예제 #1
        private bool TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, AggregateDeclaration context, AggregateType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc.IsInterfaceType || typeSrc.IsDelegateType);

            typeDst = null;

            AggregateSymbol aggSym      = typeSrc.OwningAggregate;
            AggregateType   aggOpenType = aggSym.getThisType();

            if (!semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(aggOpenType, context))
                // if the aggregate symbol itself is not accessible, then forget it, there is no
                // variance that will help us arrive at an accessible type.

            TypeArray typeArgs   = typeSrc.TypeArgsThis;
            TypeArray typeParams = aggOpenType.TypeArgsThis;

            CType[] newTypeArgsTemp = new CType[typeArgs.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < newTypeArgsTemp.Length; i++)
                CType typeArg = typeArgs[i];
                if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeArg, context))
                    // we have an accessible argument, this position is not a problem.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = typeArg;

                if (!typeArg.IsReferenceType || !((TypeParameterType)typeParams[i]).Covariant)
                    // This guy is inaccessible, and we are not going to be able to vary him, so we need to fail.

                newTypeArgsTemp[i] = GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, context, typeArg);

                // now we either have a value type (which must be accessible due to the above
                // check, OR we have an inaccessible type (which must be a ref type). In either
                // case, the recursion worked out and we are OK to vary this argument.

            TypeArray newTypeArgs      = semanticChecker.getBSymmgr().AllocParams(typeArgs.Count, newTypeArgsTemp);
            CType     intermediateType = GetAggregate(aggSym, typeSrc.OuterType, newTypeArgs);

            // All type arguments were varied successfully, which means now we must be accessible. But we could
            // have violated constraints. Let's check that out.

            if (!TypeBind.CheckConstraints(semanticChecker, errHandling: null, intermediateType, CheckConstraintsFlags.NoErrors))

            typeDst = intermediateType;
            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, context));
예제 #2
        private bool TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, ArrayType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            // We are here because we have an array type with an inaccessible element type. If possible,
            // we should create a new array type that has an accessible element type for which a
            // conversion exists.

            CType elementType = typeSrc.GetElementType();

            if (!elementType.IsRefType())
                // Covariant array conversions exist for reference types only.

            CType intermediateType;

            if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, elementType, out intermediateType))
                typeDst = this.GetArray(intermediateType, typeSrc.rank, typeSrc.IsSZArray);

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

예제 #3
        private bool TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, AggregateDeclaration context, ArrayType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            // We are here because we have an array type with an inaccessible element type. If possible,
            // we should create a new array type that has an accessible element type for which a
            // conversion exists.

            CType elementType = typeSrc.ElementType;

            // Covariant array conversions exist for reference types only.
            if (elementType.IsReferenceType)
                CType destElement = GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, context, elementType);
                typeDst = GetArray(destElement, typeSrc.Rank, typeSrc.IsSZArray);

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, context));

            typeDst = null;
예제 #4
        private bool SearchSingleType(AggregateType typeCur, out bool pfHideByName)
            bool fFoundSome = false;

            pfHideByName = false;

            // Make sure this type is accessible. It may not be due to private inheritance
            // or friend assemblies.
            bool fInaccess = !CSemanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeCur, _symWhere);

            if (fInaccess && (_csym != 0 || _swtInaccess != null))

            // Loop through symbols.
            Symbol symCur;

            for (symCur = SymbolLoader.LookupAggMember(_name, typeCur.OwningAggregate, symbmask_t.MASK_Member);
                 symCur != null;
                 symCur = symCur.LookupNext(symbmask_t.MASK_Member))
                Debug.Assert(!(symCur is AggregateSymbol));
                // Check for arity.
                // For non-zero arity, only methods of the correct arity are considered.
                // For zero arity, don't filter out any methods since we do type argument
                // inferencing.
                // All others are only considered when arity is zero.
                if (_arity > 0 && (!(symCur is MethodSymbol curMeth) || curMeth.typeVars.Count != _arity))
                    if (!_swtBadArity)
                        _swtBadArity.Set(symCur, typeCur);


                // Check for user callability.
                if (symCur.IsOverride() && !symCur.IsHideByName())

