public SearchServiceFixture()
            SearchManagementClient client =
                TestBase.GetServiceClient <SearchManagementClient>(new CSMTestEnvironmentFactory());

            SearchServiceName = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateServiceName();

            var createServiceParameters =
                new SearchServiceCreateOrUpdateParameters()
                Location   = Location,
                Properties = new SearchServiceProperties()
                    Sku = new Sku(SkuType.Free)

            SearchServiceCreateOrUpdateResponse createServiceResponse =
                client.Services.CreateOrUpdate(ResourceGroupName, SearchServiceName, createServiceParameters);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.Created, createServiceResponse.StatusCode);

            AdminKeyResponse adminKeyResponse = client.AdminKeys.List(ResourceGroupName, SearchServiceName);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, adminKeyResponse.StatusCode);

            PrimaryApiKey = adminKeyResponse.PrimaryKey;

            ListQueryKeysResponse queryKeyResponse = client.QueryKeys.List(ResourceGroupName, SearchServiceName);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, queryKeyResponse.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal(1, queryKeyResponse.QueryKeys.Count);

            QueryApiKey = queryKeyResponse.QueryKeys[0].Key;
예제 #2
        private string EnsureSearchService(SearchManagementClient client)
            // Ensuring a search service involves creating it, and then waiting until its DNS resolves. The approach
            // we take depends on what kind of test run this is. If it's a Record or Playback run, we need determinism
            // since the mock server has no clue how many times we retried DNS lookup in the original test run. In
            // this case, we can't just delete and re-create the search service if DNS doesn't resolve in a timely
            // manner. However, we do fail fast in the interests of speeding up interactive dev cycles.
            // If we're in None mode (i.e. -- no mock recording or playback), we assume we're running automated tests
            // in batch. In this case, non-determinism is not a problem (because mocks aren't involved), and
            // reliability is paramount. For this reason, we retry the entire sequence several times, deleting and
            // trying to re-create the service each time.
            int maxAttempts = (HttpMockServer.Mode == HttpRecorderMode.None) ? 10 : 1;

            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++)
                string searchServiceName = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateServiceName();

                var createServiceParameters =
                    new SearchServiceCreateOrUpdateParameters()
                    Location   = Location,
                    Properties = new SearchServiceProperties()
                        Sku = new Sku()
                            Name = SkuType.Free

                client.Services.CreateOrUpdate(ResourceGroupName, searchServiceName, createServiceParameters);

                // In the common case, DNS propagation happens in less than 15 seconds. In the uncommon case, it can
                // take many minutes. The timeout we use depends on the mock mode. If we're in Playback, the delay is
                // irrelevant. If we're in Record mode, we can't delete and re-create the service, so we get more
                // reliable results if we wait longer. In "None" mode, we can delete and re-create, which is often
                // faster than waiting a long time for DNS propagation. In that case, rather than force all tests to
                // wait several minutes, we fail fast here.
                TimeSpan maxDelay =
                    (HttpMockServer.Mode == HttpRecorderMode.Record) ?
                    TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);

                if (SearchTestUtilities.WaitForSearchServiceDns(searchServiceName, maxDelay))

                // If the service DNS isn't resolvable in a timely manner, delete it and try to create another one.
                // We need to delete it since there can be only one free service per subscription.
                client.Services.Delete(ResourceGroupName, searchServiceName);

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to provision a search service in a timely manner.");
        public override void Initialize(MockContext context)

            MockContext = context;

            ResourceManagementClient rmClient = context.GetServiceClient <ResourceManagementClient>();

            // Register subscription for storage and networking
            Provider provider = rmClient.Providers.Register("Microsoft.Storage");


            provider = rmClient.Providers.Register("Microsoft.Network");

            StorageAccountName = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateStorageAccountName();

            StorageManagementClient client = MockContext.GetServiceClient <StorageManagementClient>();

            StorageAccount account = client.StorageAccounts.Create(
                new StorageAccountCreateParameters(
                    new Sku("Standard_LRS"),
                    kind: "StorageV2",
                    location: "eastus2euap"));

            StorageAccountId = account.Id;

            SearchManagementClient searchMgmt = context.GetServiceClient <SearchManagementClient>();

            ServiceName = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateServiceName();
            SearchService service = DefineServiceWithSku(Management.Search.Models.SkuName.Basic);

            searchMgmt.Services.CreateOrUpdate(ResourceGroupName, ServiceName, service);