internal static string ApplyInsteadOfUrlMapping(GitConfig config, string url) { // See // Notes: // - URL prefix matching is case sensitive. // - if the replacement is empty the URL is prefixed with the replacement string int longestPrefixLength = -1; string?replacement = null; foreach (var variable in config.Variables) { if (variable.Key.SectionNameEquals(UrlSectionName) && variable.Key.VariableNameEquals("insteadOf")) { foreach (var prefix in variable.Value) { if (prefix.Length > longestPrefixLength && url.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { longestPrefixLength = prefix.Length; replacement = variable.Key.SubsectionName; } } } } return((longestPrefixLength >= 0) ? replacement + url.Substring(longestPrefixLength) : url); }
private static bool TryGetRemote(GitConfig config, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string?remoteName, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string?remoteUrl) { remoteName = RemoteOriginName; remoteUrl = config.GetVariableValue(RemoteSectionName, remoteName, UrlVariableName); if (remoteUrl != null) { return(true); } var remoteVariable = config.Variables. Where(kvp => kvp.Key.SectionNameEquals(RemoteSectionName) && kvp.Key.VariableNameEquals(UrlVariableName)). OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key.SubsectionName, GitVariableName.SubsectionNameComparer). FirstOrDefault(); remoteName = remoteVariable.Key.SubsectionName; if (remoteName == null) { return(false); } remoteUrl = remoteVariable.Value.Last(); return(true); }
internal static string NormalizeUrl(GitConfig config, string url, string root) => NormalizeUrl(ApplyInsteadOfUrlMapping(config, url), root);