private void InternalConstruct(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, ITaskItem[] sourceFiles, ITaskItem[] outputFiles, ITaskItem[] excludedInputPaths, CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles outputs, bool useMinimalRebuildOptimization, bool maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
     if (ownerTask != null)
         this.Log = new TaskLoggingHelper(ownerTask);
         this.Log.TaskResources     = AssemblyResources.PrimaryResources;
         this.Log.HelpKeywordPrefix = "MSBuild.";
     this.tlogFiles     = TrackedDependencies.ExpandWildcards(tlogFiles);
     this.tlogAvailable = TrackedDependencies.ItemsExist(this.tlogFiles);
     this.sourceFiles   = sourceFiles;
     this.outputs       = outputs;
     this.outputFiles   = outputFiles;
     this.useMinimalRebuildOptimization   = useMinimalRebuildOptimization;
     this.maintainCompositeRootingMarkers = maintainCompositeRootingMarkers;
     if (excludedInputPaths != null)
         foreach (ITaskItem item in excludedInputPaths)
             string str = FileUtilities.EnsureNoTrailingSlash(FileUtilities.NormalizePath(item.ItemSpec)).ToUpperInvariant();
     this.dependencyTable = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     if (this.tlogFiles != null)
 private void InternalConstruct(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFilesLocal, ITaskItem[] tlogFilesToIgnore, bool skipMissingFiles, DateTime missingFileTimeUtc, string[] excludedInputPaths)
     if (ownerTask != null)
         this.Log = new TaskLoggingHelper(ownerTask);
         this.Log.TaskResources     = AssemblyResources.PrimaryResources;
         this.Log.HelpKeywordPrefix = "MSBuild.";
     ITaskItem[] itemArray = TrackedDependencies.ExpandWildcards(tlogFilesLocal);
     if (tlogFilesToIgnore != null)
         ITaskItem[] itemArray2 = TrackedDependencies.ExpandWildcards(tlogFilesToIgnore);
         if (itemArray2.Length > 0)
             HashSet <string> set  = new HashSet <string>();
             List <ITaskItem> list = new List <ITaskItem>();
             foreach (ITaskItem item in itemArray2)
             foreach (ITaskItem item2 in itemArray)
                 if (!set.Contains(item2.ItemSpec))
             this.tlogFiles = list.ToArray();
             this.tlogFiles = itemArray;
         this.tlogFiles = itemArray;
     if ((this.tlogFiles == null) || (this.tlogFiles.Length == 0))
         this.tlogMarker = tlogFilesLocal[0].ItemSpec.Replace("*", "1");
         this.tlogMarker = this.tlogMarker.Replace("?", "2");
     if (excludedInputPaths != null)
         foreach (string str in excludedInputPaths)
             string str2 = FileUtilities.EnsureTrailingSlash(FileUtilities.NormalizePath(str)).ToUpperInvariant();
     this.tlogsAvailable     = TrackedDependencies.ItemsExist(this.tlogFiles);
     this.skipMissingFiles   = skipMissingFiles;
     this.missingFileTimeUtc = missingFileTimeUtc.ToUniversalTime();
     if (this.tlogFiles != null)
예제 #3
 private void InternalConstruct(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, bool constructOutputsFromTLogs)
     if (ownerTask != null)
         this.Log = new TaskLoggingHelper(ownerTask);
         this.Log.TaskResources     = AssemblyResources.PrimaryResources;
         this.Log.HelpKeywordPrefix = "MSBuild.";
     this.tlogFiles       = TrackedDependencies.ExpandWildcards(tlogFiles);
     this.tlogAvailable   = TrackedDependencies.ItemsExist(this.tlogFiles);
     this.dependencyTable = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, DateTime> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     if ((this.tlogFiles != null) && constructOutputsFromTLogs)
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownerTask">The task that is using file tracker</param>
        /// <param name="tlogFiles">The .write. tlog files to interpret</param>
        /// <param name="skipMissingFiles">Ignore files that do not exist on disk</param>
        /// <param name="excludedInputPaths">The set of paths that contain files that are to be ignored during up to date check</param>
        private void InternalConstruct(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFilesLocal, ITaskItem[] tlogFilesToIgnore, bool skipMissingFiles, DateTime missingFileTimeUtc, string[] excludedInputPaths)
            if (ownerTask != null)
                _log = new TaskLoggingHelper(ownerTask);
                _log.TaskResources     = AssemblyResources.PrimaryResources;
                _log.HelpKeywordPrefix = "MSBuild.";

            ITaskItem[] expandedTlogFiles = TrackedDependencies.ExpandWildcards(tlogFilesLocal);

            if (tlogFilesToIgnore != null)
                ITaskItem[] expandedTlogFilesToIgnore = TrackedDependencies.ExpandWildcards(tlogFilesToIgnore);

                if (expandedTlogFilesToIgnore.Length > 0)
                    HashSet <string> ignore             = new HashSet <string>();
                    List <ITaskItem> remainingTlogFiles = new List <ITaskItem>();

                    foreach (ITaskItem tlogFileToIgnore in expandedTlogFilesToIgnore)

                    foreach (ITaskItem tlogFile in expandedTlogFiles)
                        if (!ignore.Contains(tlogFile.ItemSpec))

                    _tlogFiles = remainingTlogFiles.ToArray();
                    _tlogFiles = expandedTlogFiles;
                _tlogFiles = expandedTlogFiles;

            // We have no TLog files on disk, create a TLog marker from the
            // TLogFiles ItemSpec so we can fabricate one if we need to
            // This becomes our "first" tlog, since on the very first run, no tlogs
            // will exist, and if a compaction has been run (as part of the initial up-to-date check) then this
            // marker tlog will be created as empty.
            if (_tlogFiles == null || _tlogFiles.Length == 0)
                _tlogMarker = tlogFilesLocal[0].ItemSpec.Replace("*", "1");
                _tlogMarker = _tlogMarker.Replace("?", "2");

            if (excludedInputPaths != null)
                // Assign our exclude paths to our lookup - and make sure that all recorded paths end in a slash so that
                // our "starts with" comparison doesn't pick up incomplete matches, such as C:\Foo matching C:\FooFile.txt
                foreach (string excludePath in excludedInputPaths)
                    string fullexcludePath = FileUtilities.EnsureTrailingSlash(FileUtilities.NormalizePath(excludePath)).ToUpperInvariant();

            _tlogsAvailable     = TrackedDependencies.ItemsExist(_tlogFiles);
            _skipMissingFiles   = skipMissingFiles;
            _missingFileTimeUtc = missingFileTimeUtc.ToUniversalTime();
            if (_tlogFiles != null)
                // Read the TLogs into our internal structures