zoomLevel, cancellationToken);
예제 #9
        public Task<object> CreateChangedDocumentPreviewViewAsync(Document oldDocument, Document newDocument, double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // Note: We don't use the original buffer that is associated with oldDocument
            // (and currently open in the editor) for oldBuffer below. This is because oldBuffer
            // will be used inside a projection buffer inside our inline diff preview below
            // and platform's implementation currently has a bug where projection buffers
            // are being leaked. This leak means that if we use the original buffer that is
            // currently visible in the editor here, the projection buffer span calculation
            // would be triggered every time user changes some code in this buffer (even though
            // the diff view would long have been dismissed by the time user edits the code)
            // resulting in crashes. Instead we create a new buffer from the same content.
            // TODO: We could use ITextBufferCloneService instead here to clone the original buffer.
            var oldBuffer = CreateNewBuffer(oldDocument, cancellationToken);
            var newBuffer = CreateNewBuffer(newDocument, cancellationToken);

            // Convert the diffs to be line based.  
            // Compute the diffs between the old text and the new.
            var diffResult = ComputeEditDifferences(oldDocument, newDocument, cancellationToken);

            // Need to show the spans in the right that are different.
            // We also need to show the spans that are in conflict.
            var originalSpans = GetOriginalSpans(diffResult, cancellationToken);
            var changedSpans = GetChangedSpans(diffResult, cancellationToken);
            var description = default(string);
            var allSpans = default(NormalizedSpanCollection);

            if (newDocument.SupportsSyntaxTree)
                var newRoot = newDocument.GetSyntaxRootSynchronously(cancellationToken);
                var conflictNodes = newRoot.GetAnnotatedNodesAndTokens(ConflictAnnotation.Kind);
                var conflictSpans = conflictNodes.Select(n => n.Span.ToSpan()).ToList();
                var conflictDescriptions = conflictNodes.SelectMany(n => n.GetAnnotations(ConflictAnnotation.Kind))
                                                        .Select(a => ConflictAnnotation.GetDescription(a))

                var warningNodes = newRoot.GetAnnotatedNodesAndTokens(WarningAnnotation.Kind);
                var warningSpans = warningNodes.Select(n => n.Span.ToSpan()).ToList();
                var warningDescriptions = warningNodes.SelectMany(n => n.GetAnnotations(WarningAnnotation.Kind))
                                                        .Select(a => WarningAnnotation.GetDescription(a))

                var suppressDiagnosticsNodes = newRoot.GetAnnotatedNodesAndTokens(SuppressDiagnosticsAnnotation.Kind);
                var suppressDiagnosticsSpans = suppressDiagnosticsNodes.Select(n => n.Span.ToSpan()).ToList();
                AttachAnnotationsToBuffer(newBuffer, conflictSpans, warningSpans, suppressDiagnosticsSpans);

                description = conflictSpans.Count == 0 && warningSpans.Count == 0
                    ? null
                    : string.Join(Environment.NewLine, conflictDescriptions.Concat(warningDescriptions));
                allSpans = new NormalizedSpanCollection(conflictSpans.Concat(warningSpans).Concat(changedSpans));
                allSpans = new NormalizedSpanCollection(changedSpans);

            var originalLineSpans = CreateLineSpans(oldBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, originalSpans, cancellationToken);
            var changedLineSpans = CreateLineSpans(newBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, allSpans, cancellationToken);
            if (!originalLineSpans.Any())
                // This means that we have no differences (likely because of conflicts).
                // In such cases, use the same spans for the left (old) buffer as the right (new) buffer.
                originalLineSpans = changedLineSpans;

            // Create PreviewWorkspaces around the buffers to be displayed on the left and right
            // so that all IDE services (colorizer, squiggles etc.) light up in these buffers.
            var leftDocument = oldDocument.Project
                .AddDocument(oldDocument.Name, oldBuffer.AsTextContainer().CurrentText, oldDocument.Folders, oldDocument.FilePath);
            var leftWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(leftDocument.Project.Solution);

            var rightWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(

            return CreateChangedDocumentViewAsync(
                oldBuffer, newBuffer, description, originalLineSpans, changedLineSpans,
                leftWorkspace, rightWorkspace, zoomLevel, cancellationToken);
예제 #10
        private Task<object> CreateRemovedDocumentPreviewViewCoreAsync(ITextBuffer oldBuffer, PreviewWorkspace workspace, TextDocument document, double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            var firstLine = string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.Removing_0_from_1_with_content_colon,
                document.Name, document.Project.Name);