                MethodOrPropertySymbol methProp = symCur as MethodOrPropertySymbol;
                MethodSymbol           meth     = symCur as MethodSymbol;
                if (methProp != null && (_flags & MemLookFlags.UserCallable) != 0 && !methProp.isUserCallable())
                    // If its an indexed property method symbol, let it through.
                    // This is too liberal, but maintained for compatibility.
                    if (meth == null ||
                        !meth.isPropertyAccessor() ||
                        (!symCur.name.Text.StartsWith("set_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || meth.Params.Count <= 1) &&
                        (!symCur.name.Text.StartsWith("get_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || meth.Params.Count <= 0))
                        if (!_swtInaccess)
                            _swtInaccess.Set(symCur, typeCur);


                if (fInaccess || !CSemanticChecker.CheckAccess(symCur, typeCur, _symWhere, _typeQual))
                    // Not accessible so get the next sym.
                    if (!_swtInaccess)
                        _swtInaccess.Set(symCur, typeCur);
                    if (fInaccess)

                PropertySymbol prop = symCur as PropertySymbol;

                // Make sure that whether we're seeing a ctor, operator, or indexer is consistent with the flags.
                if (((_flags & MemLookFlags.Ctor) == 0) != (meth == null || !meth.IsConstructor()) ||
                    ((_flags & MemLookFlags.Operator) == 0) != (meth == null || !meth.isOperator) ||
                    ((_flags & MemLookFlags.Indexer) == 0) != !(prop is IndexerSymbol))
                    if (!_swtBad)
                        _swtBad.Set(symCur, typeCur);

                // We can't call CheckBogus on methods or indexers because if the method has the wrong
                // number of parameters people don't think they should have to /r the assemblies containing
                // the parameter types and they complain about the resulting CS0012 errors.
                if (!(symCur is MethodSymbol) && (_flags & MemLookFlags.Indexer) == 0 && CSemanticChecker.CheckBogus(symCur))
                    // A bogus member - we can't use these, so only record them for error reporting.
                    if (!_swtBogus)
                        _swtBogus.Set(symCur, typeCur);

                // if we are in a calling context then we should only find a property if it is delegate valued
                if ((_flags & MemLookFlags.MustBeInvocable) != 0)
                    if ((symCur is FieldSymbol field && !IsDelegateType(field.GetType(), typeCur) && !IsDynamicMember(symCur)) ||
                        (prop != null && !IsDelegateType(prop.RetType, typeCur) && !IsDynamicMember(symCur)))
                        if (!_swtBad)
                            _swtBad.Set(symCur, typeCur);

                if (methProp != null)
                    MethPropWithType mwpInsert = new MethPropWithType(methProp, typeCur);

                // We have a visible symbol.
                fFoundSome = true;

                if (_swtFirst)
                    if (!typeCur.IsInterfaceType)
                        // Non-interface case.
                        Debug.Assert(_fMulti || typeCur == _prgtype[0]);
                        if (!_fMulti)
                            if (_swtFirst.Sym is FieldSymbol && symCur is EventSymbol
                                // The isEvent bit is only set on symbols which come from source...
                                // This is not a problem for the compiler because the field is only
                                // accessible in the scope in which it is declared,
                                // but in the EE we ignore accessibility...
                                && _swtFirst.Field().isEvent
                                // m_swtFirst is just the field behind the event symCur so ignore symCur.
                            else if (_swtFirst.Sym is FieldSymbol && symCur is EventSymbol)
                                // symCur is the matching event.
                            goto LAmbig;
                        if (_swtFirst.Sym.getKind() != symCur.getKind())
                            if (typeCur == _prgtype[0])
                                goto LAmbig;
                            // This one is hidden by the first one. This one also hides any more in base types.
                            pfHideByName = true;
                    // Interface case.
                    // m_fMulti   : n n n y y y y y
                    // same-kind  : * * * y n n n n
                    // fDiffHidden: * * * * y n n n
                    // meth       : * * * * * y n *  can n happen? just in case, we better handle it....
                    // hack       : n * y * * y * n
                    // meth-2     : * n y * * * * *
                    // res        : A A S R H H A A
                    else if (!_fMulti)
                        // Give method groups priority.
                        if (!(symCur is MethodSymbol))
                            goto LAmbig;
                        // Erase previous results so we'll record this method as the first.
                        _prgtype = new List <AggregateType>();
                        _csym    = 0;
                    else if (_swtFirst.Sym.getKind() != symCur.getKind())
                        if (!typeCur.DiffHidden)
                            // Give method groups priority.
                            if (!(_swtFirst.Sym is MethodSymbol))
                                goto LAmbig;
                        // This one is hidden by another. This one also hides any more in base types.
                        pfHideByName = true;

                RecordType(typeCur, symCur);

                if (methProp != null && methProp.isHideByName)
                    pfHideByName = true;
                // We've found a symbol in this type but need to make sure there aren't any conflicting
                // syms here, so keep searching the type.

