/// <summary>
        /// This function launches a new node given a node index
        /// </summary>
        private void LaunchNode(int nodeIndex)
            EventWaitHandle nodeReadyEvent = null;

            string msbuildLocation = Path.Combine(locationOfMSBuildExe, "MSBuild.exe");

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(File.Exists(msbuildLocation), "Msbuild.exe cannot be found at: " + msbuildLocation);

            bool exitedDueToError = true;

                NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO startInfo = new NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO();
                startInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(startInfo);
                uint dwCreationFlags = NativeMethods.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS;
                if (!Engine.debugMode)
                    startInfo.hStdError  = NativeMethods.InvalidHandle;
                    startInfo.hStdInput  = NativeMethods.InvalidHandle;
                    startInfo.hStdOutput = NativeMethods.InvalidHandle;
                    startInfo.dwFlags    = NativeMethods.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
                    dwCreationFlags     |= NativeMethods.CREATE_NO_WINDOW;

                NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSec = new NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
                NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES tSec = new NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
                pSec.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(pSec);
                tSec.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(tSec);

                NativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo = new NativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION();

                string appName = msbuildLocation;
                // Repeat the executable name as the first token of the command line because the command line
                // parser logic expects it and will otherwise skip the first argument
                string cmdLine = msbuildLocation + " /nologo /oldom /nodemode:" + nodeData[nodeIndex].NodeNumber;
                NativeMethods.CreateProcess(appName, cmdLine,
                                            ref pSec, ref tSec,
                                            false, dwCreationFlags,
                                            NativeMethods.NullPtr, null, ref startInfo, out pInfo);

                nodeReadyEvent = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset, LocalNodeProviderGlobalNames.NodeActiveEventName(nodeData[nodeIndex].NodeNumber));

                // Wait until the node is ready to process the requests
                if (nodeReadyEvent.WaitOne(launchTimeout, false))
                    exitedDueToError = false;
                // Dispose before losing scope

                if (exitedDueToError)
                    nodeData[nodeIndex].CommunicationFailed = true;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function launches a new node given a node index
        /// </summary>
        private void LaunchNode(int nodeIndex)
            EventWaitHandle nodeReadyEvent = null;

            string msbuildLocation = Path.Combine(locationOfMSBuildExe, "MSBuild.exe");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(File.Exists(msbuildLocation),"Msbuild.exe cannot be found at: "+msbuildLocation);

            bool exitedDueToError = true;
                NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO startInfo = new NativeMethods.STARTUPINFO();
                startInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(startInfo);
                uint dwCreationFlags = NativeMethods.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS;
                if (!Engine.debugMode)
                    startInfo.hStdError = NativeMethods.InvalidHandle;
                    startInfo.hStdInput = NativeMethods.InvalidHandle;
                    startInfo.hStdOutput = NativeMethods.InvalidHandle;
                    startInfo.dwFlags = NativeMethods.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
                    dwCreationFlags = dwCreationFlags | NativeMethods.CREATE_NO_WINDOW;

                NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSec = new NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
                NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES tSec = new NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
                pSec.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(pSec);
                tSec.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(tSec);

                NativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo = new NativeMethods.PROCESS_INFORMATION();

                string appName = msbuildLocation;
                // Repeat the executable name as the first token of the command line because the command line
                // parser logic expects it and will otherwise skip the first argument
                string cmdLine = msbuildLocation + " /nologo /oldom /nodemode:" + nodeData[nodeIndex].NodeNumber;
                NativeMethods.CreateProcess(appName, cmdLine,
                                            ref pSec, ref tSec,
                                            false, dwCreationFlags,
                                            NativeMethods.NullPtr, null, ref startInfo, out pInfo);

                nodeReadyEvent = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset, LocalNodeProviderGlobalNames.NodeActiveEventName(nodeData[nodeIndex].NodeNumber));

                // Wait until the node is ready to process the requests
                if (nodeReadyEvent.WaitOne(launchTimeout, false))
                    exitedDueToError = false;

                // Dispose before losing scope
                if (nodeReadyEvent != null)

                if (exitedDueToError)
                    nodeData[nodeIndex].CommunicationFailed = true;