            var span = new SnapshotSpan(oldBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, Span.FromBounds(0, oldBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length))
            var originalBuffer = _projectionBufferFactoryService.CreatePreviewProjectionBuffer(
                sourceSpans: new List<object> { firstLine, "\r\n", span }, registryService: _contentTypeRegistryService);

            var changedBuffer = _projectionBufferFactoryService.CreatePreviewProjectionBuffer(
                sourceSpans: new List<object> { firstLine, "\r\n" }, registryService: _contentTypeRegistryService);

            return CreateNewDifferenceViewerAsync(workspace, null, originalBuffer, changedBuffer, zoomLevel, cancellationToken);
예제 #11
        public void TestPreviewOpenCloseFile()
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace())
                var solution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution;
                var project = solution.AddProject("project", "project.dll", LanguageNames.CSharp);
                var document = project.AddDocument("document", "");


                Assert.Equal(1, previewWorkspace.GetOpenDocumentIds().Count());

                Assert.Equal(0, previewWorkspace.GetOpenDocumentIds().Count());
예제 #12
        public void TestPreviewDiagnosticTagger()
            using (var workspace = CSharpWorkspaceFactory.CreateWorkspaceFromLines("class { }"))
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(workspace.CurrentSolution))
                //// preview workspace and owner of the solution now share solution and its underlying text buffer
                var hostDocument = workspace.Projects.First().Documents.First();

                //// enable preview diagnostics

                var spans = SquiggleUtilities.GetErrorSpans(workspace);
                Assert.Equal(1, spans.Count);
예제 #13
        public async Task TestPreviewDiagnosticTagger()
            using (var workspace = await TestWorkspace.CreateCSharpAsync("class { }"))
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(workspace.CurrentSolution))
                //// preview workspace and owner of the solution now share solution and its underlying text buffer
                var hostDocument = workspace.Projects.First().Documents.First();

                //// enable preview diagnostics

                var diagnosticsAndErrorsSpans = await SquiggleUtilities.GetDiagnosticsAndErrorSpans(workspace);
                const string AnalzyerCount = "Analyzer Count: ";
                Assert.Equal(AnalzyerCount + 1, AnalzyerCount + diagnosticsAndErrorsSpans.Item1.Length);

                const string SquigglesCount = "Squiggles Count: ";
                Assert.Equal(SquigglesCount + 1, SquigglesCount + diagnosticsAndErrorsSpans.Item2.Count);
            private DisposableToolTip CreateDisposableToolTip()

                // Create a new buffer that we'll show a preview for.  We can't search for an 
                // existing buffer because:
                //   1. the file may not be open.
                //   2. our results may not be in sync with what's actually in the editor.
                var textBuffer = CreateNewBuffer();

                // Create the actual tooltip around the region of that text buffer we want to show.
                var toolTip = new ToolTip
                    Content = CreateToolTipContent(textBuffer),
                    Background = (Brush)Application.Current.Resources[EnvironmentColors.ToolWindowBackgroundBrushKey]

                // Create a preview workspace for this text buffer and open it's corresponding 
                // document.  That way we'll get nice things like classification as well as the
                // reference highlight span.
                var newDocument = Document.WithText(textBuffer.AsTextContainer().CurrentText);
                var workspace = new PreviewWorkspace(newDocument.Project.Solution);

                return new DisposableToolTip(toolTip, workspace);
예제 #15
        private async Task<object> CreateNewDifferenceViewerAsync(
            PreviewWorkspace leftWorkspace, PreviewWorkspace rightWorkspace,
            IProjectionBuffer originalBuffer, IProjectionBuffer changedBuffer,
            double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // leftWorkspace can be null if the change is adding a document.
            // rightWorkspace can be null if the change is removing a document.
            // However both leftWorkspace and rightWorkspace can't be null at the same time.
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue((leftWorkspace == null) && (rightWorkspace == null));

            var diffBuffer = _differenceBufferService.CreateDifferenceBuffer(
                originalBuffer, changedBuffer,
                new StringDifferenceOptions(), disableEditing: true);

            var diffViewer = _differenceViewerService.CreateDifferenceView(diffBuffer, _previewRoleSet);

