예제 #1
 private static bool PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(FirstAmongEqualsSet <Diagnostic> set)
     foreach (var diagnostic in set)
         if (ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion((ErrorCode)diagnostic.Code))
예제 #2
        internal static bool PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            foreach (Diagnostic diag in diagnostics.AsEnumerable()) // Checking the code would have resolved them anyway.
                if (ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion((ErrorCode)diag.Code))

예제 #3
        internal static bool PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> diagnostics)
            foreach (var diag in diagnostics)
                if (ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion((ErrorCode)diag.Code))

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// What we need to do is find a *repeatable* arbitrary way to choose between
        /// two errors; we can for example simply take the one that is lower in alphabetical
        /// order when converted to a string.  As an optimization, we compare error codes
        /// first and skip string comparison if they differ.
        /// </summary>
        private static int CanonicallyCompareDiagnostics(Diagnostic x, Diagnostic y)
            ErrorCode xCode = (ErrorCode)x.Code;
            ErrorCode yCode = (ErrorCode)y.Code;

            int codeCompare = xCode.CompareTo(yCode);

            // ToString fails for a diagnostic with an error code that does not prevernt successful delegate conversion.
            // Also, the order doesn't matter, since all such diagnostics will be dropped.
            if (!ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(xCode) || !ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(yCode))

            // Optimization: don't bother
            return(codeCompare == 0 ? string.CompareOrdinal(x.ToString(), y.ToString()) : codeCompare);
예제 #5
        private static LambdaConversionResult IsAnonymousFunctionCompatibleWithDelegate(UnboundLambda anonymousFunction, TypeSymbol type)
            Debug.Assert((object)anonymousFunction != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)type != null);

            // SPEC: An anonymous-method-expression or lambda-expression is classified as an anonymous function.
            // SPEC: The expression does not have a type but can be implicitly converted to a compatible delegate
            // SPEC: type or expression tree type. Specifically, a delegate type D is compatible with an
            // SPEC: anonymous function F provided:

            var delegateType = (NamedTypeSymbol)type;
            var invokeMethod = delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod;

            if ((object)invokeMethod == null || invokeMethod.HasUseSiteError)

            var delegateParameters = invokeMethod.Parameters;

            // SPEC: If F contains an anonymous-function-signature, then D and F have the same number of parameters.
            // SPEC: If F does not contain an anonymous-function-signature, then D may have zero or more parameters
            // SPEC: of any type, as long as no parameter of D has the out parameter modifier.

            if (anonymousFunction.HasSignature)
                if (anonymousFunction.ParameterCount != invokeMethod.ParameterCount)

                // SPEC: If F has an explicitly typed parameter list, each parameter in D has the same type
                // SPEC: and modifiers as the corresponding parameter in F.
                // SPEC: If F has an implicitly typed parameter list, D has no ref or out parameters.

                if (anonymousFunction.HasExplicitlyTypedParameterList)
                    for (int p = 0; p < delegateParameters.Length; ++p)
                        if (delegateParameters[p].RefKind != anonymousFunction.RefKind(p) ||
                            !delegateParameters[p].Type.Equals(anonymousFunction.ParameterType(p), ignoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds: true, ignoreDynamic: true))
                    for (int p = 0; p < delegateParameters.Length; ++p)
                        if (delegateParameters[p].RefKind != RefKind.None)

                    // In C# it is not possible to make a delegate type
                    // such that one of its parameter types is a static type. But static types are
                    // in metadata just sealed abstract types; there is nothing stopping someone in
                    // another language from creating a delegate with a static type for a parameter,
                    // though the only argument you could pass for that parameter is null.
                    // In the native compiler we forbid conversion of an anonymous function that has
                    // an implicitly-typed parameter list to a delegate type that has a static type
                    // for a formal parameter type. However, we do *not* forbid it for an explicitly-
                    // typed lambda (because we already require that the explicitly typed parameter not
                    // be static) and we do not forbid it for an anonymous method with the entire
                    // parameter list missing (because the body cannot possibly have a parameter that
                    // is of static type, even though this means that we will be generating a hidden
                    // method with a parameter of static type.)
                    // We also allow more exotic situations to work in the native compiler. For example,
                    // though it is not possible to convert x=>{} to Action<GC>, it is possible to convert
                    // it to Action<List<GC>> should there be a language that allows you to construct
                    // a variable of that type.
                    // We might consider beefing up this rule to disallow a conversion of *any* anonymous
                    // function to *any* delegate that has a static type *anywhere* in the parameter list.

