/// <summary> /// Load content of SDKManifest.xml /// </summary> private void LoadManifestFile() { /* * Extension SDK Manifest: * <FileList * TargetPlatform="UAP" * TargetPlatformMinVersion="" * TargetPlatformVersion="" * SDKType = "Platform" | "Framework" | "External" * DisplayName = ""My SDK"" * ProductFamilyName = ""UnitTest SDKs"" * FrameworkIdentity-Debug = ""Name=MySDK.10.Debug, MinVersion="" * FrameworkIdentity-Retail = ""Name=MySDK.10, MinVersion="" * TargetFramework = "".NETCore, version=v4.5; .NETFramework, version=v4.5"" * MinVSVersion = ""11.0"" * AppliesTo = ""WindowsAppContainer + WindowsXAML"" * SupportPrefer32Bit = ""True"" * SupportedArchitectures = ""x86;x64;ARM"" * SupportsMultipleVersions = ""Error"" * AppX-Debug-x86 = "".\AppX\Debug\x86\Microsoft.MySDK.x86.Debug.1.0.appx"" * AppX-Debug-x64 = "".\AppX\Debug\x64\Microsoft.MySDK.x64.Debug.1.0.appx"" * AppX-Debug-ARM = "".\AppX\Debug\ARM\Microsoft.MySDK.ARM.Debug.1.0.appx"" * AppX-Retail-x86 = "".\AppX\Retail\x86\Microsoft.MySDK.x86.1.0.appx"" * AppX-Retail-x64 = "".\AppX\Retail\x64\Microsoft.MySDK.x64.1.0.appx"" * AppX-Retail-ARM = "".\AppX\Retail\ARM\Microsoft.MySDK.ARM.1.0.appx"" * CopyRedistToSubDirectory = ""."" * DependsOn = ""SDKB, version=2.0"" * MoreInfo = ""http://msdn.microsoft.com/MySDK"" * MaxPlatformVersion = ""8.0"" * MinOSVersion = ""6.2.1"" * MaxOSVersionTested = ""6.2.1""> * * <!-- New Style --> * <ContainedApiContracts> * <ApiContract name="UAP" version="" /> * </ContainedApiContracts> * * <File Reference = ""MySDK.Sprint.winmd"" Implementation = ""XNASprintImpl.dll""> * <Registration Type = ""Flipper"" Implementation = ""XNASprintFlipperImpl.dll"" /> * <Registration Type = ""Flexer"" Implementation = ""XNASprintFlexerImpl.dll"" /> * <ToolboxItems VSCategory = ""Toolbox.Default"" /> * </File> * </FileList> * * Platform SDK Manifest: * <FileList * DisplayName = ""Windows"" * PlatformIdentity = ""Windows, version=8.0"" * TargetFramework = "".NETCore, version=v4.5; .NETFramework, version=v4.5"" * MinVSVersion = ""11.0"" * MinOSVersion = ""6.2.1"" * MaxOSVersionTested = ""6.2.1"" * UnsupportedDowntarget = ""Windows, version=8.0""> * * <File Reference = ""Windows""> * <ToolboxItems VSCategory = ""Toolbox.Default""/> * </File> * </FileList> */ string sdkManifestPath = Path.Combine(_pathToSdk, "SDKManifest.xml"); try { if (File.Exists(sdkManifestPath)) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings { DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore }; using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(sdkManifestPath, readerSettings)) { doc.Load(xmlReader); } XmlElement rootElement = null; foreach (XmlNode childNode in doc.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && string.Equals(childNode.Name, Elements.FileList, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { rootElement = (XmlElement)childNode; break; } } if (rootElement != null) { ReadFileListAttributes(rootElement.Attributes); foreach (XmlNode childNode in rootElement.ChildNodes) { XmlElement childElement = childNode as XmlElement; if (childElement == null) { continue; } if (ApiContract.IsContainedApiContractsElement(childElement.Name)) { ApiContracts = new List <ApiContract>(); ApiContract.ReadContractsElement(childElement, ApiContracts); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e)) { throw; } ReadError = true; ReadErrorMessage = e.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Load content of Platform.xml /// </summary> private void LoadManifestFile() { /* * Platform.xml format: * * <ApplicationPlatform name="UAP" friendlyName="Universal Application Platform" version=""> * <DependentPlatform name="UAP" version="" /> * <ContainedApiContracts> * <ApiContract name="UAP" version="" /> * </ContainedApiContracts> * </ApplicationPlatform> */ try { string platformManifestPath = Path.Combine(_pathToManifest, "Platform.xml"); if (File.Exists(platformManifestPath)) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings { DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore }; using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(platformManifestPath, readerSettings)) { doc.Load(xmlReader); } XmlElement rootElement = null; foreach (XmlNode childNode in doc.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && string.Equals(childNode.Name, Elements.ApplicationPlatform, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { rootElement = (XmlElement)childNode; break; } } DependentPlatforms = new List <DependentPlatform>(); ApiContracts = new List <ApiContract>(); if (rootElement != null) { Name = rootElement.GetAttribute(Attributes.Name); FriendlyName = rootElement.GetAttribute(Attributes.FriendlyName); PlatformVersion = rootElement.GetAttribute(Attributes.Version); foreach (XmlNode childNode in rootElement.ChildNodes) { if (!(childNode is XmlElement childElement)) { continue; } if (ApiContract.IsContainedApiContractsElement(childElement.Name)) { ApiContract.ReadContractsElement(childElement, ApiContracts); } else if (ApiContract.IsVersionedContentElement(childElement.Name)) { bool.TryParse(childElement.InnerText, out bool versionedContent); VersionedContent = versionedContent; } else if (string.Equals(childElement.Name, Elements.DependentPlatform, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { DependentPlatforms.Add(new DependentPlatform(childElement.GetAttribute(Attributes.Name), childElement.GetAttribute(Attributes.Version))); } } } } else { ReadErrorMessage = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("PlatformManifest.MissingPlatformXml", platformManifestPath); } } catch (Exception e) { if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e)) { throw; } ReadErrorMessage = e.Message; } }