            diffViewer.Closed += (s, e) =>
                // Workaround Editor bug.  The editor has an issue where they sometimes crash when 
                // trying to apply changes to projection buffer.  So, when the user actually invokes
                // a SuggestedAction we may then edit a text buffer, which the editor will then 
                // try to propagate through the projections we have here over that buffer.  To ensure
                // that that doesn't happen, we clear out the projections first so that this crash
                // won't happen.
                originalBuffer.DeleteSpans(0, originalBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.SpanCount);
                changedBuffer.DeleteSpans(0, changedBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.SpanCount);

                leftWorkspace = null;

                rightWorkspace = null;

            const string DiffOverviewMarginName = "deltadifferenceViewerOverview";
            if (leftWorkspace == null)
                diffViewer.ViewMode = DifferenceViewMode.RightViewOnly;
                diffViewer.RightView.ZoomLevel *= zoomLevel;
                diffViewer.RightHost.GetTextViewMargin(DiffOverviewMarginName).VisualElement.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            else if (rightWorkspace == null)
                diffViewer.ViewMode = DifferenceViewMode.LeftViewOnly;
                diffViewer.LeftView.ZoomLevel *= zoomLevel;
                diffViewer.LeftHost.GetTextViewMargin(DiffOverviewMarginName).VisualElement.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                diffViewer.ViewMode = DifferenceViewMode.Inline;
                diffViewer.InlineView.ZoomLevel *= zoomLevel;
                diffViewer.InlineHost.GetTextViewMargin(DiffOverviewMarginName).VisualElement.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Disable focus / tab stop for the diff viewer.
            diffViewer.RightView.VisualElement.Focusable = false;
            diffViewer.LeftView.VisualElement.Focusable = false;
            diffViewer.InlineView.VisualElement.Focusable = false;

            // This code path must be invoked on UI thread.

            // We use ConfigureAwait(true) to stay on the UI thread.
            await diffViewer.SizeToFitAsync().ConfigureAwait(true);


            return new DifferenceViewerPreview(diffViewer);
 public DisposableToolTip(ToolTip toolTip, PreviewWorkspace workspace)
     ToolTip = toolTip;
     _workspace = workspace;
예제 #17
        public Task<object> CreateAddedAdditionalDocumentPreviewViewAsync(TextDocument document, double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var newBuffer = CreateNewPlainTextBuffer(document, cancellationToken);

            // Create PreviewWorkspace around the buffer to be displayed in the diff preview
            // so that all IDE services (colorizer, squiggles etc.) light up in this buffer.
            var rightWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(
                document.Project.Solution.WithAdditionalDocumentText(document.Id, newBuffer.AsTextContainer().CurrentText));

            return CreateAddedDocumentPreviewViewCoreAsync(newBuffer, rightWorkspace, document, zoomLevel, cancellationToken);
예제 #18
        public void TestPreviewServices()
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(MefV1HostServices.Create(TestExportProvider.ExportProviderWithCSharpAndVisualBasic.AsExportProvider())))
                var workcoordinatorService = previewWorkspace.Services.GetService<IWorkCoordinatorRegistrationService>();
                Assert.True(workcoordinatorService is PreviewWorkCoordinatorRegistrationService);

                var persistentService = previewWorkspace.Services.GetService<IPersistentStorageService>();

                var storage = persistentService.GetStorage(previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution);
                Assert.True(storage is NoOpPersistentStorage);
예제 #19
        public Task<object> CreateRemovedAdditionalDocumentPreviewViewAsync(TextDocument document, double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // Note: We don't use the original buffer that is associated with oldDocument
            // (and possibly open in the editor) for oldBuffer below. This is because oldBuffer
            // will be used inside a projection buffer inside our inline diff preview below
            // and platform's implementation currently has a bug where projection buffers
            // are being leaked. This leak means that if we use the original buffer that is
            // currently visible in the editor here, the projection buffer span calculation
            // would be triggered every time user changes some code in this buffer (even though
            // the diff view would long have been dismissed by the time user edits the code)
            // resulting in crashes. Instead we create a new buffer from the same content.
            // TODO: We could use ITextBufferCloneService instead here to clone the original buffer.
            var oldBuffer = CreateNewPlainTextBuffer(document, cancellationToken);

