Represents a namespace.
상속: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols.NamespaceOrTypeSymbol, INamespaceSymbol
예제 #1
        private XElement LoadChildNamespace2(NamespaceSymbol n)
            XElement elem = new XElement((n.Name.Length == 0 ? "Global" : n.Name));

            var children = n.GetMembers();
            n = null;

            var types = new List<NamedTypeSymbol>();
            var namespaces = new List<NamespaceSymbol>();

            foreach (var c in children)
                NamedTypeSymbol t = c as NamedTypeSymbol;

                if (t != null)

            var childrenTypes = types.OrderBy(t => t, new NameAndArityComparer());

            elem.Add(from t in childrenTypes select LoadChildType(t));

            var childrenNS = namespaces.OrderBy((child) => child.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            elem.Add(from c in childrenNS select LoadChildNamespace2(c));

            return elem;
        public TypeDocumentationCommentTests()
            _compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndDocumentationComments(@"enum Color { Red, Blue, Green }
namespace Acme
	interface IProcess {...}
	struct ValueType {...}
	class Widget: IProcess
        /// <summary>
        /// Hello! Nested Class.
        /// </summary>
		public class NestedClass {...}
		public interface IMenuItem {...}
		public delegate void Del(int i);
		public enum Direction { North, South, East, West }
	class MyList<T>
		class Helper<U,V> {...}

            _acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)_compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("Acme").Single();
            _widgetClass = _acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("Widget").Single();
예제 #3
        public MissingNamespaceSymbol(NamespaceSymbol containingNamespace, string name)
            Debug.Assert((object)containingNamespace != null);
            Debug.Assert(name != null);

            _containingSymbol = containingNamespace;
            _name = name;
예제 #4
        public override void VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol)

            foreach (var s in symbol.GetMembers())
        public RetargetingNamespaceSymbol(RetargetingModuleSymbol retargetingModule, NamespaceSymbol underlyingNamespace)
            Debug.Assert((object)retargetingModule != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)underlyingNamespace != null);
            Debug.Assert(!(underlyingNamespace is RetargetingNamespaceSymbol));

            this.retargetingModule = retargetingModule;
            this.underlyingNamespace = underlyingNamespace;
예제 #6
 internal EENamedTypeSymbol(
     NamespaceSymbol container,
     NamedTypeSymbol baseType,
     CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
     MethodSymbol currentFrame,
     string typeName,
     string methodName,
     CompilationContext context,
     GenerateMethodBody generateMethodBody) :
     this(container, baseType, syntax, currentFrame, typeName, (m, t) => ImmutableArray.Create<MethodSymbol>(context.CreateMethod(t, methodName, syntax, generateMethodBody)))
        public EventDocumentationCommentTests()
            compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(@"namespace Acme
    class Widget: IProcess
        public event System.Action E;
        public event System.Action F { add { } remove { } }

            acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMember<NamespaceSymbol>("Acme");
            widgetClass = acmeNamespace.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("Widget");
        public DestructorDocumentationCommentTests()
            _compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndDocumentationComments(@"namespace Acme
	class Widget: IProcess
        /// <summary>Destructor Documentation</summary>
        ~Widget() {...}

            _acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)_compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("Acme").Single();
            _widgetClass = _acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("Widget").Single();
        // Constructor. Use static Create method to create instances.
        private MergedNamespaceSymbol(NamespaceExtent extent, NamespaceSymbol containingNamespace, ImmutableArray<NamespaceSymbol> namespacesToMerge, string nameOpt)
            this.extent = extent;
            this.namespacesToMerge = namespacesToMerge;
            this.containingNamespace = containingNamespace;
            this.cachedLookup = new CachingDictionary<string, Symbol>(SlowGetChildrenOfName, SlowGetChildNames, EqualityComparer<string>.Default);
            this.nameOpt = nameOpt;

            // We shouldn't merged namespaces that are already merged.
            foreach (NamespaceSymbol ns in namespacesToMerge)
                Debug.Assert(ns.ConstituentNamespaces.Length == 1);
        public PropertyDocumentationCommentTests()
            compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(@"namespace Acme
    class Widget: IProcess
        public int Width { get { } set { } }
        public int this[int i] { get { } set { } }
        public int this[string s, int i] { get { } set { } }

            acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("Acme").Single();
            widgetClass = acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("Widget").Single();
예제 #11
        internal static XElement LoadChildNamespace(NamespaceSymbol n)
            XElement elem = new XElement((n.Name.Length == 0 ? "Global" : n.Name));

            var childrenTypes = n.GetTypeMembers().OrderBy((t) => t, new NameAndArityComparer());

            elem.Add(from t in childrenTypes select LoadChildType(t));

            var childrenNS = n.GetMembers().
                                OrderBy(child => child.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            elem.Add(from c in childrenNS select LoadChildNamespace(c));

            return elem;
        public MethodDocumentationCommentTests()
            _compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndDocumentationComments(@"namespace Acme
    struct ValueType
        public void M(int i) { }

        public static explicit operator ValueType (byte value)
            return default(ValueType);
    class Widget: IProcess
        public class NestedClass
            public void M(int i) { }

