예제 #1
        public async Task EventQueueTimeout()
            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory))
                var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <HttpConnectionTests>();

                var testTransport = new TestTransport();

                await WithConnectionAsync(
                    CreateConnection(transport : testTransport),
                    async (connection, closed) =>
                    var onReceived = new SyncPoint();
                    connection.OnReceived(_ => onReceived.WaitToContinue().OrTimeout());

                    logger.LogInformation("Starting connection");
                    await connection.StartAsync().OrTimeout();
                    logger.LogInformation("Started connection");

                    await testTransport.Application.Output.WriteAsync(new byte[] { 1 });
                    await onReceived.WaitForSyncPoint().OrTimeout();

                    // Dispose should complete, even though the receive callbacks are completely blocked up.
                    logger.LogInformation("Disposing connection");
                    await connection.DisposeAsync().OrTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    logger.LogInformation("Disposed connection");

                    // Clear up blocked tasks.
            public Task StartAsyncTransferFormatOverridesOptions()
                var transport = new TestTransport();

                           CreateConnection(transport: transport, transferFormat: TransferFormat.Binary),
                           async(connection) =>
                    await connection.StartAsync(TransferFormat.Text).DefaultTimeout();

                    Assert.Equal(TransferFormat.Text, transport.Format);
예제 #3
        public async Task StartAsyncSetsTransferModeFeature()
            var testTransport = new TestTransport(transferMode: TransferMode.Binary);

            await WithConnectionAsync(
                CreateConnection(transport : testTransport),
                async (connection, closed) =>
                Assert.Null(connection.Features.Get <ITransferModeFeature>());
                await connection.StartAsync().OrTimeout();

                var transferModeFeature = connection.Features.Get <ITransferModeFeature>();
                Assert.Equal(TransferMode.Binary, transferModeFeature.TransferMode);
            public Task TransportIsShutDownAfterDispose()
                var transport = new TestTransport();

                           CreateConnection(transport: transport),
                           async(connection) =>
                    await connection.StartAsync().DefaultTimeout();
                    await connection.DisposeAsync().DefaultTimeout();

                    // This will throw OperationCanceledException if it's forcibly terminated
                    // which we don't want
                    await transport.Receiving.DefaultTimeout();
예제 #5
            public async Task ConnectionClosedWhenTransportFails()
                var testTransport = new TestTransport();

                var expected = new Exception("Whoops!");

                await WithConnectionAsync(
                    CreateConnection(transport : testTransport),
                    async (connection, closed) =>
                    await connection.StartAsync().OrTimeout();
                    var actual = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(() => closed.OrTimeout());
                    Assert.Same(expected, actual);

                    var sendException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => connection.SendAsync(new byte[0]).OrTimeout());
                    Assert.Equal("Cannot send messages when the connection is not in the Connected state.", sendException.Message);
예제 #6
        public async Task EventsAreNotRunningOnMainLoop()
            var testTransport = new TestTransport();

            await WithConnectionAsync(
                CreateConnection(transport : testTransport),
                async (connection, closed) =>
                // Block up the OnReceived callback until we finish the test.
                var onReceived = new SyncPoint();
                connection.OnReceived(_ => onReceived.WaitToContinue().OrTimeout());

                await connection.StartAsync().OrTimeout();

                // This will trigger the received callback
                await testTransport.Application.Output.WriteAsync(new byte[] { 1 });

                // Wait to hit the sync point. We are now blocking up the TaskQueue
                await onReceived.WaitForSyncPoint().OrTimeout();

                // Now we write something else and we want to test that the HttpConnection receive loop is still
                // removing items from the channel even though OnReceived is blocked up.
                await testTransport.Application.Output.WriteAsync(new byte[] { 1 });

                // Now that we've written, we wait for WaitToReadAsync to return an INCOMPLETE task. It will do so
                // once HttpConnection reads the message. We also use a CTS to timeout in case the loop is indeed blocked
                var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
                while (testTransport.Application.Input.WaitToReadAsync().IsCompleted&& !cts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // Yield to allow the HttpConnection to dequeue the message
                    await Task.Yield();

                // If we exited because we were cancelled, throw.

                // We're free! Unblock onreceived
            public async Task TransportIsStoppedWhenConnectionIsDisposed()
                var testHttpHandler = new TestHttpMessageHandler();

                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(testHttpHandler))
                    var testTransport = new TestTransport();
                    await WithConnectionAsync(
                        CreateConnection(transport : testTransport),
                        async (connection) =>
                        // Start the transport
                        await connection.StartAsync(TransferFormat.Text).OrTimeout();

                        // Stop the connection, and we should stop the transport
                        await connection.DisposeAsync().OrTimeout();
                        await testTransport.Receiving.OrTimeout();