                    for (int p = 0; p < delegateParameters.Length; ++p)
                        if (delegateParameters[p].Type.IsStatic)
                for (int p = 0; p < delegateParameters.Length; ++p)
                    if (delegateParameters[p].RefKind == RefKind.Out)

            // Ensure the body can be converted to that delegate type
            var bound = anonymousFunction.Bind(delegateType);

            if (ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(bound.Diagnostics))

예제 #6
        public bool GenerateSummaryErrors(DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            // It is highly likely that "the same" error will be given for two different
            // bindings of the same lambda but with different values for the parameters
            // of the error. For example, if we have x=>x.Blah() where x could be int
            // or string, then the two errors will be "int does not have member Blah" and
            // "string does not have member Blah", but the locations and errors numbers
            // will be the same.
            // We should first see if there is a set of errors that are "the same" by
            // this definition that occur in every lambda binding; if there are then
            // those are the errors we should report.
            // If there are no errors that are common to *every* binding then we
            // can report the complete set of errors produced by every binding. However,
            // we still wish to avoid duplicates, so we will use the same logic for
            // building the union as the intersection; two errors with the same code
            // and location are to be treated as the same error and only reported once,
            // regardless of how that error is parameterized.
            // The question then rears its head: when given two of "the same" error
            // to report that are nevertheless different in their arguments, which one
            // do we choose? To the user it hardly matters; either one points to the
            // right location in source code. But it surely matters to our testing team;
            // we do not want to be in a position where some small change to our internal
            // representation of lambdas causes tests to break because errors are reported
            // differently.
            // What we need to do is find a *repeatable* arbitrary way to choose between
            // two errors; we can for example simply take the one that is lower in alphabetical
            // order when converted to a string.

            var equalityComparer = new CommonDiagnosticComparer();
            Func <Diagnostic, Diagnostic, int> canonicalComparer = CanonicallyCompareDiagnostics;

            FirstAmongEqualsSet <Diagnostic> intersection = null;
            var convBags = from boundLambda in bindingCache.Values select boundLambda.Diagnostics;
            var retBags  = from boundLambda in returnInferenceCache.Values select boundLambda.Diagnostics;
            var allBags  = convBags.Concat(retBags);

            foreach (ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> bag in allBags)
                if (intersection == null)
                    intersection = new FirstAmongEqualsSet <Diagnostic>(bag, equalityComparer, canonicalComparer);

            if (intersection != null)
                foreach (var diagnostic in intersection)
                    if (ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion((ErrorCode)diagnostic.Code))

            FirstAmongEqualsSet <Diagnostic> union = null;

            foreach (ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> bag in allBags)
                if (union == null)
                    union = new FirstAmongEqualsSet <Diagnostic>(bag, equalityComparer, canonicalComparer);

            if (union != null)
                foreach (var diagnostic in union)
                    if (ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion((ErrorCode)diagnostic.Code))

예제 #7
        private BoundLambda ReallyBind(NamedTypeSymbol delegateType)
            var returnType = DelegateReturnType(delegateType);

            LambdaSymbol lambdaSymbol;
            Binder       lambdaBodyBinder;
            BoundBlock   block;

            var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();

            // when binding for real (not for return inference), there is still
            // a good chance that we could reuse a body of a lambda previously bound for
            // return type inference.
            MethodSymbol cacheKey = GetCacheKey(delegateType);

            BoundLambda returnInferenceLambda;

            if (returnInferenceCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out returnInferenceLambda) && returnInferenceLambda.InferredFromSingleType)
                var lambdaSym     = returnInferenceLambda.Symbol;
                var lambdaRetType = lambdaSym.ReturnType;
                if (lambdaRetType == returnType)
                    lambdaSymbol     = lambdaSym;
                    lambdaBodyBinder = returnInferenceLambda.Binder;
                    block            = returnInferenceLambda.Body;

                    goto haveLambdaBodyAndBinders;

            var parameters = DelegateParameters(delegateType);