        /// <summary>M0 Summary.</summary>
        public static void M0() { }
        public void M1(char c, out float f, ref ValueType v) { }
        public void M2(short[] x1, int[,] x2, long[][] x3) { }
        public void M3(long[][] x3, Widget[][,,] x4) { }
        public unsafe void M4(char *pc, Color **pf) { }
        public unsafe void M5(void *pv, double *[][,] pd) { }
        public void M6(int i, params object[] args) { }
    class MyList<T>
        public void Test(T t) { }
        public void Zip(MyList<T> other) { }
        public void ReallyZip(MyList<MyList<T>> other) { }
    class UseList
        public void Process(MyList<int> list) { }
        public MyList<T> GetValues<T>(T inputValue) { return null; }

            _acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)_compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("Acme").Single();
            _widgetClass = _acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("Widget").Single();
예제 #13
 internal EENamedTypeSymbol(
     NamespaceSymbol container,
     NamedTypeSymbol baseType,
     CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
     MethodSymbol currentFrame,
     string typeName,
     Func<MethodSymbol, EENamedTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol>> getMethods,
     ImmutableArray<TypeParameterSymbol> sourceTypeParameters,
     Func<NamedTypeSymbol, EENamedTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray<TypeParameterSymbol>> getTypeParameters)
     _container = container;
     _baseType = baseType;
     _syntax = syntax;
     _name = typeName;
     this.SourceTypeParameters = sourceTypeParameters;
     _typeParameters = getTypeParameters(currentFrame.ContainingType, this);
     VerifyTypeParameters(this, _typeParameters);
     _methods = getMethods(currentFrame, this);
예제 #14
        internal EENamedTypeSymbol(
            NamespaceSymbol container,
            NamedTypeSymbol baseType,
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            MethodSymbol currentFrame,
            string typeName,
            Func<MethodSymbol, EENamedTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray<MethodSymbol>> getMethods)
            _container = container;
            _baseType = baseType;
            _syntax = syntax;
            _name = typeName;

            // What we want is to map all original type parameters to the corresponding new type parameters
            // (since the old ones have the wrong owners).  Unfortunately, we have a circular dependency:
            //   1) Each new type parameter requires the entire map in order to be able to construct its constraint list.
            //   2) The map cannot be constructed until all new type parameters exist.
            // Our solution is to pass each new type parameter a lazy reference to the type map.  We then 
            // initialize the map as soon as the new type parameters are available - and before they are 
            // handed out - so that there is never a period where they can require the type map and find
            // it uninitialized.

            var sourceType = currentFrame.ContainingType;
            this.SourceTypeParameters = sourceType.GetAllTypeParameters();

            TypeMap typeMap = null;
            var getTypeMap = new Func<TypeMap>(() => typeMap);
            _typeParameters = this.SourceTypeParameters.SelectAsArray(
                (tp, i, arg) => (TypeParameterSymbol)new EETypeParameterSymbol(this, tp, i, getTypeMap),

            typeMap = new TypeMap(this.SourceTypeParameters, _typeParameters);

            VerifyTypeParameters(this, _typeParameters);

            this.SubstitutedSourceType = typeMap.SubstituteNamedType(sourceType);
            TypeParameterChecker.Check(this.SubstitutedSourceType, _typeParameters);

            _methods = getMethods(currentFrame, this);
        public FieldDocumentationCommentTests()
            _compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndDocumentationComments(@"
namespace Acme
	struct ValueType
        /// <summary>Summary for total fields.</summary>
		private int total1, total2;
	class Widget: IProcess
		public class NestedClass
			private int value;
		private string message;
		private static Color defaultColor;
		private const double PI = 3.14159;
		protected readonly double monthlyAverage;
		private long[] array1;
		private Widget[,] array2;
		private unsafe int *pCount;
		private unsafe float **ppValues;

    enum E
        /// <summary>Enum field</summary>
        A = 1

            _acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)_compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("Acme").Single();
            _widgetClass = _acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("Widget").Single();
            _enumSymbol = _acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("E").Single();
            _valueType = _acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("ValueType").Single();
        public ConstructorDocumentationCommentTests()
            compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndDocumentationComments(@"namespace Acme
	class Widget: IProcess
        /// <summary>Static Constructor</summary>
        static Widget() {...}
        /** <summary>Instance Constructor</summary> */
        public Widget() {...}
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameterized Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=""s"">s, the string argument</param>
        public Widget(string s) {...}

            acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("Acme").Single();
            widgetClass = acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("Widget").Single();
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a possibly merged namespace symbol. If only a single namespace is passed it, it
        /// is just returned directly. If two or more namespaces are passed in, then a new merged
        /// namespace is created with the given extent and container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extent">The namespace extent to use, IF a merged namespace is created.</param>
        /// <param name="containingNamespace">The containing namespace to used, IF a merged
        /// namespace is created.</param>
        /// <param name="namespacesToMerge">One or more namespaces to merged. If just one, then it
        /// is returned. The merged namespace symbol may hold onto the array.</param>
        /// <param name="nameOpt">An optional name to give the resulting namespace.</param>
        /// <returns>A namespace symbol representing the merged namespace.</returns>
        internal static NamespaceSymbol Create(
            NamespaceExtent extent,
            NamespaceSymbol containingNamespace,
            ImmutableArray<NamespaceSymbol> namespacesToMerge,
            string nameOpt = null)
            // Currently, if we are just merging 1 namespace, we just return the namespace itself.
            // This is by far the most efficient, because it means that we don't create merged
            // namespaces (which have a fair amount of memory overhead) unless there is actual
            // merging going on. However, it means that the child namespace of a Compilation extent
            // namespace may be a Module extent namespace, and the containing of that module extent
            // namespace will be another module extent namespace. This is basically no different
            // than type members of namespaces, so it shouldn't be TOO unexpected.

            // EDMAURER if the caller is supplying a name, then produce the merged namespace with
            // the new name even if only a single namespace was provided. This behavior was introduced
            // to support nice extern alias error reporting.

            Debug.Assert(namespacesToMerge.Length != 0);

            return (namespacesToMerge.Length == 1 && nameOpt == null)
                ? namespacesToMerge[0]
                : new MergedNamespaceSymbol(extent, containingNamespace, namespacesToMerge, nameOpt);
예제 #18
        private Cci.IAssemblyReference TryGetAssemblyScope(NamespaceSymbol @namespace, Emit.PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            AssemblySymbol containingAssembly = @namespace.ContainingAssembly;
            if ((object)containingAssembly != null && (object)containingAssembly != moduleBuilder.CommonCompilation.Assembly)
                var referenceManager = ((CSharpCompilation)moduleBuilder.CommonCompilation).GetBoundReferenceManager();

                for (int i = 0; i < referenceManager.ReferencedAssemblies.Length; i++)
                    if ((object)referenceManager.ReferencedAssemblies[i] == containingAssembly)
                        if (!referenceManager.DeclarationsAccessibleWithoutAlias(i))
                            return moduleBuilder.Translate(containingAssembly, diagnostics);

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Write header, descend into members, and write footer.
        /// </summary>
        public override void VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol)

            if (symbol.IsGlobalNamespace)
                Debug.Assert(_assemblyName != null);

                WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");

                if (!_compilation.Options.OutputKind.IsNetModule())
                    WriteLine("<name>{0}</name>", _assemblyName);


            foreach (var s in symbol.GetMembers())

            if (symbol.IsGlobalNamespace)
예제 #20
        private static NamespaceSymbol BindNamespace(string namespaceName, NamespaceSymbol globalNamespace)
            var namespaceSymbol = globalNamespace;
            foreach (var name in namespaceName.Split('.'))
                var members = namespaceSymbol.GetMembers(name);
                namespaceSymbol = members.Length == 1
                        ? members[0] as NamespaceSymbol
                        : null;

                if ((object)namespaceSymbol == null)
            return namespaceSymbol;
 public virtual void VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol)
 internal NamespaceSymbol Get_System_Runtime_CompilerServices_NamespaceSymbol(NamespaceSymbol systemNamespace)
     var runtimeNS = systemNamespace.GetMember<NamespaceSymbol>("Runtime");
     return runtimeNS.GetMember<NamespaceSymbol>("CompilerServices");
예제 #23
        private static Binder CreateBinderChain(
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            PEModuleSymbol module,
            NamespaceSymbol @namespace,
            ImmutableArray<ImmutableArray<ImportRecord>> importRecordGroups)
            var stack = ArrayBuilder<string>.GetInstance();
            while ((object)@namespace != null)
                @namespace = @namespace.ContainingNamespace;

            Binder binder = new BuckStopsHereBinder(compilation);
            var hasImports = !importRecordGroups.IsDefaultOrEmpty;
            var numImportStringGroups = hasImports ? importRecordGroups.Length : 0;
            var currentStringGroup = numImportStringGroups - 1;

            // PERF: We used to call compilation.GetCompilationNamespace on every iteration,
            // but that involved walking up to the global namespace, which we have to do
            // anyway.  Instead, we'll inline the functionality into our own walk of the
            // namespace chain.
            @namespace = compilation.GlobalNamespace;

