public async Task NoneIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result) { SetKeywords(result.Query); if (!keywords.Any()) { await context.PostAsync("Sorry couldn't understand that. Could you repeat it?"); } else { MessagesController.ReqJson input = new MessagesController.ReqJson(); input.image = this.image; input.keywords = keywords; input.maxoutputsize = 3; string request = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input); string respJS = await GetResponseAsync(request, context); MessagesController.RespJson respObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MessagesController.RespJson>(respJS); await context.PostAsync($"These are top {} suitable hotels for you:"); foreach (MessagesController.Hotel h in { await WriteHotelEntry(h, context); } if (!arrDateGiven) { await context.PostAsync("When do you want to begin your trip?"); } else if (!depDateGiven) { await context.PostAsync("When do you want to end your trip?"); } else { await context.PostAsync("If you want to change the start date of your trip just enter the new one." + "Additionally you can search for another trip with an image or information."); } context.Wait(MessageReceived); } }
public async Task Dategiving(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result) { EntityRecommendation dateEntityRecommendation; if (result.TryFindEntity(date, out dateEntityRecommendation)) { if (!arrDateGiven) { arrivalDate = dateEntityRecommendation.Entity; arrDateGiven = true; await context.PostAsync("When do you want to end your trip?"); } else { if (!depDateGiven) { if (!keywords.Any() && image == "") { await context.PostAsync("Please describe your dream trip or load an image of it."); } else { departureDate = dateEntityRecommendation.Entity; depDateGiven = true; MessagesController.ReqJson input = new MessagesController.ReqJson(); input.image = this.image; input.arrivalDate = arrivalDate; input.departureDate = departureDate; input.keywords = keywords; input.maxoutputsize = 5; string request = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input); string respJS = await GetResponseAsync(request, context); MessagesController.RespJson respObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MessagesController.RespJson>(respJS); await context.PostAsync($"These are top {} suitable hotels for you:"); foreach (MessagesController.Hotel h in { await WriteHotelEntry(h, context); } await context.PostAsync("If you want to change the start date of your trip just enter the new one." + "Additionally you can search for another trip with an image or information."); context.Wait(MessageReceived); } } else { depDateGiven = false; arrivalDate = dateEntityRecommendation.Entity; departureDate = ""; await context.PostAsync("When do you want to end your trip?"); } } } else { await context.PostAsync("Sorry couldn't understand that. Could you repeat it?"); } context.Wait(MessageReceived); }