            // Create PreviewWorkspace around the buffer to be displayed in the diff preview
            // so that all IDE services (colorizer, squiggles etc.) light up in this buffer.
            var leftDocumentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(document.Project.Id);
            var leftSolution = document.Project.Solution
                .AddAdditionalDocument(leftDocumentId, document.Name, oldBuffer.AsTextContainer().CurrentText);
            var leftDocument = leftSolution.GetAdditionalDocument(leftDocumentId);
            var leftWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(leftSolution);

            return CreateRemovedDocumentPreviewViewCoreAsync(oldBuffer, leftWorkspace, leftDocument, zoomLevel, cancellationToken);
예제 #20
        public void TestPreviewDiagnostic()
            var diagnosticService = TestExportProvider.ExportProviderWithCSharpAndVisualBasic.GetExportedValue<IDiagnosticAnalyzerService>() as IDiagnosticUpdateSource;

            var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs>();
            diagnosticService.DiagnosticsUpdated += (s, a) => taskSource.TrySetResult(a);

            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(MefV1HostServices.Create(TestExportProvider.ExportProviderWithCSharpAndVisualBasic.AsExportProvider())))
                var solution = previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution
                                               .AddProject("project", "project.dll", LanguageNames.CSharp)
                                               .AddDocument("document", "class { }")



                // wait 20 seconds
                if (!taskSource.Task.IsCompleted)
                    // something is wrong
                    FatalError.Report(new System.Exception("not finished after 20 seconds"));

                var args = taskSource.Task.Result;
                Assert.True(args.Diagnostics.Length > 0);
예제 #21
        public Task<object> CreateChangedAdditionalDocumentPreviewViewAsync(TextDocument oldDocument, TextDocument newDocument, double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // Note: We don't use the original buffer that is associated with oldDocument
            // (and currently open in the editor) for oldBuffer below. This is because oldBuffer
            // will be used inside a projection buffer inside our inline diff preview below
            // and platform's implementation currently has a bug where projection buffers
            // are being leaked. This leak means that if we use the original buffer that is
            // currently visible in the editor here, the projection buffer span calculation
            // would be triggered every time user changes some code in this buffer (even though
            // the diff view would long have been dismissed by the time user edits the code)
            // resulting in crashes. Instead we create a new buffer from the same content.
            // TODO: We could use ITextBufferCloneService instead here to clone the original buffer.
            var oldBuffer = CreateNewPlainTextBuffer(oldDocument, cancellationToken);
            var newBuffer = CreateNewPlainTextBuffer(newDocument, cancellationToken);

            // Convert the diffs to be line based.  
            // Compute the diffs between the old text and the new.
            var diffResult = ComputeEditDifferences(oldDocument, newDocument, cancellationToken);

            // Need to show the spans in the right that are different.
            var originalSpans = GetOriginalSpans(diffResult, cancellationToken);
            var changedSpans = GetChangedSpans(diffResult, cancellationToken);

            string description = null;
            var originalLineSpans = CreateLineSpans(oldBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, originalSpans, cancellationToken);
            var changedLineSpans = CreateLineSpans(newBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, changedSpans, cancellationToken);

            // TODO: Why aren't we attaching conflict / warning annotations here like we do for regular documents above?

            // Create PreviewWorkspaces around the buffers to be displayed on the left and right
            // so that all IDE services (colorizer, squiggles etc.) light up in these buffers.
            var leftDocumentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(oldDocument.Project.Id);
            var leftSolution = oldDocument.Project.Solution
                .AddAdditionalDocument(leftDocumentId, oldDocument.Name, oldBuffer.AsTextContainer().CurrentText);
            var leftWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(leftSolution);

            var rightWorkSpace = new PreviewWorkspace(
                oldDocument.Project.Solution.WithAdditionalDocumentText(oldDocument.Id, newBuffer.AsTextContainer().CurrentText));

            return CreateChangedDocumentViewAsync(
                oldBuffer, newBuffer, description, originalLineSpans, changedLineSpans,
                leftWorkspace, rightWorkSpace, zoomLevel, cancellationToken);
예제 #22
        public void TestPreviewDiagnosticTagger()
            using (var workspace = CSharpWorkspaceFactory.CreateWorkspaceFromLines("class { }"))
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(workspace.CurrentSolution))
                // set up to listen diagnostic changes so that we can wait until it happens
                var diagnosticService = workspace.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<IDiagnosticService>() as DiagnosticService;
                var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs>();
                diagnosticService.DiagnosticsUpdated += (s, a) => taskSource.TrySetResult(a);