            Debug.Assert(!fInaccess || !fFoundSome);


            // Ambiguous!
            if (!_swtAmbig)
                _swtAmbig.Set(symCur, typeCur);
            pfHideByName = true;
예제 #5
             * BindImplicitConversion
             * This is a complex routine with complex parameters. Generally, this should
             * be called through one of the helper methods that insulates you
             * from the complexity of the interface. This routine handles all the logic
             * associated with implicit conversions.
             * exprSrc - the expression being converted. Can be null if only type conversion
             *           info is being supplied.
             * typeSrc - type of the source
             * typeDest - type of the destination
             * exprDest - returns an expression of the src converted to the dest. If null, we
             *            only care about whether the conversion can be attempted, not the
             *            expression tree.
             * flags    - flags possibly customizing the conversions allowed. E.g., can suppress
             *            user-defined conversions.
             * returns true if the conversion can be made, false if not.
            public bool Bind()
                // 13.1 Implicit conversions
                // The following conversions are classified as implicit conversions:
                // *   Identity conversions
                // *   Implicit numeric conversions
                // *   Implicit enumeration conversions
                // *   Implicit reference conversions
                // *   Boxing conversions
                // *   Implicit type parameter conversions
                // *   Implicit constant expression conversions
                // *   User-defined implicit conversions
                // *   Implicit conversions from an anonymous method expression to a compatible delegate type
                // *   Implicit conversion from a method group to a compatible delegate type
                // *   Conversions from the null type (11.2.7) to any nullable type
                // *   Implicit nullable conversions
                // *   Lifted user-defined implicit conversions
                // Implicit conversions can occur in a variety of situations, including function member invocations
                // (14.4.3), cast expressions (14.6.6), and assignments (14.14).

                // Can't convert to or from the error type.
                if (_typeSrc == null || _typeDest == null || _typeDest is MethodGroupType)

                Debug.Assert(_typeSrc != null && _typeDest != null);         // types must be supplied.
                Debug.Assert(_exprSrc == null || _typeSrc == _exprSrc.Type); // type of source should be correct if source supplied
                Debug.Assert(!_needsExprDest || _exprSrc != null);           // need source expr to create dest expr

                switch (_typeDest.TypeKind)
                case TypeKind.TK_NullType:
                    // Can only convert to the null type if src is null.
                    if (!(_typeSrc is NullType))
                    if (_needsExprDest)
                        _exprDest = _exprSrc;

                case TypeKind.TK_ArgumentListType:
                    return(_typeSrc == _typeDest);

                case TypeKind.TK_VoidType:


                // 13.1.1 Identity conversion
                // An identity conversion converts from any type to the same type. This conversion exists only
                // such that an entity that already has a required type can be said to be convertible to that type.

                if (_typeSrc == _typeDest &&
                    ((_flags & CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT) == 0 || (!_typeSrc.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_FLOAT) && !_typeSrc.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_DOUBLE))))
                    if (_needsExprDest)
                        _exprDest = _exprSrc;

                if (_typeDest is NullableType nubDest)

                if (_typeSrc is NullableType nubSrc)

                if ((_flags & CONVERTTYPE.ISEXPLICIT) != 0)
                    _flags |= CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC;

                // Get the fundamental types of destination.
                FUNDTYPE ftDest = _typeDest.FundamentalType;

                Debug.Assert(ftDest != FUNDTYPE.FT_NONE || _typeDest is ParameterModifierType);

                switch (_typeSrc.TypeKind)
                    Debug.Fail($"Bad type symbol kind: {_typeSrc.TypeKind}");

                case TypeKind.TK_VoidType:
                case TypeKind.TK_ParameterModifierType:
                case TypeKind.TK_ArgumentListType:

                case TypeKind.TK_NullType:
                    if (bindImplicitConversionFromNull())
                    // If not, try user defined implicit conversions.

                case TypeKind.TK_ArrayType:
                    if (bindImplicitConversionFromArray())
                    // If not, try user defined implicit conversions.

                case TypeKind.TK_PointerType:
                    if (bindImplicitConversionFromPointer())
                    // If not, try user defined implicit conversions.

                case TypeKind.TK_AggregateType:
                    if (bindImplicitConversionFromAgg(_typeSrc as AggregateType))
                    // If not, try user defined implicit conversions.

                // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                // Every incoming dynamic operand should be implicitly convertible
                // to any type that it is an instance of.
                object srcRuntimeObject = _exprSrc?.RuntimeObject;

                if (srcRuntimeObject != null &&
                    _typeDest.AssociatedSystemType.IsInstanceOfType(srcRuntimeObject) &&
                    CSemanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(_typeDest, _binder.Context.ContextForMemberLookup))
                    if (_needsExprDest)
                        _binder.bindSimpleCast(_exprSrc, _typeDest, out _exprDest, _exprSrc.Flags & EXPRFLAG.EXF_CANTBENULL);

                // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                // 13.1.8 User-defined implicit conversions
                // A user-defined implicit conversion consists of an optional standard implicit conversion,
                // followed by execution of a user-defined implicit conversion operator, followed by another
                // optional standard implicit conversion. The exact rules for evaluating user-defined
                // conversions are described in 13.4.3.

                if (0 == (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC))
                    return(_binder.bindUserDefinedConversion(_exprSrc, _typeSrc, _typeDest, _needsExprDest, out _exprDest, true));

                // No conversion was found.

예제 #6
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        internal bool GetBestAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, CType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            // This method implements the "best accessible type" algorithm for determining the type
            // of untyped arguments in the runtime binder. It is also used in method type inference
            // to fix type arguments to types that are accessible.

            // The new type is returned in an out parameter. The result will be true (and the out param
            // non-null) only when the algorithm could find a suitable accessible type.

            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker != null);
            Debug.Assert(bindingContext != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeSrc, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup))
                // If we already have an accessible type, then use it. This is the terminal point of the recursion.
                typeDst = typeSrc;

            // These guys have no accessibility concerns.
            Debug.Assert(!(typeSrc is VoidType) && !(typeSrc is ErrorType) && !(typeSrc is TypeParameterType));

            if (typeSrc is ParameterModifierType || typeSrc is PointerType)
                // We cannot vary these.

            CType intermediateType;

            if (typeSrc is AggregateType aggSrc && (aggSrc.isInterfaceType() || aggSrc.isDelegateType()) && TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, aggSrc, out intermediateType))
                // If we have an interface or delegate type, then it can potentially be varied by its type arguments
                // to produce an accessible type, and if that's the case, then return that.
                // Example: IEnumerable<PrivateConcreteFoo> --> IEnumerable<PublicAbstractFoo>
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            if (typeSrc is ArrayType arrSrc && TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, arrSrc, out intermediateType))
                // Similarly to the interface and delegate case, arrays are covariant in their element type and
                // so we can potentially produce an array type that is accessible.
                // Example: PrivateConcreteFoo[] --> PublicAbstractFoo[]
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            if (typeSrc is NullableType)
                // We have an inaccessible nullable type, which means that the best we can do is System.ValueType.
                typeDst = GetPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_VALUE).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            if (typeSrc is ArrayType)
                // We have an inaccessible array type for which we could not earlier find a better array type
                // with a covariant conversion, so the best we can do is System.Array.
                typeDst = GetPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            Debug.Assert(typeSrc is AggregateType);

            if (typeSrc is AggregateType aggType)
                // We have an AggregateType, so recurse on its base class.
                AggregateType baseType = aggType.GetBaseClass();

                if (baseType == null)
                    // This happens with interfaces, for instance. But in that case, the
                    // conversion to object does exist, is an implicit reference conversion,
                    // and so we will use it.
                    baseType = GetPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT).getThisType();

                return(GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, baseType, out typeDst));

예제 #7
        private bool TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, AggregateType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc.isInterfaceType() || typeSrc.isDelegateType());

            typeDst = null;

            AggregateSymbol aggSym      = typeSrc.GetOwningAggregate();
            AggregateType   aggOpenType = aggSym.getThisType();

            if (!semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(aggOpenType, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup))
                // if the aggregate symbol itself is not accessible, then forget it, there is no
                // variance that will help us arrive at an accessible type.