            lambdaSymbol     = new LambdaSymbol(binder.Compilation, binder.ContainingMemberOrLambda, this.unboundLambda, parameters, returnType);
            lambdaBodyBinder = new ExecutableCodeBinder(this.unboundLambda.Syntax, lambdaSymbol, ParameterBinder(lambdaSymbol, binder));
            block            = BindLambdaBody(lambdaSymbol, ref lambdaBodyBinder, diagnostics);
            ValidateUnsafeParameters(diagnostics, parameters);


            bool reachableEndpoint = ControlFlowPass.Analyze(binder.Compilation, lambdaSymbol, block, diagnostics);

            if (reachableEndpoint)
                if (DelegateNeedsReturn(delegateType))
                    // Not all code paths return a value in {0} of type '{1}'
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousReturnExpected, lambdaSymbol.Locations[0], this.MessageID.Localize(), delegateType);
                    block = FlowAnalysisPass.AppendImplicitReturn(block, lambdaSymbol, this.unboundLambda.Syntax);

            if (IsAsync && !ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(diagnostics))
                if ((object)returnType != null && // Can be null if "delegateType" is not actually a delegate type.
                    returnType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Void &&
                    returnType != binder.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task) &&
                    returnType.OriginalDefinition != binder.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task_T))
                    // Cannot convert async {0} to delegate type '{1}'. An async {0} may return void, Task or Task&lt;T&gt;, none of which are convertible to '{1}'.
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_CantConvAsyncAnonFuncReturns, lambdaSymbol.Locations[0], lambdaSymbol.MessageID.Localize(), delegateType);

            if (IsAsync)
                SourceMemberMethodSymbol.ReportAsyncParameterErrors(lambdaSymbol, diagnostics, lambdaSymbol.Locations[0]);

            var result = new BoundLambda(this.unboundLambda.Syntax, block, diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree(), lambdaBodyBinder, delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = this.unboundLambda.WasCompilerGenerated

예제 #8
        private BoundLambda ReallyBind(NamedTypeSymbol delegateType)
            var     invokeMethod = DelegateInvokeMethod(delegateType);
            RefKind refKind;
            var     returnType = DelegateReturnType(invokeMethod, out refKind);

            LambdaSymbol lambdaSymbol;
            Binder       lambdaBodyBinder;
            BoundBlock   block;

            var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();

            // when binding for real (not for return inference), there is still
            // a good chance that we could reuse a body of a lambda previously bound for
            // return type inference.
            var cacheKey = ReturnInferenceCacheKey.Create(delegateType, IsAsync);

            BoundLambda returnInferenceLambda;

            if (_returnInferenceCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out returnInferenceLambda) && returnInferenceLambda.InferredFromSingleType)
                lambdaSymbol = returnInferenceLambda.Symbol;
                if ((object)LambdaSymbol.InferenceFailureReturnType != lambdaSymbol.ReturnType &&
                    lambdaSymbol.ReturnType == returnType && lambdaSymbol.RefKind == refKind)
                    lambdaBodyBinder = returnInferenceLambda.Binder;
                    block            = returnInferenceLambda.Body;

                    goto haveLambdaBodyAndBinders;

            lambdaSymbol = new LambdaSymbol(
            lambdaBodyBinder = new ExecutableCodeBinder(_unboundLambda.Syntax, lambdaSymbol, ParameterBinder(lambdaSymbol, binder));
            block            = BindLambdaBody(lambdaSymbol, lambdaBodyBinder, diagnostics);

            ValidateUnsafeParameters(diagnostics, cacheKey.ParameterTypes);


            bool reachableEndpoint = ControlFlowPass.Analyze(binder.Compilation, lambdaSymbol, block, diagnostics);

            if (reachableEndpoint)
                if (DelegateNeedsReturn(invokeMethod))
                    // Not all code paths return a value in {0} of type '{1}'
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousReturnExpected, lambdaSymbol.DiagnosticLocation, this.MessageID.Localize(), delegateType);
                    block = FlowAnalysisPass.AppendImplicitReturn(block, lambdaSymbol);

            if (IsAsync && !ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(diagnostics))
                if ((object)returnType != null && // Can be null if "delegateType" is not actually a delegate type.
                    returnType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Void &&
                    !returnType.IsNonGenericTaskType(binder.Compilation) &&
                    // Cannot convert async {0} to delegate type '{1}'. An async {0} may return void, Task or Task&lt;T&gt;, none of which are convertible to '{1}'.
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_CantConvAsyncAnonFuncReturns, lambdaSymbol.DiagnosticLocation, lambdaSymbol.MessageID.Localize(), delegateType);