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var namespaceName = stack.Pop();
                if (namespaceName.Length > 0)
                    // We're re-getting the namespace, rather than using the one containing
                    // the current frame method, because we want the merged namespace.
                    @namespace = @namespace.GetNestedNamespace(namespaceName);
                    Debug.Assert((object)@namespace != null,
                        $"We worked backwards from symbols to names, but no symbol exists for name '{namespaceName}'");
                    Debug.Assert((object)@namespace == (object)compilation.GlobalNamespace);

                Imports imports = null;
                if (hasImports)
                    if (currentStringGroup < 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"No import string group for namespace '{@namespace}'");

                    var importsBinder = new InContainerBinder(@namespace, binder);
                    imports = BuildImports(compilation, module, importRecordGroups[currentStringGroup], importsBinder);

                binder = new InContainerBinder(@namespace, binder, imports);


            if (currentStringGroup >= 0)
                // CONSIDER: We could lump these into the outermost namespace.  It's probably not worthwhile since
                // the usings are already for the wrong method.
                Debug.WriteLine($"Found {currentStringGroup + 1} import string groups without corresponding namespaces");

            return binder;
예제 #24
 public BoundNamespaceExpression(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol)
     : this(syntax, namespaceSymbol, null)
예제 #25
 public BoundNamespaceExpression Update(NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol)
     return Update(namespaceSymbol, this.AliasOpt);
예제 #26
 public BoundNamespaceExpression(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol, bool hasErrors = false)
     : this(syntax, namespaceSymbol, null, hasErrors)
예제 #27
 public void SetContainer(Symbol container)
     this.container = (NamespaceSymbol)container;
        private static bool NamespaceContainsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalTypes(NamespaceSymbol ns)
            foreach (Symbol s in ns.GetMembersUnordered())
                switch (s.Kind)
                    case SymbolKind.Namespace:
                        if (NamespaceContainsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalTypes((NamespaceSymbol)s))
                            return true;


                    case SymbolKind.NamedType:
                        if (((NamedTypeSymbol)s).IsExplicitDefinitionOfNoPiaLocalType)
                            return true;


            return false;
예제 #29
        private static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateNamespaces(NamespaceSymbol @namespace, string baseName)
            foreach (var child in @namespace.GetNamespaceMembers())
                var childName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseName) ? child.Name : (baseName + "." + child.Name);
                yield return childName;

                foreach (var result in EnumerateNamespaces(child, childName))
                    yield return result;
예제 #30
        internal static AliasSymbol CreateGlobalNamespaceAlias(NamespaceSymbol globalNamespace, Binder globalNamespaceBinder)
            SyntaxToken aliasName = SyntaxFactory.Identifier(SyntaxFactory.TriviaList(), SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword, "global", "global", SyntaxFactory.TriviaList());

            return(new AliasSymbol(globalNamespaceBinder, globalNamespace, aliasName, ImmutableArray <Location> .Empty));
        internal bool GetExternAliasTarget(string aliasName, out NamespaceSymbol @namespace)
            if (externAliasTargets == null)
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.externAliasTargets, new ConcurrentDictionary<string, NamespaceSymbol>(), null);
            else if (externAliasTargets.TryGetValue(aliasName, out @namespace))
                return !(@namespace is MissingNamespaceSymbol);

            ArrayBuilder<NamespaceSymbol> builder = null;
            foreach (var referencedAssembly in GetBoundReferenceManager().ReferencedAssembliesMap.Values)
                if (referencedAssembly.Aliases.Contains(aliasName))
                    builder = builder ?? ArrayBuilder<NamespaceSymbol>.GetInstance();

            bool foundNamespace = builder != null;

            // We want to cache failures as well as successes so that subsequent incorrect extern aliases with the
            // same alias will have the same target.
            @namespace = foundNamespace
                ? MergedNamespaceSymbol.Create(new NamespaceExtent(this), namespacesToMerge: builder.ToImmutableAndFree(), containingNamespace: null, nameOpt: null)
                : new MissingNamespaceSymbol(new MissingModuleSymbol(new MissingAssemblySymbol(new AssemblyIdentity(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString())), ordinal: -1));

            // Use GetOrAdd in case another thread beat us to the punch (i.e. should return the same object for the same alias, every time).
            @namespace = externAliasTargets.GetOrAdd(aliasName, @namespace);

            Debug.Assert(foundNamespace == !(@namespace is MissingNamespaceSymbol));

            return foundNamespace;
예제 #32
 // For the purposes of SemanticModel, it is convenient to have an AliasSymbol for the "global" namespace that "global::" binds
 // to. This alias symbol is returned only when binding "global::" (special case code).
 internal static AliasSymbol CreateGlobalNamespaceAlias(NamespaceSymbol globalNamespace)
     return(new AliasSymbolFromResolvedTarget(globalNamespace, "global", globalNamespace, ImmutableArray <Location> .Empty, isExtern: false));