            TypeArray typeArgs   = typeSrc.GetTypeArgsThis();
            TypeArray typeParams = aggOpenType.GetTypeArgsThis();

            CType[] newTypeArgsTemp = new CType[typeArgs.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.Count; i++)
                if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeArgs[i], bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup))
                    // we have an accessible argument, this position is not a problem.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = typeArgs[i];

                if (!typeArgs[i].IsRefType() || !((TypeParameterType)typeParams[i]).Covariant)
                    // This guy is inaccessible, and we are not going to be able to vary him, so we need to fail.

                CType intermediateTypeArg;
                if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeArgs[i], out intermediateTypeArg))
                    // now we either have a value type (which must be accessible due to the above
                    // check, OR we have an inaccessible type (which must be a ref type). In either
                    // case, the recursion worked out and we are OK to vary this argument.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = intermediateTypeArg;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "GetBestAccessibleType unexpectedly failed on a type that was used as a type parameter");

            TypeArray newTypeArgs      = semanticChecker.getBSymmgr().AllocParams(typeArgs.Count, newTypeArgsTemp);
            CType     intermediateType = this.GetAggregate(aggSym, typeSrc.outerType, newTypeArgs);

            // All type arguments were varied successfully, which means now we must be accessible. But we could
            // have violated constraints. Let's check that out.

            if (!TypeBind.CheckConstraints(semanticChecker, null /*ErrorHandling*/, intermediateType, CheckConstraintsFlags.NoErrors))

            typeDst = intermediateType;
            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));
예제 #8
        private bool TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, ArrayType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            // We are here because we have an array type with an inaccessible element type. If possible,
            // we should create a new array type that has an accessible element type for which a
            // conversion exists.

            CType elementType = typeSrc.GetElementType();
            if (!elementType.IsRefType())
                // Covariant array conversions exist for reference types only.
                return false;

            CType intermediateType;
            if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, elementType, out intermediateType))
                typeDst = this.GetArray(intermediateType, typeSrc.rank);

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            return false;
예제 #9
        private bool TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, AggregateType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc.isInterfaceType() || typeSrc.isDelegateType());

            typeDst = null;

            AggregateSymbol aggSym = typeSrc.GetOwningAggregate();
            AggregateType aggOpenType = aggSym.getThisType();

            if (!semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(aggOpenType, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()))
                // if the aggregate symbol itself is not accessible, then forget it, there is no
                // variance that will help us arrive at an accessible type.
                return false;

            TypeArray typeArgs = typeSrc.GetTypeArgsThis();
            TypeArray typeParams = aggOpenType.GetTypeArgsThis();
            CType[] newTypeArgsTemp = new CType[typeArgs.size];

            for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.size; i++)
                if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeArgs.Item(i), bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()))
                    // we have an accessible argument, this position is not a problem.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = typeArgs.Item(i);

                if (!typeArgs.Item(i).IsRefType() || !typeParams.Item(i).AsTypeParameterType().Covariant)
                    // This guy is inaccessible, and we are not going to be able to vary him, so we need to fail.
                    return false;

                CType intermediateTypeArg;
                if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeArgs.Item(i), out intermediateTypeArg))
                    // now we either have a value type (which must be accessible due to the above
                    // check, OR we have an inaccessible type (which must be a ref type). In either
                    // case, the recursion worked out and we are OK to vary this argument.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = intermediateTypeArg;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "GetBestAccessibleType unexpectedly failed on a type that was used as a type parameter");
                    return false;

            TypeArray newTypeArgs = semanticChecker.getBSymmgr().AllocParams(typeArgs.size, newTypeArgsTemp);
            CType intermediateType = this.GetAggregate(aggSym, typeSrc.outerType, newTypeArgs);

            // All type arguments were varied successfully, which means now we must be accessible. But we could
            // have violated constraints. Let's check that out.

            if (!TypeBind.CheckConstraints(semanticChecker, null/*ErrorHandling*/, intermediateType, CheckConstraintsFlags.NoErrors))
                return false;

            typeDst = intermediateType;
            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
            return true;
예제 #10
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        internal bool GetBestAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, CType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            // This method implements the "best accessible type" algorithm for determining the type
            // of untyped arguments in the runtime binder. It is also used in method type inference
            // to fix type arguments to types that are accessible.

