예제 #1
    //private string WriteCSharpFromAST(IExpression expression) {
    //  SourceEmitterOutputString sourceEmitterOutput = new SourceEmitterOutputString();
    //  SourceEmitter CSSourceEmitter = new SourceEmitter(sourceEmitterOutput);
    //  ExpressionSimplifier es = new ExpressionSimplifier();
    //  expression = es.Rewrite(expression);
    //  CSSourceEmitter.Traverse(expression);
    //  return sourceEmitterOutput.Data;

    //private string WriteVBFromAST(IExpression expression) {
    //  var sourceEmitterOutput = new VBSourceEmitter.SourceEmitterOutputString();
    //  var VBSourceEmitter = new VBSourceEmitter.SourceEmitter(this.host, sourceEmitterOutput);
    //  var es = new ExpressionSimplifier();
    //  expression = es.Rewrite(expression);
    //  VBSourceEmitter.Traverse(expression);
    //  return sourceEmitterOutput.Data;

    /// <summary>
    /// Writes the exception thrown by this IPrecondition into an "exception" xml element.
    /// </summary>
    public void WriteExceptionTo(XmlWriter writer) {

      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.exception)) return;
      writer.WriteAttributeString("cref", this.exception);
      if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.precondition.OriginalSource))
      else {
        this.docTracker.WriteLine("Warning: Writing exception, but no OriginalSource found.");
        //Emit the condition instead of the OriginalSource
        SourceEmitterOutputString sourceEmitterOutput = new SourceEmitterOutputString();
        SourceEmitter CSSourceEmitter = new SourceEmitter(sourceEmitterOutput);
        ExpressionSimplifier es = new ExpressionSimplifier();
        LogicalNot logicalNot = new LogicalNot();
        logicalNot.Operand = this.precondition.Condition;
        var condition = es.Rewrite(logicalNot);
예제 #2
파일: Copier.cs 프로젝트: riverar/devtools
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified logical not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="logicalNot">The logical not.</param>
 public override void Visit(ILogicalNot logicalNot)
     LogicalNot mutableLogicalNot = new LogicalNot(logicalNot);
     this.resultExpression = this.myCodeCopier.DeepCopy(mutableLogicalNot);
예제 #3
파일: Copier.cs 프로젝트: riverar/devtools
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified logical not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="logicalNot">The logical not.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual IExpression DeepCopy(LogicalNot logicalNot)
     return this.DeepCopy((UnaryOperation)logicalNot);
예제 #4
    internal static IExpression InvertCondition(IExpression expression) {
      Contract.Requires(expression != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IExpression>() != null);

      var binOp = expression as IBinaryOperation;
      if (binOp != null) return InvertBinaryOperation(binOp);
      var conditional = expression as Conditional;
      if (conditional != null) return InvertConditional(conditional);
      var compileTimeConst = expression as CompileTimeConstant;
      if (compileTimeConst != null) return InvertCompileTimeConstant(compileTimeConst);
      var logNot = expression as ILogicalNot;
      if (logNot != null) return logNot.Operand;
      var logicalNot = new LogicalNot();
      logicalNot.Operand = expression;
      logicalNot.Type = expression.Type;
      return logicalNot;
예제 #5
    private static IExpression InvertBinaryOperation(IBinaryOperation binOp) {
      Contract.Requires(binOp != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IExpression>() != null);