            if (IsAsync)
                SourceMemberMethodSymbol.ReportAsyncParameterErrors(lambdaSymbol.Parameters, diagnostics, lambdaSymbol.DiagnosticLocation);

            var result = new BoundLambda(_unboundLambda.Syntax, block, diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree(), lambdaBodyBinder, delegateType, inferReturnType: false)
                WasCompilerGenerated = _unboundLambda.WasCompilerGenerated

예제 #9
        private BoundLambda ReallyBind(NamedTypeSymbol delegateType)
            var     invokeMethod = DelegateInvokeMethod(delegateType);
            RefKind refKind;
            var     returnType = DelegateReturnType(invokeMethod, out refKind);

            LambdaSymbol lambdaSymbol;
            Binder       lambdaBodyBinder;
            BoundBlock   block;

            var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();

            // when binding for real (not for return inference), there is still
            // a good chance that we could reuse a body of a lambda previously bound for
            // return type inference.
            MethodSymbol cacheKey = GetCacheKey(delegateType);

            BoundLambda returnInferenceLambda;

            if (_returnInferenceCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out returnInferenceLambda) && returnInferenceLambda.InferredFromSingleType && returnInferenceLambda.Symbol.ReturnType == returnType)
                lambdaSymbol = returnInferenceLambda.Symbol;
                Debug.Assert(lambdaSymbol.RefKind == refKind);

                lambdaBodyBinder = returnInferenceLambda.Binder;
                block            = returnInferenceLambda.Body;

                goto haveLambdaBodyAndBinders;

            var parameters = DelegateParameters(invokeMethod);

            lambdaSymbol = new LambdaSymbol(
            lambdaBodyBinder = new ExecutableCodeBinder(_unboundLambda.Syntax, lambdaSymbol, ParameterBinder(lambdaSymbol, binder));
            block            = BindLambdaBody(lambdaSymbol, lambdaBodyBinder, diagnostics);

            ValidateUnsafeParameters(diagnostics, parameters);


            bool reachableEndpoint = ControlFlowPass.Analyze(binder.Compilation, lambdaSymbol, block, diagnostics);

            if (reachableEndpoint)
                if (DelegateNeedsReturn(invokeMethod))
                    // Not all code paths return a value in {0} of type '{1}'
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousReturnExpected, lambdaSymbol.Locations[0], this.MessageID.Localize(), delegateType);
                    block = FlowAnalysisPass.AppendImplicitReturn(block, lambdaSymbol);

            if (IsAsync && !ErrorFacts.PreventsSuccessfulDelegateConversion(diagnostics))
                if ((object)returnType != null && // Can be null if "delegateType" is not actually a delegate type.
                    returnType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Void &&
                    !returnType.IsNonGenericTaskType(binder.Compilation) &&
                    // Cannot convert async {0} to delegate type '{1}'. An async {0} may return void, Task or Task&lt;T&gt;, none of which are convertible to '{1}'.
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_CantConvAsyncAnonFuncReturns, lambdaSymbol.Locations[0], lambdaSymbol.MessageID.Localize(), delegateType);

            if (IsAsync)
                SourceMemberMethodSymbol.ReportAsyncParameterErrors(lambdaSymbol.Parameters, diagnostics, lambdaSymbol.Locations[0]);

            // This is an attempt to get a repro for https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems?id=278481
            if ((object)returnType != null && returnType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Void &&
                !block.HasErrors && !diagnostics.HasAnyResolvedErrors() && block.Statements.Length > 0)
                BoundStatement first = block.Statements[0];
                if (first.Kind == BoundKind.ReturnStatement)
                    var returnStmt = (BoundReturnStatement)first;
                    if (returnStmt.ExpressionOpt != null && (object)returnStmt.ExpressionOpt.Type == null)
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;

            var result = new BoundLambda(_unboundLambda.Syntax, block, diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree(), lambdaBodyBinder, delegateType, inferReturnType: false)
                WasCompilerGenerated = _unboundLambda.WasCompilerGenerated