            // The new type is returned in an out parameter. The result will be true (and the out param
            // non-null) only when the algorithm could find a suitable accessible type.

            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker != null);
            Debug.Assert(bindingContext != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeSrc, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()))
                // If we already have an accessible type, then use it. This is the terminal point of the recursion.
                typeDst = typeSrc;
                return true;

            // These guys have no accessibility concerns.
            Debug.Assert(!typeSrc.IsVoidType() && !typeSrc.IsErrorType() && !typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType());

            if (typeSrc.IsParameterModifierType() || typeSrc.IsPointerType())
                // We cannot vary these.
                return false;

            CType intermediateType;
            if ((typeSrc.isInterfaceType() || typeSrc.isDelegateType()) && TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeSrc.AsAggregateType(), out intermediateType))
                // If we have an interface or delegate type, then it can potentially be varied by its type arguments
                // to produce an accessible type, and if that's the case, then return that.
                // Example: IEnumerable<PrivateConcreteFoo> --> IEnumerable<PublicAbstractFoo>
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsArrayType() && TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeSrc.AsArrayType(), out intermediateType))
                // Similarly to the interface and delegate case, arrays are covariant in their element type and
                // so we can potentially produce an array type that is accessible.
                // Example: PrivateConcreteFoo[] --> PublicAbstractFoo[]
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsNullableType())
                // We have an inaccessible nullable type, which means that the best we can do is System.ValueType.
                typeDst = this.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_VALUE).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsArrayType())
                // We have an inaccessible array type for which we could not earlier find a better array type
                // with a covariant conversion, so the best we can do is System.Array.
                typeDst = this.GetReqPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;


            if (typeSrc.IsAggregateType())
                // We have an AggregateType, so recurse on its base class.
                AggregateType aggType = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();
                AggregateType baseType = aggType.GetBaseClass();

                if (baseType == null)
                    // This happens with interfaces, for instance. But in that case, the
                    // conversion to object does exist, is an implicit reference conversion,
                    // and so we will use it.
                    baseType = this.GetReqPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT).getThisType();

                return GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, baseType, out typeDst);

            return false;
예제 #11
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        internal CType GetBestAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, AggregateDeclaration context, CType typeSrc)
            // This method implements the "best accessible type" algorithm for determining the type
            // of untyped arguments in the runtime binder. It is also used in method type inference
            // to fix type arguments to types that are accessible.

            // The new type is returned in an out parameter. The result will be true (and the out param
            // non-null) only when the algorithm could find a suitable accessible type.

            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(!(typeSrc is ParameterModifierType));
            Debug.Assert(!(typeSrc is PointerType));

            if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeSrc, context))
                // If we already have an accessible type, then use it.

            // These guys have no accessibility concerns.
            Debug.Assert(!(typeSrc is VoidType) && !(typeSrc is TypeParameterType));

            if (typeSrc is AggregateType aggSrc)
                for (;;)
                    if ((aggSrc.IsInterfaceType || aggSrc.IsDelegateType) && TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, context, aggSrc, out CType typeDst))
                        // If we have an interface or delegate type, then it can potentially be varied by its type arguments
                        // to produce an accessible type, and if that's the case, then return that.
                        // Example: IEnumerable<PrivateConcreteFoo> --> IEnumerable<PublicAbstractFoo>
                        Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, context));

                    // We have an AggregateType, so recurse on its base class.
                    AggregateType baseType = aggSrc.BaseClass;
                    if (baseType == null)
                        // This happens with interfaces, for instance. But in that case, the
                        // conversion to object does exist, is an implicit reference conversion,
                        // and is guaranteed to be accessible, so we will use it.

                    if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(baseType, context))

                    // baseType is always an AggregateType, so no need for logic of other types.
                    aggSrc = baseType;

            if (typeSrc is ArrayType arrSrc)
                if (TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, context, arrSrc, out CType typeDst))
                    // Similarly to the interface and delegate case, arrays are covariant in their element type and
                    // so we can potentially produce an array type that is accessible.
                    // Example: PrivateConcreteFoo[] --> PublicAbstractFoo[]
                    Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, context));

                // We have an inaccessible array type for which we could not earlier find a better array type
                // with a covariant conversion, so the best we can do is System.Array.

            Debug.Assert(typeSrc is NullableType);

            // We have an inaccessible nullable type, which means that the best we can do is System.ValueType.