      BinaryOperation/*?*/ result = null;
      if (binOp is IEquality && binOp.LeftOperand.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32 && binOp.LeftOperand.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64)
        result = new NotEquality();
      else if (binOp is INotEquality && binOp.LeftOperand.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32 && binOp.LeftOperand.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64)
        result = new Equality();
      else if (binOp is ILessThan)
        result = new GreaterThanOrEqual() { IsUnsignedOrUnordered = KeepUnsignedButInvertUnordered(((ILessThan)binOp).IsUnsignedOrUnordered, binOp) };
      else if (binOp is ILessThanOrEqual)
        result = new GreaterThan() { IsUnsignedOrUnordered = KeepUnsignedButInvertUnordered(((ILessThanOrEqual)binOp).IsUnsignedOrUnordered, binOp) };
      else if (binOp is IGreaterThan)
        result = new LessThanOrEqual() { IsUnsignedOrUnordered = KeepUnsignedButInvertUnordered(((IGreaterThan)binOp).IsUnsignedOrUnordered, binOp) };
      else if (binOp is IGreaterThanOrEqual)
        result = new LessThan() { IsUnsignedOrUnordered = KeepUnsignedButInvertUnordered(((IGreaterThanOrEqual)binOp).IsUnsignedOrUnordered, binOp) };
      if (result != null) {
        result.LeftOperand = binOp.LeftOperand;
        result.RightOperand = binOp.RightOperand;
        result.Type = binOp.Type;
        return result;
      LogicalNot logicalNot = new LogicalNot();
      logicalNot.Operand = binOp;
      logicalNot.Type = binOp.Type;
      return logicalNot;
예제 #6
 private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd2(BlockStatement b) {
   Contract.Requires(b != null);
   bool replacedPattern = false;
   var statements = b.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-3; i++) {
     var ifStatement = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement == null) continue;
     var gotoFalseCase = ifStatement.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoFalseCase == null) continue;
     Contract.Assume(ifStatement.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement);
     var labeledStatement = statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement == null) continue;
     var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
     if (gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0) continue;
     var ifStatement2 = statements[i+2] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement2 == null) continue;
     var gotoTrueCase = ifStatement2.TrueBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoTrueCase == null) continue;
     Contract.Assume(ifStatement2.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement);
     var labeledStatement2 = statements[i+3] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement2 == null) continue;
     if (labeledStatement2 == gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement) {
       gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement2.Label.UniqueKey];
       Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
       if (gotos.Count > 1) continue;
       var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = ifStatement.Condition, ResultIfTrue = ifStatement2.Condition, ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
     } else {
       if (gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement != gotoTrueCase.TargetStatement) continue;
       //actually have a short circuit or here
       gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
       Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
       var trueConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = true, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var invertedCond = new LogicalNot() { Operand = ifStatement.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = invertedCond, ResultIfTrue = trueConst, ResultIfFalse = ifStatement2.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
   return replacedPattern;
예제 #7
 private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd4(BlockStatement b) {
   Contract.Requires(b != null);
   bool replacedPattern = false;
   var statements = b.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-2; i++) {
     var ifStatement1 = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement1 == null || !(ifStatement1.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement)) continue;
     var goto1 = ifStatement1.TrueBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (goto1 == null) continue;
     var labStat = statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labStat == null) continue;
     var gotos1 =  this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labStat.Label.UniqueKey];
     if (gotos1 != null && gotos1.Count > 0) continue;
     var ifStatement2 = statements[i+2] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement2 == null) continue;
     if (ifStatement2.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement) {
       var goto2 = ifStatement2.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
       if (goto2 == null) continue;
       if (goto1.TargetStatement != goto2.TargetStatement) continue;
       var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)goto1.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
       if (gotos == null || gotos.Count == 0) continue;
       var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var notCond1 = new LogicalNot() { Operand = ifStatement1.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = notCond1, ResultIfTrue = ifStatement2.Condition, ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
     } else if (ifStatement2.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement) {
       var goto2 = ifStatement2.TrueBranch as GotoStatement;
       if (goto2 == null) continue;
       if (goto1.TargetStatement != goto2.TargetStatement) continue;
       var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)goto1.TargetStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
       if (gotos == null || gotos.Count == 0) continue;
       var trueConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = true, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var cond1 = ifStatement1.Condition;
       var conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = cond1, ResultIfTrue = trueConst, ResultIfFalse = ifStatement2.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       ifStatement2.Condition = conditional;
       statements.RemoveRange(i, 2);
       replacedPattern = true;
   return replacedPattern;
 public override IExpression Visit(LogicalNot logicalNot)
     if (logicalNot.Type == Dummy.TypeReference)
     return PatternDecompiler.InvertCondition(this.Visit(logicalNot.Operand));
       else if (logicalNot.Operand.Type.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32)
     return new Equality() {
       LeftOperand = this.Visit(logicalNot.Operand),
       RightOperand = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = 0, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemInt32 },
       Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean,
       Locations = logicalNot.Locations
       else {
     var castIfPossible = logicalNot.Operand as CastIfPossible;
     if (castIfPossible != null) {
       var operand = new CheckIfInstance() {
     Locations = castIfPossible.Locations,
     Operand = castIfPossible.ValueToCast,
     Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean,
     TypeToCheck = castIfPossible.TargetType,
       logicalNot.Operand = operand;
       return logicalNot;
     return base.Visit(logicalNot);
예제 #9
 private bool ReplaceShortCircuitAnd(BlockStatement b) {
   Contract.Requires(b != null);
   bool replacedPattern = false;
   var statements = b.Statements;
   for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count-6; i++) {
     var ifStatement = statements[i] as ConditionalStatement;
     if (ifStatement == null) continue;
     var gotoFalseCase = ifStatement.FalseBranch as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoFalseCase == null) continue;
     Contract.Assume(ifStatement.TrueBranch is EmptyStatement);
     var labeledStatement = statements[i+1] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement == null) continue;
     var gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement.Label.UniqueKey];
     if (gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0) continue;
     var pushTrueCase = statements[i+2] as PushStatement;
     if (pushTrueCase == null) continue;
     if (pushTrueCase.ValueToPush.Type.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean) continue;
     var gotoEnd = statements[i+3] as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoEnd == null) continue;
     var labeledStatement2 = statements[i+4] as LabeledStatement;
     if (labeledStatement2 == null || labeledStatement2 != gotoFalseCase.TargetStatement) continue;
     gotos = this.gotosThatTarget[(uint)labeledStatement2.Label.UniqueKey];
     Contract.Assume(gotos != null && gotos.Count > 0);
     if (gotos.Count > 1) continue;
     var pushFalseCase = statements[i+5] as PushStatement;
     if (pushFalseCase == null) continue;
     var falseCaseVal = pushFalseCase.ValueToPush as CompileTimeConstant;
     if (falseCaseVal == null || !(falseCaseVal.Value is int)) continue;
     var endLabel = statements[i+6] as LabeledStatement;
     if (endLabel == null || gotoEnd.TargetStatement != endLabel) continue;
     Conditional conditional;
     if (((int)falseCaseVal.Value) != 0) {
       var trueConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = true, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       var cond = new LogicalNot() { Operand = ifStatement.Condition, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = cond, ResultIfTrue = trueConst, ResultIfFalse = pushTrueCase.ValueToPush, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
     } else {
       var falseConst = new CompileTimeConstant() { Value = false, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
       conditional = new Conditional() { Condition = ifStatement.Condition, ResultIfTrue = pushTrueCase.ValueToPush, ResultIfFalse = falseConst, Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean };
     pushFalseCase.ValueToPush = conditional;
     statements.RemoveRange(i, 5);
     replacedPattern = true;
   return replacedPattern;
예제 #10
 internal static IExpression InvertCondition(IExpression expression)
     IBinaryOperation/*?*/ binOp = expression as IBinaryOperation;
       if (binOp != null) return InvertBinaryOperation(binOp);
       ILogicalNot/*?*/ logNot = expression as ILogicalNot;
       if (logNot != null) return logNot.Operand;
       LogicalNot logicalNot = new LogicalNot();
       logicalNot.Operand = expression;
       logicalNot.Type = expression.Type;
       return logicalNot;
예제 #11
 private void DecompileIfThenElseStatement(BasicBlock b, int i)
     List<IStatement> statements = b.Statements;
       ConditionalStatement/*?*/ conditionalStatement = statements[i++] as ConditionalStatement;
       if (conditionalStatement == null) return;
       IExpression condition;
       var trueBranch = UnwrapSingletonBlock(conditionalStatement.TrueBranch);
       GotoStatement/*?*/ gotoAfterThen = trueBranch as GotoStatement;
       if (gotoAfterThen == null) {
     gotoAfterThen = UnwrapSingletonBlock(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch) as GotoStatement;
     if (gotoAfterThen == null || !(trueBranch is EmptyStatement)) return;
     condition = conditionalStatement.Condition;
       } else {
     if (!(conditionalStatement.FalseBranch is EmptyStatement)) return;
     LogicalNot not = new LogicalNot();
     not.Operand = conditionalStatement.Condition;
     condition = not;
       //At this point we have:
       //if (!condition) goto afterThen;
       var afterThen = this.FindLabeledStatement(statements, i, gotoAfterThen.TargetStatement.Label);
       if (afterThen == null) return;
       List<IGotoStatement> branchesToThisLabel;
       if (this.predecessors.TryGetValue(afterThen, out branchesToThisLabel))
       BasicBlock ifBlock = this.ExtractBasicBlockUpto(b, i, afterThen);
       GotoStatement/*?*/ gotoEndif = this.RemoveAndReturnLastGotoStatement(ifBlock);
       BasicBlock elseBlock = null;
       if (gotoEndif != null) {
     var endif = this.FindLabeledStatement(statements, i, gotoEndif.TargetStatement.Label);
     if (endif != null) {
       if (this.predecessors.TryGetValue(gotoEndif.TargetStatement, out branchesToThisLabel))
       elseBlock = this.ExtractBasicBlockUpto(b, i, gotoEndif.TargetStatement);
     } else {
       conditionalStatement.Condition = condition;
       conditionalStatement.TrueBranch = ifBlock;
       if (elseBlock != null)
     conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = elseBlock;
     conditionalStatement.FalseBranch = new EmptyStatement();
예제 #12
파일: Mutator.cs 프로젝트: riverar/devtools
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified logical not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="logicalNot">The logical not.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual IExpression Visit(LogicalNot logicalNot)
     return this.Visit((UnaryOperation)logicalNot);
예제 #13
파일: Mutator.cs 프로젝트: riverar/devtools
 /// <summary>
 /// Rewrites the children of the given logical not expression.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void RewriteChildren(LogicalNot logicalNot)
예제 #14
파일: Mutator.cs 프로젝트: riverar/devtools
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified logical not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="logicalNot">The logical not.</param>
 public override void Visit(ILogicalNot logicalNot)
     LogicalNot mutableLogicalNot = logicalNot as LogicalNot;
     if (alwaysMakeACopy || mutableLogicalNot == null) mutableLogicalNot = new LogicalNot(logicalNot);
     this.resultExpression = this.myCodeMutator.Visit(mutableLogicalNot);