                // preview workspace and owner of the solution now share solution and its underlying text buffer
                var hostDocument = workspace.Projects.First().Documents.First();
                var buffer = hostDocument.GetTextBuffer();

                // enable preview diagnostics

                var foregroundService = new TestForegroundNotificationService();
                var optionsService = workspace.Services.GetService<IOptionService>();
                var squiggleWaiter = new ErrorSquiggleWaiter();

                // create a tagger for preview workspace
                var taggerSource = new DiagnosticsSquiggleTaggerProvider.TagSource(buffer, foregroundService, diagnosticService, optionsService, squiggleWaiter);

                // wait up to 20 seconds for diagnostic service
                if (!taskSource.Task.IsCompleted)
                    // something is wrong
                    FatalError.Report(new System.Exception("not finished after 20 seconds"));

                // wait for tagger

                var snapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                var intervalTree = taggerSource.GetTagIntervalTreeForBuffer(buffer);
                var spans = intervalTree.GetIntersectingSpans(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, 0, snapshot.Length));


                Assert.Equal(1, spans.Count);
예제 #23
        private async Task<object> CreateNewDifferenceViewerAsync(PreviewWorkspace leftWorkspace, PreviewWorkspace rightWorkspace,
            IProjectionBuffer originalBuffer, IProjectionBuffer changedBuffer, double zoomLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // leftWorkspace can be null if the change is adding a document.
            // rightWorkspace can be null if the change is removing a document.
            // However both leftWorkspace and rightWorkspace can't be null at the same time.
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue((leftWorkspace == null) && (rightWorkspace == null));

            var diffBuffer = _differenceBufferService.CreateDifferenceBuffer(
                    originalBuffer, changedBuffer,
                    new StringDifferenceOptions(), disableEditing: true);

            var diffViewer = _differenceViewerService.CreateDifferenceView(diffBuffer, _previewRoleSet);

            diffViewer.Closed += (s, e) =>
                if (leftWorkspace != null)
                    leftWorkspace = null;

                if (rightWorkspace != null)
                    rightWorkspace = null;

            const string DiffOverviewMarginName = "deltadifferenceViewerOverview";
            if (leftWorkspace == null)
                diffViewer.ViewMode = DifferenceViewMode.RightViewOnly;
                diffViewer.RightView.ZoomLevel *= zoomLevel;
                diffViewer.RightHost.GetTextViewMargin(DiffOverviewMarginName).VisualElement.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            else if (rightWorkspace == null)
                diffViewer.ViewMode = DifferenceViewMode.LeftViewOnly;
                diffViewer.LeftView.ZoomLevel *= zoomLevel;
                diffViewer.LeftHost.GetTextViewMargin(DiffOverviewMarginName).VisualElement.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                diffViewer.ViewMode = DifferenceViewMode.Inline;
                diffViewer.InlineView.ZoomLevel *= zoomLevel;
                diffViewer.InlineHost.GetTextViewMargin(DiffOverviewMarginName).VisualElement.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Disable focus / tab stop for the diff viewer.
            diffViewer.RightView.VisualElement.Focusable = false;
            diffViewer.LeftView.VisualElement.Focusable = false;
            diffViewer.InlineView.VisualElement.Focusable = false;

            // This code path must be invoked on UI thread.

            // We use ConfigureAwait(true) to stay on the UI thread.
            await diffViewer.SizeToFitAsync().ConfigureAwait(true);

            if (leftWorkspace != null)

            if (rightWorkspace != null)

            return new DifferenceViewerPreview(diffViewer);
예제 #24
        public void TestPreviewServices()
            using (var previewWorkspace = new PreviewWorkspace(MefV1HostServices.Create(EditorServicesUtil.ExportProvider.AsExportProvider())))
                var service = previewWorkspace.Services.GetService<ISolutionCrawlerRegistrationService>();
                Assert.True(service is PreviewSolutionCrawlerRegistrationServiceFactory.Service);

                var persistentService = previewWorkspace.Services.GetService<IPersistentStorageService>();

                var storage = persistentService.GetStorage(previewWorkspace.CurrentSolution);
                Assert.True(storage is NoOpPersistentStorage);